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Hillock , to worldnews in Ukraine and the West are facing a devastating defeat

I think that article is mostly clickbait. So much speculation going on and the comparison to Afghanistan is such a stretch. There is no sign of war exhaustion in the west. People might lose interest in following the conflict because it slowed down but Russia is such a big enemy in the minds of people that sending more equipment can go on for decades before voices grow to stop it.

And the fear that any peace that Putin can celebrate as a victory would only be a temporary peace is still very imbedded into the mind of many Europeans.

Chup ,

The title is total clickbait but the article is more thinking of theoretical options of events to come. E.g. how the end(s) of the war could look like.

Petr Pavel, Czech president & former general, already stated that at the end of the year, the window of opportunity might be closed for Ukraine and Ukraine should try to gain as much ground as possible before the winter. Not because of the weather, but because of elections coming in Russia, the USA and Ukraine in 2024.…/ukraine-has-window-of-opportunity-…

Not even talking about the possible election outcomes and possible consequences for the war, already the election campaigns with their goals, promises, propaganda and unique selling points might have influence on the events and further planning. Just imagine Trump (or successor) starting a new mesh of lies and getting supported by Putin, which will get soaked up by their followers and complicate support by the USA - the largest military supporter of Ukraine so far.

APassenger ,

Trump can fuck off to jail. I’d like to see him tried for treason.

DeSantis has shown he’s a non-starter.

At this point they’re hoping for a dark horse pro-retreat candidate.

atlasraven31 ,

The best case scenario for Putin would put him in an inevitable and unwinnable war with NATO.

GiuseppeAndTheYeti , to worldnews in Ukraine and the West are facing a devastating defeat

This article has no other reasoning for negotiated concessions becoming the more likely outcome other than, “winter is coming”. This is just a doom reader fluff piece.

Ukraine is losing less men in their counter offensive than when they were defending the front, are receiving more weaponry and ammunition than ever before, and have been training on western military hardware for months that is soon to hit the battlefield. Sure the winter is going to slow Ukrainian advance, but this isn’t the 1940’s. Artillery, air support, and mortars can all reach further than ever before with near pinpoint accuracy.

Phantom_Engineer , avatar

Telegraph does like their doom reader fluff pieces.

Can_you_change_your_username ,

Also Russia has no experience advantage in dealing with their winter vs. Ukraine. Russian winter was an issue for France and Germany in large part because they didn't understand what they were dealing with. It's Ukraine's home turf. They know what winter means for them and are prepared for it.

freagle , to worldnews in Ukraine and the West are facing a devastating defeat

I love how it ends with a discussion of how evil emperor Xi will be gloating in his crystal palace as he plots his imperialist take over of the indo-pacfic…

The same Indo-Pacific that actual imperialists, like the UK, France, US, Holland, Portugal, Spain, and yes, even Japan, actually took over, dominated, colonized, genocided, war crimed, and broke. The same region that is still trying to recover from the long military occupations and the continuous imperialism of the North Atlantic that still to this day makes it nearly impossible for its inhabitants to govern themselves, develop their nations, and reestablish their cultures after suffering massive and extended disruption.

But, it’s Xi that’s the imperialist for daring to say the US and other North Atlantians shouldn’t be occupying, infiltrating, extracting, and spoiling the region, that war ships constantly patrolling the Indo-Pacific isn’t merely inappropriate but actually must stop for the region to be able to develop itself independently.

ninjan ,

I’m with you until that last sentence. Letting China dominate the region for untold years is not a solution. I’m not saying the US or the “North Atlantians” are angles, no one is. But I strongly believe the correct choice of action is always going to be to maintain peace if at all possible. And currently it is by deterring China from taking Taiwan and growing their sphere of influence in violent ways.

freagle ,

LOL. Maintaining peace? Like the East Turkistan project of training terrorists? Like collective punishment through sanctions? Like organizing coups, funding violent right-wing movements, assassinating political leaders? These are literally things the US has done in just the last 5 years.

The North Atlantians are literally global belligerents. They have been for 500 years, non stop. They have killed hundreds of millions of people to fuel and maintain their expansion and dominance.

The world needs to contain the North Atlantic and stop their reign of terror. Not the other way around.

ninjan ,

Not arguing against that. But guaranteeing the freedom of Taiwan is a good thing. And for that to be effective/credible you must have a military presence. Very little is black and white.

freagle ,

No, guaranteeing the freedom of Taiwan is not a good thing. You clearly have no idea of the history and politics at work.

Imagine the Confederacy, supported by France and England, managed to flee to Galveston Island off the coast of Texas. Imagine there were still Native American tribes there. Imagine the Confederates, mostly of Scottish, English, and French origin, killed most of the native people living on the island and set about building a Confederate society there that they could use to eventually attack the Union again. Imagine the Union wants to go after and get final surrender from the Confederacy, but the English and the French being their war boats in to intervene, negotiate with the Confederacy, arm them, offer them protection, and then spend decades building them up as a legitimate alternative to the Union, building their economy, arming and training them, and propagandizing them and the whole world.

That’s Taiwan. Will get incorporated into mainland China. It has to. It’s a security threat otherwise, because it’s only reason for existence as a separate entity is literally for war. And the existential belligerent enemies of China are using Taiwan to advance their belligerence. Worse, the belligerent North Atlantians are willing to send every person on Taiwan into a meat grinder if it means weakening China and advancing North Atlantic goals.

Your position is built entirely on propaganda, false beliefs, and ignorance.


This is a lot of words and still you completely botch the analogy. Instead, you might suppose that the Confederacy had prevailed in their rebellion and that the democratically elected President Lincoln and the remaining Northern army had fled.

In reality, the government of Taiwan is the real “China”. Mainland Taiwan is populated by angry traitors.

Your position is built entirely on propaganda, false beliefs, and ignorance.

😂🤣😂 Classic. I’d link you to the Wikipedia article for your own education, but I’m sure that’s blocked for you.

freagle ,

Holy shit you’re full of propaganda. Dude, I am a white settler colonist born and raised in America. Read some fucking Chinese history. The Kuomintang lost the civil war. It doesn’t matter who you agree with or who you think the traitors are. The civil war was fought and won. And if you want to figure out “who the baddies were” just look at who the Europeans supported. Because the Europeans clearly demonstrated over 200 years that their interests are diametrically opposed to the Chinese people.

Who did the Europeans support?


Just because you say it louder and more desperately doesn’t make it true 😂🤣🤣.

The civil war was fought and won.

I’m glad you feel that way. Because, by your own rule of might Taiwan is an independent country since mainland Taiwan can’t take the island. It’s been 75 years. The war is over. Get over it. You lost. Taiwans sovereignty has been decided and must be protected.

Anyway, best of luck in your future astroturfing endeavors. Maybe try and do better than impotent threats and accusations.

freagle ,


ksynwa , avatar

In reality, the government of Taiwan is the real “China”. Mainland Taiwan is populated by angry traitors.

On what basis are you claiming this?

atlasraven31 , (edited ) to worldnews in Ukraine and the West are facing a devastating defeat

Last I read, Ukraine was switching to new and better weapons and Russia was resorting to older tanks and pensioners. I’ve never heard of anyone winning a war with last centuries’ weapons.

Varyk , (edited ) to worldnews in Ukraine and the West are facing a devastating defeat

Pppffff in what world is resisting an invasion by a much larger country with a larger military for over a year, a defeat? Even if Ukraine settles, they won this war.

linkhidalgogato , to worldnews in Ukraine and the West are facing a devastating defeat

damn lots of libs here on some serious copium

tallwookie , to worldnews in Ukraine and the West are facing a devastating defeat avatar

the ukrainian war is as much a war for freedom from russian influence (for ukraine) as it is a proxy war against russia (for america/the west).

Veraticus , to worldnews in University professor ‘told to inflate grades of hispanic and black students’ avatar
magnor , avatar

This. Let’s not bandy propaganda as news.

Vendetta9076 , avatar

Yeah people see their favourite colour and suddenly pretend no news can be biased.

kabe , avatar

This article itself is pretty factual, to be fair. All the quotes are taken verbatim from the lawsuit, which you can read here:…/Zach-De-Piero-Complaint.pdf

That doesn’t mean that De Peiro’s claims are true, of course, but the Telegraph does appear to have reported them accurately.

magnor , avatar

The fact that they chose to report those claims in itself is part of their bias. Those kind of stories will always pop up if you give certain people platforms. Factual journalism would have required investigating the credibility of the claims before broadcasting them to the world.

kabe , avatar

No, it wouldn’t. Journalists report on the content of upcoming lawsuits all the time. It’s up for the law courts to decided the validity of legal claims being made, not the media.

magnor , avatar

There are millions lawsuits in the US being filed every year. A certain number are absolute nonsense. Filing a lawsuit does not mean jack in and of itself and as such should not be reported on unless elements of credibility can at the very least be ascertained.

The courts will decide based on their own data and laws, but that does not mean journalists should not verify if the information they are broadcasting has at the very least a shred of credibility. Else you are just picking and choosing propaganda to broadcast.

Veraticus , (edited ) avatar

Why do you believe it’s factual simply from reading the complaint? The Daily Telegraph does no follow-ups, interviews, or fact-checking (what we in the business might call “journalism”). It simply reports on the complaint and cowardly allows you to draw your own conclusions.

So we must ask: why did a right-wing propaganda outlet report this so uncritically? They have a well-established lack of interest in journalism. So what purpose was served by publishing this article and in this way?

This is why I posted it’s a bad source, and this is the problem with bad sources. Even the “factual” articles they publish are purposefully misleading at best… and total misrepresentations at worst.

kabe , avatar

It’s factual because it accurately reported the claims made in the lawsuit. Journalists do this all the time.

Obviously the Telegraph chose to publish this story because it appeals to the political leanings of their readership, but virtually all newspapers do that to a certain degree.

It seems you have fallen into the trap of automatically dismissing the source/article as “propaganda” because its political viewpoint differs from your own.

Veraticus , avatar

Journalists do this all the time.

No, bad sources do this all the time. Actual journalists from good sources do things like:

  • Interview people!
  • Check sources and their reputability!
  • Discover facts!

Has any of that been done here? Why do you suppose not?

Obviously the Telegraph chose to publish this story because it appeals to the political leanings of their readership, but virtually all newspapers do that to a certain degree.

Because some sources are biased, we must accept a source as massively and obviously biased as the Daily Telegraph? Take your flimsy equivocation fallacies elsewhere. We can draw a line, and that line should certainly exclude places as bad as the Daily Telegraph.

It seems you have fallen into the trap of automatically dismissing the source/article as “propaganda” because its political viewpoint differs from your own.

No… I’m dismissing it because the Daily Telegraph is a bad source and it only publishes articles to serve its own purposes, which have nothing to do with truth or facts. Its political leanings are obviously horrible and idiotic but have nothing to do with the simple fact that they are a bad source.

kabe , avatar

If you think journalists routinely delve into extensive, detailed investigations based off a simple press release then I would say you’ve been watching too many movies.

I somehow doubt that you hold media sources that align with your own political persuasions to such exacting scrutiny.

Veraticus , avatar

Did I say anything about an extensive, detailed investigation? Does it appear they did literally any work, even up to and including picking up the nearest telephone and calling… well, basically anyone?

(Here’s a secret, me to you; I bet they did do that and they didn’t like what they uncovered. It’s okay though, they decided not to publish it.)

Not sure what sources I consume have anything to do with the quality of the Daily Telegraph. If I got my daily news from Sesame Street, would that suddenly make the Daily Telegraph an acceptable source?

Draces , to worldnews in University professor ‘told to inflate grades of hispanic and black students’

This is world news?

tallwookie OP , avatar

technically, all news is world news

Draces ,

But we don’t post everything to this community right?

taladar ,

Including space news?

takeda ,

Those go to universenews.

FaceDeer , avatar

Everything from here can also go there.

takeda ,

Yes, but the Earth news are so voluminous, that I no longer can find news about Omicron Persei 8, so please use worldnews. Thank you.

magnor , avatar

Nah it’s just bullshit propaganda from an extremist rag.

Gutotito , avatar

The Telegraph is probably one of the blandest news sources on the web. I've never once heard them described as "extreme," in any sense.

ivanafterall , avatar

Yes, you have.

stopthatgirl7 , to worldnews in University professor ‘told to inflate grades of hispanic and black students’ avatar

he alleges he was targeted by a bullying and harassment complaint and lower performance reviews.

…Yeah, dude seems sus. Sounds like he’s mad at the school because they cracked down on his own racism.

Veraticus , avatar

Right? Also this:

The filing claims he was told to attend “anti-racist workshops” and it was suggested he might have mental health issues.

Talk about burying the lede.

sic_semper_tyrannis , to worldnews in University professor ‘told to inflate grades of hispanic and black students’

That is quite patronizing towards those students. Basically saying that they aren’t as smart as white people. Oh how all this woke crap comes full circle

norapink , avatar

We don't even know if this claim is true.

darklypure , to worldnews in University professor ‘told to inflate grades of hispanic and black students’

Ah yes... The Telegraph. That well known bastion of right wing Bullshit

sparky , to worldnews in University professor ‘told to inflate grades of hispanic and black students’ avatar

I’m not sure I have an opinion on affirmative action generally, but it strikes me that it will be difficult if not impossible for the two camps to find middle ground on the issue - because ensuring equality of treatment and equity of outcomes are probably mutually exclusive.

Said differently, I can see how you can either truly treat everyone the same, or try to make sure everyone has equality of opportunity/outcome, and to be sure both are individually a reasonable goal on paper.

The problem is, they can’t both be true. Either everyone has the same treatment, which doesn’t solve the problem of some people starting the race far behind the starting line; or the system tries to compensate for disadvantages, which inherently means that not all participants are afforded the same treatment.

Hard to see how to resolve that deadlock.

TransplantedSconie , to worldnews in Ukraine: The Latest - Kyiv deploys cluster munitions "to great effect"

Big Bada-boom.

tallwookie , to worldnews in Ukraine: The Latest - Kyiv deploys cluster munitions "to great effect" avatar

I thought we were against cluster bombs? maybe only in southeast asia?

ReakDuck ,

For europe, yes, for America, Ukraine, Russia and more. Not at all.


But what was banned was the use of incendiary devices. Which russia used against a city with civilians.

tenochtitlan ,

I’ve searched through a few of the countries that didn’t sign the convention and they either manufacture or have bought large stocks of cluster bombs (India, Argentina, US, and Brazil). The trend seems self evident.

I still don’t get why we are trying to justify unloading our backlog of dangerous cluster bombs onto Ukraine soil. Blood is on the hands of the lobbyists that wanted to clear out the warehouses full of cluster bombs. We can make more munitions that we have been sending, which will be less of a hazard to Ukrainian farmers.

Zavala ,

Of the many reasons, one is that they are highly effective at killing entreched infantry, which is the majority of the entire frontline. Artillary rounds that explode on impact or fragment in the air are safer for whoever inherits the land, but it take many more times the amount of those rounds to accomplish the same saturation as cluster munitions. This is a sad fact.
You’re right though, if Russian farmers get the land they will be bothered by both sides cluster bomblets, probably killed. Ukrainian farmers might be happy to have the land at all.

tenochtitlan , (edited )

Ukrainian farmers will be happy to have land that will kill them? This self gas lighting is insane. How about taking off a billion off the lend lease debt everytime a Ukranian dies from unexploded cluster bombs then?

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