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hal_5700X , to technology in Unity will start charging developers each time their game is installed avatar

RIP Unity. First they partnered with Ironsource. Who are the people behind InstallCore it’s a wrapper for bundling software installations. It tricks people into installing enough browser toolbars and other bloat to hurt their PCs. Windows Defender and MalwareBytes blocks it. Now Unity does this shit.

hal_5700X , to pcgaming in Unity will start charging developers each time their game is installed avatar

RIP Unity. First they partnered with Ironsource. Who are the people behind InstallCore it’s a wrapper for bundling software installations. It tricks people into installing enough browser toolbars and other bloat to hurt their PCs. Windows Defender and MalwareBytes blocks it. Now Unity does this shit.

Surreal , to technology in Unity will start charging developers each time their game is installed

Finally, the company announced that it’s discontinuing Unity Plus subscriptions starting today to “simplify the number of plans we offer.” It says existing members on that tier will receive “an offer to upgrade to Unity Pro, for one year, at the current Unity Plus price” via email in mid-October.

Well sssshhhiitt

romaselli , to technology in Unity will start charging developers each time their game is installed

This is a great opportunity to tell people about Godot, a free open source engine that has been killing it lately.

hal_5700X , avatar

Here’s link to it,

kescusay , avatar

I was waiting for that.

BolexForSoup , avatar

I’m a dad with a full time job and 2 toddlers. If I wanted to dip my toes into game development for the first time and I wanted to use Godot, what kind of project should I do first? Something that’s great for starting out and learning the absolute basics.

dack ,
BolexForSoup , avatar

Thank you!

Jaarsh119 ,

As typical as it is for the current indie game dev climate, making a ‘Vampire Survivors’ type game is probably a really good starting point for game development. 2D games are somewhat easier to make than 3D ones, so a 2D roguelike could be fun (but get’s very complex very quickly) or a old-school Zelda styled game would also be pretty cool in my opinion while remaining fairly simple.

Here’s are a couple other avenues to learn off the top of my head:

  • Follow along with one or two of the large amount of tutorials they have for the engine and adding new features and gameplay mechanics to them when you feel like it.
  • Think of a cool but simple idea and try to execute it yourself through trial and error, referencing the online docs and asking questions to the Godot game dev community.

It can be super daunting as there is a lot to learn. Try to learn by working on something that you yourself think is fun and that’ll keep you more motivated :)

Rentlar ,

What @dack said for your first game that is a great resource. If you wanted an overview of how the godot engine works later you can start from the Intro

Phen ,

If you have some coding knowledge, this series of videos was amazing:

Not everything he does is right and some things he doesn’t even understand that well, but it gives you a good idea into everything you’ll need and you can then quickly learn how to expand from that.

phx ,

Thank you for this! Last FOSS engine I used was OGRE but it was fairly inconsistent across hardware and PC only at the time.

Z4rK ,

I would have used it if they didn’t focus so much on their own GDScript instead of keeping C# support.

domi , avatar

But Godot 4 has excellent C# support?

Z4rK ,

Only for Godot 3, not 4?

Edit: Godot 4 supports C#, but only for desktop games, not web, android and iOS.

orclev ,

Shoutout to Bevy as well. It’s not as user friendly or polished as Godot but it’s a lot more powerful. If you’re a talented game dev I’m sure you could do some amazing things with Bevy.

anlumo ,

Bevy is a very different kind of beast. It’s basically “here’s the ECS, have fun!” while it rides into the sunset.

My next project will use bevy, but mostly because its API is so ridiculously small that I can map it entirely into my own engine (which then exposes the ECS through my own API). That would be a lifetime’s task with Unity (don’t know enough about Godot to say definitely, but I bet it’s the same, since it has the same architecture).

orclev ,

To be fair it does have a huge plugin ecosystem that handles most of the common use cases, so it’s a bit more than just an ECS, but the docs have some pretty big gaps in them so you could be excused for thinking it’s more bare bones than it is.

AssA ,

how are the AR applications for Godot?

psycho_driver , to technology in Unity will start charging developers each time their game is installed

Goodbye, unity. It’s been okayish.

Granixo , (edited ) to technology in Unity will start charging developers each time their game is installed avatar
JuliusSeizure , to technology in X is suing California over social media content moderation law

“content moderation” is a slimy way to say censorship.

Doomsider ,

Said the person who has never been a moderator or has any clue about moderation.

Hackerman_uwu ,

This is an instance where scanning over someone’s post history might elucidate why they are spewing bullshit. HINT: it’s SOP for that account.

trashgirlfriend ,

“Leave the richest man on earth alone!” he yelled out, weilding his katana in a reverse grip… for some reason.

KLISHDFSDF , to technology in X is suing California over social media content moderation law

X? The only “X” i recognize is DMX, R.I.P.

redders , to technology in X is suing California over social media content moderation law

Why is anyone calling it X?

The sign still says Twitter, the domain still says Twitter, it’s still Twitter.

ram , avatar

I call it X/Twitter/whatever just to add some frustration and negative sentiment to the branding in my own circles. A reminder that the platform’s been poisoned and it isn’t what people should be using.

CurlyMoustache , avatar

I call it Nazi Island

0Xero0 , avatar


Blamemeta , to technology in X is suing California over social media content moderation law

Remember kids, hate speech laws only outlaw speech the state doesn’t like. You know, like McCarthy did.

Viking_Hippie ,

And the false equivalence of the year award goes to…

CaptainAniki ,


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  • Blamemeta ,


    Grant_M , to technology in X is suing California over social media content moderation law avatar
    NuPNuA ,

    Alright, I’ll have a shower then.

    bstix , to technology in X is suing California over social media content moderation law

    The only reason they use the word “constitutional” is because they want the conservative supreme court to make a ruling to allow hate speech.

    Meanwhile, conservatives also want to ban books about love.

    This really has nothing to do with technology though. Quite the contrary. Twitter isn’t technology. It’s a tool for making dark age politics.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    Also because they’re fond of pretending that if something they’re doing isn’t expressly forbidden in the constitution, that means it’s VIRTUOUS and must be protected at all costs!

    On the other hand, anything that their opponents do that isn’t expressly MANDATED by the constitution is villainy most foul and must be outlawed and penalised with at least a decade of enslavement that is highly lucrative to the owner donors imprisonment

    Reverendender , to technology in X is suing California over social media content moderation law

    “If @X has nothing to hide, then they should have no objection to this bill,” Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel, who wrote AB 587, said in response to X’s lawsuit.”

    The government breaks out absolute worst argument they could

    ChicoSuave ,

    It’s the same argument that conservatives use so they will understand.

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    Did you expect any better of an argument from the type of politician who thinks they’re entitled to this kind of intrusive bullshit?

    Viking_Hippie ,

    There’s nothing intrusive about asking for transparency from companies doing a piss poor job limiting the spread of hate and lies while claiming that their efforts are herculean in effort as well as effectiveness.

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    How so is it not intrusive for the government to demand private shit it has no business asking for?

    RadicalCandour ,

    The government has made it their business via passing the law. So… ya know…

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    The government can’t just declare itself just and act with unlimited reach

    dragonflyteaparty ,

    What is precisely unlimited about this? Should companies be able to keep whatever they want behind the curtain and we aren’t allowed to ask what it is?

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    You said that government business is whatever the government passes laws about, which literally gives the government unlimited justification to do anything and everything because, by definition, it’s the proper business of government under that standard.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    It’s the job of the government to inspect and regulate businesses and this is a reasonable and frankly way overdue example of them doing exactly that. Nothing unreasonable about it and calling it unlimited intrusion or whatever makes you look like the dumbest of libertarians, which is REALLY saying something.

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    No, it isn’t the purpose of government to just make demands of private businesses. It’s absolutely unreasonable for the government to do so with intent to censor

    Viking_Hippie ,

    None of that is true. Go away if you the only thing you have to contribute is libertarian lies about basic accountability being tyranny.

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    Lmao why should I go away just because you have nothing except outright lies to defend your demands to terminate basic rights.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    why should I go away

    Because you have nothing but lies and misunderstandings of basic facts to contribute, neither of which are beneficial to anyone.

    because you have nothing except outright lies

    Going for the gold medal in projection?

    demands to terminate basic rights

    There’s no basic right to facilitate stochastic terrorism.

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    The fact the you bring up shit like “stochastic terrorism” just proves my point. I see no further reason to engage since you’re clearly off the deep end

    Viking_Hippie ,

    I see no further reason to engage since you’re clearly off the deep end

    CmdrShepard ,

    How does asking to see how they moderate their content behind closed doors terminating basic rights? Can you describe which right they’re terminating here?

    NuPNuA ,

    Governments make demands of private businesses all the time with things like workers rights, safety regulations, emissions standards, etc. We don’t live in a libertarian no holds barred corporate wonderland and we’re better for it as these businesses have long proved they can’t be trusted if left to their own devices.

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    Censorious authoritarians such as yourself are the only ones that can’t be left alone

    CmdrShepard ,

    Is that what they did or did they just create a narrowly defined law for a specific purpose?

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    It doesn’t matter how narrow a law is if the government has no fucking place making that law

    Viking_Hippie ,

    It’s not “private shit it has no business asking for”, it’s proof that social media platforms are upholding the special duties that come with the special privileges being the “public square” of the internet.

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    There is no duty to censor the public square

    Viking_Hippie ,

    Yeah there is. It’s called public safety. The January 6th attempted coup was (poorly, but still) planned on Twitter, Facebook and Parler. If those three had been better moderated when it comes to hate speech and misinformation, the 9 people who died as a result of it would probably be alive today.

    MomoTimeToDie ,

    Lmao Jesus, if one pointless riot is your reasoning that everyone should be monitored and censored, you just simply don’t believe in basic rights. Also nice falsely inflated death count. 1=/=9

    Viking_Hippie ,


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  • NuPNuA ,

    Yes there is, you can go to Speakers Corner, a literal public square, and talk about all kinds of nonsense, but if you bust out the Nazi regalia you’ll be shut down quick sharp by the old bill.

    Reverendender ,

    Agreed. That said, this argument is never the one to use.

    Viking_Hippie , (edited )

    What do you mean?

    Edit: Oh, you mean “if you have nothing to hide you won’t mind us spying” one? I couldn’t agree more if I tried!

    Viking_Hippie , to technology in X is suing California over social media content moderation law

    “That big meanie is trying to make us admit to the fact that not only are we not doing anything to combat hate and lies, we’re actively and purposely spreading as much of both as we can! So unfair! 😭”

    eeltech , to technology in Roku lays off 300 workers and removes streaming content to save money

    They took a gamble and tried to play the streaming game - and lost

    Did any of y’all Roku owners buy their device for the purpose of their streaming content? I know I didn’t - I bought it because of the promise of an excellent UI to organize all of my other already-existing-and-too-many services in an easy streamlined interface even my dad could use.

    freeman ,

    Yeah. Their expenses to try and add streaming was a waste. Plex did much of the same.

    I bought Roku for the set top box replacement. They should continue to focus on that, though there really isnt too much more to do there either. They gotta innovate somehow i suppose and that means taking risk.

    I will say they keep adding that goddam roku streaming channel to my list. I have exact an even number of lines of apps. It keeps throwing it off and its annoying.

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