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Addfwyn , in Reddit refugees complaining that there's too much NSFW content and communism in their Lemmy feeds

People on thinking we just really enjoy Mali.

It’s actually been super refreshing to, generally, be able to say I am a Marxist-Leninist and not immediately get downvoted into oblivion. There are still some of the kneejerk reactions to the CPC, but even then people seem more willing to engage on good-faith even with disagreements.

Rinox ,

be able to say I am a Marxist-Leninist


I think those two things are not the same and quite incompatible. Modern China is a capitalist hellscape, certainly not the communist utopia Marx had in mind. They have one of the highest levels of wealth disparity in the world and the highest number of billionaires, even more than the US.

I fully believe that Marx would be horrified if he saw modern China.

EchoCT ,

Theres is a lot of nuance to that argument. Even Marx agreed that a capital stage is a necessary step on the way to communism. That’s the whole dialect part of dialect materialism. Each step of the ladder has to be walked through and past as it becomes obsolete.

Rinox ,

I think he meant that it was necessary when going from a capitalist society to a communist society. China went from a rural society to a communist society to a capitalist society.

To be honest, nothing against that, it’s obvious to me that communism as applied by the USSR or Mao or the Kims does not really work and the people really suffered for that, but if you do believe in the communist tenants, then China and Russia are as far away from that as you can possibly get.

orwellianlocksmith , in Since we’re posting cat memes

Meat eaters all have the same 3 jokes and they’re all retarded. Embrace the possibility of not having a permanently soft dick and start eating plants.

Kolanaki , avatar

Embrace the possibility of not having a permanently soft dick and start eating plants.

I exclusively eat meat and I suffer from priapism. So ha! 😤

TimeSquirrel , in My Lemmy Experience Thus Far avatar

That's disgusting! Can you tell me where you saw it so that I can make sure I won't be going there? /s

BeigeAgenda , avatar

If you allow nsfw it just shows up in your all feed, after looking at a few I just unchecked nsfw, thanks but no thanks furries.

yote_zip , avatar

If you want NSFW on /c/all it shouldn’t take too long to block each community instead - I’ve done that to most of lemmynsfw and haven’t seen anything in a while. Scrolling /c/all in peace is really only an option because Lemmy is so new - if you browse /c/all in a year from now you’re gonna get a lot of stuff you don’t want.

rare_polyhedron , in I have a theory that the more lore a franchise has, the more of an autistic fanbase it has. I made a graphic about it.

Star Wars has too much broad appeal to be that high on the autism list

blaine ,

I don't know how anyone can say that Star Wars has more lore than Star Trek. They both have about the same number of movies and books, but Star Trek has hundreds more episodes of TV to expand the lore even further.

Foresight , in I can’t think of a a good title so why not just write a long sentence instead

It’s almost like both sides are stupid and wrong and just wants to shout at each other without giving any solutions. Both sides just want to be right while society suffers because both sides won’t just shut the actual fuck up. Sick of feminist ideology, sick of aggressive males. Why won’t you all just shut the fuck up with your bullshit. Especially fuck your egos with your identity politics shite whether your a white nationalist tard or a blue haired woke tard.

Riderzz ,

100% agree. Modern day society tells Men to actively express their emotions and feelings without actually providing good, logical advice that helps improves Mens lives and get them out of their depressive states.

Instead of teaching Men to observe and regulate their emotions to become better and find purpose. Now society is encouraging to trap them in an emotional cycle where we need to be dependent on people.

And still society wonders why so many Men are radicalised by gurus like Tate, which is also no good as it comes with mysoginistic opinions and same old conservative beliefs, how Women should be treated.

However, whether people like Tate or not. He definetly has impacted Men and lit a fire underneath. Maybe improved individual lives. After all, Tate saw a weakness in society (Men depression and suicide) and took advantage of it for his own personal gains.

What society needs now is actual Male Role Models. This is where ancient greek philosophy Stoism can be one of the useful solutions to this issue, which should be taught in education systems.

Foresight ,

I don’t like the social engineering trying to tell men what to do, how to think and how to behave.

Ghostc1212 ,

If men have no positive role models and no framework through which to interact with their emotions and their place in the world, they will find horrible role models like Andrew Tate and come up with crude and self-serving frameworks through which to view the world. Since people find religion cringe for some reason nowadays, personal philosophy and virtue ethics are now our only good option.

Foresight ,

How about stop trying to dictate who’s role model people follow! How about let people live their lives? If people find help and value to become better then so be it. Who are you to say he is a bad role model? Because he says things you don’t like or behaves in a way you don’t find appealing.

Ghostc1212 ,

Who are you to say he is a bad role model?

Andrew Tate’s entire schtick is being a misogynistic chimpanzee wearing the skin of a man and bragging about how wealthy and sexually successful he is. Anybody who believes this manchild to be a good role model ought to be treated as a laughingstock, much like the man himself. Andrew Tate and people like him capturing the minds of the youth, or young people living a meaningless and depressive existence with no role models or aspirations at all, has direct negative effects on society, and therefore me as well. Therefore, I will continue to tell people to stop following shitty role models like him and to get good ones, because I wanna live in a society where people actually have standards for how they conduct themselves, instead of a society dominated by people like Andrew Tate.

Foresight ,

So bad because he wrong thinked? Tate bad because he said a word? Please if he helps young men go to the gym and improve mental health then what’s the problem but it also highlights a gaping hole in society that hasn’t been addressed and neglected by this Western woke ideology, largely the needs of males have been neglected, shunned and ignored.

Ghostc1212 ,

Because he’s a degenerate scam artist who influences young men to do things which are harmful for society. Society needs standards.

Please if he helps young men go to the gym and improve mental health then what’s the problem

That’s not what Andrew Tate did. Andrew Tate tells men that they are worthless unless they’re wealthy, strong, and promiscuous like him, and then extracts money from them so they can attend his “hustle university” and learn surface-level Investipedia knowledge from a moderator on the Andrew Tate discord server.

People like this should absolutely be ostracized. Being mistreated by society does not give any of us an excuse to be fucking stupid.

Foresight ,

I mean who would of thought that feminists blocking and banning any criticism on social media and then blasting social media with kill all men, men ain’t shit etc over and over again such a positive impact on society like the climbing suicide rate! Well done, you’ve alienated at least 50% of the population.

Ghostc1212 ,

I don’t give a shit, Andrew Tate is not how you solve this issue.

Wxnzxn , in sharing avatar

I know, I know, it is just a silly meme, but still, Marx spent an immense amount of time and thought to explain that equality is not only not the goal of communism, but impossible in principle.

It’s about coordinating our socially necessary labour and recourses rationally - in a way, that each person can have the maximum possible amount of freedom, time and resources to develop their own humanity. Basically, using the immense production potential capitalism created in a way that time and energy used up in labour is reduced, overproduction and waste is avoided and the division that came with class society (where slaves are needed for one class to have leisure and time to develop their thoughts) is overcome.

Just some nitpick, basically, communism is already about sharing with filters, equality does not really exist.

roux , avatar

So I get to keep my toothbrush??? 👀👀👀👀

Wxnzxn , avatar

Only if I can use it, too, not because of communism but just because

onlooker , in Crab :-) avatar

I can only hope that this is trollbait. No sane parent would purposely ruin their children’s body (yes, it can be removed, but to do so you have to do a whole thing). On another note: what the heck’s wrong with having Zelda tattoos? I’ve seen the triforce tattoo on more than a few people. It looks cool.

yata ,

Of course it is trollbait. There is no part of the tattooing process where this would have gone unnoticed by the recipient.

Jubalong , in European Heatwave 2023

Welcome to middle Norway where we have autumn all year round. It’s now rain and 17 degrees Celsius.

Openmindedskeptic , in This meme is good. Is not it?

That’s because people got their words all mixed up. Back in the day, “is not it” would absolutely be the normal way to phrase “isn’t it.”

It sounds weird today of course.

idiomaddict ,

I know this is a really old post, but “is it not” is also the formulation in other Germanic languages, so we can assume that it was the same formulation in old Germanic.

ViciousTurducken , in Y'all got some more... illusions?

Anyone know where I can find hi res version of the pyramid image?

Morphior ,
ViciousTurducken ,

forgot to reply but thanks for finding this!

Morphior ,

No problem, I just used a reverse image searcher and combed through the results iteratively until I was satisfied there wasn’t a higher-res version somewhere.

queermunist , in How about my social credit now avatar

I’ll preface this with saying I understand China probably lied about its numbers. There’s no way the zero COVID policy actually resulted in zero COVID.

According to that article, COVID may have resulted in a million deaths in China above the long-term trend line in the last 3 years. This is known as the excess mortality rate, which we can directly compare to other countries even if China lied about COVID mortality (and hey, maybe they did - it would be in their own interests so it’s plausible)

According to this article, since the pandemic began the US’s excess deaths have also sparked sharply even as the COVID mortality rate falls in official government data (sound familiar?) FTA: Since the pandemic began, excess deaths are up by more than 1.25 million in the U.S., about 15% higher than in the pre-pandemic years. That’s worse even when you don’t take populations into account!

Now we can do excess deaths per capita to compare these two policies:

  • China’s population is notoriously huge, with currently 1.412 billion people living in China. 1 million excess deaths among 1.412 billion people gives us an excess death rate of ~0.07%
  • America is a much smaller country, with 331.9 million people. 1.25 million excess deaths among 331.9 million gives us an excess death rate of ~0.38%

That means America’s policies were 5x worse on a per capita basis. The zero COVID policy wasn’t perfect, but it was a hell of a lot better than the Let 'er Rip! policy of the rest of the West.

If China had responded as badly as the US and had an excess death rate of ~0.38% then over 5 million people would have died. Zero COVID saved so many lives that Chinese life expectancy actually rose above American life expectancy!

America is the worst of its cohorts, but the rest of the West failed too!

  • France had 151,000 excess deaths. At that rate China would have lost over 3 million
  • Germany had 254,000 excess deaths . At that rate China would have lost over 4 million
  • Britain had 237,000 excess deaths. At that rate China would have lost just under 5 million.

In fairness, China only barely outcompeted South Korea at 42,000 excess deaths - at that rate China would have lost 1.14 million instead of a measly 1 million. That’s still 140,000 lives that were saved because of zero COVID that would have died with the extremely effective South Korean policies.

In conclusion, China is a positive force in the world and I know which side I’m on in the next Cold War.

Pick a side liberals. 😘

asteriskeverything ,

Is this a joke??? You are aware that the death toll in China vs other states is not the sole or even biggest reason their government is criticized right? And that for the first, most critical year of the pandemic, America had a president that liberals hated and was HEAVILY criticized. Especially how he handled COVID at literally every step of the way and anyone else who agreed with it. Because you know, it lead to so many deaths.

Ugh can’t we go back to the old school edgelords who think they are vampires and wanna drink blood instead of making excuses for fascist governments and movements?

queermunist , avatar

Biden’s policies were just as bad! The majority of the deaths occurred after Trump left office!

asteriskeverything ,

What policies specifically did biden implement that caused public health saftey? And keep in mind ALL of 2019 trump spent it downplaying the virus in every way conceivable and that other republican lead states and citizens listened to and adopted this. If the start runner does a terrible job it really doesn’t matter how well the next person does, they have hurdles no one else has to jump over. Including people believing that the virus is a hoax, masks don’t work, vaccines are dangerous, and even more. That’s an uphill battle. Context matters. And like China literally boarded up or even welding peoples homes shut without consent to keep them from breaking quarantine.

So yeah I get a little fucking pissed off when some comfortable westerner tries to play devils advocate that an authoritarian state that impacts people I love is some sort of intellectual thought experiment of how could it be better than the very bad USA (which also sucks but for completely different reasons!!!) I noticed you completely skipped over someone else’s point that we are free to speak out in America and not really face any consequences but nitpicking some other quotes.

Fuck this shit. I’m seeing so much more pro CCP shit on Lemmy and it is squicking me out. I’m not making this comment to convince you because you have made up your mind and have your own motives for sharing. Here is my movitve for repsoding… anyone reading this don’t believe what this person is saying without some critical thought. All the major governments suck right now to some degree. Be wary of anyone telling you that a government that has historically been horrible TO ITS OWN PEOPLE is for some arbitrary reason better than the west (and oh my gosh did everyone collectively forget HK protests and the human rights violations that happend there ?!!)

Lexam , in I can’t think of a a good title so why not just write a long sentence instead

I would love to create a community on here for men’s mental health and (actual) issues, but I’m afraid it would get invaded by the toxic masculinity crap.

plumbercraic , avatar

Isn’t this exactly part of the problem? Men have been gaslit into “being a man” on one side, while also being taught to fear “toxic masculinity” if they try to discuss their problems in group/digital settings. It seems no matter how such a community behaves there will always people that push both of these narratives. But they’re not part of the solution, so I’m not sure I’m gonna take them seriously.

Lexam ,

Guys being gas lit into “Being man” is the toxic masculinity I am talking about.

NotYourSocialWorker ,

“I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad…”, what actually does people think toxic masculinity is? The one you’re replying to seems to have been tricked into believing that feminists think that all masculine traits are bad. They are actually listening to the enemy of their own self best interests.

I think there might be some overlap causing confusion. Being protective and problem solving are not inherently bad, but combine it with stuff like dominating, controling and not listening to others, and it can be very harmful. So a person might believe that they are just being protective but since they didn’t listen to the other person their actions turns to controling instead.

tox_solid , in Mondays avatar

I’m sorry, Jon.

Fredselfish , avatar

Reminds me of Garfield without Garfield. If you read that comic you realize Jon just crazy the whole time.

railsdev , in And then comes the wonderful realm of the BSDs and the OpenSolaris derivatives

I don’t understand why Apple gets so much shit.

Sorry I want a well-managed UNIX system with a nice GUI while not coding? I don’t want to deal with configuration hell, malware and viruses or all the other trash Windows brings with it.

I’m a programmer and I adore being able to use most UNIX and Linux software. As a regular user (not programming) I don’t need to babysit my OS and I get all the magic with interoperability between all my devices.

As for privacy I get all that on macOS with mobile profiles, VPN’s, ad blocking, etc.

avidamoeba , avatar

I wish macOS was a well managed Unix system.

magmaus3 , in Trying to make new memes like avatar

You mean fake transparency, right?

Angry_Maple OP , avatar

I didn’t make this, I’m not sure who the OC creator is. I think the joke is that the “png” is actually a jpeg

Thanks, I’ll add that it’s not OC, almost forgot

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