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ConstantPain , to memes in very upsetting

Let them fight!

Tristaniopsis , to memes in Defediverse should be sent to purgatory.

MonkderZweite , to linux_gaming in Steam Hardware survey for January 2024

So what are the other 1.42% on?

drew_belloc , avatar

Temple OS, what else could it be?

milkjug ,

If it’s not Hannah Montana Linux, I don’t want to hear another word of this.

hamburglar26 ,

I am still blown away that I only heard of TempleOS recently. And also blown away by the actual OS. Like holy hell what a thing.

Honytawk , to memes in Trolley Problem Solution

So now you killed the 10 people that were in the train, congrats.

ExLisper ,

It’s not going to flip. Tolleys derail all the time (ask people living in Wrocław). They can’t go fast enough to flip. It will just stop after couple of meters.


Melbourne tram 2012 incident would like a word.

Never forget.

ExLisper ,

DDG doesn’t find anything. Looks like it forgot about it.

Honytawk ,

Yeah, there has never been a single death from a trolley derailment, no sir not a one.

ExLisper ,

So now we have to check the global statistics and figure out what’s the probability is of someone dying in a derailment and estimate if we should risk it or just let the one guy die. Fun!

ExLisper ,

15 people ride trams in Wrocław.

explodicle ,

The people in the train are the only ones with any power to stop it, but they’re divided between “smash everyone quickly” and “smash everyone slowly” factions.

boredtortoise , to memes in Something interesting

This time Hoss didn’t get to grow up to fulfill their bootlickin’ bourgeois-lovin’ fash dreams

excitingburp , to linux_gaming in Steam Hardware survey for January 2024

At the very least we can call BS on developers who claim they don’t support Linux because it’s niche, while they support MacOS.

uuhhhhmmmm ,

Developers don’t have to support Linux natively because Proton does the job very well

Lojcs ,

Ime native ports rarely work as well as proton versions do too.

30p87 ,

Especially with atypical setups, like Wayland

helenslunch , avatar

I’ve discovered this also. Kinda hilarious.

GoodEye8 ,

They still have to make sure their anticheat works on Linux. That’s the biggest missing support.

keefshape ,

The anti cheat does already work on Linux, just needs a checkbox tick to enable.

GoodEye8 ,

I know, but it still something developers need to do to support Linux

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Plus testing and training customer support.

Euphoma ,

They can just say that Linux is not supported though with proton because the community will just make it run better if they don’t block do anything to block Linux.

scutiger ,

Some anti-cheats work on Linux. Some do not, like Riot’s Vanguard.

helenslunch , avatar

Some does, some doesn’t.

far_university1990 , to memes in very upsetting

Either this kill large AI models (at least commercial). Or it kill some copyright bs in some way. Whatever happens, society wins.

Second option could also hurt small creator though.

LarmyOfLone ,

I fear this is a giant power grab. What this will lead to is that IP holders, those that own the content that AI needs to train will dictate prices. So all the social media content you kindly gave reddit, facebook, twitter, pictures, all that stuff means you won’t be able to have any free AI software.

No free / open source AI software means there is a massive power imbalance because now only those who can afford to buy this training data and do it, any they are forced to maximize profits (and naturally inclined anyway).

Basically they will own the “means of generation” while we won’t.

far_university1990 ,

Current large model would all be sued to death, no license with IP owner yet, would kill all existing commercial large models. Except all IP owner are named and license granted retroactive, but sound unlikely.

Hundred of IP owner company and billion of individual IP owner setting prices will probably behave like streaming: price increase and endless fragmentation. Need a license for every IP owner, paperwork will be extremely massive. License might change, expire, same problem as streaming but every time license expire need to retrain entire model (or you infringe because model keep using data).

And in the EU you have right to be forgotten, so excluded from models (because in this case not transformative enough, ianal but sound like it count as storing), so every time someone want to be excluded, retrain entire model.

Do not see where it possible to create large model like this with any amount of money, time, electricity. Maybe some smaller models. Maybe just more specific for one task.

Also piracy exists, do not care about copyright, will just train and maybe even open source (torrent). Might get caught, might not, might become dark market, idk. Will exist though, like deepfakes.

LarmyOfLone ,

Yeah those are the myriad of complications this will cause. People are worried about AI, I’m too, but we need smart regulation not to use IP laws that only increases power of the ultra-rich. Because if AI will continue to exist, that will severely distort and limit the market to very specific powerful entities. And that is almost certainly going to be worse than completely unregulated.

Honytawk ,

I know plenty of small creators who urge me to pirate their content.

Because all they want is people to enjoy their content, and piracy helps spread their art.

So even small creators are against copyright.

Defenestrator , to memes in Trolley Problem Solution
MystikIncarnate ,

I’m always sad when I see this stuff. I know it’s all jokes and whatnot, but the entire meme has been born out of a fundamental misunderstanding of the dilemma that the trolley problem is supposed to represent.

The question isn’t, and has never been whether you throw the switch or not. The question is that if you throw the switch, are you responsible for killing the one, or conversely, if you do nothing, are you responsible for killing the others?

Whether you throw the switch or not is immaterial to the point. Kill one or kill four (or whatever) it doesn’t matter. You didn’t create that scenario, so by your inaction several people died, are you responsible for their deaths, considering you never put them in that position? Or are you exempt of blame since you basically chose to be an onlooker?

I don’t really blame anyone for not getting it, I sure didn’t for a really long time until my friend rephrased the same dilemma in a different way (and omitted the trolley): you go to lunch and have a delicious subway sandwich, but you were not very hungry so you only are half. On your travels from Subway to wherever, you pass by a homeless person begging for food. If you decide to ignore them and keep your food for yourself for later, and that person dies of starvation later that same day because of it, are you responsible for their death?

SwingingTheLamp ,

In addition to philosophical questions, the Trolley Problem is also a good tool in psychology to study human ethical reasoning. It turns out that people’s intuitive responses vary quite a lot based on details that seem like they shouldn’t make a difference. If I’m remembering correctly, I believe that a lot more people say that they would divert the trolley if they imagine that they were observing the situation from a gantry high above the tracks, rather than in close proximity to the person who would be killed thereby.

chrizzly ,

For anyone interested, there is a nice video series on these comics by “CosmicSkeptic” on Youtube. He discusses some of the memes, but brings them nicely into a philosophical context at the same time.

Honytawk ,

See, it is kind of a Batman philosophy.

When the Joker presents Batman with a trolley problem [Save Robin or Save Catwoman], Batman always finds a way to circumvent it and save both. Because he is Batman.

People will always try to get the best out of the situation, even though that isn’t what the exercise is about.

Ultraviolet ,

It’s the first question in a battery of questions designed to force you to be aware of inconsistencies in your ethical framework. The first answer is supposed to be obvious: Yes, you throw the switch, but most people’s reason for that creates a very messy precedent that the distinction between action and inaction doesn’t matter, only the outcome, which later questions can exploit.

MystikIncarnate ,

The idea itself can be a rather interesting thing to explore as a thought experiment. Obviously the premise of the trolley problem is ridiculous, especially today since trains and especially trolleys are becoming much more rare for most people (with the exceptions for railroad tracks across roads, and passenger rail lines like subways and surface passenger services like we see in bullet trains). There are still railcars, like light rail transit in cities sometimes, but again, it’s fairly rare overall for the general public as a whole.

The idea of trolleys is a fairly outdated one and most of the safety systems in modern allegories are so robust that dangers are generally minimized.

Nevertheless, the moral quandary of whether you are responsible for injury or death as a result of your action (or inaction) is a fascinating mental exercise and has resulted in more than one discussion of adjacent morality concerns with the friend I mentioned. It’s fascinating to study overall, even in a casual context like we do.

I understand there’s a lot more to the picture when dealing with it in a more formal study, and that this question is only one piece of the puzzle when performing such studies.

The part that frustrates me more than anything is that people stop at whether or not to pull the lever, and run with it in memes and alternative solutions, rather than grappling with the moralities that are the root of the original question as part of the study. This is supposed to invoke a deep consideration about your actions and the responsibilities you may or may not be accepting when getting involved in a situation, and how your specific world view and moral “code” (so to speak) factors in. All of the memes and reposts of it, to me, always feel like it cheapens the meaning behind the initial problem as stated. However I understand that highly involved analytical thinking that forces you to consider all of those deep underlying concepts, requires significant mental work; system 2 work, of you will. Where you have to engage with your analytical “slow” thinking mind to really grasp, and our default reaction, as a species is that such thinking is usually something that will put us in danger, since our fast thinking system 1, can easily just blurt out an answer without considering it any further, saving significant mental effort.

I understand why people reduce this dilemma to the mechanical components of throwing a switch, but I always feel like they’re missing the entire point of the exercise.

psycho_driver , to memes in very upsetting

“In other news, the new Dacia Sandero looks fabulous.”

GrappleHat , to linux_gaming in Steam Hardware survey for January 2024 avatar

Why is Linux total at 1.95%, but the most popular distros don’t add up to nearly 1.95%? Is it SteamOS making up the difference?

Wilzax ,

Yes. The steam deck is massively popular

victorz ,

I’m appalled that they don’t attribute Steam Decks as Arch Linux, btw. Appalled btw.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

That’s like saying you’re appalled that Linux Mint isn’t attributed to Ubuntu or Debian (depending on the spin).

victorz ,

Probably. Just making a joke. 🙂

thomas ,

There are many windows machines that never run any game (corporate issued work laptop for example). What this says is that Linux machines are more likely to be personal machines in which you can play games.

victorz ,

What this says is that Linux machines are more likely to be personal machines in which you can play games.

What this says is that among gamers using Steam, Linux is at 1.9%, that’s all. Maybe I’m misinterpreting what you said but I don’t see how you draw your conclusion.

YaBoyMax ,

I don’t know about you, but my work laptop is most definitely not participating in the Steam hardware survey and I’d probably be in trouble if it did.

A_Random_Idiot ,

tons of other distros arent listed at all that probably add up to it, like Nobara.

xkforce , (edited )

Linux mint is 0.07%… are you telling me that over 95% of the linux installs are other distros?

A_Random_Idiot ,

As far as people using steam on linux, who participated in the steam hardware survey?

Presumably, since the percentages for the displayed 4 Distros don’t add up to the total usage. Which means there are two conclusions. survey results are bugged, or they are only displaying the top 4 distros only, and all the other distros (like me on Nobara) don’t make some arbitrary cuttoff for listing. Which makes since, since Manjaro and Linux are at the bottom of the display with only .07%.

Scio , (edited ) to linux_gaming in Steam Hardware survey for January 2024 avatar

Yesterday was the first time I got the survey on my Deck.

I got it on the desktop (as I often am during the day because I do all my work on it), and noticed that while it reported the device as Valve manufactured and the OS correctly, a whole bunch of other data was wrong, like it said the device didn't support touch, etc.

Should I have taken the survey on Game Mode? Is it even possible to get the survey in Game Mode?

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yup, I got it recently in regular gaming mode. I doubt it matters which one the survey gets taken in, it gathers system info.

Scio , avatar

Did you happen to notice if yours also said touch support: none?

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I didn’t. I rarely use desktop mode, so I doubt anything odd was going on.

If there’s a report somewhere I can review, I’m happy to look it up.

JJROKCZ , to memes in Gotta get it right

They better remember this when they’re doing Lewis’s wheels next year!

samc , to linux_gaming in Steam Hardware survey for January 2024 avatar

I do wonder what percentage of Linux users reject the survey compared to Windows users. Not that it’s changed much, but every little helps right?

flashgnash ,

I’m not sure, on one hand Linux users are quite privacy oriented but on the other hand “I use arch btw”

nestor , avatar

@flashgnash @samc As a linux steam player i answered this survey 2 times on the last ~15-20 years.

And i did it then, because i wanted to feed steam's efforts on linux as gaming platform.

caesaravgvstvs ,

I rejected it on my steam deck, on my aging windows computer and on my Linux laptop.

I’m not going out of my way to give data to a private corporation

(Even if it’s a kawaii “good for consumer” corporation)

flashgnash ,

Fair enough, each try their own

I don’t mind anonymous data going out that will serve to potentially improve my experience gaming on Linux

The problem in my eyes is the non anonymous data that goes out that is used to design horrible addiction machines

scutiger ,

At least a survey is them asking for information, not just quietly gathering it behind our backs.

caesaravgvstvs ,

Yeah, I’m not shitting on it and I’m grateful to the people who fill it out, I’m just lazy

flashgnash ,

You know it’s not really an actual survey right? It can get all the info it needs on its own it just asks for permission

caesaravgvstvs ,

I guess I never clicked lol

scutiger ,

I rejectec it because I was busy with something else.

sugar_in_your_tea , to linux_gaming in Steam Hardware survey for January 2024

I did my part. I rejected the survey on macOS and completed it on my Steam Deck, so I think I’m helping.

euphoric_cat , avatar


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  • sugar_in_your_tea ,

    I almost never play on macOS since it’s my work computer, but sometimes I’ll look something up on it. Something like 80-90% of my gaming is on my Steam Deck, with the rest on my Linux desktop, though sometimes I’ll play a game on my work computer when on a break (usually just watch videos instead).

    testeronious , to linux_gaming in Steam Hardware survey for January 2024
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