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badbytes ,

In other news: 2/3rds of Americans are retarded.

tweeks ,

As I understand the term genocide, that seems not to exactly be what is happening here. Although one could say it certainly rhymes with it.

mydude ,

“believe”… Even ‘positive’ articles sneaks in some doubt in the headline. At least dobt your lyin’ eyes, you pleb.

philo ,

It is crucial to understand the weight and gravity of the term “genocide”. It is not a term to be thrown around lightly or used carelessly. The act of genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. It is a heinous crime against humanity and a violation of the most fundamental human rights.

Unfortunately, the term “genocide” has been misused and abused in recent times. The ongoing conflict in certain regions of the world has led to the misapplication of the term, especially in situations where it does not necessarily apply. The mislabeling of such conflicts as “genocides” is not only inaccurate but also disrespectful to the victims of actual genocides.

The Tutsi in Rwanda, the Cambodians by the Khmer Rouge, the Armenians by the Ottoman Empire, and Darfur are just a few examples of the horrific atrocities that have been committed in the name of genocide. These are real genocides with real victims, and to equate them with other conflicts that do not meet the criteria of genocide is to belittle the suffering and pain of those who have endured such atrocities.

It is important to distinguish between acts of violence and genocide, as the latter is a specific and intentional crime. The use of the term “genocide” inappropriately can have serious consequences, including the potential to undermine legitimate efforts to prevent and respond to actual genocides.

Therefore, it is essential to use the term “genocide” with caution and precision. Those who misuse the term, either intentionally or out of ignorance, do a disservice to the victims of real genocides and hinder efforts to prevent such crimes from occurring in the future.

adriaan ,

100% agree that we should use the term with caution and precision. That said, Israel is committing a genocide.

TokenBoomer ,
Toneswirly ,

I admire any call for civility, so long as it comes in good faith. I will assume good faith on your part. I, without any doubt, believe that Israels Government has nothing less than the eradication of the Palestinian Ethnic Group from the region in their plans. Call that whatever you want, it is still fucking evil.

philo ,

35%? So that means 65% of the respondents are smart enough to understand what genocide is and this isn’t one. tell you what Sherlock, when you and your 35% other friends stop insulting the actual victims of real genocides then I’ll listen to things you say but until then you can just be quiet because you have no idea what you are talking about.

philo ,

You guys understand that by continually misusing the term and calling this a genocide you are belittling the victims of actual genocides such as the Tutsi in Rwanda, the Cambodians by the Khmer Rouge, the Armenians by the Ottoman Empire, Darfur. The list goes on. This is not a genocide and anyone that calls it on is either willfully spreading misinformation or is woefully misinformed as to what a real genocide is.

Oliofizodos ,

The ICJ has just taken up a case finding the accusations against Israel plausible, so…

philo ,

It says quite a bit about most people’s opinions about the ICJ. Anyway, they do not decide the correct usage of the term genocide. That was determined in the past and I am sorry but the crap going on in Gaza isn’t one.

Oliofizodos , (edited )

I know this is a troll but just to be clear the role of the ICJ is literally to determine whether Israel’s alleged actions are capable of being covered by the Genocide Convention. Today they decided that this is indeed the case and the measures they announced, as meager as they are, are legally binding.

sailingbythelee ,

Calling someone names because they disagree with you isn’t helpful to the conversation, if that is indeed why you are here.

sailingbythelee ,

The bar for plausibility is very low, and rightly so, because the intention is to intervene early and protect civilians. The court will most likely issue an order to stop the fighting for humanitarian reasons. However, it will probably take a couple of years before they make a determination regarding the allegations of genocide.

neptune ,

Had to re read this a few times. Civilians are dying. The UN should stop it on humanitarian grounds. But hey, it’s the people calling it a genocide that need to be focused on. 🤔

sailingbythelee ,

Did I say that?

Fullest ,

saw this one making the rounds the other day, I think it’s quite fitting…/1750152798623195473

do not use other genocides to describe this one

Linkerbaan , avatar


TokenBoomer ,

I saw that Freudian slip, good job 👍

HerbalGamer , avatar

The realisation in that “Oh!” is just 👩‍🍳^‍👌❤️^

PoliticalAgitator ,

Probably because of all the genocide they’re doing.

Reddfugee42 ,

Holy shit brah are you a detective

Linkerbaan , avatar

Israel is blocking aid organisations from buying food, water and medicine in israel and transporting it through the Ker Shalom crossing. Forcing everything through the extremely slow Egypt crossing which they are actively holding up. If they wanted to prevent weapon smuggle then they should love it going through Ker Shalom

I cannot think of a single possible explanation other than israel trying to starve Gazans and commit genocide. How are Americans this brainwashed?

Kbobabob ,

How are Americans this brainwashed?

This isn’t limited to the US. What are Israeli citizens doing? Personally i think the US should just stay the fuck out of it and take back whatever stuff we can that we gave them. Cut off support and actively denounce, but they won’t.

Zevlen ,


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  • whoisearth , avatar

    When I was a kid my parents took me to a reservation on the Oak Ridges Moraine which has long since decimated to a fraction of what it once was.

    In it was a box on the wall and above it was printed “the most dangerous animal on the planet” with a hinge to open the box. Inside was a mirror.

    I think about that moment consistently in my life even as a 46 year old.

    My point being you’re right. Each one of us is the problem.

    Zevlen ,


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  • PilferJynx ,

    Honestly, I would love to see a single state solution, but, you know, religion/racism.

    Linkerbaan , (edited ) avatar

    Don’t call Zionists “Jews”.

    Zionists are an extremist death cult. Calling Zionists “Jews” is very anti-semitic.

    I agree with the rest of your comment though.

    myrdinn ,

    Propaganda. An abysmal education system. Failing social structures. Corrupt media. Networks of the wealthy using their influence to push society in the direction they desire.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Succinct and profound. You just summed up 5 books in 1 sentence.

    S_204 ,

    2/3rds of Americans aren’t fucking morons based on this reporting. Still a scary number of idiots.

    JustZ , (edited ) avatar

    They are certainly celebrating this mass delusion in Iran. I guess they figure Russia managed to fool the US into authoritarianism, why shouldn’t Iran take a turn?

    Furedadmins ,

    If that headline said one third of Americans don’t believe Israel is commiting genocide which is also an accurate from the results it would set a very different tone.

    PriorityMotif , avatar

    “less than half”

    vaknin ,

    “more than epsilon”

    Ghostalmedia , avatar

    It’s basically a three way split. 1/3rd yes, 1/3rd no, 1/3rd undecided.

    bedrooms ,

    Imagine you, your friends and your family get killed and washed away from your land, and 2/3 of US people don't believe it's genocide.

    gapbetweenus ,

    Murdering people at a music festival and taking hostages might have an effect on public perception.

    qdJzXuisAndVQb2 ,

    The problem is, before they wemt on that murdering spree, the western world pretty much ignored their plight, or maybe tutted when they chucked a rocket or two over the border. But any kind of “proper” political solution was flatly ignored. It’s not a justification, but I have to say that I umderstand why that situation led to a “fuck it, let’s just rampage” attitude. And look, they actually have a tonne of eyeballs and attention on their shitty situation (and shitty leaders), so maybe something will come of this. Palestinians are paying an exorbitantly heavy price for it, though.

    gapbetweenus ,

    Sure, but again - if you murder people at a music festival and take hostages, even if you might have reasons to do so - you can expect quite a lot of people to not be on your side. The only thing for sure is that terrorists won that one.

    snek , avatar

    Sure, but again, if you indiscriminately kill innocent people in Gaza and destroy the very last university, even if you might have reasons to do so - you can expect quite a lot of people to not be on your side. The only thing for sure is that Israel won that one.

    gapbetweenus ,

    Absolutely. Not sure why you would think I don’t understand the hatred Israel is getting.

    The only thing for sure is that Israel won that one.

    Not sure what Israel won, despite making sure there will be another generation of Palestinian freedom fighters with rather questionable methods.

    snek , avatar

    I wasn’t making a statement about you, I just wanted to demonstrate the statement can be made in any way.

    I agree, Israel bred the Hamas of tomorrow for sure. But they did win in terms of getting closer to turning Gaza into a settlement.

    gapbetweenus ,

    I wasn’t making a statement about you, I just wanted to demonstrate the statement can be made in any way.

    But you were responding to a actual person, me. So it would have helped if you clarified it wasn’t about me - don’t you think?

    Israel bred the Hamas of tomorrow for sure. But they did win in terms of getting closer to turning Gaza into a settlement.

    Even that sounds to me like a win for the terrorists - but I can see, people have different view.

    snek , avatar

    It’s directed to you. It just makes no statements about you personally, just responding to your opinion. Hope that clarifies it.

    JustZ , avatar


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  • snek , (edited ) avatar
    JustZ , avatar

    That’s great.

    Does Hamas ever probe any of their bombings? Does Hamas ever give a warning before it launches rockets into Israel? Does Hamas give a shit if it targets a college or a hospital or a school? Has Hamas ever charged one of its fighters with War crimes?

    No. If Hamas blows up a coffee shop with 50 kids in it, the bombers family member gets a nice pension, probably paid with Iranian oil money. No warnings. No accountability. Actual indiscriminate killing of civilians.

    You keep asking me why I credit what the IDF says. Well, they actually have some culture of transparency and see, you credit them, too.

    gapbetweenus ,

    call the people in the phone first and tell them bombs are coming?

    We do live in a dystopian world after all: “We are pleased to inform you that your house has been selected for a bombing due to acute terrorist threat. Please leave the area immediately. We are thankful for your cooperation.” Only missing Judge Dredd.

    snek , avatar

    “OH yes and you only have 2 minutes to leave… But sometimes we skip the warning because Hamas might find out and flee too… That would ruin our chances of killing the terrorists! Thank you for understanding.”

    JustZ , (edited ) avatar

    The terrorists won that one? Not sure they’d agree. I guess they thought they were going to retreat into the tunnels and nobody was going to blow the tunnels up on top of them.

    gapbetweenus ,

    The concept of terrorism in general. Once again it was able to achieve an escalation of violence and therefore create more terrorism.

    JustZ , avatar

    So in your view there is no such thing as just war? Any war is terrorism?

    gapbetweenus ,

    How on earth did you arrive at this conclusion?

    JustZ , (edited ) avatar

    You said escalations of violence cause terrorism.

    Any just war is an escalation of violence if nothing else.

    Therefore by your logic, a just war causes terrorism.

    The implication by your logic is that no war should be had so as not to cause terrorism.

    I would agree if you said all war causes vengeful losers to resort to desperate acts of violence against innocent people. I do not agree that a just war should be called off because the enemy on the receiving end of that justice will probably lash out in its death throes. That would be called negotiating with terrorists.

    If you are worried about more terrorists, I agree bombing terrorists causes more terrorists, but negotiating with them opens the floodgates. And it’s not like we don’t have enough bombs.

    gapbetweenus ,

    You said escalations of violence cause terrorism.

    No, I said quite the opposite - that escalation of violence is the goal of terrorism. But I would agree that escalation of violence tends to create more terrorism, with the caveat: if the original conflict is not resolved in some manner.

    Any just war is an escalation of violence if nothing else.

    I have no idea what you mean by just war. But I would disagree that any war is just escalation of violence. Wars mostly have rather clear objectives.

    The implication by your logic is that no war should be had so as not to cause terrorism.

    Nope. That’s not implication of my logic. But yes, in most cases wars will produce terrorism if the underlying conflict is not resolved. The underlying conflict might get resolved by war or intelligent occupation strategy (interesting to take a look at west and east Germany in that regard, especially in the context of the rise of the AfD, new german nazi party).

    JustZ , avatar

    You don’t understand the concept of just war?

    gapbetweenus ,

    I don’t know what you specifically mean by it. People tend to have wildly different definitions. I for my part would struggle to call any war just, but for sure there is a spectrum of more and less justifiable reasons for and methods to conduct a war.

    grue ,

    It’s not a justification, but I have to say that I understand why that situation led to a “fuck it, let’s just rampage” attitude.

    Reminds me of this.

    qdJzXuisAndVQb2 ,

    She’s got the energy we all need if we’re ever going to eat the rich.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Thanks. I’ve never seen the embodiment of my anger like this. Well done.

    JustZ , (edited ) avatar

    Before that murdering spree it was just other murdering sprees all the way back. Suicide bombings, bombing medical convoys. Hamas are terrorists.

    Honytawk ,

    Nobody is denying Hamas are terrorists.

    But I doubt many people would act differently given the same circumstances.

    JustZ , avatar

    Seems like people are denying that though. Got people all over Lemmy sucking Hamas off and copy and pasting Iranian disinformation.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Boooooo. This existed before Hamas.

    snek , avatar

    This person… It never sticks with them. They think we are opposed to the IDF committing genocide because we like Hamas lol

    TokenBoomer ,


    PriorityMotif , avatar

    Two wrongs don’t make a right. A county based on abrahamic religion should know that. It just proves that they don’t actually believe in their own religion and only hide behind it whenever it’s convenient for them, like saying anybody who disagrees with them supports Hamas.

    gapbetweenus ,

    Two wrongs don’t make a right

    Absolutely agree.

    A county based on abrahamic religion should know that

    Dude, have you seen all the shit countries based on abrahamic religions have done through out the history?

    ike saying anybody who disagrees with them supports Hamas.

    And the other side says that anyone disagreeing with them is a genocidal nazi. I would say the whole discussion at this point is rather heated and fucked up.

    PriorityMotif , avatar

    I mean, Israel is committing genocide, that’s not up for debate here.

    gapbetweenus ,

    And people who disagree with you?

    PriorityMotif , avatar

    They’re either ingnorant or shills.

    gapbetweenus ,

    Do you think this about all people who disagree with you - or just on this particular topic?

    PriorityMotif , avatar

    I forgot the third one, trolls.

    gapbetweenus ,

    Must be great to live a simple in a simple world where you are always right.

    PriorityMotif , avatar

    Don’t cut yourself in that edge kid 😂

    gapbetweenus ,

    I’m not your kid, pal.

    FlowVoid ,

    Which Abrahamic religion are you referring to?

    If anyone injures his neighbor, as he has done it shall be done to him, fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; whatever injury he has given a person shall be given to him. Whoever kills an animal shall make it good, and whoever kills a person shall be put to death. (Leviticus 24:19-21)

    PriorityMotif , avatar

    What happens if you take both eyes? And the eyes of their family and their neighbors and the people didn’t the street? Is that allowed or?

    FlowVoid ,

    What happens if every single firstborn Egyptian son is killed overnight? Is that evil?

    Religions don’t always give the answers you might expect.

    PriorityMotif , avatar

    It’s all made up and the points don’t matter!

    Zevlen ,


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  • PriorityMotif , avatar

    I’m sure you can interpret it that way because it’s all ambiguous bullshit.

    pjwestin , avatar

    Actually 1/3 said it is genocide, 1/3 said it isn’t, and 1/3 said they didn’t know. Also, only1/3 of Americans saying this is a genocide isn’t great, but it does represent a huge shift in opinion in a short time. Both our political parties support Israel, our news media doesn’t cover Palestinians very sympathetically, and our education system tells a very favorable version of Israel’s founding (most Americans don’t even learn about the Nakba). I don’t think criticism of Israel has ever been this mainstream (at least in my lifetime).

    bedrooms ,

    Actually 1/3 said it is genocide, 1/3 said it isn’t, and 1/3 said they didn’t know

    That means

    1. 1/3 believe it's genocide
    2. 1/3 believe it's not
    3. 2/3 do not believe it's genocide
    pjwestin , avatar

    I see what you’re trying to say, but that’s not really true. You could say, “2/3 of people would not say they thought it was a genocide,” but that’s not the same as saying, “2/3 do not believe it’s genocide.”

    It’s a small but important distinction. It’s the equivalent of saying, “1/3 of people are religious, 1/3 of people are atheist, and 1/3 of people are agnostic,” and then trying to say that means, “2/3 of people don’t believe in God,” instead of, “2/3 of people aren’t religious.”

    Zevlen ,


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  • pjwestin , avatar

    OK, sure, but I was using the terms as they’re used by the average person to describe their religious beliefs, and these distinctions don’t really have any bearing on the point I was making.

    JustZ , (edited ) avatar

    Well, did my family join Hamas and then force me to stay to die as a martyr inside a building that Israel just told us they were going to bomb?

    I think I’d be fine with the US not calling that genocide. If they did I hope they’d at least blame the actually responsible party.

    Maggoty ,

    Hahaha. Nice fiction story.

    JustZ , avatar

    Try doing some research. Pick one of your Isreali genocide crimes and research it top to bottom. See where you got it wrong. Maybe after you do you won’t just repeat what you heard from on online news website.

    Maggoty ,

    Oh sure do you want the map of 2,000 pound bombs craters in residential areas? The statements of the Israeli government? Or maybe the evidence the IDF tends to shoot anyone not wearing an IDF uniform?

    I’ve done the research.

    JustZ , (edited ) avatar

    Oh I’ve seen that map. Now do the one with the overlay of Hamas’s tunnels system.

    Or are you one of these people who, every time something blows up, you believe it when Hamas comes out and says 450 civilians were killed and zero members of Hamas were present and western ragebait media airs the story of “reports of 450 dead civilians killed in indiscriminate IDF airstrike.”

    Meanwhile the medical community says there are 50 dead and IDF says half of them were Hamas and IDF publishes the recordings of the cell phone call warnings it placed to every active phone in a three block radius.

    Some of the time, some of the dead must be members of Hamas. And it’s for this reason that Hamas has no credibility on reporting these things, and why Israel is more credible.

    Maggoty ,

    That’s what the IDF claim are military tunnels. Hardly reliable when they decided any tunnel entrance in an urban area was a target.

    snek , avatar
    JustZ , avatar

    The hospital was built by Qatar and then Qatari state media ran a story “disproving” that it was a tunnel. Stop posting bullshit from Al Jazeera. It’s not a source of valid information.

    Zevlen ,


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  • JustZ , avatar

    Grow up little kid.

    snek , avatar

    The problem is, even if Hamas had tunnels under every hospital, what that person telling you to grow up doesn’t understand is that it’s not acceptable to bomb the shit out of everyone either… And it’s a war crime. Yes, no matter how many tunnels or rockets he/she may think have been launched from there, it’s still a war crime and quite telling of genocidal intent to bomb the hospitals the way the IDF does

    I wonder how their face will look in 3-5 years when the genocide ruling is out and when they realize that their beloved IDF were on par with Hitler.

    The_Lopen ,

    Even if Hamas was lying about there being some of their number present at a given airstrike, how many Palestinian lives are worth sacrificing to hit one Hamas?

    Every time a terrorist or nut job takes a building full of innocents hostage in nearly any other society, people who are trained to minimize casualties are brought in. With the way the IDF is handling their invasion, they would more likely bomb a building because there might be a terrorist, and that’s giving them a significant benefit of the doubt that they aren’t just explicitly killing innocent Gazans.

    JustZ , avatar

    The IDF trains to minimize casualties and their tactics for doing so are taught all over the free world. There is no army more experienced in fighting an enemy that uses civilians as human shields in order to get international aid and sympathy. It’s called lawfare.

    The_Lopen ,

    Then where is the negotiation? The surgical strikes done only when they know exactly where the terrorist is? Where is the care for the former hostages that survive the encounter? The days-long standoff, where no action is taken for fear of killing Innocents? If the IDF were so good at it, why are they doing nothing we’ve come to expect of a professional anti-terror team? What of the harassment of even the people fleeing Gaza? How is that not anything less than genocide? They should be better than this, and you should too.

    snek , avatar
    JustZ , avatar

    Wow friendly fire in the chaos of mass shootings? Have you ever heard of the felony murder rule?

    Is it not the long standing official policy of Hamas not to wear military uniforms so as to confuse the enemy and increase their "martyrdom"?

    JustZ , avatar

    Good questions. I think your first impressions were not accurate and now you’re dug in. You keep seeing half stories and “reports” that sound significantly worse than they actually are, especially with regard to “bombing safe zones” and “indiscriminate bombing,” and that further entrenches your initial, malformed opinion. It happens.

    And in fact this is Hamas’s exact plan. Here are the actual facts and history on this tactic:…/hamas_human_shields.pdf

    Whether there should ever be negotiations with terrorists, even to exchange hostages, is a matter of debate and many countries including my own, have a longstanding policy of not doing so. I think the reasoning is obvious but if you need me to explain say so.

    Zevlen ,


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  • TokenBoomer ,
    Honytawk ,

    You mean paid by Israel to pretend to be a terrorist so they would have an excuse to wipe away the final remnants of the war they have been fighting for about 80 years?

    See, I can make things up as well.

    Doorbook ,

    Average Us public have no clue what is going on in their own country, it is actually amazing there 1/3 know at least there is a genocide taking place.

    AncientFutureNow ,

    Another garbage YouGov propaganda piece. All my homies see right through YouGov’s bullshit.

    xarexyouxmadx ,

    The other ⅔ apparently have their head in the sand .

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    “It’s just a sparkling massacre”

    Shyfer ,

    “It has to be in the correct region of Germany.”

    kurwa ,

    Is this a reference?

    MelastSB ,

    Yes, about how champagne must come from the Champagne region of France, otherwise it’s just sparkling wine. I don’t know where the exact quote comes from though

    krakenfury ,

    It also references Germany, since the word “genocide” was invented to describe the Nazi crimes against European Jews (the Holocaust).

    Welt ,

    Explaining things for the slow children takes away from the humour.

    krakenfury ,

    There are worse atrocities in life

    Welt ,

    Like relativistic equivocation?

    mPony ,

    champagne must come from the Champagne region of France

    for something that’s been so extensively memed I would have thought Knowyourmeme would have an entry for this. I’m not finding one, though. Even a “research paper” about the subject doesn’t pin down the earliest time it was used in this way.

    dangblingus ,

    It’s just a factoid. The quote itself in this form seems to be from Wayne’s World.

    Maggoty ,

    Yes, to the anti-semite police who will tell you with a straight face that you’re making the Holocaust seem better than it was by calling anything else a genocide.

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