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corm , to worldnews in Man who threatened Biden shot dead in FBI raid in Utah

Ok so either he drew a gun on them or they executed him. Well it should be cleared up quickly with body cam footage.

What’s that? No body cam footage?

Right, then I’m going to have to assume they executed him while he was surrendering peacefully.

(I voted for biden, but I also don’t trust the fbi to miss a chance to shoot someone)

Corkyskog ,

I think it’s hilarious that anyone trusts the FBI right now. They have been actively involved in sabotaging progressive groups and socialist demonstrations basically since their inception. And now Republicans have a massice gripe because we have like a dozen agents that say they have been silenced after whistleblowing related to Jan 6th.

masterspace ,

You can assume it but would you bet any meaningful amount of money on it?

This guy literally directly threatened to kill FBI agentssfyer they came to talkvto him.

moistclump , to worldnews in Scientists at Fermilab close in on fifth force of nature

What’s the other 4? Gravity… and… Light? Kinetic? Magnetic?

BrikoX OP , avatar

Gravity, The weak force, Electromagnetic force, The strong nuclear force


Lord_McAlister ,

If I remember there’s weak and strong nuclear force, then two others.

SpaceNoodle ,

No, there’s two others, then the nuclear forces

sanguinepar , avatar

I think there’s a nuclear force, then two others, then another nuclear force. But I could be wrong.

SpaceNoodle ,

Maybe it’s nuclear forces all the way down

sanguinepar , avatar

Yes, but the real nuclear forces were the friends we made along the way.

kbotc ,

Someone’s trying to connect the dots on a grand unified theory.

The best ones are all untestable.

133arc585 , avatar
  1. Strong nuclear force: holds the nucleus of an atom together
  2. Weak nuclear force: responsible for radioactive decay
  3. Electromagnetic force: of charged particles
  4. Gravitational force: attractive force between objects with mass
CanadaPlus ,

Not all decays are weak-based, though, and not all weak phenomina are directly related to radioactivity. That’s just the only thing a layman has heard of where it’s relevant.

The strong force only holds atoms together through a sort of trickle-down force, too, but that one feels like splitting hairs.

133arc585 , avatar

The person I replied to wasn’t able to name the forces beyond gravity, so I think over-simplification and reduction to specific phenomena they would have heard of is appropriate.

CanadaPlus , (edited )

Oh, absolutely. I was adding on for anyone else reading who might appreciate answer gravy. Sorry if it came across as critical of what you wrote, my bad.

133arc585 , avatar

Gotcha, no problem, I did take it as criticism of my comment but that was a reflex.

CanadaPlus ,

Reading it back I don’t blame you. It does come across as an attempt to argue.

cwade12c ,

The body of the article lists them, they just aren’t listed in the title.

SheeEttin ,

They’re literally listed in the article

Knusper ,

Well, the article currently lists them as: gravity, electromagnetism, the strong force and the weak force.

If you’re not familiar, you wouldn’t be able to guess that the last two are nuclear forces and in the context of a new force, that list is rather confusing.

exohuman , to worldnews in Man who threatened Biden shot dead in FBI raid in Utah avatar

Yeah, umm… what did he think would happen when he threatened the life of a sitting president?

Lord_McAlister ,

I mean what was supposed to happen? Are we meant to be scared of the FBI? They can’t even take down an overweight elderly man with a combover…

MiDaBa ,

The guy openly posted that the FBI wouldn’t dare raid him because they’d get a 45 ACP in the face. I’m no law enforcement apologist but that kind of boast can put people on edge. Specific threats of violence should never be acceptable.

MorrisonMotel6 ,

I also prefer my threats of violence to be vague and unactionable.

I’ll see you soon.

neekz0r ,

Not if I see you first.

Dubious_Fart ,

My god you are such a troublesome priest…

keeb420 ,

I'm not a priest, buddy.

socsa ,

I’m not your buddy, pal

msage ,
ElHexo ,

Right? The US government kills people for no reason all the time and this guy thinks he’ll be safe after giving them a reason

temptest , avatar

It’s worth pointing out that the victim probably isn’t in social circles where the government killing people for no reason all the time gets much attention. Hyperreality is a serious thing, the guy’s worldview probably makes it seem like free speech exists, unless it’s a bad slur on facebook dot commie.

ThomasMuentzner , avatar

a death sqaud in a banana republic … psychic evaluation in a civilisation ?

Wage_slave , to worldnews in Man who threatened Biden shot dead in FBI raid in Utah avatar

“The complaint said Robertson came to the attention of federal agents in March after he posted a threat against Mr Bragg on Truth Social, the social network owned by Mr Trump. The company alerted the FBI’s National Threat Operations Center.

FBI agents then visited the suspect, who told them that the post was a “dream” and ended the conversation by saying: “We’re done here! Don’t return without a warrant!””

Not only does Truth Social narc on him, but the “dreams” defense was a true sign of just how far gone that asshole was.

False ,

You know you goofed when Truth Social turns you in to the feds

socsa ,

Truth social is in it for the grift, not for the heat. They aren’t really the revolutionary counterculture fortress they make themselves out to be. They just figured out that stupid people are easy to monetize. Which is rapidly becoming MBA canon for all social media.

Corkyskog ,

Honestly monetizing stupidity if you don’t have any personal morals is exceptionally easy. I often get jealous at the revenues even some of the simplest of these gifts are, and monkeypaw wish I was a shittier person.

Asafum ,

It’s why every scammer goes after old people. They usually aren’t as sharp as they once were unfortunately…

My coworker just told me a story about his grandmother being robbed of 300k because some asshat came to her house and said she absolutely had to have the roof redone asap or it would collapse on her… She drove him to the bank and emptied her account… I was infuriated hearing about that and that he got away…

PowerCrazy ,

Why do you say that? Do you think an obvious grift like truth social isn’t going to be play nice with the government? Why would any action they do hold more weight then something like facebook, reddit or lemmy?

interdimensionalmeme ,

I imagine they put him down like a dog after he said that. I also imagine they just killed him first and made up that statement afterwards. Who’s going to contradict the crazed armed murderers, not the dead guy I can tell you that, just ask Fred Hampton.

judgeholden ,

it’s a really bizarre story, I can’t find a single article explaining what actually happened. usually the cops lie and say he drew a weapon on them, or shot at them first, or they feared for their lives or something. there’s nothing with this, they’re just saying he’s dead.

interdimensionalmeme ,

It all boils down to, there used to be subbed crazy idiot mouthing off to his phone. Then the cops came and now there’s a dead body.

This is what’s on the table with cop interaction, they’re going to kill you. They know the game better than you, they’ll always find a way to justify it and you’ll be too much of a rotting course to care.

temptest , avatar

They’re taking away his right to free dreams.

Lenguador , to worldnews in Scientists at Fermilab close in on fifth force of nature avatar

From Wikipedia: this is only a 1-sigma result compared to theory using lattice calculations. It would have been 5.1-sigma if the calculation method had not been improved.
Many calculations in the standard model are mathematically intractable with current methods, so improving approximate solutions is not trivial and not surprising that we've found improvements.

slackassassin ,

So what? I mean, not to be shitty, but this is important work that allows for this downplayed and pedantic take to even exist.

Experimental verifications should be celebrated, and the fact that they’re not is the problem with the current state of science journalism.

PunnyName , to worldnews in Man who threatened Biden shot dead in FBI raid in Utah

Lucky bastard, doesn’t have to live on a burning planet anymore.

Derproid ,

Lol if you think he’s lucky why not just off yourself?

PunnyName ,

Working on it

Derproid ,

I’m really sorry your feeling that way, no one deserves to feel like the best decision is death. I’ve been there and I wouldn’t wish that feeling on anyone. I know you don’t want to hear anyone tell you “Oh just stick it out life gets better!” because if you’re like I was that’s just a fantasy that never comes. But if you’ll take any advice I’d suggest finding something you love to do and just making that your life’s work, don’t worry about anything else. That’s what I did, gave up on everything else and just focused on that for a few years, eventually things ended up turning out alright for me.

PunnyName ,

Ah, backpedaling now, eh?

I care not about your platitudes.

Be better, and fuck off.

Derproid ,

Really? I made a sarcastic comment and then when I realized another human being going through a serious struggle I’ve gone through before I try to show compassion. This is why I said you need to stop caring about all this crap that makes life no

Ya know what fuck it whatever be miserable if you want to.

happyhippo , to worldnews in Man who threatened Biden shot dead in FBI raid in Utah

He fucked around.

He found out.

jecxjo , to worldnews in Georgia doctor decapitated baby using 'excessive force' in delivery avatar

The part I don’t get is why wrap it up to look like it was ok? We’re they going to hand the baby to the parents and then claim it was ok when they handed it over? No take backs? Seriously wtf?!?

KoboldCoterie , to worldnews in Man who threatened Biden shot dead in FBI raid in Utah avatar

Sounds like (purely speculation, since the details aren’t available) he pulled a gun on or otherwise threatened the agents coming to arrest him, based on his other behavior. Told them to come back with a warrant, they did so, and he took issue?

Either way, posting on the internet about assassinating government officials, regardless of whether it’s serious or not, was probably not the smartest opening move.

NightAuthor ,

“Opening” is quite an interesting word in this context

TransplantedSconie ,

He was posting over and over on how he’d kill the prez, the veep, and Alvin Bragg for months. The one that finally did him in was talking about sniping Diamond Joe. They paid him a visit, and he got squirrelly on 'em.

mosiacmango ,

Thats just the official story. What actually happened was that dark biden’s Cyber-Brain picked up the threat, so he used his lazer vision while at a rally in New Mexico to vaporize him.

The media is totally censoring the thousand mile long lazer beam the president shot out of his eyes. They have the footage, but they are too afraid to tell the truth, because then the Clinton Mutant Teenage Turtles will kill them.

Read all about it on that guys truth social page.

nohaybanda ,
seahorse , avatar

Dark brandon strikes again!

Landrin201 , avatar

That won’t stop the far right from turning him into a martyr

athos77 ,

Or from producing more of them.

DarkGamer , avatar

They sure are big on traitors and hostile to the rule of law lately.

Zorque ,


DarkGamer , avatar

The right used to at least pretend to be into law and order.

Zorque ,

They still pretend, they just also pretend that the rule of law is different than what it is.

You know how many far-righters have "back the blue" and thin blue line bumper stickers?

CmdrShepard ,

Yes the same guys who rant about government tyranny yet defend police (government employees/enforcers) at every opportunity love to also rant about the rule of law unless those rules are applied to them or their current flavor of the week messiah.

PowerCrazy ,

And yet here were are in a thread about the state murdering someone over words and liberals are falling over themselves to “back the blue” hardest.

PunnyName ,

They still are.

“Law and order” is a racist dog whistle.

abraxas ,

They’ve always backed conservative cops enforcing conservative laws against “other people” but letting conservatives off with a warning.

Dubious_Fart ,

They were never into law and order.

They were just into law beating and brutalizing black and poor people.

stephen01king ,

He never said they were. He said they pretended to.

Dubious_Fart ,

They turned a dumb cunt that jumped over a barricade to rush a bunch of men with guns into a martyr.

They’ll turn this guy into The Jesus to Trumps God.

AOCapitulator , avatar

What word did you try and use there?

Starlet , avatar

it was cu nt, it’s only censored on hexbear

eskimofry ,

What you mean that won’t STOP them? That actually STARTs them again!

HooPhuckenKarez ,

He must've forgotten to add " Minecraft.".

rjs001 , avatar

No video, no proof that he threatened them. Innocent until proven guilty should be clear that this ought to be read as an extra-judicial killing

sanguinepar , to worldnews in Scientists at Fermilab close in on fifth force of nature avatar

I’m hoping it turns out to be “funk”.

133arc585 , avatar

Indeed. Funk can not only move, it can remove.

WidowsFavoriteSon ,

I love you’

DarkThoughts , to worldnews in Georgia doctor decapitated baby using 'excessive force' in delivery

Jesus fucking Christ. If you think the headline's bad, don't even try to read the actual article. What the actual fucking fuck.

CanadaPlus ,

NSFL> Several nurses are also being sued for concealing the incident. > Mr Lynch alleged in graphic detail the measures staff had taken to cover up the the horrific incident, including wrapping the baby’s body in a blanket and propping his head up to make it look like it was still attached.

Holy shit, that’s indefensible, and they all worked together. It reminds me of the Milgram shock experiments.

Rapidcreek , to news in Maui resident: 'We still have dead bodies floating in the water'

Maui is cut off. No internet. Very sparce landlines service. No cellphones. Electricity is down. Because of that probably water too. Still have radio communications and some satellite stuff. The calvary hasn’t arrived yet. Winds at 35mph. Given all this it is not hard to understand that we don’t know the full extent yet.

CoopaLoopa ,

Lahaina is fucked, not all of Maui. Power went down for all of Lahaina, Ka’anapali, Napili, and Kapalua on Tuesday (8/8/23) morning. All those towns are connected with a single road back to the rest of Maui, and Tuesday morning at 5a-ish, something like 30 telephone/power poles fell on that road and blocked up traffic in and out. There was a fire Tuesday morning, then the fire department said it was 100% contained in the afternoon and everyone let their guard down. Once the fire sparked back up later that night, all hell broke loose.

The rest of Maui has power and internet without issues. I didn’t even lose power or Internet at all on the other side of the island.

stopthatgirl7 , (edited ) to worldnews in Georgia doctor decapitated baby using 'excessive force' in delivery avatar

I saw this yesterday and still can’t manage anything more than “what the fuck.”

TheTaj , to worldnews in Texas woman seriously injured after hawk drops snake on her

Well look at the size of her frickin lawn. She must have to mow 24x7. Eventually a hawk was bound to drop a snake on her. It was just a matter of time.

Rom , to worldnews in Georgia doctor decapitated baby using 'excessive force' in delivery avatar
DarkThoughts , (edited )

Enough kbin for today.

Edit: I should've stopped at the headline.

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