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euphoria OP , avatar

4chan, dont ever ever go there unless you want to be bombarded with violent, hateful racism, nazism, alt right ideology, gore, and loli shit , and the n word every other comment

euphoria , (edited ) avatar

exploding-heads :)

euphoria , avatar

funny how every time conservatives group up, their communities become so toxic, full of hate and conspiracies, that people have no choice but to cut ties lol

euphoria , (edited ) avatar

conservative spaces shouldn't need moderates to balance out their toxicity and crazy when left on their own, they simply shouldn't be toxic and crazy. why do they need their hand held? it gets defederated quickly because THEY always quickly turn their spaces into pure hate, and they choose to spread that. that's on them, not us.

euphoria , avatar

then it must be specified if we already are aware that people will assume American conservative when they hear the word conservative. though, it's unlikely OP meant anything other than American conservatism, see buzz-words like "liberal echo chamber"

euphoria , avatar

That’s not political right; that’s just a bunch of losers

well i mean,,, same thing

euphoria , avatar

here is a nice post on to emphasize their wonderful community of rational conservatives

"jabba the black"

euphoria , avatar

and another

euphoria , avatar

aaaand another, i could go on

euphoria , avatar

holy shit, the jokes write themselves. it really is like 3 losers posting weird ass shit

"If A Leftist Guy Was With His Girlfriend And Called You A Toxic Male, What Would You Do?"
"I downvote every post that says 'climate change"

euphoria , avatar

they'd thrive on 4chan. i recommend OP go there. that's a breeding ground for this ideology. they can enjoy all the loli, nazi, and "n***er" rekt gore threads they desire

euphoria , avatar

4chan has a shiiiit ton of loli threads, sometimes containing real cp unfortunately, and some ai generated realistic cp. and, 4chan is a cesspool of alt right cunts. they are the ones proudly producing the threads

euphoria , avatar

both are disgusting cesspits. i see no variation on /b/. its all loli, rekt, nazi threads, andy biersack, and porn

euphoria OP , avatar

huh? both the top is a cat dude. i said it was a pug bc the og poster literally said the bottom two are from a pug

euphoria OP , avatar

here is that healthy pug breed vs a regular pug. hope those on lemmy can see this image

euphoria OP , avatar


euphoria OP , avatar

i am in a similar boat, that and all the cheesy lame 2010-esque memes, it makes it hard to stick around. so i try to do my fair share and post more modern, hopefully funnier shitposts and memes than i usually see. glad you found this funny C:

euphoria OP , avatar

all you have to do is scroll this community and especially

euphoria OP , avatar

okay? its subjective so we may not agree, so i don't think it makes sense to provide examples about what i personally find unfunny and cheesy, but here

for this community: 1 - 2 - 3

lemmy memes: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

again, this is all a personal thing, others may find this funny and entertaining and thats obviously perfectly fine 👍🏼

euphoria OP , avatar

lol i am not a fan of old school and or fb memes, so anything like that or similar to that just makes me ugh. but yea its all personal taste

euphoria OP , avatar

it's 4chan, they will use the n word wherever they possibly can

euphoria OP , avatar

? it's just a funny pic bro. dont take it too seriously. i dont understand how the n word in a post, like dozens of other shitposts, suddenly means i cant post it? - sincerely, a mixed woman

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