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0xb , to technology in Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla avatar

Less than one minute in reading and there’s already one big misrepresentation and one outright lie.

He tries to ‘clear’ the misconception that Mozilla develops software by showing the areas of focus of the foundation, making a point about how it should be software development and instead are some vague ideological goals.

But the foundation should be ideological. The browser is ideological and lots of the users use it because of ideology. There would be absolutely no issue with that even if the fact that is the corporation and not the foundation the one that focuses on software development weren’t true. Open the frontpage of any big open source project that works with a foundation (GNOME, Fedora, Linux) and you will see front and center the big focus on promotion of ideological values. And those are values focused on internet freedom, which are absolutely related to software.That’s what a foundation does. That’s the way things are. And yet open and the first thing you’ll see is the software it makes. So what’s really the accusation there?

Second point makes the previous accusation make even less sense. He proceeds to show financial balances about reduction in expenses that show that the biggest one is software development. So the reality shows that Mozilla is focused on software development. The accusation goes that precisely software development is the area with the biggest cuts. One could argue that doing more with less is a good thing, specially knowing how exactly the types like the author frequently use smaller projects like librefox or ungoogled chromium as an example of a smaller more focused project that firefox should be, but I won’t do that. Instead I will point out how his accusation of the biggest cuts to software development are and outright lie easily visible to anyone with eyes and basic arithmetic knowledge. While software development saw 41 million in cuts, administration and management costs went down almost 60 million. One would think that’s a good thing and exactly the kind of point he should be noticing given the accusation, but if the foundation is becoming leaner in the management side that would kind of render his whole text moot, so he ignores that.

I will keep reading and analyze each point on his own, but after this and knowing very well this kind of people I don’t think anyone could trust this analysis. I’m sure I’ll come across the author anonymously on 4chan attacking ‘pozzilla’ and their ‘trannyware’ (I’m sorry) or on twitter harassing women developers, and I’ll let him know my opinions.

some_guy , to technology in The Internet Archive's last-ditch effort to save itself

Contact your representatives if you have good ones that are useful and effective. For the rest of us, pour one out.

arisunz , to linux in The Linux Foundation has practically abandoned Linux avatar

Imagine taking anything Lunduke says seriously.

Dude’s not a clown, he’s the whole circus.

Aatube , avatar

I’m OOTL, who is Lunduke and why do they run a circus

tables ,

He was in the opensuse board of directors at some point I think. I knew him from his Youtube channel that talked about Linux and related topics, it was fairly popular in the Linux community for a while. I mostly watched it for Linux related news and technical opinions. A bit after he left that position, he started occasionally mentioning how now that he wasn't representing opensuse anymore he could finally "speak freely". That's when the channel started taking a weird turn.

At first he started going on weird political tangents while doing the whole "I don't talk about politics" thing. Some videos started popping up where he would attack some person or organization for what seemed to be mostly political reasons, but under the guise of his reasoning being purely technical.

Eventually, he just started sounding like someone who fell into a conspiracy rabbit hole, or some weird far right cult. I stopped watching then, most of his videos by then had little technical interest anymore and they sounded more like someone who was losing their mind. I don't know if it's a mental issue or something, but his whole persona shifted dramatically into something... weird. I haven't kept up in the mean time, though.

arisunz , avatar

To add some extra context to the other comment, the guy is a raging bigot.

There’s a well known post of his where he repeatedly and intentionally deadnames and misgenders Danielle Fore from elementaryOS, just from the top of my head.

zquestz OP ,

Imagine thinking that someone posting an article agrees with it, rather than thinking it is worth talking about…

arisunz , avatar

my brother in christ, who told you my comment was directed at you personally

wait, actually? even if it was, imagine thinking anything that comes from Bryan “Nerds Are The Real Oppressed Class, Actually” Lunduke is worth talking about, lmao

Certainity45 , (edited )

I don’t follow him but in this particular blog post he’s 100% right. Why Linux Foundation funds the Metaverse at all?

arisunz , avatar

that’s the thing though. on top of being a scumbag he’s really good at editorializing the garbage he writes.

maybe try reading the actual report for yourself and see if you get to the same conclusions on your own?

mathemachristian , to technology in Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla

The author may be a right-wing fellow. Nonetheless, the data he exposes is not fake!

This should not be noteworthy much less be sufficient to make the article seem credible.

stillwater ,

The people who tout justifications like this have clearly not paid enough attention in school to learn about things like secondary sources, misrepresenting data, or false extrapolations.

Or they’ve somehow forgotten all about how the far right has been falsely portraying information for years now, and using a kernel of truth to say “See? Therefore everything else I’m saying is also true!” so that the gullible will believe their lies.

src ,

Someone’s political beliefs aren’t indicative of how well they can form an argument. People can misrepresent data regardless of their political leanings, this whole talking point in the comments is irrelevant.

stillwater ,

That perspective requires a wanton and purposeful ignorance of the right wing misinformation and disinformation campaigns of the last ten years.

It’s only irrelevant if you want to act like the author isn’t part of a political group that frequently lies.

src , (edited )

The way you’re framing it seems disingenuous. You act like only people on the right lie and spread misinformation (and they do!). It feels like you’re making a childish jab at the right because you don’t like them.

Left-wing people and right-wing people both lie to you plenty, because political leanings have nothing to do with it.

I’m not claiming the piece itself is truthful, but you’ve got your head deep in the sand if you think the right wing is the only group lying to you, while the left & everyone else is truthful.

stillwater , (edited )

Why are you trying to make far right seem better than they really are? Why are you igoring exactly the kind of person I’m referring to in order to dilute the situation and suggest “But pretend like they just have some different ideas” as if they’re not the same kinds of people calling LGBT people child predators now.

This isn’t me advocating dismissing anyone you merely politically disagree with. This is me saying don’t trust a Nazi when he talks about Jews.

It’s not a theory or an idea that most of their arguments are based in lies. That’s par for the course. Their entire MO is denying truth and fact, something which doesn’t exist in even the moderate right wing.

It is a lie to suggest that anyone else lies as much and as inherently as the far right in recent years.

The only thing disingenuous here is your “both sides” bullshit when you’re suggesting a QAnon type should be given the same amount of credence as anyone else.

stillwater ,

You’re acting like I’m not talking about QAnon or MAGA types for some reason. Why?

I’m not saying to dismiss anyone just because you politically disagree with them. I’m saying don’t trust a Nazi when he gives his opinion on Jews.

I’m not saying only one side lies. I’m saying there’s a political contingent that only operates on lies, and this guy is with them.

Stop trying to reduce the situation to talk about someone else. This is a QAnon type author writing falsities based on falsely interpreted data, not Noam Chomsky waffling on if something is a crime or not.

lessthanluigi , to technology in The Internet Archive's last-ditch effort to save itself

That click bait title makes it seem like the Internet Archive itself will come crumbling down. Now that I skimmed read the article, it just seems like they are going to lose the court battle for this case. Maybe some other stuff, but I get to keep my MS-DOS abandonware downloads.

AllNewTypeFace , avatar

They’re facing hundreds of millions in punitive damages. Fragments of their servers will be in trophy cases in copyright enforcement agencies’ lobbies.

dmtalon ,

Sounds like this would at the very least remove $20-30m in revenue (according to the article) not counting if the copyright holders decide to go after them.

I think it puts them in a precarious situation overall.

sixty , to technology in Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla

I’m a Firefox fanboy, but a lot of these expenses do seem really odd.

monobot ,

Is there any organization with totally claear finances and nothing strange anywhere?

I haven’t seen one.

This analysis means nothing since it is only one daya point.

Like saying “you are worst human being because you are jaywalked yesterday”, there is no comparstion with other companies in smiliar business.

Those are Google and Microsoft. Are they really better than Mozilla

El_Rocha ,

I think a more accurate metaphor would be “you are the worst human being because people gave you money to buy food and you spent it on luxury items”.

Also, while a lot of organizations have shady balance sheets, that’s not a good thing nor a reason for us to accept it.

stillwater , (edited )

But nothing is shady here. This is just a lot of random people on the internet who have never seen what it takes to run a corporation going “Ah, yes, hm this thing this QAnon guy says is suspicious, and I don’t really know anything about how businesses of this scale work, but because he said it in a suspicious tone there must be something to suspect.”

biscuitsofdeath ,

Like what?

magic_lobster_party , (edited ) to technology in The Internet Archive's last-ditch effort to save itself

Reading the article and I wonder what Internet Archive thought when they turned themselves into a Pirate Bay but for ebooks. They had this lawsuit coming and they have obviously no idea how to defend themselves in this case.

They should stick to archiving the web instead of shooting themselves in the foot.

FaceDeer , avatar

I've been saying this for years, this was an incredibly boneheaded move by the Internet Archive and they just keep on doubling down on it. They shouldn't have done it in the first place. When they got sued, they should have immediately admitted they screwed up and settled - the publishers would probably have been fine with a token punishment and a promise to shut down their ebook library, it's not like IA cost them anything significant. But they just keep on fighting, and it's only making things worse.

This isn't even IA's purpose in the first place! They archive the Internet. They're like a guy who's caring for a precious baby who decides he should go poke a bear with a stick, and when the bear didn't respond at first he whacked it over the nose with the stick instead. Now the bear's got his leg and he's screaming "oh no, protect my baby!" And it's entirely his fault the baby's in danger.

federalreverse , to linux in GNOME Foundation hires "Professional Shaman" as new Executive Director

Originates from Lunduke. Yikes.

I’ll take a pro shaman over that ass clown.

TheEntity ,

I'm not familiar with this Lunduke person, can you direct me to some context?

federalreverse ,

I am not aware of an article summarizing his greatest hits. Principally, he’s a person who talks a lot and likes some mild conspiratorial thinking. From what I gather, he’s also a liability for anyone who ever employed him in their marketing department, because he’s only interested in furthering his own brand. He does make a lot of videos these days, so I guess you can decide for yourself if you like him and his style. :)

TheRtRevKaiser , to technology in Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla avatar

Hey folks - Just want to note that the !Technology mod team is aware of the reports on this post. After some discussion we decided to leave the thread up, since it had already generated a decent amount of good discussion despite the problems with the article itself. However, I do want to make it clear that we do not condone intentionally misgendering people.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reply here or DM me.

samc , to technology in The Internet Archive's last-ditch effort to save itself avatar

Whilst I’ve heard lots of talk that lunduke is getting increasingly politica, and I disagree quite strongly with his politics, I’ll have to agree with him here. IA did something unnecessarily risky (redistributing unauthorised copies of print books), which has more jeopardised their mission of archiving the internet.

I also agree with everyone here saying that current copyright laws are ridiculous (and not just because they are “outdated”, the Victorians had better copyright laws than we do). However, I think only the most radical overhaul of copyright law would condone what IA did, and that isn’t coming any time soon (If ever).

HexesofVexes , to technology in The Internet Archive's last-ditch effort to save itself

Operation archive the archive?

DestroyMegacorps ,

The internet archive probably contains sooo much data its probably 4 petabytes and thats hard to store

grue ,

It’s “only” a couple hundred hard drives.

Buelldozer , avatar

145+ Petabytes for a single copy of the archive and they currently have two copies of everything for a total of around 290 Petaybtes.

The largest hard drive I’m aware of is 32TB so you’d “only” need over 9,000 (lol) of the largest drives ever made. I can’t even tell you what that would cost since Seagate doesn’t have a publicly available price for the damn things!

BearOfaTime ,

And it had to be replicated, so 3 copies somewhere (granted proper backups are compressed).

Let’s say they have a proper backup compressed at (a random) 60%. That one backup is 87 petabytes. With daily incrementals, so another what, 14 PB to get through 2 weeks of incrementals? Something in the range of 600 PB total with replicas?

(I’m completely pulling numbers out of my ass, I’m not familiar with how such large datasets are managed from a DR perspective).

homesweethomeMrL ,

Too bad there are no obscenely rich techbros around for whom this would be nothing.

That’s chump yacht money.

Buelldozer , avatar

You’d need more than 9,000 of the largest hard drives made (32TB) to store the nearly 300 Petabytes of data they have. Still within the reach of an obscenely rich tech bro but not exactly cheap.

twei ,

even then you’d still need networking, caching, the rest of the servers, and someone to deploy all of this

Buelldozer , avatar
Tarquinn2049 , (edited )

And, you’d want/need redundancy. One on-site back up for quick restoration and one off-site for surviving physical disaster. So, you’d need at least 3 times that. In HDD prices, that is roughly 2.5 million per set-up, or 7.5 million total for all three. And in SSD prices, well it’s about 3x that. 7.5 million per set up and 22.5million for all three.

An alternate option is a distributed back-up. They could have people volunteer to store and host like 10 gigs each, and just hand out each 10 gig chunk to 10 different people. That would take alot of work to set up, but it would be alot safer. And there are already programs/systems like that to model after. 10 gigs is just an example, might be more successful or even more possible in chunks of 1-2 terabytes. Basically one full hard drive per volunteer.

Lol, had to add that after doing the math for 10 gigs to ten people and realising that was 1000 people per terabyte, so would take 150 million volunteers. Even at 2 petabytes each, assuming we still wanted 10x redundancy in that model, it would be like 750 thousand volunteers or something like that. Maybe there is no sustainable volunteer driven model, lol.

arisunz , to linux in GNOME Foundation hires "Professional Shaman" as new Executive Director avatar

/c/linux stop sharing the garbage spewed by this ass clown challenge (apparently impossible)

Evil_Shrubbery , to technology in Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla

Besides the CEO thing, this makes me wanna donate even more to the foundation

twotone , to technology in Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla

Reminder that Bryan Lunduke is an alt right nut and transphobe, so if his writing smells fishy, you know why.

Lettuceeatlettuce , avatar

Oh really, haven’t watched him in a long time. Recent development, or has he been this way for a while?

Zerush , (edited ) to technology in The Internet Archive's last-ditch effort to save itself avatar

The problem is an obsolet copyright law, made by big companies and elderly politicians confusing a remote control with a smartphone. Money is killing the culture and the knowledge.

Let see how long would be exist these

If not, the alternative

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