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insomniac_lemon , avatar

Lots of stuff is just... tedious, if not also unforgiving.

That is on top of anhedonia and lack of money (though I pretty much exclusively play free games now, as I regret most purchases anyway).

Vupperware , avatar

Thank you for the new word!

drekly ,

Surely free to play games are the worst games, they literally have to monetise the gameplay. That’s meant to be the part where you have fun.

insomniac_lemon , (edited ) avatar

I said free, fullstop. Meaning gratis. No microtransactions or even ads (if I can help it... kinda hard to find on Android, though I can ignore mobile/just use fdroid), so that's not the issue either. Also I typically don't play multiplayer games.

I often skip over of anything that calls itself a demo or shouts "Check out my new Steam game/crowdf-" etc before I know much else about it.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Or you guys can just admit you’re growing up.

Tedrow , avatar

I thought his, but it seems that I’m just not playing the right games. Couldn’t get into anything. Randomly started playing Cassette Beasts because it looked cute. Devoured it and it’s one of my favorite games now.

I think it’s a combination of tastes changing as you get older and a lot of games being shit.

gizmonicus ,

A lot of games have always been shit, that’s not new. It’s easy to look back at the games of old with nostalgia and think “wow, games were better back then”, but really you just don’t remember the mountains of trash games that came out.

Also, you have to reckon with the fact that you may still want to play the same types of titles, but you don’t have the time anymore to dedicate to actually enjoying it. So you have to adapt your game choices. For example, I really love turn based strategy games like Civ, but I’ve bought a few recently that I haven’t played for more than 10 minutes. I realized that I just can’t spend the hours it would take to learn the strategies and controls like I used to when I was a kid.

This is why I keep turning to old games like Alpha Centauri or the original Fallout games: I already know the rules, I know what to do, and I can just jump right in for an hour and not have to spend the first 55 minutes figuring out how that shit works.

jroid8 OP ,

Yeah growing up from playing bad games to watching bad TV shows. It’s evolving, just backwards. (The type of media you entertain yourself with has nothing to do with age)

Roundcat , avatar

Well then they wouldn't be here would they.

Rooty ,

Everybody plays video games now. I saw a 70+ old lady playing a Peppa Pig themed platformer on a tablet in public. “Video games are for kids” was a boomer take 30 years ago, and now it doesn’t even make sense.

Guntrigger ,

I don’t think you can call yourself grown up because you chose a couple of shitty games and threw your hands up to proclaim ALL GAMING IS DEAD

Laticauda ,

I’m grown up and games have been consistently stellar my whole life, including now. I just happen to be good at choosing games I know I’ll like 🤷

AceFuzzLord ,

I’m glad due to lack of money and just change in my tastes in games/content in general has lead me to enjoy some pretty great indie titles that are at least not getting constant updates that try to fix millions of bugs.

pivot_root ,

Meanwhile: Baldur’s Gate 3

henfredemars ,

I’m enjoying this game so much that I keep getting distracted with other things going on in the world to the point where the main story is taking all of eternity.

moog ,

not me 60 hours into the first act

Viking_Hippie ,

I too am absolutely not guilty of this 🤥

jroid8 OP ,

I don’t understand how there are so many youtube videos talking about how “gaming is dead” when we had so many big hits like this just this year alone

pivot_root , (edited )

Anyone saying gaming is dead either doesn’t play indie games, Baldur’s Gate, or doesn’t consider Nintendo to be “gaming.” In either case, it’s their loss. I’ve played so many amazing games this year.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

Maybe we just want good fps games

raltoid ,

So say fps gaming is dead, don’t try to claim all gaming is dead.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

I mean fair but at the same time if I only played fps games then that’s all gaming is to me.

So saying “gaming is dead” would apply since those are the only games I play.

This is a hypothetical btw I play more than fps and agree some companies are still producing quality content but you also can’t deny that most companies have definitely lowered their quality.

Viking_Hippie ,

Newsflash: your experience is not universal. Just because you exclusively like one genre doesn’t make it accurate to say that that genre is gaming itself.

I didn’t say that the Premier League was dead during the first third or fourth of last season just because my favourite team played like crap and frequently got unlucky in the few games they didn’t. Because that would have been equally ridiculous.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

I know…I said that already…

Viking_Hippie ,

You actually didn’t. You clarified that you yourself play more than one genre without backing down from your claim that a hypothetical someone only playing fps would be justified in saying that gaming is dead just because their own favorite genre is.

Philolurker ,

Depends on what you’re looking for in FPS games, but Battlebit Remastered is a good time.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

It definitely seems like it but it’s not available on Xbox

WarmSoda ,

And we all know if One game in One genre isn’t on One console then gaming as a whole, the entire industry and hobby, is dead.

RIP in pieces Gaming.

WarmSoda ,


Philolurker ,

Hammerwatch II and Sea of Stars just in the past few weeks. En Garde not far off. The hardest part of gaming is finding the time.

TrixieOfTheTrade ,

I think people who claim “gaming is dead” are just burnt out of games. Doing anything for long enough requires you to take a new perspective eventually, otherwise it feels so samey.

Whenever someone talks about how “games aren’t fun anymore” and such I always think they either need to take a break and do something else or completely change the way they look at/play games, maybe with a different genre, franchise, era, challenge runs such as speedruns or fan mods, and so on.

Blackmist ,

I find open world games quite tiring in general, but unfortunately a lot of my favourite games are also open world.

I tend to split them up with other games. Like I finished Death Stranding, then played Death’s Door before moving onto Horizon Forbidden West. Like little palate cleansers between main courses.

I think the pacing is the main issue. With open world it’s easy to get stuck in a loop of clearing pointless icons or side quests off a map, figuring you’ll have to do them eventually anyway, but before you get access to a better toolkit of fun, or get invested in a story. Should I do those tasks now with a handful of bland abilities, or later with better toys (but now it’s too easy because it was designed for beginners)?

The agony of choice.

Nalivai ,

Complaining about shit on youtube brings clicks. It’s harder to make “hey, here’s a good game” video that will bring you attention, but shitting on stuff works every time.

DrQuint ,

I think it’s because there’s another brand of mfers out there that see good games and go “it’s not for me, therefore nothing is”.

Yes, you dislike Tears of the Kingdom and Baldur’s Gate, hypothetical chucklefuck, here’s your award. Can you tell us what you DO like besides that instead? I finished (eh) Noita and Sonic Roboblast 2 last week, and have started Triangle Strategy and Prey. All good shit. Good games exist in everywhere.

Jaarsh119 ,

“Finished” Noita? Or “FINISHED, FINISHED” Noita? 😬

BigBananaDealer , avatar

negativity = business. its why so many people seem to suddenly hate bethesda

ILikeBoobies ,

It’s AA not AAA so it still fits the meme

Rooty ,

The message should really be "stop buying unfinished AAA games

AdamBomb ,

Nah, the time spent playing a bad game you pirated will be just as boring as it would be if paid for.

Nalivai ,

Well, if the game is shit, there is no point in spending time on it, even if you acquired it by means other than buying. I mean, your time is the most important commodity.

DjMeas , (edited )

I’m turning 40 this year and what’s been refreshing after not gaming for the last 5 years or so has been playing older games from the 2000s that I’ve missed. Great prices on these older titles and I’ve been having a blast playing them.

cRazi_man ,

Similar situation here and I recommend playing roguelites (Hades, Vampire Survivors, FTL, Slay the Spire, etc). There’s an appreciable power curve in each play through sitting. Each experience and play through is self contained and satisfying. There’s good use of time rather than lots of “dead” time or loading/matchmaking time.

daellat ,

Stalker gamma really sucked me in earlier this year, greatly recommend it despite its steep learning curve.

wallmenis ,

Or y’know… Play old games…

craftyindividual ,

Rumour has it they’re quite cheap too ;)

NuPNuA ,

Has this even been a problem for a few years? The only real guilty parties I can think of recently was Battlefield 2048 and that came out in 21.

drekly , (edited )

Stop playing repetitive, competitive, multiplayer games. Especially the battle royale style ones.

Oh you just played another 20 minute match where you died to someone out of nowhere at the end, possibly a cheater, shouted bullshit at the screen, didn’t win and didn’t achieve anything? Better re queue to do it again! Hey while you’re in the menus, do you want a new £15 skin? Do you want the battlepass QUICK BEFORE ITS GONE! THE SKINS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY IF THE CONSTANT LOSSES DONT. I wonder why you’re bored and depressed with gaming.

The most popular steam games? Constant repetitive, competitive, multiplayer games. “I do the same thing with the same guns on the same map every day and I’m bored. Gaming is boring.”

riodoro1 ,

But if I get good at cs:go my parents will finally accept me.

balderdash9 ,

cyka blyat

wisplike_sustainer , (edited )

competitive, multiplayer games. “I do the same thing with the same guns on the same map every day and I’m bored. Gaming is boring.”

Sounds a lot like football, except for the guns. Opposing team has new skins for every game, but the game loop is exactly same for every game, all the game. And the map, oh gods, the map! Notice the singular? Yeah, there’s actually just one map. Some background textures change, but functionally it’s always the same green rectangle with some lines drawn over.

drekly ,

And I find football boring as fuck and repetitive too, so I might be missing your point

wisplike_sustainer ,

My point, if I had one, would be that “boring, repetitive multiplayer games” are so much fun, for so many, that calling people to stop playing them is an exercise in futility.

That said, I find them un-fun, too. Mostly because I constantly get my ass kicked, but also because I enjoy slower, 4x and plot driven games more. To each their own.

deft ,

tbh I’d rather play a game like this where every round is a new experience or a different strategy than play a half baked “RPG” that holds no roleplay, no stakes, no difficulties or no strategies.

Fiivemacs ,

Pretty sure the roleplay is what you make it and they provide the environment for you to do it in. But I can understand how it’s not for everyone.

deft ,

I just feel there is a lack of impactful decision making. The Witcher did this pretty well and I just want more of it

Amir , avatar

Baldurs Gate ;)

Nelots ,

I mean that’s more of an issue with the horrific monetization of those games, their abuse of FOMO, and shit matchmaking (and/or the player’s shit skill). There’s nothing wrong with the genre itself, some people just genuinely enjoy it. There’s a reason it’s popular.

captain_aggravated , avatar

See I tend to gravitate toward creative games. Minecraft is a little too open for me, but something like Satisfactory where “Here’s a few square miles. Build a factory in it.” can keep me going for months.

ShittyRedditWasBetter ,

Blah blah blah AAA aren’t the problem.

You are getting old, tired, and have more important shit to do.

dudinax ,

N-n-n-o! Getting bored of a hobby that’s a pure waste of time is a crisis!

gizmonicus ,

It’s not a waste of time if you enjoy it.

dudinax ,

You never enjoy wasting time?

gizmonicus ,

If I’m having fun escaping the stressors of living life as an adult with two young kids, it serves a purpose, and therefore it by definition isn’t a waste of my time. Just because someone thinks something is a waste of time, doesn’t mean it objectively is a waste of time.

dudinax ,

Flip that around. Just because you like to waste time and even feel like you need to waste time, doesn’t objectively mean you’re not wasting time.

Even if people objectively need to waste time, it doesn’t matter how they waste it. The average time-waster such as gaming barely serves any purpose in itself. Someone becoming disillusioned with games isn’t a problem, it’s an opportunity for them to do something better.

gizmonicus ,

When I was responding to you yesterday, I was trying to come up with an example of something we do that would be objectively a waste of time, but it was hard to think of something that almost everyone would agree 1) consumed your time, 2) you would do voluntarily, and 3) provided absolutely no benefit to you or anyone else.

Thankfully you replied and I have a perfect example: this conversation.

ScrivenerX ,

AAA games are part of the problem.

When I have a chance to play a game, I’d like to play a game. Not have 2-4 hours of tutorials, 30 minutes of a cool story and then 5-30 hours of pointless side quests.

ShittyRedditWasBetter ,

Blah blah blah blah this game doesn’t suit my taste so the hobby is dead and going to collapse at any second.

ScrivenerX ,

I didn’t say that at all.

I think there is a problem with over-tutorializing in AAA games. I don’t think they are going away, or the hobby will collapse. I just think of the opening experience of Elden Ring versus Jedi Survivor. One puts you in the action and has a 30 minute optional tutorial dungeon, the other has tutorials pop up four hours in the game.

I don’t play for long stretches, maybe two hours at a time. It’s not satisfying for me to play a game three or four times and still be in tutorials. For me AAA games are the absolute worst at this.

Matriks404 ,

I had finished Heretic on modern source port lately, and I had a blast, so no, gaming is definitely not dead, lol.

WereCat ,

Stop BUYING unfinished AAA alfa asset abandonware

10_0 ,


Comment105 ,

I enjoyed Far Cry 3 recently on my PS3.

Then I got Far Cry 4 on my PC and it’s kinda fucking awful.

Gaffe ,

FC4 was a stinker. FC5 is the best in the franchise, though

Comment105 ,

What? Is FC5 good?

Gaffe ,

IMHO yes. It is among my favorite games of all time.

The plot is of course nonsense (all far cry plots are garbage), but the core gameplay loop is tight, the shooting feels good and there’s a diverse arsenal, you get a large selection of colorful sidekicks and animal companions, the most annoying mechanics of earlier titles in the franchise were fixed or removed in 5, and the entire campaign can be played coop after you escape from tutorial Island.

It doesn’t take itself too seriously but it’s also a internally consistent rural Montana simulator. Stealth mechanics feel great (subjective ofc) but more aggressive strategies work well too. The base game has plenty of content and goes on sale frequently.

It was everything I loved about FC3 but more of it and bigger and polished to a radiant shine, with a kitschy rural US setting.

Comment105 ,

I got a few of the older FC games when they were like 5 bucks each, launched FC5 yesterday and the first part felt sort of like a return to form.

Gaffe ,

I hope I didn’t over hype it lol glhf

Blackmist ,

I kind of like the candles rant, but it’s otherwise pretty forgettable. Even 3 is only really famous for the first half of it with Vargas slowly losing his mind.

I always play them in three stages.

  1. Sneak around with a bow and a knife.
  2. Sneak around with what can be best described as a howitzer with a silencer.
  3. Get bored and clear every remaining base with a ludicrously overpowered pile of solid gold machine guns.
ILikeBoobies ,

People thought the same going from 2 to 3

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