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secret300 ,

I’d fedora starts to use it then yeah I’ll use it but I’ll just make an alias cause muscle memory

gari_9812 ,

As the old adage goes: “All roads lead to /root”

mexicancartel ,

su is the best. I mean, i should be using the admin (root) password for admin things, not the user password of user who is already logged in. And there needs to be a root service already running to make user have root previlages which is dumb imo. Sudo vulnerability could cause previlage escalation but if there is no root process managing this, then it can’t leak the root access. Only kernel security issue(or other root processes) will leak root access if that was the case, which i think is better.

steeznson ,

Completely agree with this take. There are dozens of us!

Cryxtalix ,

The permission to do admin things is given by the root user, to your account. So you have to verify your identity by entering your password.

Isn’t that how it is? I though that was analogous to how almost everything worked IRL. Whether withdrawing funds from a bank or engaging government services, you prove your identity as a customer/citizen to get the relevant services. At no point do you login to bank or government computers with full privileges.

mexicancartel ,

If you own your own bank, then i think you login as the one with full previlages. Yes when doing administrator things, you have to use sudo. The problem with root with sudo is, you authenticate as a user, then gain full permission from root, i.e analogous to login in to bank with full previlages.

As a person who need to run sudo command its better to just verify yourself as root user to gain “full access”. I’m not saying about partial previlages. That is i just need a script which is just su -c with environment variables being copied

theshatterstone54 ,

I see where you’re coming from, but in enterprise environments, you have admin accounts and root login is disabled for security purposes.

mexicancartel ,

Sure. Sudo is a super useful tool in such places. The problem I have is that it is stuffed into the desktop

AndrewZabar ,

I’m surprised they would implement having just run0 effectively log you in as root. For the super security conscious constrictions of the command versus sudo, it would seem that the very notion of elevating your privilege beyond the single command to be carried out, would be anathema to the whole goal of this new command. Evidently not, but it’s surprising to me.

Vilian ,

you can run a command using run0 it’s only elevating that commads, sometimes it’s needed to login as root, it’s life

laughterlaughter ,

I’m trying to understand what you just wrote. Did you miss a period somewhere?

LeFantome ,

They did not miss anything. They just used commas where periods should be.

You can run a command using run0. It’s only elevating that command. Sometimes it’s needed to login as root. It’s life.

The way it is written, semi-colons may be more appropriate but that would be a lot of them.

laughterlaughter ,

You actually pointed out that they did, indeed, do miss a period (the one after “run0.”)

you can run a command using run0 it’s only elevating that commads,

steeznson ,

I’m going to continue to keep avoiding Poettering software for as long as he continues to act like a jackass. Even his commit messages are dripping with condescension.

shapis , avatar

Funny. I didn’t know a single thing about the person. But that commit message made me like him more.

Ofc assuming he was just making a light-hearted joke in it.

steeznson ,

Users were complaining that their terminal transparency was being broken by the nspawn container and that the colour for other applications like tmux were being affected by it. For example tmux was appearing in the same navy blue in the terminal emulator instead of its usual green.

Idk he’s just a hot take merchant basically. He has a particular hate-boner for distros that don’t use systemd as the default init system like void and gentoo (usually these are troll tweets as opposed to commit messages though).

Vilian ,

Idk he’s just a hot take merchant basically. He has a particular hate-boner for distros that don’t use systemd as the default init system like void and gentoo (usually these are troll tweets as opposed to commit messages though).

shut up, wtf that has todo with the commit, people who don’t use systemd it’s not going to complain about the color of something that they don’t use

steeznson ,

shut up lol didn’t realise Poettering had a lemmy account

isVeryLoud ,

What an odd and disjointed comment

Vilian ,

exactly lol

laughterlaughter ,

You’ll have to give another example in order to support your point. Because that commit was funny!

onlooker , avatar

I don’t know, we’ll just have to see. But personally, I am not a fan of tying so many functionalities to systemd.

electricprism ,

Sometimes I really hate the utility names people come up with.

I would love to see chatgpt rename all the core utils in a way that summarizes their function.

toastal ,

The name does do what it says & in just 4 char

sping ,

I feel like this is well named (run as user 0) so then I’m wondering what else you dislike and what you think would be improvements?

electricprism ,

My complaint was mostly targeting the big picture of everything living in /bin/

I inferred the ‘user 0’ thing to their credit like you, it just still felt really strange as numerals are kind of a no no when programming – you can’t begin variable and other names with them and I guess having them as a suffix feels strange too as it’s not common practice.

It will definitely be the only utility I recall that uses a numeral.

To me the whole numeral systems are archaic, User ID numbers don’t line up when transferring data from hard drives from another machine eg 1000-1005.

The numeral permission system is archaic and requires explicit knowledge to know the difference between a 7 6 and 4. In GUI Immutability is separate when it should be more integrated as a file control. The octal permissions are from another decade and modern platforms have permissions on whether a executible can access the internet, access input devices like camera or microphone, or sensitive data like contacts, pictures, etc…

I think file tagging should be greatly expanded, IDv3 meta data for example was a workaround for the limitations and the core filesystem should have robust enough tagging to make it unnecessary.

I’ll be controversial now – eliminate the . prefix to hide files. Yes I know it had been this way for decades and was grandfathered in as a feature after a bug, that should have been in the filesystem properties like chattr +I and you shouldn’t need .hidden indexes to hide files just like windows and osx litters zip files with MDF or inf or whatever (memory is fuzzy from non use).

Some people say “4 character” limit, that needs to go too – FHS naming structure is confusing and not self evident what it does to people trying to learn who already have IT training. /etc/ having 2 or more bins /bin vs /usr/bin – ‘what does usr mean the new it ponders’ ‘oh it must mean ‘user’ I guess’. – weird stuff like that.

To systemd credit they have no problem being controversial and relentlessly persuing their vision in a practical way, hell I use their stuff hapilly.

I just feel like the run0 thing is a band aid on bigger problems, and AI critique would be very fascinating to make these human interfaces you know… more for us humans :P

If not systemd, maybe the rust people or someone else will be baller enough to try to tackle these funny ackward quirks that have accumulated over the years and straighten it all out.

LemoineFairclough , (edited )

It will definitely be the only utility I recall that uses a numeral.

Utility names should include lowercase letters (the lower character classification) and digits only from the portable character set.

Note that many versions of macOS adhere to these standards:…/brand3700.htm…/brand3705.htm

I know it had been this way for decades and was grandfathered in as a feature

If people were more resistant to “grandfathered” features I think we would not have as much software as we do today:

provide about 50%–80% of what you want from an operating system

one expects that if the 50% functionality Unix and C support is satisfactory, they will start to appear everywhere.

Unix and C are the ultimate computer viruses.

users have already been conditioned to accept worse than the right thing.

It’s probably possible to make several programs with “50% functionality” in the time it takes to make one program with 100% functionality. Having more programs that are suitable for a majority of relevant applications is probably better than having one program that is suitable for all relevant applications, since having more programs will probably enable a larger variety of problems to be solved, and people often have to solve many different types of problems in their life.

what does usr mean…/ch04.html

Some operating systems may handle long path or file names in a surprising way, so having short paths and names is useful:…/V1_chap04.html#ta…

If any pathname component is longer than {NAME_MAX}, the implementation shall consider this an error.

if the combined length exceeds {PATH_MAX}, and the implementation considers this to be an error, pathname resolution shall fail

{NAME_MAX} and {PATH_MAX} are described in more detail at…/limits.h.html#tag… and used in the context of…/pathchk.html


The resources I linked are descriptive and not prescriptive, but in my experience they are suitable to depend upon as a reliable baseline, which makes meeting client requirements with software engineering easier.

ikidd , avatar

The one that really annoys me is using “-r” and “-R” interchangeably for recursion. Why that has stood is beyond me.

pankkake , avatar

Probably: “oh we already have a -r for xxx, let’s do recursion with -R

qaz ,

But it literally is a summary.

It run’s an executable as the user with id 0 (root) and it’s called run0.

Titou , avatar

I’ll stick with doas

null ,


PoorPocketsMcNewHold ,

Speaking of doas, is there any advantage of using it when… sudo is still available to be used? I agree that most of the stuff we require to use doesn’t need all the options sudo as, but if it is for the sake of security, maintenance, and stability… is there any reason to use doas ON TOP of the already setup sudo or su? In the past, I even tried to just apply a simple alias to replace sudo with doas, but numerous scripts and programs when trying to request explicit super-user permissions, just didn’t know what to do with doas as expected, so this ain’t it.

Titou , avatar

I agree that most of the stuff we require to use doesn’t need all the options sudo as

Main reason of using doas

but numerous scripts and programs when trying to request explicit super-user permissions, just didn’t know what to do with doas as expected

I’ve only found one software like that and it’s tipi, and it’s kinda dumb for a software to require such a easily replacable software. Also how openbsd users are supposed to do ? Having both doas and sudo on their machine which is unnecessary bloat ?

PoorPocketsMcNewHold ,

Sure do confirm that hard-coded sudo requirements are kinda dumb. But this proove systemd point. BSD mainly use doas. Linux mainly use sudo. Why not have an universal method for true cross-platform compatibility ? (Yes, I know plenty prefer or explicitly are against the usage of systemd suite of software, was pointing out systemd main reason of planning to propose an another standard, regardless if it will be popular or not)

Samueru ,

Speaking of doas, is there any advantage of using it when… sudo is still available to be used?

I like that its configuration file is very very simple.

PoorPocketsMcNewHold ,

When was the last time you had to edit sudo configuration file ? Same goes for doas. It’s has nothing going for, for the majority of desktop Linux users (from what I got as an answer)

Samueru ,

A month ago or so to be able to use zramen without root password.

ada , avatar

At the moment, fish doesn’t know what to do with run0. When that changes, I’ll start using it :)

Kusimulkku ,

Prompting for every single command seems like it’d suck

wer2 ,

Also, you can configure sudo to prompt every time if you really want.

I was on a system that was configured that way for “security”, so I would just ‘sudo bash’ which is obviously much safer /s.

madmaurice , avatar

My system is configured that way (by me) and I regularly use sudo -s.

I just want to see if there’s a root shell and not rely on some hidden timeout 🙄

wer2 ,

The beauty of Linux at home, you get to choose what works best for you.

TMP_NKcYUEoM7kXg4qYe ,

Yeah I mean at that point it’s redundant because you might as well type su -c “some command here”. On the other hand having such alias does no harm if you’re already using systemd.

ryannathans ,

Systemd, not linux

Cysioland , avatar

systemd/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, systemd plus Linux

kixik ,

Fortunately there’s still Artix GNU+Linux :)

Cysioland , avatar

They’ve outarched the Arch

msage ,

Laughs in Gentoo

fern ,

That’s SystemD+Linux to you!

SaltySalamander ,


corsicanguppy ,

You say that, but, lennart’s Cancer is everywhere.

Vilian ,

ok them go suffer alone in your 2004 distro that can’t update bash because it break the 400 scripts that it use to boot lmao

KingThrillgore , avatar

Is it going to eventually add kernel functionality and become GNU/run0 like systemd? If not i’ll keep using sudo on Ubuntu and doas everywhere else.

exu ,

I might try run0 for fun, but I don’t think it’ll replace sudo any time soon.
The biggest issue I see is run0 purposely not copying any environment variables except for TERM.
You’d have to specify which editor to use, the current directory, stuff like PATH and HOME every time you run a command.

velox_vulnus ,

Wouldn’t it be better to just use containers then? Nix and Guix has the exact thing - you get to control what variables you want to pass in.

exu ,

You can’t really install packages or modify configs on the host without root. Containers can only do some parts.

kbal , avatar

I'm not a fan of the idea at all, but come on, it can't really be that bad. There's got to be somewhere you can tell it what environment variables to use. Probably something like run0 systemd-edit /usr/system/systemd/systemrun/run0-environment --system-default=system

Penguincoder ,

it can’t really be that bad.

LoL; you say that… But

Vilian ,

run0 uses systemd-run i don’t remember you can use that directly

ryannathans ,

Su - then

Bookmeat ,

Alias it to pull those in automatically?

exu ,

Maybe, but now I still need to remember the alias or distribute it to any machine I’m working on.
Not that difficult if you have everything managed with Ansible or similar anyways, but lots of people likely don’t have that setup.

kenkenken , avatar

I will use it. I don’t care what others think. People can use su, sudo, doas, run0 by their choice, and I don’t see why we need a common opinion about it.

circuitfarmer , avatar

This. One thing Linux is about is personal freedom.

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