There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

autotldr Bot ,

🤖 I’m a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

Click here to see the summaryAndroid offers better controls and mercifully shunts some offenders to a “silent” inbox, but it’s not totally off the hook, either. On both platforms, notifications have been and continue to be a constant distraction, a plague upon our already razor-thin attention spans. Every app has to show you an example of the kind of notification it wants to send you, and you get to swipe left or right to opt in or out. This would save us the trouble of going into the settings in two hundred different apps and ticking two thousand little “opt out” buttons. Or you can opt in to them if you desperately want to hear from the Starbucks app every single day, but you should have to go out of your way to do that and should not be the default behavior when you choose “allow notifications.” Just an idea! However it happens, I think it’s time that power over notifications be returned to the people, not the app developers who want us to check out these Deals! — Saved 67% of original text.

M500 ,

For me, apps do not get to notify me unless it’s time sensitive.

The problem is when my food delivery app, or LinkedIn sends me ads when I just want messages.

It’s annoying to not be able to only receive messages.

Godort ,

Apps get a one strike rule. The minute I get a notification I don’t want, that app doesn’t get to send me notifications anymore

umami_wasbi ,

I use Tasker to filter out notifications

seathru , avatar

Buzzkill is another good one.

jarfil ,

LinkedIn has messages? Maybe I don’t use it much, but it seemed like it had ads, and self-promoting messages, or more ads.

eveninghere ,

Out of my 10000 notifications I ignore, there’s one message… and that’s from the LinkedIn team.

PatMustard ,

Aren’t messages the only point of LinkedIn? You create a profile which is basically your CV, set it to “looking for work”, and wait for recruiters to message you, right?

jarfil ,

I’ve switched off the “looking for work” after the n-th recruiter who hadn’t even bothered reading my profile. I was under the impression that LinkedIn should also work as a social network for people to “word of mouth” recommend each other, or openings at wherever they work, but all I got was “coach” and “courses” type spam.

PatMustard ,

That is the trouble with relying on recruiters, there’s essentially no bar to entry so the industry is flooded with talentless chancers

M500 ,

Yeah, I needed to have it on for a week for work stuff. And it kept giving me random notifications about news and stuff. I couldn’t figure it out.

scytale ,

If you’re on IOS, the Focus feature is great. I use it primarily for sleep to turn off all notifications except for calls (in case of emergencies). But you can basically configure multiple profiles with different notification settings. Also, whenever I install a new app on my phone, I turn notifications off unless it’s a time sensitive app like a messaging app.

remington , avatar

That’s interesting and I’ve never heard of the focus feature (I don’t use my phone very much). Where do I find the focus feature?

PaddleMaster ,

I was going to try to explain it, but realized I’m not very good at calling menus and such their proper names. So whatever I tell you wouldn’t be very helpful.…/ios

Apple also has a YouTube video that’s about 5 minutes long. The article is probably faster.

I’m not a power user, so I don’t use the majority of features on my phone. I generally set my “do not disturb” at bedtime. It allows calls through from my favorite contact list and my morning alarm. I have friends that set focus time and they love it.

Edit to add to the conversation. I disable all notifications, except for things I really want: calls, FaceTime, texts and to update my food diary if I haven’t done so before 2pm.

When I need to use Uber, I just keep watch on the app. I guess I’m a bit of a psychopath. But when I’m waiting for a car, I like to watch it move on the map. There’s nothing else I would use that would need me to have a notification.

remington , avatar

Thanks so much!

whysofurious , avatar

Seconding the use of this feature as well. I took it a bit further and took 5 minutes to set up a “Personal” focus mode, active only in the weekends where all work-related apps, mail, calls, etc. cannot send me notifications. In my work there are some serious boundary issues, so this helps me a lot with anxiety and stress.

Goopadrew ,

My work phone is an iPhone and I love this feature. The moment it’s past work hours I no longer get buzzed for any notifications, and I only see direct messages on the home screen

520 ,

Android's Do Not Disturb feature is also like this. You only get notifications from calls, alarms and apps you specifically allow.

Areldyb ,

My second proposal — and this is a wild one — is that promotional notifications should just not be allowed. Or you can opt in to them if you desperately want to hear from the Starbucks app every single day, but you should have to go out of your way to do that and should not be the default behavior when you choose “allow notifications.” Just an idea!

The author calls out the Starbucks app here, but doesn’t mention how blatantly dark-patterned its notifications really are. Android allows apps to set up multiple notification channels, so you can selectively prioritize (or, more often, mute or block) notifications based on their content. Starbucks uses this feature… to create a single channel called “Promotions & order status”. You wanted to know when your order’s ready? Fuck you and your concentration, get double stars today!

I appreciate the notification controls Android gives me, and I use them aggressively. If an app pushes a notification that doesn’t actually require my attention, I block that channel, and if it does it again, I block notifications for the whole app. I agree with the author, though: I shouldn’t need to do that.

dhtseany ,

The use of a single channel should be against the rules for commerce apps.


They'd probably get around that by having a 'Promotions and Order status' channel and a random / unused one like an 'App update available' channel. Promotional notifications should just really be banned.

jarfil ,

It should be enough for the Play Store to require any promotional notifications to go to an exclusively promotional channel for users to manage as they please.

Next stage, would be a “report notification” option, so Google could suspend the app for spamming. That would curb the dark pattern behavior quite quickly.

brie ,

Email subscriptions also sometimes have that, with bonus points for several vague and similar sounding categories, and emails not mentioning what category they’re in.

LaggyKar , avatar

Why do you feel the need to install an app for a coffee shop?

u_u , avatar

Not OP but I often get 50% off promo for any beverage from Starbucks app.

jkibble ,

Because I don’t want to be guilted into the tip button

Summzashi ,

Just don’t visit Starbucks lmao what the fuck is even the issue here

Deconceptualist ,

BuzzKill is great for wrangling your notifications. Match a word or phrase and group them, snooze them, set special vibration patterns, whatever.

Daxtron2 ,

Just turn them off? That’s what I do, my phone never annoys me.

Ilandar ,

How do people struggle with notifications? This is even weirder than the ad-blocking thing, because at least you are required to find and install a third party app to solve that. Every app ever has notification settings built-in. Just take 20 seconds out of your day to setup the app correctly when you first install it and you will likely never have to worry about it again.

14th_cylon ,

You might have found out if you bothered to read the discussion before sharing your opinion.

Ilandar ,
14th_cylon , (edited )

Your “rhetorical question” and objections you raised were already answered in this thread before you raised them.

Ilandar ,

were already answered

It sounds like you still don’t understand what a rhetorical question is.

jarfil ,

What does this thread add to the discussion?

(this is not rhetorical)

Ilandar ,

Why are you asking me? I’m not the one accusing others of “nOt rEaDiNg dA tHrEaD bEfOrE u AsKeD a qUeStOn”. My top level reply was on-topic. No one has actually provided an on-topic reply to it yet.

14th_cylon ,

Why are you asking me?

because you are the one who started it. people usually contribute information into public discussion with hope it will be useful to other readers.

I’m not the one accusing others of “nOt rEaDiNg dA tHrEaD bEfOrE u AsKeD a qUeStOn”.

no, you are the one AsKIng rHETOrIcal qUEsTioN 🤣

No one has actually provided an on-topic reply to it yet.

you were pointed to the fact that your questions were already answered and you can easily read these answers. that is as on topic as it can get.

you chose weird hill to die on.

Ilandar ,

because you are the one who started it.


My top level comment was on-topic. No reply to me has been on-topic. No one has actually challenged me on any of the relevant detail of what I said. Are you guys just mad because I don’t suffer from the same problems as you? Is that what is going on here?

14th_cylon ,

If you are a troll, well done. If you are really that dellusional, please get help.

Ilandar ,

If anyone is a troll here, it is you. Dropped into the thread, ignored the topic and every reply and instead went straight to the one that triggered you to begin a completely off-topic argument before rage-quitting when you encountered push-back

You’ve contributed absolutely nothing of value to the thread and can’t even spell “delusional” correctly. Pathetic effort.

smeenz ,

Seems you’re the one who doesn’t understand what a rhetorical question is. Hint - it’s not what you retrospectively call a question when you get called out on your laziness.

Nor is it rhetorical when you ask a question and then spend several lines going on about it, and making it clear that you really did want to talk about an answer.

Ilandar ,

it’s not what you retrospectively call a question when you get called out on your laziness.

Didn’t happen.

Nor is it rhetorical when you ask a question and then spend several lines going on about it, and making it clear that you really did want to talk about an answer.

Also didn’t happen.

14th_cylon ,

Didn’t happen.

do some red circles and arrows help?

Also didn’t happen.

Ilandar ,

You can poorly circle (do you need to see a doctor…?) as many of my comments as you like, it won’t change what I actually said.

DarkNightoftheSoul ,

Schrodinger’s rhetorical question is when you decide whether your question was rhetorical or not based on people’s reaction to it.

pineapple_pizza ,

On Android you need to opt in to notifications for every app you install. Just opt out :)

Or, be like me and keep your phone on do not disturb(except calls from contacts). Doing this was one of the most significant quality of life improvements for me over the last few years.

neocamel ,

Yeah that’s what I’ve done. I’ve gotten very picky about which apps I allow to notify me of things. A week or two of turning off all the ones you don’t want and your phone gets quiet real quick.

ryannathans ,

On android long press a notification and it’ll show you which category of notification it is from that app, with the ability to disable just that one category if desired. E.g. advertisements and feedback reminders

jarfil ,

Some apps don’t export the category, but still let you disable it from inside the app. In my book, they get a close pass.

Frogodendron ,

Both on Android, and iOS, opting out of notifications solves most of the problems. You can do all on your own time without constant nagging, and leave notifications on for the communication channels you really need.

However, what I hate with passion are shopping and delivery apps that suffer with disabled notifications (I don’t know when things arrive, and that would ideally be good to know within seconds), but enabled notifications mean that there would be a lot of spam notifications about ordering and buying more.

jarfil ,

Some apps let you customize notifications, some let the OS customize them… some get muted, and some uninstalled.

For example, Amazon lets you keep the account and delivery notifications, but disable the promotional ones.

a1studmuffin , avatar

AliExpress is the worst at this. Which category should I disable? AliExpress, aliexpress, Chat or message push? And even if I figured it out, there’s no way to stop store spammers from sending you useless messages constantly, detracting from actual sellers with questions.

princessnorah , avatar

Yeah, no way to lose my trust faster than abusing your notification privileges to send me spam.

Dymonika ,

shopping and delivery apps

So don’t use 'em.

UngodlyAudrey , avatar

If something’s going to try to grab my attention, it had better be worth my while. I block as many notifications as I can, both on my phone and my computer. I also try to avoid using apps for things unless I have to.

Scrath ,

But don’t you want to open this website in our app so that we can better track you?

God I hate reddits mobile website, especially when you try to view an nsfw post

princessnorah , avatar

Swap the “www” in the url for “old”. Desktop site but it doesn’t stop you viewing NSFW content.

Scrath ,

I know. That’s what I always do but navigating a desktop site on mobile is horrible :(

jkrtn ,

Just abandon the site altogether. They do have good content but they’re user hostile.

exocrinous ,

This article seems strangely lacking in how it wants this goal to be achieved.

ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

I wonder if there is a notification ad blocker with community-submittted sets of regex patterns that root users can use.

Blackmist ,

I have a simple rule. If I install an app and it shows me any notification I don’t want to see, I immediately block it from having permission to do that.

sphere_au ,

Same… Have done for ages now. Don’t know how anyone puts up with the default behaviour.

realharo ,

The default now is that apps have to first request notification permissions, on both iOS and Android.

DdCno1 ,

Most users are blindly accepting any and all requests by apps.

Zworf ,

Yeah but that’s really their problem. I mean, the OS literally asks them to allow it. What more can you do?

realharo ,

At least Android also proactively asks them whether to disable notifications for an app if they always swipe them away, or if they haven’t used the app in a long time.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Not everyone has figured you can do that by long pressing the offending notification

shortwavesurfer ,

Install Graphene OS or Lineage OS as notifications for the majority of apps require Google Play Services and completely are killed without them.

intensely_human ,

Or just turn notifications off in your OS of choice, if having no notifications is a solution for you.

The problem is that some notifications are useful, and so completely axing notifications isn’t a very good solution.

eveninghere , (edited )

You guys still check notifications? I have Infinite Scroll of notifications I never care enough about to spend time on doing anything about.


Tell me more!

eveninghere ,

I wondered how I replied to my friends. Then I recalled that I don’t have one.

t0fr , avatar

That would be anxiety personified for me

flashgnash ,

I used to do this but it ended up in me missing notifications I actually cared about

The best solution is as someone else mentioned, just mute apps that send obnoxious notifications when you see them

Different notification sounds for different kinds of notifications has been big as well, one for messages, a different one for twitch streams, and another for everything else that normally gets ignored

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