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theceoofanarchism , in Robert F. Kennedy Jr. condemned over false claims that COVID-19 was "ethnically targeted" avatar

His claim is insane and insanely racist but there should by a conversation on how COVID negatively effected oppressed minorities and how in general their health service is so horrendous.

MasterObee ,

“His claim is insane, but it’s right”?

That’s your defense?

What he said sounds bad, especially when we just read the headlines and think we know the context, but he’s just saying the virus doesn’t affect every ethnicity the same.

We know that. It’s fact. You agree with it. So why is the claim insane?

theceoofanarchism , avatar

There is a difference in saying that there is a disparity in health outcomes due to racism and saying there is a Jewish-chinese conspiracy to destroy the white race. They are actually nothing alike.

MasterObee ,

saying there is a Jewish-chinese conspiracy to destroy the white race.

Where did he say this?

theceoofanarchism , avatar

He implied the virus was bio engineered and Ashkenazi and Han were made immune are you being deliberately dense. Here is his quote

“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,”

He also said

“COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” he continued, adding, “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact.”

MasterObee ,

“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,”

Are you claiming that there are no differences between ethnicities and the harshness of covid?

COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” he continued, adding, “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact.”

What’s wrong with that? He said we don’t know the origins. That’s fact. He said we do know they affect different ethnicities differently, that’s fact.

You’re trying to push a narrative against him for that.

Come on, dude.

theceoofanarchism , avatar

We don’t know the exact origins but we should assume given the likelihood it is and the lack of evidence otherwise that’s its perfectly natural to do otherwise is crazy. He is obviously throwing racist dog whistles that you are refusing to see that shows you are a racist and I really see no point talking to you.

MasterObee ,

We don’t know the exact origins

And many big organizations say there’s a reasonable chance that it was lab altered.

we should assume given the likelihood it is and the lack of evidence otherwise that’s its perfectly natural

We don’t know the origins, as you said before, but we should assume it was natural? I don’t assume either way, but it seems weird you claimed both these things.

He is obviously throwing racist dog whistles

No, he’s not. He said that we don’t know if it was created/altered by humans or not.

But we do know it affects different ethnicities differently, which is, once again, objectively right.

refusing to see that shows you are a racist

Refusing to think like you makes me a racist? I think we have different definitions of racist.

theceoofanarchism , avatar

The vast majority of diseases are natural so assuming its engineered without hard evidence is silly. What big organizations not tainted by racism or a conservative political agenda say believe the insane lab leak theory or worse deliberate infections. He implied heavily that the virus was made by a jewish chinese alliance to hurt americans that’s a racist talking point that you think its not and you are getting upvoted and me down voted makes me rethink using this website. How does it affect different “races” differently races don’t exist biologically so any effect would have to do with culturally health support and other factors. Saying covid was a deliberate jewish conspiracy is racist yes do you not think saying that is?

MasterObee ,

The vast majority of diseases are natural so assuming its engineered without hard evidence is silly

The scientific community has been vocal that it’s reasonably likely it was altered in the coronavirus lab. You being anti-science is your problem, not RFK’s.

theceoofanarchism , avatar

Except you are wrong they don’t believe that . The lab leak theory is total bunk. The natural zoonosis theory is the prevailing and evidence based opinion.

MasterObee ,

Just because you don’t believe it means that it’s not real.


There’s enough consensus from the scientific community to say we don’t know, especially with the understanding that china is not transparent with the world.

So, once again

RFK said 2 facts. That’s it. Find some real dirt on him if you want to trash him.

theceoofanarchism , avatar

Okay I’m done with this your racist peddling of an insane conspiracy theory is tiresome. You linked to what was a propaganda write up by conservative racist republicans with an agenda not the overwhelming consensus of scientists and experts.

spark947 ,

Nah dude, covid 19 was definitely traced to seafood market in Wuhan…/striking-new-evidence-points-to-seafood…

Republicans are lying g to you for pitiful points. Sorry.

MasterObee ,

I read your source, and found this:

Neither of the Science papers provide the smoking gun — that is, an animal infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus at a market.

Republicans are lying g to you for pitiful points. Sorry.

Ahhhh yes, the government house oversight committee is just republicans. Read the sources, read the facts, listen to the organizations and scientists and they say it’s reasonably likely it was a lab leak of some sorts. Is it more likely that it was natural? Yes. But does that mean it 100% was and we shouldn’t question it, no. Absolutely not. You’re an idiot if you think it’s beyond question, and anti-science if you think it’s beyond question.

spark947 ,

Yeah, this is very disingenuous. That was the single concession in an article full of proof that that meet market played an important role in spreading the virus, and that it is probable that is where transmission occurred. Short of detecting and recording the original infection, which is very unlikely to have happened due to the nature of the virus.

And yes, the house oversight committee is controlled by Republicans, because they make committee appointments after they gained control of the house of representatives in the 2022 midterms, and this was a political priority for them. If you read their release, it is clear that the questions were lead by Republicans.

Now we cannot be 100% sure what the origins are, so we can make a conspiracy theory that that chain engineered the virus and planted it, severly infecting their own population, in order to unleash a worldwide pandemic because… reasons…

Or we can acknowledge that a scenario that was pretty widely anticipated occurred, and it became a political priority for the Republicans to deny after trump started to, which they then pursued with their new policial power in the house. But a politician would never lie to you right?

MasterObee ,

Dang, you see this new article yesterday?

"The Biden administration formally halted the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s access to US funding, citing unanswered safety and security questions for the facility at the center of the Covid lab leak theory. "

Oh wait, biden is probably just a right win lunatic, huh?

spark947 ,

That lab has been very notorious for withholding data on the origins of the virus, and deserves sanctions. Doesn’t mean that Jews engineered it in collaboration with the Chinese government.

MasterObee ,

Doesn’t mean that Jews engineered it in collaboration with the Chinese government.

Nobody said jews and chinese engineered it.

The whole point of the convo is there is a reasonable likeliness it was a lab leak, and you deny it straight up 100%. You’re being anti-science.

spark947 ,

Come on man, lab leak is not what rfk is saying, and by brining it up here you are inying that his conspiracy theories are right.

MasterObee ,

lab leak theory is saying some sort of human alteration of a virus.

RaincoatsGeorge ,

Actually that’s incorrect. There’s no consensus with multiple agencies coming to different conclusions ranging from maybe it was to we have no idea.

No one has found any smoking gun. But what is more telling is the conspiratards that dog pile on this topic as if the question of its origin somehow validates all their stupid bullshit over the past 3 years. It doesn’t, and all the anti mask anti vaccine idiots have blood on their hands that people like me will never, ever let them forget.

So until we find actual proof, this remains soundly in the category of unknowns.

MasterObee ,

so…exactly what I said. It’s a reasonable likeliness.

MasterObee ,

Dang, you see this new article yesterday?

"The Biden administration formally halted the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s access to US funding, citing unanswered safety and security questions for the facility at the center of the Covid lab leak theory. "

Oh wait, biden is probably just a right win lunatic “conspiratard”, huh?

RaincoatsGeorge ,

Ah, trouble with reading comprehension I see. Don’t worry you’ll get there.

As I stated, there’s no consensus and no smoking gun, this also doesn’t cite the Biden administration claiming they caused the leak just that there are security concerns.

So this still proves nothing definitively, but it sure seems like you need it to prove something, which is the bigger issue in my mind. If you need it to be a lab leak to ‘show you were right all along’ you probably are generally incorrect about things and at worst are peddling racist conspiracy theories with no foundation other than that you want it to be true.

Covid showed just how shallow and stupid so many people are. We really got to see some of you guys show your true colors. Just know that there will always be people like me who will never let you forget what you did during that time.

People don’t forget.

MasterObee ,

And my whole argument was “Reasonable likeliness”

Come on man, I didn’t say anything concrete, or say anythings proven. You just dismiss it because it’s not proven. There’s a middle ground, like ya know, percentages.

You have 1 percent, 2 percent, 10 percent, and so on and so forth. So there’s a scale rather than a binary “not proven, can’t exist”

RaincoatsGeorge ,

There’s two equally compelling sources of the virus. The wet market located in wuhan which easily could have been a source. Or the lab where they were studying coronaviruses and also easily could have been a source.

It’s important to remember the reason the coronavirus lab was located in wuhan was specifically because there was a place locally where it could be easily obtained.

What’s the truth in that. How do you point to the exact source without making assumptions, and at that point you’re just filling in the blanks for whatever you want to believe or what supports your worldview .

You can point to lots of things that china fucked up about the pandemic, but as we have seen, even with advanced warning the US completely failed to prepare or appropriately handle the pandemic.

There’s a lot of people that need to be held accountable for their bullshit during that time. It’s better than grasping at xenophobic speculation.

MasterObee ,

The wet market located in wuhan which easily could have been a source. Or the lab where they were studying coronaviruses and also easily could have been a source.

Sweet. You finally agree with me of what the scientific communities consensus has been since they stopped censorship of the theory - there’s a reasonable likeliness it was a lab leak.

RaincoatsGeorge ,

Again, I never said it wasn’t possible, just that there’s no proof that’s what it was. It’s pure speculation. And speculation to me is worth Fucking nothing, merely the folly of people with too much time on their hands .

MasterObee ,

You argued against me saying it was reasonably likely, and just said it was for “conspiratards.” I think that’s a core difference between us, I don’t compare people to retards simply because we have disagreements.

It’s okay to be wrong, move on bud, and try to be a bit nicer to people that have different opinions than you. It’s okay to disagree and be civil.

RaincoatsGeorge ,

I’d have to be wrong first, and that’s not apparent here unfortunately. But I appreciate your willingness to jump into whatever speculative claim supports your skewed worldview.

MasterObee ,

Reasonable likeliness, homie. Once again, you’re just showing how anti-science you are.

FlyingSquid , avatar

What does “targeted” mean?

MasterObee ,

select as an object of attention

FlyingSquid , avatar

Select? Attention? Hmm. That sounds like it has agency. But then a disease can’t have agency, so it must be someone with agency using the disease. Almost as if it’s a bioweapon.

If it’s targeted, that is.

MasterObee ,

Sounds like the virus infecting an individual falls under targeting.

You’re the only one suggesting it was a bio weapon.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Nope. Kennedy was when he mentioned COVID “targeting” certain ethnic groups in virtually the same breath as discussing bioweapons targeting certain ethnic groups. One thing directly related to the other. He didn’t have to draw a map.

MasterObee ,

COVID “targeting” certain ethnic groups in virtually the same breath as discussing bioweapons targeting certain ethnic groups. One thing directly related to the other.

He said 2 things:

  1. viruses can be changed by humans
  2. viruses can affect different minorities differently

In the article it even says "Kennedy later posted a video statement on Sunday, saying in part: “Nobody has suggested that these were deliberately engineered changes and I certainly don’t believe that they were deliberately engineered,” but calling it “kind of a proof of concept that you can develop bioweapons that will attack certain ethnicities.”

is it a bad sound bite? Yeah, should he be more careful, yeah. But no, he didn’t imply that it was a bioweapon created to target everyone but jews and chinese. He clarified after that he ‘certainly’ doesn’t believe they were engineered.

People just want to latch on to bad sound bites bc his parties mad he’s getting some traction against a senile 82 YO man.

FlyingSquid , avatar

It wasn’t a soundbite, it was a full video. I watched it. He was talking about the Chinese creating ethnic bioweapons and then pivoted to COVID not “targeting” Chinese people. It was not a change of subject, just a pivot. The obvious implication was that COVID was engineered. Why does he have to literally come out and say that explicitly? Does everything have to be literally spelled out to you?

I’m starting to think you didn’t watch the video and are trying to tell me what I saw and heard with my own eyes and ears was not what I saw and heard.

Mostly_Harmless ,

He was talking about covid in the context of engineered bioweapons. That the virus has been more severe with people of color can, and has been explained by racial inequity and access to care.

“The overrepresentation of African Americans among confirmed COVID-19 cases and number of deaths underscores the fact that the coronavirus pandemic, far from being an equalizer, is amplifying or even worsening existing social inequalities tied to race, class, and access to the health care system.”….

MasterObee ,

What makes you think he was talking about covid in the context of engineered bioweapons?

He said “there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact.”

You provided one such paper that shows that there are differences in how covid impacted different communities. Whether that’s due to obesity rates, socioeconomic status or healthcare access.

"Kennedy later posted a video statement on Sunday, saying in part: “Nobody has suggested that these were deliberately engineered changes and I certainly don’t believe that they were deliberately engineered,”

keet , in How America fell out of love with ice cream avatar

I get the whole health conscious thing, but part of the blame shouldn't be aimed at consumers. Hitting all the major brands with the grocery shrink-ray from 1/2 Gal to 1.x Qts and raising the price didn't do them any favors. Same with the newer formulations that barely let them be called true ice cream anymore.

SheeEttin , in How America fell out of love with ice cream

Probably because of shrinkflation and because they’re taking all the good stuff out of it. Seems like most of it is no longer ice cream but “frozen dairy dessert”.

Coreidan ,

Good stuff? Ice cream is just sugar, milk, and heavy cream.

I stopped buying store ice cream because I just make my own instead. Cheaper and I can curb it to my liking.

quicksand ,

Yes so why is there so many ingredients in store bought?

NuPNuA ,

Flavourings, preservatives, etc.

Coreidan ,

There aren’t? Have a look at breyers ice cream. There is like 5 things listed.…/index.html#ingredien…


I feel like you could take this story and change “ice cream” to anything and for me 90% of the time its true. Quality has been sacrificed for profit.

Angry_Maple , avatar

I noticed that for the first time a few years ago, when I had Breyers frozen dessert sitting in the sink for two hours.

Initially, I put it there thinking that it would just melt away like ice cream normally does. Nope.

BathtubJoe , in How America fell out of love with ice cream avatar

I stopped eating most dairy (except cheese — love that shit) cause milkshakes, ice cream, etc started making me get congested.

No other symptoms, just congestion, and never with cheese. Oh well. At least I still have my cheese.

Capricorny90210 ,

I’ve never heard of anything like that. Did you go see a Dr?

BathtubJoe , avatar

Nah, I’ll mention it next time I go though. It doesn’t really bother me, I like ice cream but not enough to foot the doctor’s bill just for that.

KickMeElmo , in Robert F. Kennedy Jr. condemned over false claims that COVID-19 was "ethnically targeted"

I mean… no shit? Dude’s completely nuts.

Sacha , in How America fell out of love with ice cream

Recently, I was at the grocery store and the family in front of me at at a minimum of 9 tubs of ice cream. (2L ones). Turns out they are from Connecticut visiting Canada. According to the check out lady, people from the states load up on our local ice cream and cheeses. It seems to be quite common.

The brand of ice cream that they got has a factory + store front about 10 minutes away from me. We drive past it all the time, it’s been extremely busy with these hot temps. With lines going out the door and into the parking lot just to have an ice cream cone.

Sure, it’s anecdotal, but there’s still plenty of people in love with ice cream.

cassetti ,

About ten years ago while visiting the Canadian side of Niagra Falls, my other half wanted a pizza and to stay in at our beautiful room overlooking the falls. So we got a fancy pizza with pretzel crust from Little Caesars and holy hell it was good - soon as we got back to America I tried to order the exact same pizza a week later and it was completely different. Different crust, cheese, etc - I was so disappointed lol

Sacha ,

Canada and US have different food and safety laws. Milk is quite a bit different, the laws are pretty strict that US cannot export their milk to Canada. There’s hormones and such the US inject their cows with (in order to produce more milk) that are illegal in Canada. It affects the flavour and how healthy the milk is.

Canada has higher standards of what is acceptable to eat. I believe during covid they did not reduce their standards to meet demands. In the US, if the animal was sick it’s not supposed to be suitable for consumption. But in order to meet demands, they loosened that restriction. Meat quality went down during covid. In Canada the price of meat went up.

The US is also more likely to use fillers and such to cut costs. Like how back in the medieval age, they would cut their flour with saw dust. Basically that. But it isn’t necessarily the law to put that anywhere or what the filler is. There are many products in the US that cannot be sold as that product in other countries. Example: wonder bread can not be sold as bread due to all the sugar. Subway has to be classed as a desert place due to all the sugar, a specific brand of ice cream cannot be classed as ice cream due to lack of cream (and because of all the sugar), so on and so fourth.

It doesn’t surprise me that it’s so different. About 15 years ago I had a burger at a McDonald’s Donald’s in Mexico and it was so different, it was so good. It was like eating at an actual higher end burger joint. The lettuce and tomatoes were fresh, the patties were juicy, the buns weren’t a sweet, wet mess. And it was bigger, too.

cassetti ,

Oh no, I totally know it - there's a reason why I'm starting a micro-homestead to raise my own meat and fruits/vegetables - because I want to heat good healthy food, not all that other junk.

I was just so shocked at the difference in taste between the two pizzas which is not something I regularly eat anyway

Sacha ,

Little differences add up! I’m glad you have the ability to have a homestead. We can do a garden and in theory we have the space to raise chickens or rabbits for meat/eggs but we’d probably get too attached to the chickens/rabbits to get them butchered. We do have a garden but I think most of our crop is going to fail. It’s been so hot and rainy here. Our back garden flooded again yesterday. Our upper garden is fine but there’s less space.

sramder , in *Permanently Deleted* avatar

Love the notion that the DEA is going to mobilize for one kid smashing up some pills to snort.

Problem solved!

skeezix , in Extreme heat intensifies across south-west US

Who else is celebrating the great global cook-off this week?

BrikoX OP , avatar

A bunch on Europe is sitting on red alert too.

ArmoredCavalry , in How America fell out of love with ice cream avatar

I’ve been buying a lot of this one brand of Frozen Yogurt lately. They make a bunch of different items (Sandwiches, bars, etc.) Honestly to me tastes about as good as any ice cream, but way less calories… Might be a little less sweet, but I’m ok with that tradeoff!

ArugulaZ , in How America fell out of love with ice cream

I used to like ice cream, but diabetes put a screeching halt to that. I've tried the healthier alternatives, but they're horrible. Keto ice cream is just the worst.

DreamyDolphin , avatar

Actually, one bizarre research finding is that, "among diabetics, eating half a cup of ice cream a day is associated with a lower risk of heart problems".

No one's quite sure why or how or whether it's some sort of odd correlation (but it does seem to resist all attempts to p-hack it out of significance), and there's not much appetite among researchers to look too closely into it because everyone knows that ice cream is bad for you.

Coreidan ,

When you break it down all ice cream is is frozen milk. Things like heavy cream help stabilize it. Sugar/chocolate/vanilla is most commonly added to make it taste more interesting.

If you’re a diabetic you could cut out the sugar and add alternatives. Make your own ice cream it’s super easy.

tatertime ,

Literally the only keto ice cream i can eat is the Mint Chip by Rebel. Every other brand or flavor tastes horrible. My husband doesn’t like any of them either, not even mint chip. I have tried probably 3 brands and 10 flavors across the keto ice cream universe. I have some serious trust issues with the keto community recommending absolutely horrible keto versions of food saying it “tastes justlike regular x!” And it is nowhere close. Ever. It did get me to just give up and eat better overall lol.

sadreality , in *Permanently Deleted*

More control over plebs through corporation

sweeny , in How America fell out of love with ice cream

Who weighs their ice cream? I’m surprised this measured by weight and not something like pints or calories.

Anyways, I wonder if this has to do with the rising trend of plant based diets. I still eat ice cream occasionally but the vegan ice cream I get wouldn’t be counted as ice cream in this data (understandably so)

Coreidan ,

Pretty much anything measured in large quantities is by weight. It’s the most accurate and consistent method.

morgan_423 , in QAnon Shaman, who pleaded guilty and made a heartfelt apology in Jan. 6 case, has changed his mind and wants his plea reversed avatar

That’s not how this works.

That’s not how any of this works!

eleventy_7 , in Canada wildfires: Second firefighter dies amid record blazes

Canada only has a total land area of about 10 million square km. The amount of forest (10 million hectares, or 100k square km) that has burned so far this year already make up 1/100th of that total.

In other words, in just the first half of this year 1% of the world's second largest country has gone up in flames.

Narbobie , in Canadian Politicians Who Criticize China Become Its Targets

Anyone interested in the history of CCP influence in Canada, and more specifically the Greater Vancouver Area should definitely read the following books:

Claws of the Panda, written by Jonathan Manthorpe

Wilful Blindness: How a network of narcos, tycoons, and Chinese Communist Party agents infiltrated the west, written by Sam Cooper

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