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sexy_peach ,

So what is your plan instead?

Michal ,

Interrupting motorsports may give then more sympathy.

kibiz0r ,

They tried that. Reddit’s unanimous opinion was that they should’ve been run over.

woelkchen , avatar

Interrupting motorsports may give then more sympathy.

Like when they glued themselves on a race track of Formula E electric racing because promoting emission free propulsion is apparently bad as well.

Michal ,

Haha, haven’t heart about that. Sounds ridiculous!

woelkchen , avatar

Not only is it ridiculous to protest the promotion of emission-free propulsion, it’s also accepting that their own people could be killed and bystanders traumatized for life.

But hey, those three or so people got their 30 seconds in the spotlight:

steakmeout ,

Cool. Now tell us all that Greta predicted the end of the world and yet we’re all still here.

woelkchen , avatar

I don’t care about that nuclear power apologist.

CmdrShepard ,

Emission free, eh? How was the electricity generated?

Aceticon ,

It really depends on the energy generation mix on the country were they’re racing.

Electricity generation is however emitting less and less (as renewables become an ever larger fraction of it) which makes electric cars directly have less emissions all the while requiring no vehicle changes whatsoever, something not all possible with non-electric means of motorised transportation since the “generate the energy” directly in the vehicle so you need to upgrade the vehicle to improve the energy generation.

So yeah, that stuff is promoting emission free propulsion (already so today in some countries, certainly tomorrow in all), something which cannot be said of the other options.

It’s pretty stupid to go after the “not yet perfectly ecological” alternative when there are a ton of “outright anti-Ecological and will never be any better” ones to go after.

lemann ,

Why… just why?

fuser , avatar
Skyrocket0006 ,

This is mildly infuriating but ruining the climate is very infuriating. So I understand the protesting and I hope we’re gonna see a good second half of the race.

supercheesecake , avatar

When you’ve done everything that’s reasonable, and no one in power listens, so have to become unreasonable. And people say, why can’t you just be reasonable?! 😕

woelkchen , avatar

When you’ve done everything that’s reasonable, and no one in power listens, so have to become unreasonable.

Get elected and become a person in power then.

notacat ,

Because the corporations you are protesting are the ones who fund the campaigns necessary to get elected.

woelkchen , avatar

Make enemies with everyone and make sure nobody outside the fossil fuel industry will want to fund your campaign either.

gmtom ,

Holy shit, why didnt we think of this before!!!11!!

Hey! Everyone @woelkchen just solved climate change!!!

woelkchen , avatar

Holy shit, why didnt we think of this before!!!11!!

Those glue fumes are bad for your brain.

Hey! Everyone @woelkchen just solved climate change!!!

That’s indeed a much better way to actually change anything than to glue yourself onto a bicycle track and make up stories about turning away trans viewers.

gmtom ,

Yeah no shit sherlock, and it would be better still to not even get in power, but instead just wave your arms and magic away all the excess co2 in the atmosphere.

woelkchen , avatar

just wave your arms and magic away all the excess co2 in the atmosphere.

Carbon capture is an actual thing, not magic and Shell is working on that, including two projects in Scotland:…/carbon-capture-and-storage.html

BTW: The world’s biggest CO2 emitter is China with a third of all emissions.

gmtom ,

Okay, I refuse to believe anyone is actually this stupid, so I’m just going to disengage.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

Where did you get that it is environmental protestors?

JohnOliver ,
Ashiette ,

Cycling races are very polluting. Not because of the bikes but because of everything besides the bikes (cars, motocycles, cameras, plastic goodies, …)

hglman ,

Maybe bc cycling fans will listen

dcat ,

all this does is to make sure to alienate the cyclists who would actually listen.

hglman ,

Mother fucker we all about to die from climate change and you worried about how it might make people feel bad.

Thundernerd ,

I find this so silly. I feel that all this does is make people mad instead of getting them aware and informed on what they’re protesting about.

pooperNickel ,

So you’re advocating for people being so selfish that the death of a livable environment is secondary to being fully comfortable today?

Thundernerd ,

Yes that is exactly what I’m saying. Not.

I want it to be brought to people’s attention, I want countries to take action. All I hear around me is that people who do this are seen as loonies, as idiots who don’t have anything better to do, which paints a bad picture for the cause they’re trying to bring attention to.

pooperNickel ,

Oil companies love that you think any noticeable protest is crazy.

Thundernerd ,

Stop alienating people. You’re most definitely not helping the cause either.

I also never said I think it is crazy. I find the way they’re going about it strange, sure, but if I have to choose between nothing happening or this then I’ll choose for this.

pooperNickel ,

“I think this is so silly” isn’t alienating? Ok.

Thundernerd ,

I indeed did not think that that is alienating. It might be because English is not my native tongue but thought the word silly didn’t have any negative connotations. If that is the case then my apologies for that. Do you have any suggestions which word I should’ve used? I could’ve gone for ‘strange’ or ‘weird’, but those are negative to me in this context.

I do wonder why you’re coming up against me with such a negative attitude. The way you’re writing your comments are full of blame already, even though you don’t know my stance. Just because I think the way protests like these go about it isn’t the best doesn’t mean I am the devil and I support oil companies and whatnot, that’s such a leap to make.

Especially your comment “Oil companies love that you think any noticeable protest is crazy.” is funny to me, because from my perspective YOUR comments are what oil companies love, you make me not want to associate with this subject at all.

Michal ,

Cycling is environmentally friendly, but let’s not equate world championship to cycling as transport. The event itself must have a lot carbon footprint. Still, weird choice of event to protest, but I can see them doing what they can to get the publicity they need.

woelkchen , avatar

The event itself must have a lot carbon footprint.

Same is true for almost every form of entertainment but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the truly big polluters.

nal ,

Sources of entertainment have - by definition - more viewers and attention than Exxon’s office building.

woelkchen , avatar

Sources of entertainment have - by definition - more viewers and attention than Exxon’s office building.

I always find it odd when people claim that something is by definition. Whose definition?

Anyway, this event is promoting cycling and disrupting a cycling event does nothing to help further promoting any form of cycling.

Freeman ,

I think its because of this:

I guess big oil has nothing against cycling, as long as its the sport and not the mode of transport…

zer0 ,

What’s mildly infuriating is that you are complaining about these protesters without providing any details on the protest.

JohnOliver ,

No worries dude! I got you. Google to the rescue…/elite-mens-road-race-halted-by-…

zer0 ,…/1688142514421661696#m

“Rebecca, 28, “as a trans woman I’ve been told I’m not welcome on the cycling track by UCI, at the same time they allow a petrochemical company to field a team showing they have no real care for people. I take to the track to point out this hypocrisy and stand for a better future””

Damage ,

Shell produces, among other things, resins used so much in modern bicycles’ carbon fiber

DarkThoughts ,

Can't recycle them either. You could potentially downcycle carbon fibers but I'm pretty sure in most places they'll just end up in the incinerator, or somewhere in nature.

dot20 ,


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  • DarkThoughts ,

    Wow. You completely missed the point of my comment. Congrats for this achievement. I'm speaking out in favor of steel and aluminium frames and you come up with fucking gasoline. Wow. Just wow.

    dot20 ,


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  • DarkThoughts ,

    No one talked about cars but you, you dingus.

    Drunemeton , avatar

    JFC lady pick a point to be outraged about and stick to it!

    fubbernuckin ,

    She did. She’s just protesting alongside others who are protesting for different reasons.

    Erk ,

    How frustrating, it’s far easier to dismiss them when they’re a faceless homogeneous mass.

    Falmarri , avatar

    I kind of agree with you. Those points are so completely unrelated, it just makes the cause look stupid. Even if you agree with both causes.

    grue ,

    What’s mildly infuriating…

    No it’s not!

    “White moderate” pearl-clutching is much more than “mildly” infuriating.

    ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

    And this makes us talk about the fact that cycling is one of the most environmentally friendly alternatives to fuel driven personal transportation.

    forpeterssake ,

    Yeah, there's a big difference between pro cycling and biking to get around. The pro peloton isn't remotely sustainable—lots of international travel, transfers of team cars, team buses, helicopters, signal relay planes, etc. I suppose no pro sport is green. But biking for transport is one of the most efficient and sustainable.

    ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

    Of course. All in saying is that it makes us talk about how cycling is a good alternative to motor transport. Doing the pro peloton to work isn’t an option.

    kent_eh ,

    Yeah, there’s a big difference between pro cycling and biking to get around.

    Of course, but there’s also a big difference between a cycling race and a car race.

    Neither are vital transportation, but one is a helluva lot more polluting for entertainment than the other.

    grue ,

    I suppose no pro sport is green.

    SailGP claims to be trying, although I have… questions… about how they get both their boats and personnel from event location to event location, as well as the use of combustion-powered support boats during races. (Frankly, I won’t really believe they’re green until they’ve built a sailing cargo ship to schlep those racing catamarans around.)

    Son_of_dad ,

    Try cycling where I live and you’ll hate the idea of cycling in a week

    lazyplayboy ,


    CurlyMoustache , avatar

    They live on the international space station

    nicman24 ,

    Death roads most likely

    Aceticon ,

    I’ve commuted regularly by bicycle for almost 2 decades in 3 other countries, but were I am now - Portugal - I won’t because drivers are stupidly dangerous (some of the worst in Europe judging by accident statistics), though unlike almost all of my countrymen here I refuse to buy a car and walk, use public transportation or at worst rent one when needed.

    The infrastructure isn’t even worse than in Britain (were I did regularly cycle to and from work): it’s just that when there are no segregated cycling lanes the quality of everybody else with you on the road makes a huge difference when you’re the narrow crosssection (so harder to spot for drivers who just quickly peek on the mirrors and easy to fit on their blindspot) squishy, i’ll protected and low-acceleration road user.

    ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

    That’s not a problem with cycling. That is a problem with city planning.

    Cethin ,

    Which isn’t a excuse not to improve it.

    electrogamerman ,

    Seems the protest was effective then

    ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar
    dimspace , avatar

    Cycling might be.

    Cycling the sport isn’t. The sheer volume of support cars, media cars, motorbikes at every race is utter insanity.

    That’s before we get into the sponsorship from oil and chemical companies, and at least two sportwashing teams

    grue ,


    For the folks too lazy to look it up:

    Sportswashing is a term used to describe the practice of individuals, groups, corporations, or governments using sports to improve reputations tarnished by wrongdoing. A form of propaganda, sportswashing can be accomplished through hosting sporting events, purchasing, or sponsoring sporting teams, or participating in a sport.

    YaksDC ,

    If you actually would like to read about it:…/protesters-halt-mens-road-race-2023…

    martyc3 ,

    British Cycling is sponsored by oil company Shell according to the article.

    Rooki , avatar

    The protestors too. So? XD

    CouldntCareBear ,

    Do you mind? I’m trying to be righteously infuriated over here.

    Erk ,

    It’s amazing how “righteous fury” people seem to get over folks protesting sporting events because the fucking planet is on fire.

    “Oh but couldn’t they be more calm and quiet about it, I want to watch the race!”

    Empricorn ,

    I’m sure they had many sponsors? Admittedly, I’ve done zero research…

    woelkchen , avatar

    I’m sure they had many sponsors?

    Visit and scroll to the bottom. Neither Shell nor Ineos are on the list of sponsors.

    Admittedly, I’ve done zero research…

    Seems the protestors didn’t either.

    Oddbin ,

    “One of the riders in the lead group was Britain’s Owain Doull. British Cycling is sponsored by oil company Shell.”…/protesters-halt-mens-road-race-2023…

    woelkchen , avatar

    British Cycling is sponsored by oil company Shell.”

    Visit and scroll to the bottom. Neither Shell nor Ineos are on the list of sponsors, only lotteries.

    On Twitter the group claims that Ineos is fielding a team, now British Cycling is allegedly sponsored by Shell and yet visiting any of the official web sites does not list any of those sponsors. Must be very shy sponsors.

    Oddbin ,

    Dunno what to tell you bud. Reuters, BBC etc all report it so either they’re all lying or they see it where we don’t.

    Greengreengreens , is the first one listed on this page.

    idunnololz , avatar
    woelkchen , avatar

    Huh, so indeed one of those shy sponsors that don’t appear on the main page in the footer.

    So reading through that, the Shell sponsorship is about bike chain lubricants and electric charging. Yes, very evil things.

    Spimble ,

    Is shell paying you to run defence? I don’t get it. Shell=bad and you should google it if you don’t know why

    Aux ,

    Shell is good and you’re a lunatic.

    arefx ,

    Y’all remember that post the other day about leaving all the idiots behind on reddit… About that…

    CmdrShepard ,

    With participants who likely flew themselves their bikes in from all around the world for a pointless competition. I wouldn’t compare an international bike race to a person who rides their bike to work to help the environment.

    Aux ,

    Sporting events are the best way to reach hundreds of millions of people to deliver the message. Athlete flights are a tiny price to pay for it. And protesters literally fucked it up. Because they are dumbfuck attention whores and nothing else.

    Aurix ,

    Tour de France sends the message performance is everything, and if you don’t perform, destroy your body with drugs. It is inherently toxic.

    traveler01 ,

    It’s almost like they are trying people to hate on them so oil companies can get their way.

    Don’t support these protesters.

    DarkThoughts ,

    No. That's what people like you do who don't even understand the context of the protest.

    Edit: And OP, who's likely doing this intentionally to spread his agenda.

    AA5B ,

    Yep, OP’s agenda is succeeding: there was no message getting across, no support gained, and I’m purposely avoiding finding out what their organization is so I don’t have to avoid donating/helping

    pooperNickel ,

    Yeah why don’t they know their place, where no one will notice them???

    CmdrShepard ,

    Yeah don’t they know about the free speech circle that exists on the other side of town underneath the freeway overpass next to the river? That’s where protests belong!

    MajorSauce ,

    Noted! I will go burn a few tires to teach them.

    Cethin ,

    It’s almost like the media is trying to make people hate them so oil companies can get their way.

    Don’t support these companies.

    What’s the “acceptable” form of protest in your opinion? Literally anything they do gets an article about how wrong it is, because they are trying to upset those with power.

    traveler01 ,

    Tell me how these protests are upsetting people with power.

    woelkchen , avatar

    Tell me how these protests are upsetting people with power.

    They downvoted you because they have no answer to your question.

    gmtom ,

    People in power want people to be apathetic and uneducated. Any protest that reminds people how fucked we are, and that there is this massive looming problem that the people in power are doing nothing about upsets the people with power.

    traveler01 ,

    Any protest that reminds people how fucked we are, and that there is this massive looming problem that the people in power are doing nothing about upsets the people with power.

    Again, how this protest reminds the people in power?

    gmtom ,

    any protest that reminds people

    The people in power want the general population to be apathetic and forget how fucked we are. So any protest that reminds them of the problem hurts the agenda of the people in power.

    traveler01 ,

    The people in power want the general population to be apathetic and forget how fucked we are. So any protest that reminds them of the problem hurts the agenda of the people in power.

    How warning the general population will bother the people in power?

    If you want to bother them you should go to them, not some random bikers.

    gmtom ,

    Are you even reading the comments I’m posting?

    traveler01 ,

    I am, don’t see any valid reason.

    AA5B ,

    An acceptable form of protests not only gets the message across but wins people over to your side. Meanwhile you seem to be claiming that any publicity is good publicity, as if anyone is unaware of your message, and don’t care that you’re alienating the people who could be helping you

    CmdrShepard ,

    How do you protest something without inconveniencing anyone in the process?

    CmdrShepard , (edited )

    Yep. Years back the Occupy Wallstreet protests were really gaining traction until corporate media decided to go to the camps and find the most insane examples of people to interview to represent the protest as a whole. The whole thing crumbled shortly after and Wall Street is still ruining running our lives to this day.

    tegs_terry ,

    That’s not the point though is it, smartass?

    intensely_human ,

    The men’s road race wasn’t temporarily interrupted. When a race is interrupted, it’s done for good because you lose all the positions and momentum.

    cosmicrookie OP , avatar

    You’re not watching the race are you…

    intensely_human ,

    Nope. But I don’t need to in order to know that races that get interrupted can’t be started again and still be valid.

    cosmicrookie OP , avatar

    Well it did even after a 45 minute break.

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