There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Whirlybird , to nostupidquestions in Where did all this reddit hatred come from?

Reddit used to be a lawless land that didn’t care about comedy accounts or multiple accounts or shit posts. No one ever got banned. No one ever got censored. It was fun. People didn’t take it that seriously.

The last few years however it’s been turning into basically any other social media site. Politics everywhere, censorship galore and bans handed out willy nilly based on nothing more than ideologies and opinions, mods and admins tightly controlling narratives of threads and entire subs, and just slowly eroding what made it a fun site to visit. Certain political ideologies have taken over and anything outside of those opinions is insta-banned. Going to Reveddit or uneddit (i think thats the name of the second one) and looking at any “hot topic” thread was eye opening - mods and admins removing dozens/hundreds of completely harmless comments because they didn’t like the opinion that was shared, leaving no trace that the comments even existed, giving the perception that there wasn’t any censoring going on.

I don’t hate reddit. I deleted my 12+ year old account and left because it isn’t the site I liked, and an alternative now exists in Lemmy. I think Reddit is a shitty site now that is basically a highly censored astroturfed political site, but I don’t care that I’m no longer using it.

People on here are hating reddit more now because more and more people are coming here from reddit because of the shitty things reddit has been doing.

Candelestine OP ,

I suppose that would lead to a lot of associations. Personally I blame all of that on the people that actually did it though, not just reddit as a whole, which I just view as a successful website. The actual real life people who did those things and made those decisions are the ones that deserve the real condemnation.

dismalnow , avatar

And the actual real life people who run reddit encouraged them, or ousted them for actual real life people who would do it.

The shitty people who enable shitty policy are shitty, but I try to focus on the fact that they're just enablers.

Candelestine OP ,

But it’s those enablers fault. They have names. Blaming just “reddit” lets them off the hook too easy. We should use their names to attack them, instead of the faceless, cold business they are just milking for cash. The business is the tool. The person using it is the dirtbag.

Whirlybird ,

But it’s those enablers fault. They have names.

They don’t - they’re all just anonymous admins and mods.

dismalnow , avatar

I think you're misunderstanding me.

The mods and admins are willing stooges who enabled those I blame: Steve Huffman, and the companies that helped him neuter, remove, or paper over the parts of reddit that users built - transforming it into the shitheap they're trying to parcel out to the market in an IPO.

The blame lies at the top of any shitheap. Always.

(But I have no love for stooges except for the original three.)

Candelestine OP ,

Ah, yes I did misunderstand. I get it and I largely agree.

Whirlybird ,

True, but the problem is that the real life people that did those things are all anonymous admins and mods that face no repercussions and give you no way to appeal or reverse anything. They’re the ones controlling the site and ruining it, much like how lots of people now think that Elon Musk is ruining twitter. Is it twitters fault or musks fault? They’re one and the same.

Candelestine OP ,

No, they’re not all anonymous. You can look them up. I mean, low-level employees are just doing what their boss tells them. But the boss–the person making the decisions–that guy’s got a name. A lot of the upper level management of the company are known publicly.

The little guys are anonymous, the mods especially, but not the people that made the biggest decisions. If we blame Musk, we should certainly blame spez. Who you can find the real name of with a single google search.

Whirlybird ,

Admin accounts are fully anonymous. Mod accounts are anonymous. Almost all mod messages are sent from a modmail account, so you don’t even know which anonymous mod took action.

It’s not just spez who is the problem, it’s the admins too.

Candelestine OP ,

The misc grunts, sure. But they’re just following their instructions. You can follow it up the corporate ladder to find the guy who has the real responsibility for the whole culture and strategy that everyone is following.

The guy in charge picks the playbook his company uses, so to speak.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar


Whirlybird ,

Watch out so you don’t cut yourself on all that edge.

dismalnow , avatar

I'm honestly missing them. Would you mind pointing out a couple?

Whirlybird ,

Everything is a “dog whistle” when you don’t understand what a dog whistle is but hear people use it and want to use it yourself.

digdug , (edited )

Dog whistle literally just means coded language that an ordinary observer might not notice, but can be used to subtly identify other like-minded individuals.

Not all dog whistles are necessarily bad (depending on perspective). I'm an ex-mormon, and one dog whistle is a tapir. Without more information, it is too subtle to really know for certain whether I just like tapirs, or that I'm actually ex-mormon. But eventually, two ex-mormons might see enough signals to finally confide in one another.

A lot of the language you used is innocuous enough, and I didn't feel like it was at the level @hoodatninja claimed, but it definitely had a "Reddit was becoming too woke" vibe to it, without actually coming out and outright saying it, aka, a dog whistle.

Whirlybird ,

When you’re looking for dog whistles because you want to try and dismiss someone’s point/opinion you tend to find them everywhere. Not because they’re actually there, but because everything looks like one when you’re of that mindset.

Reddit became too political. I literally said that. Lots of it is right wing, but vastly more of it is left wing. That’s not controversial to say. Their rules and enforcement literally state left wing talking points.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar


Whirlybird ,

I’m not saying anything about being “too woke”, no. I’m saying it’s too political now, being run by mods and admin that push their political agendas and censor and ban everyone they disagree with. It goes both ways, “far left” and “far right”. It just so happens though that the admins have made the site rules more “far left” meaning unless you play along with their talking points and ideologies you get banned.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar


Whirlybird ,

This is the exact thing you see in liberal circles - just say any objections to the politics is complaining about “being too woke”.

I’m basing it off literally seeing things people get banned for. You can see all comments that get removed by admins/mods by going to You get banned for “hate speech” for daring to say something as controversial as biological males shouldn’t compete in sports against biological females.

I’m not a conservative btw. Have never voted for the Conservative Party in my country. I’ve voted for our “far left” independents more than I’ve voted for even our regular “liberals”.

As I said, Reddit has gotten too political across the board, irrespective of which way it leans. If they banned people for being pro abortion I’d be against that since I’m pro abortion rights. It’s just a fact that Reddit leans very left in its moderation.

I’ll ask you a question - do you think it was a conservative or a liberal that made “misgendering” a hate speech violation and ban worthy on Reddit?

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar


Whirlybird ,

It’s not dependant on the community - it’s a site rule.

I wasn’t banned for “misgendering” - or anything else - so you can stop with that.

Avon with trying to dismiss a differing opinion as “oh you think think it’s too woke”. It’s like you didn’t read anything I wrote.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar


Whirlybird ,

So much wrong with this.

Firstly, misgendering falls under the “no hate speech” site ToS. Not sub reddit rules - site wide.

Secondly, admins are very active in censoring opinions and taking down posts. Again - You can literally see that they removed posts very, very frequently. Not just mods - admins. They show differently.

Admins ban you from the site, not the sub. Mods can only ban you from the sub.

I also never said I don’t have a political leaning. I do - to the left. That doesn’t mean that I automatically agree with every liberal policy or thought. I’m anti abortion but I’m pro free speech. I don’t believe anyone should be censored for saying something.

People like you always make the same mistake of assuming that literally everything that could be considered “conservative” is automatically wrong and should be censored. That’s what you’re saying here.

And again - no, not site wide banned. I had absolutely received a 1 day site wide ban from admin for a post that said that no amount of hrt can get rid of the natural differences that come with biological sex, citing “hate speech” despite there being nothing wrong with what I said, along with science backing it up. I deleted my account months after that - the api changes but more so the extreme control being exerted by the admins after that were the last straw.

Thanks also for confirming that you are a Reddit mod or frequent reporter of content you don’t like. People like you are what ruined the site because you can’t tolerate differences of opinions. Literally what I said in my original post 😂

I’ll ask again since you still haven’t answered - do you think it is a liberal or conservative policy to ban misgendering and questioning of gender ideology?

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar


Whirlybird ,

Not a word about “misgendering” my dude. For good measure here is the content policy as well. Please point out where you see this rule.

It’s covered by this:

not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people

They deem any talk critical of gender ideology as an attack on marginalized or vulnerable groups of people.

It’s also explicitly covered here on your link:

Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability

It then lists “gender identity” as a protected class.

Revveddit hasn’t worked since the API changes so no, I can’t see that. Please show me some examples you have since you make it sound so apparent.

Damn, wasn’t aware of this since I just left reddit behind.

Well the rule doesn’t exist so there’s nothing to answer.

Classifying gender critical speech as “hate speech” for “attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people” exists, so answer the question please. Do you think that would be a democrat or republican application of the rule?

If this is all happening and is as bad as you say it is, then let’s see some links! A single link even! You’ve provided no evidence so far. It’s just a feeling you have as far as I am concerned.

If reveddit no longer works than that becomes pretty hard unfortunately. I do love how you’re acting like it’s a conspiracy theory that reddit is getting more and more left leaning though. It’s fact. Go create a burner account and go in to any article about gender or trans people in sport and comment something along the lines of “trans women are still biological males and should not be able to compete against biological females” and you’ll be banned, guaranteed.

hoodatninja , avatar

So there is no rule about misgendering. Cool. Glad we agree.

dismalnow , avatar

Forgot one, deleteypants.

Please stand by your authoritarian views going forward.

Devccoon , avatar

Going on about how “censored” everything is and how “certain political ideologies” are the only opinions allowed and anything else is “insta-banned” reeks of right wing extremism (hence, dogwhistles). I know I’m sticking my neck out to say so but given nobody has yet provided a single receipt/anecdote to back up their claims I find myself super skeptical at the idea that they’re presenting even a marginally balanced version of the truth right now. There’s a reason “certain political ideologies” (ie. the “eradicate trans ideology” and “destroy wokeism” crowd) are not accepted in decent online circles. There’s no room for that kind of hate, and I’ve never met someone on that side of things willing to hold an honest conversation on it. They just want a platform to be hateful.

This strategy reminds me of right-wingers I’ve dealt with in the past who complained about being banned from Twitter for ‘simply saying “learn to code”’. If you understand the context, the harassment, kicking someone when they’re down, the dogpile they contributed to, the absolute hate campaign their seemingly innocuous (piece of a) comment contributed to, there’s completely sensible reasons why a ban like that took place. But I know the playbook; these guys thrive in the darkness. The moment I start prodding into the nuances, they pretend they were trolling the whole time and basically ragequit. If they control the messaging then they can make themselves sound reasonable by tearing away context and presenting a whitewashed and often unrealistic version of what happened.

I could be wrong; for all I know this guy’s talking about truly god-awful subs like r/TrueRateMyFace (I forget what the name was and it doesn’t deserve to be remembered, as the mods explicitly support men posting their exes on there and actively ban commenters who “overrate” the scores they give out, while pretending they’re working with an objective measure of true beauty) but I haven’t experienced this egregious political de-platforming they’re talking about and it’s telling that they didn’t go into any level of specifics except to keep harping on the “censorship” point. Not every opinion or argument deserves a platform.

dismalnow , avatar

Appreciate you taking the time to explain. That's not really the vibe I caught, but I could be projecting.

I, too, am upset at how echo chambery reddit became, and the knee-jerk censorship the mods displayed. I had an account permanently and immediately banned from politics for "hate speech" because I said that DINOs Kirsten Sinema and Joe Manchin were date rapists for bending the Democratic party over against its will after taking them out to a nice dinner. Over the next few weeks, I was silently banned from about a dozen other subs.

Turns out that the person behind it all was the same "powermod" who threw a colossal tantrum after being banned herself just a couple of weeks ago.

I disagree with you about globally deplatforming "the bad guys," because I don't get to choose who they are, and one day - like above - that "bad guy" could end up being you.

Don't like it, or can't deal with it? Block them.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar


Turkey_Titty_city ,

if you get banned from enough subs you get that account suspended. try to come back as an alt and get banned again, your get ip banned from the site.

powermods would abuse their position as mods of multiple subs to silence and harass people they didn't like or agree with. I myself was a victim of this.

it doesn't matter if reddit is woke, what matters is the behavior. doesn't matter if the powermod in question is left or right leaning, they still basically have the power to ban someone from the entire site, merely because they don't like your politics, or worse, one comment you made on one sub.

even if that comment is bannable, doesn't mean you should be banned from unrelated subs, let alone the site. it's also double ridiculous when you are a power user or other significant person in the sub who has helped build the community and some power mod decides you're a threat to them.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar


hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar


Candelestine OP ,

… damnit, you’re right. That slipped by me last night, thanks for pointing it out.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar


Cornes ,

It's hard knowing that your favourite small subs are a ticking time bomb; once they get too large they tend to be too strictly controlled and the content quality drops.

hoodatninja , avatar

People act like strict moderation/“control“ is universally bad, yet AskHistorians is often held up as one of the best subs ever created. Do you know what makes that possible? Do you know what would happen if they relaxed the rules?

Cornes ,

That example is an obvious exception.

Most subs are hobbyist or the like and far too often I see 'locked because ya'll can't behave' in the last few years. There's an upvote/downvote system for a reason; not everything needs to be babied and pruned to what the mods want. Might be one of the few good things about the removal of API because they can't mass delete comments anymore, killing the actual discussion.

hoodatninja , (edited ) avatar

there’s an upvote/downvote system for a reason

Oh come now you aren’t so naive as to think that system actually works as intended or anywhere near as good as it needs to be to leaned on. Would you trust a community vote that used upvotes/downvotes?

not everything needs to be babied and pruned to what the mods want.

What the community wants. And no not everything, but frankly some people do act like babies and need to be handled as such. I personally had no tolerance for trolling. The sub I modded did not want that crap at all. Hence why they kept supporting our rules and every vote we held to change things ended with “this works well.”

People think they want a “true democracy” (doesn’t exist with the tools we have) and “total free speech” on forums but let me tell you you absolutely do not. Go ask Voat how that turned out.

Cornes ,

We'll keep going in circles because we have our own preferences.

hoodatninja , avatar

You seriously want reddit's upvote/downvote system as the primary way of doing things?

threadworms ,

I really miss the 'fun' part

There used to be expat circles where it was a great for expats just to vent, China, Japan Korea and Thailand. Making fun of Redditor who are absolutely naive about a country and found 'love' on wechat, to archetypes, making fun naive locals, to self deprecating humour like violently shitting yourself from food poisoning or how squat toilets are racist against caucasian-chinese because white people can't squat to shit. Then I guess some Asian Americans do not understand the country well enough to get the context and then one day it's all gone.

2balkan4u is a great example of this, just users from the Balkans bantering then admins saw this as a 'hate' subreddit and just gone, people knew it banter and a gross exaggeration of beliefs and perceptions about other countries which has been a ongoing thing for last 1000 years. Yet Reddit admins put a stop to that, banned the entire subreddit. For a website that preaches tolerance, people outside of American culture do not see black and white in race, sexuality or politics yet be completely ignorant to the point of intolerance.

Reddit is now seething and hatred.

Whirlybird ,

100% this.

Everyone is just looking to be outraged these days. They want to find something to complain about so they can get it banned so they can feel good about themselves.

Turkey_Titty_city ,

my entire history of reddit was joining a small cool sub about a niche topic i liked. learning more and more and watching it grow. then watch it become flooded with low quality content by more and more people who were just there to brag and ask stupid questions and troll. then the good users would leave and the mod would ban anyone who disagreed with whatever populist bullshit was being pushed and pointed out viral marketing and steal advertising accounts. that or the mods were uptight nazis who basically banned anyone or anything outside of what they posted. or the pathetic users who would stalk and harass and insult you because you said something they dind't like.

i just wanted a place where i could enjoy things and learn things and be free of peopel trolling for attention and validation for their fragile egos. pretty much all hobby subs become 'look at this very expensive thing i purchased'. or if they were artistic it was 'good vibes only'. on top of all the bullshitting and lying and karma farming.

reddit was best when it was basically link aggregator with comments. as soon as people were able to post images/videos and were able to ban anyone they disagreed with, it basically devolved into a kindergarten level show and tell hugbox with the mods being kindergarten teachers telling us anything other than 'being nice' meant you were no longer allowed to participate.

Turkey_Titty_city ,

Exactly. Reddit used to be fun. anarcho communists and hardcore libertarians could trash talk, debate, and banter. people on the site were just fun weirdos. nothing was personal, very little was seriously political.

then everything became serious business, and no more fun was allowed and mods became growth-grubbing ban-happy nutcases who only allowed 'correct' opinions, and the site became useless as both a source of entertainment and education because it became about perpetuating the very serious bullshit bubble of your sub at all costs.

i have been mostly having the same opinions for a decade on reddit. the past couple of years my pragmatic thoughts are now a bannable offensive because they aren't so far-left or far-right nonsense.

hoodatninja , avatar

As many mistakes as Reddit has made, I have no desire to return to the time when we had FPH, “ham planet,” and c—ntown. I definitely have no desire to see creepshots or jailbait return. I think your rose tinted glasses are a little too thick, my friend. It was not all sunshine and rainbows lol

Tag365 , to nostupidquestions in Where did all this reddit hatred come from? avatar

The API changes were the trigger for the recent controversy and the fact that they may be forced to use the buggy official app instead of an unofficial but stable and well developed app pushed people too far. The API change is what caused the blackout and disgust for Reddit.

reality_boy , to nostupidquestions in What goes into writting books?

My advice is to do things that bring you joy, and if there a hit then consider that an added bonus. I’m a computer programmer and some of my most popular projects were started by me being curious how something works without any intention of doing something with it. If I set out to do something amazing I would have failed outright.

So write a short story, then write another one. If you end up writing one you feel is with showing off then find a writing club to share it with, or post it to a blog. If that is successful then find a website or magazine to submit it too. Go on up the ladder till your the next Douglas Addams. But do it in many small steps, rather than setting out to conquer the world in one go.

c4444v , (edited ) to nostupidquestions in What goes into writting books?

Anyone can! I’ve written a book and self published, August will be 10 years. Couple of things

  1. Write it for yourself, it’s a big accomplishment.
  2. I recommend planning it all out. Stephen King is Stephen King for a reason, not everyone can do it. But you don’t have to plan EVERYTHING. You have A and you need to get to D, let B and C be your creativity, it might even change what D originally looked like.
  3. Write background stories for all your characters. Write EVERYTHING about them. Their favorite show growing up, the foods they hate, their phobias. This helps them be more real and helps with story planning. You’ll know whether or not your character will do something based on who they are.

I say, go for it!

PenguinJuice ,

What an amazing person you are!! Thank you for the advice

c4444v ,

You’re very welcome!

NewNewAccount , to nostupidquestions in Where did all this reddit hatred come from?

We’re moving through the stages of grief. Many of us seem to be on “anger”.

Candelestine OP ,

Ohhhhhhhhh… you might be right. That’s an interesting thought, thank you.

angrylittlekitty ,

💯i was in strong anger last week.

LilBiFurious , to books in How do you decide when to give up on a book? avatar

I have never been ashamed in just straight up throwing a book down if I’m not in pretty quickly. Not everything is going to be everyone’s taste, and classics of all genres can be dull if you don’t find the premise interesting. Too many books out there to slog through anything lol

giacomo , to books in What are the best books for someone with depression? to read... avatar

The stranger. Cannery row. Catch 22. Extremely loud and incredibly close.

Some of my favorite depression books.

Izzy , to nostupidquestions in Where did all this reddit hatred come from? avatar

Hate is a strong word, but I don’t like the power that comes with an extremely centralized internet. I also don’t like the ad driven internet. So Reddit as a website is no good in my opinion.

Candelestine OP ,

I picked it intentionally, hoping some people feeling some actual powerful emotions might try to explain why. Regardless of what I think of it intellectually, I don’t experience strong emotions towards it. I don’t miss it, I don’t hate it, my emotions towards it are very neutral.

I’m curious about others though. Emotionally, not intellectually.

db2 , to showerthoughts in The saying is "eat the rich" because "kill the rich" would get you banned from social media, yet eat implies cannibalism and is thus more offensive.
Mudkipology OP , avatar


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  • db2 ,

    lol no they aren’t. I get the impression you’re pretty inexperienced given your responses in this post.

    Aerosmith, collectively, hasn’t got enough to throw at something to make it do what they want it to. They have maybe a few hundred million all put together. Bezos, Musk, even Trump who exists on credit and grifting can and do do that. It’s those kind of people (and I use the term “people” loosely) that the saying is directed at.

    jeena , to showerthoughts in The saying is "eat the rich" because "kill the rich" would get you banned from social media, yet eat implies cannibalism and is thus more offensive. avatar

    Zuck is a robot so this would not be cannibalism.

    RotaryKeyboard , to nostupidquestions in Where did all this reddit hatred come from?

    Almost the same thing happened on Reddit when everyone migrated from Digg. It’s so similar, in fact, that I wonder if maybe this isn’t a normal thing.

    Candelestine OP ,

    I never used Digg, so I never got to see. That makes sense that it might be a pattern of some sort though.

    Wolfen ,

    I suspect it’s more users migrating over to here. I am coming here more than on Reddit now because of Reddits actions. Just trying to get used to Lemmy. The vibes are friendlier here, that’s for sure. I imagine that won’t last once even more Redditors come this way.

    talanorchous , to youshouldknow in Welcome all new users and Reddit refugees! [PARTNERED POST]

    Looking forward to this!

    rodneyck , to android in What are some decent media players? avatar

    I have been using VLC on linux and android since forever, but recently on my new Amazon Firestick 4k Max, VLC was having issues playing h.265 HEVC movies. So, someone recommended Nova Player, and it played them beautifully. Nice player, I may switch all my devices to Nova.

    Castor , to books in What are the best books for someone with depression? to read...

    The Stormlight Archives is an epic fantasy series where all of the major protagonists struggle with mental health in realistic ways. Kaladin will do great, heroic things, and still grapple with depression because it’s part of who he is, not something he just “gets over” because he had one good day.

    holeydood3 ,

    i dont want a super duper brick sized book

    talanorchous , to nostupidquestions in Letter of Appreciation to Lemmy Moderators [META]

    I appreciate you :)

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