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suction , in Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 22 years for role in US Capitol attack

Stand back and pick up the soap, nutty. I hope they send him to wherever they lock up the Bloods and Crips gang members they arrest, maybe he can explain to them how he’s not a racist.

some_guy ,

I don’t think it’s helpful to society to joke about prison rape. We shouldn’t make light of such atrocities.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

It’s such a weird thing, we can still joke about rape - but only if it’s happening to men in prison.

Shapillon ,

imho it’s the perfect intersection of “I don’t care if shitty things happen to people I hate” and “rape on men isn’t as bad”.

Kinda like ppl who exclusively misgender asshole trans folks on purpose?

Plus some irony 'cause the guy’s a massive homophobe.

Note that I’m not saying the dude’s underserving the hate coming his way. He worked extra hard to earn every picogram of it.

suction ,

Oh fuck off Nazis deserve worse

xc2215x , in Disney tickets, PS5s, and big-screen TVs: Florida parents exploit DeSantis' school vouchers

Not a shock. It seems like something people would take advantage of.

Saneless ,

Take advantage of? It was a built in feature. The goal was to remove money from schools. Where it went was just a suggestion and irrelevant

mrnotoriousman ,

I'd absolutely wager these people are the type that would decry welfare, student loan forgiveness, etc. too

xc2215x , in Florida Man Charged Over Failed Attempt to Cross Atlantic in Giant ‘Hamster Wheel’

That is so moronic of him.


Which part

Hellstormy , avatar


hypnotoad , in Airbnb bookings dry up in New York as new short-stay rules are introduced

Not surprised that NYC is overcorrecting once again. I work in the industry and out of 2500 apartments we estimate around 20 are tenants involved in short term rentals. The last two we caught were even people that rent multiple rent-stabilized apartments and run their own business on Airbnb. This not only puts a pressure on unit supply in general but also specifically removes affordable housing opportunities for those in need.

At least with the buildings I’m involved in, the bigger issue is the state removing any ability to raise rents on vacant rent-stabilized units. We have at least 60 units sitting vacant indefinitely because it would take over 5 years to recover the cost of fixing up the unit and getting it rented. This rule was meant to stop shitty landlords drom taking advantage of tenants but if their focus was on tenant protection laws instead of completely removing all incentives to invest capital in old units they wouldn’t have swapped one issue for another.

I’m sure there are legitimate uses for Airbnb that have now been completely eliminated and we’ll see unintended consequences down the line.


A lot fewer people are going to vacation to NYC, because NYC hotel rooms are small and unattractive whereas AirBnBs were not.

SaltySalamander , avatar

Fucking lol.

neptune ,

Turns out people will just go back to hotels. Novel concept.

exussum ,

NYC has existed before, and will exist after Airbnb

spamfajitas ,

I think a lot of people have kinda forgotten what NYC was like before companies like airbnb and uber showed up.

Before Uber, there were underground networks of ride sharers that had to evade the police by using “secret” signals and code words. It was absolutely wild, required a ton of trust and only really existed because of the stranglehold the cab companies had over the city.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a similar system in place for rentals before airbnb showed up.

TimewornTraveler ,

“removing any ability to raise rents on vacant rent-stabilized units”

Am I misreading or doesn’t this actually sound great? Whoever wants to raise the rents can fucking starve for all I care. if it’s too expensive to fix and rent out then you should lose the place. what’s not happening?

triplenadir , avatar

At least with the buildings I’m involved in, the bigger issue is the state removing any ability to raise rents on vacant rent-stabilized units

NYC housing law allows close to unlimited rent increases when apartments are vacant, especially if there are (however dubious) “improvements” made.

If your “issue” is “inability to endlessly profit off an investment in something that should never have been treated as a financial instrument in the first place”, then get fucked. Otherwise, please explain.

Ononotagain ,

5 whole years to see a return on investment! Regulation has gone too far! /s

AngryAnusHornets , in Trump may have violated copyright law by selling mugshot merchandise


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  • tmyakal ,

    “Publicly funded” doesn’t mean “publicly owned.” Plenty of states give grants and tax incentives to film productions to entice them to work there. That’s tax dollars going into a copyrighted work.

    And being of a public figure has absolutely no bearing on copyright. If it did, paparazzi wouldn’t exist, because they wouldn’t be able to effectively sell their photos.

    Nioxic ,

    Wouldnt the government have the rights then?

    ryathal ,

    For photos the copyright belongs to the photographer. If this was a federal employee (it wasn’t) , then there’s no copyright. If it’s a state employee then it’s possible it could be copyright or you could argue that the ban on copyright for government works is incorporated to states as well. There’s also the technicality that if it’s a contractor then there’s copyright no matter what.

    iegod ,

    Copyright of a photo doesn’t belong with the subject. The photographer owns it.

    Th4tGuyII , in Carbon markets are 'bogus solutions' as rich world keeps polluting, African Climate Summit is told avatar

    The free market isn't going to solve this problem. It isn't profitable to solve climate change.

    This is where Governments are meant to step in, to serve the best interests of the people... instead they're too busy bickering over bullshit, and giving themselves and their cronies handouts.

    KIM_JONG ,

    And corporations run the governments.

    givesomefucks ,

    India and China have essentially said they don’t give a fuck and will keep burning coal till they run out of coal…

    The other big contributer is shipping cheap junk from those same countries to the Western wealthier countries.

    That we can do something about by slapping large tarrifs on all that sweatshop shit.

    Do that and those countries will change their tune, because their own citizens are too poor for their economies to be self sufficient.

    SCB ,

    China is investing $6 trillion in green energy initiatives.…/chinas-belt-and-road-initiative-i….

    Economically isolating your country and cutting off international trade is non-viable and hurts the poor the most.

    givesomefucks ,…/china-coal-plants-climate-goals…

    If you’re impressed by your number, you just don’t understand how big China is…

    And tarrifs on cheap foreign profits is really the only way to stimulate internal production. Not sure where you were a few years ago, but COVID should have taught you why domestic production is important

    SCB ,

    Stimulating internal production is not a goal anyone should have - global isolation hurts citizens.

    Bad things happening is not a reason to kneecap your economy.

    givesomefucks ,

    Lol, yeah…

    Because the people working those sweatshops have such great lives too.

    Those aren’t “suicide nets” in iPhone factories, they’re “communal hammocks”.

    And the countries that don’t make anything anymore so they have crazy unemployment levels can just print money so their citizens don’t starve too!

    It’s so easy, why isn’t a smart person like you running the economy of every nation?


    At least lemmy still has a block button.

    SCB ,

    Because the people working those sweatshops have such great lives too.

    Their lives are demonstrably better than before those opportunities arrived, and the increased wealth enables governments to grow inclusive institutions that ban sweatshops and still benefit from the relative value of the US dollar to local currency

    People with my views do run the economy. This is economic orthodoxy.

    dangblingus ,

    You’re the only one here advocating for globalism.

    SCB ,

    Globalism is an ideal scenario, yes.

    girlfreddy OP , avatar

    So you’re equivalency is saying that slaves had it better in America than they did in Africa?

    Doooood. 🤮

    SCB ,

    No I didn’t bring up slavery at all, and equating paid jobs that do not exist until a company invests in a developing nation with slavery is disgustingly offensive.

    Developing nations are developing because of outside investment, and equating that to the rape of their lands and people that was chattel slavery is a monstrous thing to do.

    girlfreddy OP , avatar

    Yeah, you did. What else would you call a sweatshop?

    SCB ,

    Sweatshops, while terrible working conditions, are paid labor and people seek out those jobs because the money is so much better than what they were doing before.

    I am not pro sweatshop. International trade is so good for developing nations that even sweatshops are better than what they had. I’m all for treaties that straight up require investment capital to regulate that any foreign suppliers meet a certain level of safety and health regulations.

    The reason that foreign investment in labor is profitable is not because of sweatshops but because of comparative advantage. An easy example is Mexico where the US dollar is currently worth 18 pesos, meaning you can pay a Mexican laborer 1/5th of what you pay an American and still are actually paying them more relative to their cost of living than an American.

    This is true worldwide and is the essence of global trade, and it is impossible to call this a bad thing without just straight up saying you don’t give a shit about the livelihood of the Global South.

    Comparative advantage is the reason that standards of living are rising worldwide. This investment spurs local capital growth, grows institutions to be inclusive instead of extractive, and in the long term encourages democratic reforms.

    The US should, and does when our President isn’t a drooling imbecile, see global trade as a form of soft power and spreading of democracy.

    archomrade ,

    Imagine if those US based companies paid the actual value to those workers and didn’t steal their wages

    girlfreddy OP , avatar

    Goodbye qanon.

    SCB ,


    dangblingus ,

    So after reading the article, there is no information as to what China is spending $6 trillion on. The vast majority of the article discusses how China is building a really long road and that they will be depending on coal until at least 2050.

    SCB ,

    The free market is the only solution to climate change, and it is absolutely profitable to solve climate change.

    The problem, as the article indicates, is that we currently subsidize fossil fuels and do not tax them to pay for their externalities, stacking the deck in favor of fossil fuels companies and away from green energy transitions.

    Even with that in place, capital is flying toward green/renewable energy.

    A carbon tax is 100% needed, and dividends can be handed out to bottom quintile earners to offset the cost for those who literally cannot survive the increases a carbon tax causes. Problem there is just that taxing fuel in the US almost guarantees you lose your next election.

    archomrade ,

    The free market is the only solution to climate change, and it is absolutely profitable to solve climate change.

    Problem there is just that taxing fuel in the US almost guarantees you lose your next election.

    These are not mutually exclusive.

    itsyourmom , in This car was stolen from a driveway in Canada. We found it in West Africa avatar

    That is wild! I watched the videos in the linked article, and I’m shocked how easy it is to steal vehicles!

    I guess what I see in the movies/shows if hot wiring and the time that takes isn’t the norm nowadays.

    IMO I feel like the Shipping Ports need to step up their game as far as inspections and stop the cars BEFORE they’ve been shipped to other countries. I would hope that the car insurance companies would be willing to help the cost of this increased inspections, considering they have to pay the value of the stolen vehicles to the owners…

    girlfreddy OP , avatar

    Port authorities do need to do that, but first the feds have to give them more money and raise staffing levels … cause right now there is not enough people or funding to do the job right.

    dudewitbow ,

    The physical key and a keyfob is like manual vs automatic. It doesn’t fully prevent your car from being stolen, but it does make it harder to steal said car.

    I love to blame how terrible software and ux is in cars as theyre very unreliable, but yes, a lot of this is a port problem

    MNByChoice , in Some small towns in America are disbanding police forces, citing hiring woes

    Honestly, the USA should nationalize the police. Standards and police academies (just a movie in many places, not an actual thing).

    Cops could be rotated, and internal affairs could find and remove bad cops. Less local corruption.

    Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever ,

    The issue with rotations being “normal” is that it makes it trivial to protect abusers. Just look at the catholic church where it is pretty obvious that any time there is a new priest in town, some kid got molested.

    I am also not convinced we would have good national standards considering how many red states are actively trying to cripple education.

    JungleJim ,

    At least it’s one target to fight to fix rather than every small town’s own shitty way to be shitty, and blue states would in theory try to counter the red state shittiness.

    paholg ,

    I don’t know enough to know if nationalizing the police is a good idea, but that’s already an issue. Police can and do just move from one department to another.

    At the very least there should be a national license or record that follows them.

    Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever ,

    There already are records that follow them. Arrest records and police reports. Then the police union plays the qualified immunity card and gets them all their back pay.

    lolcatnip ,

    Solution: outlaw police unions and void their existing contracts. They’re the one category of unions I don’t support.

    Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever ,

    Which gets back to “If we lived in a utopia, these steps toward fixing society wouldn’t be an issue”

    I hate police unions and consider them organized crime. But I am generally going to vote against ANY precedent for the government breaking up a union because that is the kind of slippery slope that actually has consequences. Instead, I push for politicians who want to get rid of qualified immunity.

    Drivebyhaiku ,

    I mean it works pretty decently in Canada. We have two ways of becoming a police officer and two systems. The College route is a two year program that focuses on police sciences, psychology, ethics and law. Then there is the RCMP route where you get shipped off for intensive training where you live millitary boot camp style for 6 months for a concentrated version with some physical training and then basically get a cadet status to be apprenticed out to a detachment.

    Municipalities can choose to either have a police department run by them or to contract a federal detachment of the RCMP. The RCMP are only on the hook to solve federal law and bylaw enforcement is largely outside their perveiw. They are however cheaper for a Municipality because they are paid for in part by provincial government and 30 percent of their cost comes from the federal level.

    The accountability is I think a little better than hiring people with just a GED. The investment of time and education makes a difference particularly since there’s a pretty heavy emphasis on de-escalation models of policing up here. Having an officer actually draw their firearm up here much less point it at a person is a shock.

    bobman ,

    Yeah, I was with him until he said some bullshit about ‘rotating’ cops.

    Always something, lol.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    There really just shouldn’t be cops.

    dethb0y , in Some small towns in America are disbanding police forces, citing hiring woes

    My town didn’t have cops for over three years, and it was totally fine.

    ares35 , in Airbnb bookings dry up in New York as new short-stay rules are introduced avatar

    the early days of airbnb was basically this concept.

    they didn't start out as a marketplace for unregulated hotels that destroy housing markets. that didn't happen until after they started cashing checks venture vulture capitalists.

    Overzeetop ,

    So many people forget this origin. Air mattress in your spare room (in SF), iirc.

    As much as I, personally, prefer a house when away - either with the family or as a couple - this is one of the drivers behind the crunch in housing. People can’t possibly afford to by a place to live when the competition is a wanna-be property “entrepreneur” who is going to get 2-4x market rent by doing short term rentals.

    NateNate60 ,

    Originally my mum moved my brother and I into the same room and rented out the empty room for $40 a night. The cleaning fee was $20 and we still cleared $2,000 in one summer.

    My brother and I each got a 5% cut and we bought ice creams from Safeway every day for a week until we got wicked stomach aches

    mustardman ,

    I believe it since that’s how actual BNBs work.

    TWeaK , in Florida Man Charged Over Failed Attempt to Cross Atlantic in Giant ‘Hamster Wheel’

    What a crappy article, it doesn’t even say what he was charged with.

    Beginning on an unknown date and continuing through on or about August 29, 2023, upon the highseas outside the jurisdiction any particular state or district, in international waters, while on board a vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, the defendant(s) violated:

    18 U.S.C. §2237(a)(2)(A) Obstruction of a Boarding

    46U.S.C. §70036(b)(1) Violation of a Captain of the Port Order

    Basically he’s being done for resisting arrest while at sea.


    Just run across the ocean in a mobius strip and the arrest the world for stowing away. Check mate.

    GiuseppeAndTheYeti ,

    Well his other option was starvation/dehydration leading to death so…

    lemmyseizethemeans , in Carbon markets are 'bogus solutions' as rich world keeps polluting, African Climate Summit is told

    Capitalism trying to capitalism it’s way out of a capitalism caused crisis. Classic.

    I_annoy_you ,

    most polluting country is communist china.

    TipRing , in All signs point to a rise in Covid

    I just tested positive for the first time and thanks to the US FDA rule changes, I have to physically go to the doctor to get Paxlovid, putting more people at risk. Very frustrating.

    AngryAnusHornets ,


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  • TipRing ,

    They did not. Though I was the only one there so not really a problem though the admins were pretty slapdash with their masks. Smh.

    Iteria , (edited ) in Airbnb bookings dry up in New York as new short-stay rules are introduced avatar

    I was with them until they banned more than 1 guests at a time. Are you a couple needed somewhere quick to stay before going to an airport or something? Go die in a fire. New York only wants solo couch surfers. People who want a friend along. A single person with a child. A family in a money crunch, anyone really can just pound sand.

    That is a super bizarre and IMO indefensible position. If someone wants to host more than one person in their home for a short span why is does they city even care?

    I’m also worried about how this could be abused. What if you legitimately take someone (or even two someones) in for a week, kick them out and then they report you for being “an unregistered short term rental”. This is going to be a shitshow.

    Edit: alright I misread this morning. It’s 2. Still bullshit. Why have a limit at all with the other stuff. My same complaints apply now with one more person. It’s not like 3 people groups (aka 2 parents an a single child or one parent and 2 children, etc) are uncommon.

    IMO hotels just don’t fill the niche of needing a cheap single night or needing to have a bunch of people for a long time. Traveling with my family got so much better when airBNB became a thing.

    Carobu ,

    “Are you a couple needed somewhere quick to stay before going to an airport or something?”

    Damn, if only there was some sort of established and regulated type of business where you could rent lodging by the night in New York City. I bet they could make a whole lot of money building big buildings full of rooms you can rent like that.

    “What if you legitimately take someone (or even two someones) in for a week”

    Do you make a habit of charging your friends and family that come visit you?

    Shardikprime ,

    Maybe they do. What’s that to anyone else? Maybe they also eat broccoli and mint ice cream

    bluGill ,

    Airbnb is a lot better than a hotel for families: you get several bedrooms plus a full kitchen for a similar price to a hotel that only gives you two beds in a room. That kitchen will save a typical family $100/day over a hotel if they cook their own meals.

    timbuck2themoon ,


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  • bluGill ,

    Your city needs to build more if there is a problem. People who live there should not have more rights than people who visit.

    SaltySalamander , avatar

    AirBNB isn't a right.

    Iteria , avatar

    Damn, if only there was some sort of established and regulated type of business where you could rent lodging by the night in New York City. I bet they could make a whole lot of money building big buildings full of rooms you can rent like that.

    As someone who has a big ass family, hotels fucking suck for families. When I compare my childhood vacations in hotel to what we do now in airBNB, we do airBNB every single time.

    Do you make a habit of charging your friends and family that come visit you?

    I have in the past when I was hard up for money because food costs for extra people can be great.

    MNByChoice ,

    From article and summary:

    More than two guests at a time are not allowed

    Where are you seeing a limit of 1?

    Iteria , avatar

    I read it in the summary, but I guess I made a mistake. I still think it’s ridiculous. Like why have a limit at all on who people want to host in their house?

    merridew ,

    There are typically limits on residential building occupancy. To put the kibosh on things like this, for example:

    Landlord who packed 40 tenants in four-bed Wembley home given first ever Brent Council banning order…/london-rent-landlord-banned-bren…

    I assume NYC has similar regulations. If the ordinary residents are also in the property, things could get quite snug.

    iopq , in Airbnb bookings dry up in New York as new short-stay rules are introduced

    So basically they decided to ban Airbnb. I wouldn’t be surprised if hotels lobbied for this

    SuckMyWang ,

    Probably held a bidding auction between hotels and air bnb. The hotels must have had deeper pockets to buy up a piece of legislation in a democratic system. How good is freedom

    li10 ,

    I wouldn’t be surprised if people living next to Airbnb’s pushed for this as well.

    It’s horrible having holidaymakers show up to an otherwise residential building/area.

    SCB ,

    NIMBYism is the reason the housing market is fucked.

    li10 ,

    How so?

    Not disagreeing, just having a hard time working out your point.

    SCB ,

    Comes from another comment I posted here:

    New York City’s housing stock has only increased 4% since 2010, not nearly enough to keep up with its 22% increase in jobs. And from 2017 to 2021, New York City permitted 13 homes for every 1,000 residents in 2017

    This is because of zoning restrictions preventing building. This occurs everywhere you see housing spiking, which distorts even the areas where building is occurring.

    People don’t want “those people” in their neighborhoods or don’t want to lose their “neighborhood character,” or simply want to “protect their home values,” and so a persistent lack of supply is strangling the market.

    Denying current renters an income stream, tightening the grip of the hotel market monopoly, and not actually freeing enough homes to impact the increase in demand, is not the solution.

    Shalakushka , avatar

    Renters by and large don't benefit from Airbnb, landlords do

    SCB ,

    Renters absolutely benefit from AirBnB if they were using the money to help bridge costs, which nearly every single article on this subject mentions.

    And Landlords benefit a lot more from tighter housing restrictions.

    li10 ,

    That’s fair, but I think it’s not particularly relevant here.

    Tourists should not be holidaying in people’s “back yards”.

    It’s not about keeping out certain “types of people”, it’s about not wanting any people who have specifically come to holiday and treat the area like their playground.

    And every Airbnb I know is run by someone who has multiple properties, and certainly isn’t letting holidaymakers live in their actual home.

    SCB ,

    Tourists should not be holidaying in people’s “back yards

    Literally just NIMBYism.

    li10 ,

    Okay, ignore the rest of what I said and focus on your little buzzword 🤷‍♂️

    I don’t want someone to knock down the house next door and start fracking the land, is that NiMbYiSm?

    SCB ,

    “I don’t want X people here” is a far cry from “let’s demolish more housing for oil speculation.”…/nyc-housing-is-expensive

    Try to actually address this topic with an eye for a solution, if housing costs are actually something you give a shit about.

    li10 , (edited )

    I just don’t see how anything you’re saying is relevant to Airbnb??

    Landlords are buying more houses and turning them into Airbnbs, hence less houses available and increasing prices for regular people.

    The idea that it’s really benefitting regular people is just not the reality of the situation.


    the behaviour of someone who does not want something to be built or done near where they live, although it does need to be built or done somewhere

    The area for holidaymakers are hotel districts. If you need to expand the actual hotel district then so be it, but don’t just let everywhere essentially be a hotel district.

    Edit: Can’t respond if you block me 🤷‍♂️

    SCB , (edited )

    The area for holidaymakers are hotel districts

    We will never see lower home prices while NIMBYism exists.

    I’m willing to bet you don’t want tall buildings with dense housing for low-income people on your street either, yeah? They’d ruin your view/the charm of the neighborhood/bring crime?

    Congrats. You’re the problem.

    Edit: didn’t block you.

    merridew ,

    But turning half the units in that tall building full of dense housing into short-term lets that are a nuisance to the people who actually live there is okay in your book? Because, as you say, objecting to that would be “NIMBY”.

    Airbnb is way more profitable than conventional letting. Why would anyone offer stable leases to poor people when they can rent out the whole place for higher rates?

    In some parts of my country, it is becoming functionality impossible for families to rent a property for a stable term, because landlords want properties vacant over the holidays for short-term lets.…/airbnb-is-making-life-hell-for…

    But you think unregulated AirBnB is somehow a positive for housing?

    SCB ,

    Yes, because you’re still adding net housing in those buildings.

    I think AirBnB helps people pay their rent in NYC, because data confirms that people do in fact use it as bridge income

    I also think AirBnB both is not the culprit here (a housing shortage is) and that building more housing solves the problem more neatly while also discouraging using housing as an “investment” which then discourages predatory housing practices.

    Human beings will always respond to incentives, and right now the incentive is to buy housing and hold it because it will be worth more later. That’s a big problem.

    merridew ,

    Evidently AirBnB is not the only problem here, and building more residential homes is needed. But

    discouraging using housing as an “investment” which then discourages predatory housing practices

    is exactly what is happening here. If you can buy an empty property & rent it out to tourists for a chunk of money – with better returns than you can get on the stock market – people with capital will cheerfully do that. Except now with these rules there’s little point in them trying that in NYC.

    Renters are free to continue to use AirBnB to continue to pay their rent (bans on subletting notwithstanding) as long as they’re still living in it at the time.

    Long term capital considerations re. investment in real estate are a separate issue. Historically, housing has not performed like this.

    SCB ,

    Renters are free to continue using AirBnB

    Not if they need to pass inspection as hotels in NYC they aren’t. Renters already AirBnBing to make ends meet don’t have the money for fire doors, etc.

    merridew ,

    “Not having enough money to make what you are renting out safe for occupancy” is not an acceptable defence to renting out something that is unsafe for occupancy.

    Fire doors will shortly be compulsory in all AirBnB properties in the UK.…/holiday-let-owners-airbnb-measu…

    Approximately 18,000 Airbnbs in the UK do not have smoke detectors and nearly 65,000 have no carbon monoxide alarms, according to figures from analysts AirDNA.

    Shocking. Safety regulations are written in blood.

    SCB ,

    We will absolutely see evictions over this and I’m very interested in watching this site lose their shit over and eviction increase in NYC in a few months

    WetBeardHairs ,

    New York isn’t like other places - it is quite literally out of available land to build residential structures. NIMBYism may have an affect, but the overwhelming restriction in preventing new construction is that you’d have to raze structures to do so.

    SCB ,

    Yes and that’s not doable with current zoning restrictions.…/nyc-housing-is-expensive

    merridew ,

    Someone who owns a piece of land should be freely allowed to construct any residential structure they want, so long as the building is safe.

    A bold opinion that seems to have been quite conclusively rejected in cities across the world.

    SCB ,

    Yes, hence the insane shortage in housing.

    merridew ,

    I tell a lie. There is, in fact, an excellent case study for what happens without zoning laws. Houston.

    Let’s take a look at that:

    Houston Derided as the Worst City in America in New…/houston-worst-city-in-america-…

    Houston among U.S. cities with worst air pollution, study finds, with minority areas hit the…/cities-with-worst-air-qual…

    Stats Reveal Truth About Houston’s Housing…

    Houston’s Affordable Housing Problem Is Going To…

    Houston, San Antonio and Dallas among cities with the most housing…

    Houston 1 of 4 cities with worst housing…

    SCB , (edited )

    First 2 are aesthetic complaining or lack of density related. Third contains this gem that supports my entire stance:

    For better or worse, Houston housing providers have to follow regulations for how they can use their funding and who gets access to resources. Aside from small tweaks in HUD’s language, these regulations have remained largely the same over the past decade. While other U.S. cities, under the same funding restrictions, implemented a patchwork approach and fell victim to poor planning or scant resources, Houston wagered that centralized decision-making could speed up the process.

    6th link confirms it. Edit: 6th not 5th because 5th is broken and also proof you didn’t actually read any of these. You just googled for headlines that sound bad.

    archiotterpup ,

    This is less accurate as most recent residences built in NYC are “luxury” and not affordable.

    SCB ,

    That’s irrelevant because net increases to supply still move toward closing the supply/demand gap, and people further down the chain just move into vacated homes as people move into the new ones.

    archiotterpup ,

    Yeah, that’s not happening. Those prices also go up. That’s because the invisible hand isn’t invisible. It’s greedy landlords jacking up rents.

    Your theory is cute but it doesn’t match reality.

    SCB ,

    It’s not happening because demand still outstrips supply by a huge amount. What is happening when building occurs is a mitigation of cost increases, but the production is not not enough to lower costs .

    The thing about supply and demand is that it exists even if you don’t like it.

    archomrade ,

    demand still outstrips supply by a huge amount.

    Because owners aren’t selling their property, and why would they when they can keep it and rent it out either monthly or daily on ABNB?

    merridew ,

    Zoning laws exist for a reason.

    SCB ,

    Yes and that reason was originally safety, and now is “protecting my investments” at the cost of not having enough housing.

    merridew ,

    How is a law ending the stealth conversion of residentially zoned areas into commercial a net negative for housing?

    SCB ,

    Apartments are not commercially zoned, and neither are AirBnBs.

    Both should be added to mixed zoning. That would be dope. Stores on the bottom, or alternating floors, with very dense buildings above current height restrictions, is basically the ideal solution.

    merridew ,

    Apartments are residentially zoned. Hotels are commercially zoned (for good reason).

    Turning residential homes into unregulated mini-hotels at scale depletes housing stock, and is a nuisance to residents.

    This law effectively blocks residential homes from continuing to be used as hotel businesses operating out of residentially zoned areas, allowing residential units to once again be used as housing, and removing the nuisance to residents.

    Please explain why you see this as a NIMBY net negative for housing.

    SCB ,

    Mixed use zoning is absolutely the way forward everywhere, but most especially for already-dense cities like NYC. “Nuisance to residents” is always, and will always, be a terrible reason to do anything. A nuisance isn’t a health concern, but a preference. Their preferences are irrelevant when the market is on fire.

    There are 40k AirBnBs in NYC, and a housing shortage of literally millions of units.…/new-yorks-housing-shortage-pushes….

    This is not a big enough number to actually dent the housing shortage, and a not-insignificant number of these people are doing part-time rentals to make ends meet, which means they’re gonna get evicted. Meanwhile, the landlords people are bemoaning will simply rent their properties at the AirBnB rate to not lose income since the net housing has not meaningfully shifted.

    Blooper ,

    I agree with your sentiments about multi-use, multi-story buildings. I am, however, a bit baffled as you how you seem to have confused New York fucking City with the suburbs. NYC is the most dense city in the US. In fact, a quick wiki search has the NYC metro area occupying the top 12 spots for density.

    SCB ,

    It’s the most dense city and yet it is not dense enough

    archomrade ,

    I’d say NIMBYism is second to investment buyers and rent seekers.

    uniqueid198x ,

    Scooby doo mask reveal. They are the same thing!

    wahming ,

    While you’re not wrong about that sentiment, it’s misplaced in this context. Partyers and holidayers make for awful neighbours.

    SCB ,

    So fuck people trying to pay rent because you don’t like people on vacation.

    How exactly is that defensible?

    wahming ,

    If you have a property permanently on Airbnb, you’re not ‘trying to pay rent’, what is that nonsense?

    SCB ,

    This doesn’t just effect permanent airbnbs

    wahming ,

    If you’re renting a place, and subletting your guest room on Airbnb… This doesn’t stop you, they specifically made this the default case. If for some reason you’ve got a 5 bedroom place or something, maybe consider finding some long term housemates, then. It’s not like there’s a shortage of renters.

    archiotterpup ,

    Nah man, fuck people driving up my rent for hosting vacationers. I reported an AirBnB to the city last year and now we have actual tenants.

    uniqueid198x ,

    airbnb has a lot of hate from a lot of directions in NYC. Hotels, yes, but also from renters and homeowners.

    Airbnb units remove long term rentals from the market, in a city which is desparately short on affordable, middle, and even luxury housing units.

    Airbnb units in condos and coops (which usually violata the bylaws) create noise and safety conditions.

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