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Software Architect turned Engineering Manager

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jeff , avatar

My favorite project was C++; it was big, it was complicated, there was a massive team working on it, I got to work with high level abstractions while occasionally dealing with really low level concerns.

It was really hard, but now writing code in every other language I’ve worked in has been really easy.

jeff , avatar

The Word of Wisdom, which outlines the health guidelines of not drinking alcohol and using tobacco, as well as eating less meat, eating more grains; was originally just as the name suggests, words of wisdom.

Joseph Smith drank wine, used tobacco, and drank coffee up to his death.

It wasn’t until the early 20th century when it started to be treated as a commandment. This is around the time when they started codifying a lot of doctrine, stopped practicing polygamy, and started to function more like a mainstream religion and less like a cult.

Source: raised Mormon, went on mission, took religion classes at BYU-Provo on church history.

jeff , avatar

When does something become mainstream? The Steam Deck has sold millions of units.

jeff , avatar

But guys, if we use agile then we don’t need requirements! We just make something and then the customers tell us if we are on the right track, we just get to iTeRaTe

jeff , avatar

The plural of moose is meese.

spoiler/s for non-native English speakers

jeff , avatar

Wow, I didn’t expect an expert to chime in.

jeff , avatar

I’m a software consultant and juggle multiple accounts without issue in Outlook. Whenever the authentication expires I have to sign in again in a bunch of places, but that only happens once a month.

jeff , avatar

Haha, yeah, free. I totally haven’t spent hundreds of dollars on the game. It’s over a decade with thousands of hours though. I haven’t really played the last couple years though, but that’s mostly because I have small children and a career

jeff , avatar

A full solution to the halting problem can’t exist. But you can definitely write a program that will “reliably” detect them to a certain percentage.

And many applications do exactly that. Firefox asked me today if I wanted to stop a tab because it was processing for too long.

jeff , avatar

Right. There is no solution to the halting problem, that’s been proven. But you just showed you can very easily create a way of practically solving it. Just waiting for 10 seconds does it. That will catch every infinite loop while also having some false positives. And that will be fine in most applications.

My point is that even if a solution to the halting problem is impossible, there is often a very possible solution that will get you close enough for a real world scenario. And there are definitely more sophisticated methods of catching non-halting programs with fewer false positives.

jeff , avatar

Just don’t tell your Legal department.

jeff , avatar

flat white wall

Hey guys, look at this light mode user! My wall is dark mode. 😎

In a serious note, a developer should be aware of how licenses work. Just copy pasting from Stack Overflow likely breaks the defaults license. You could open up yourself or your company to serious legal trouble. And it really isn’t ethical. I wouldn’t want code I shared in a certain context be stolen by a large corporation and make them money

jeff , avatar

There’s really good documentation out there and there’s bad/nonexistent documentation. So stackoverflow is going to be a more consistent experience.

Also I think it is a bit of a skill to be able to read documentation well, especially for Jr. Devs that might not have fully grasped OOP.

jeff , avatar

Hey, my meme I reposted got reposted to this instance’s programmer humor. Cool!

I stole it from someone else, so no worries OP. I honestly just like how Lemmy can enable these “reposts”. I think it’s fun that someone else that a dumb meme I thought was funny was actually funny enough to post it again.

jeff , avatar

null doesn’t necessarily mean “nothing”.

Classic toilet paper example. toilet paper

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