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beaxingu , avatar

i think I2P needs better usability like what they did with the tor browser in the beginning it was a pain to use now it just works like a normal browser you just install and done.

beaxingu , avatar

i think the best part of tribler is decentralized search it could be better but if torrent sites used it to distribute there torrents torrent sites could never be taken down.

beaxingu , avatar

because producing war materials is propping up the economy in the short term. its a war economy but producing shit to blow up so too use up is not something that will be a benefit in the long term.
sanctions is something that works over the long term and that need to be adjusted over time.

beaxingu , avatar

WTF is transgender care what is the difference with just old care everybody else gets nobody seems to talk about that. what exactly is meant with transgender care, is there like gay care lesbian care bi care and what would that even be

beaxingu , avatar

women and children or elder care is only differentiated because different biological things happen. the same with female or male biology that's why you would focuses on that. trans is only a very small subset of that. you only say transgender care because you don't want to directly say what it actually is you are actually asking for. transgender care is used because it sounds better then asking for hormones and puberty blockers and after that surgery's. its to marked something with a more familiar term to make it more acceptable. some people want hormones and puberty blockers to be the only way in reducing dysphoria and a big part of that wants surgery to be the only way. calling everybody bigots and fascists because you disagree with someone only shows how weak your arguments are. it does not help your credibility and it only helps to reduce the impact and meaning of the words.

beaxingu , avatar

you should already know there are no more sides.

beaxingu , avatar

trans care is only unique in that its trying to get shit by calling it trans care. and not i want hormones and puberty blockers and if i can a surgery. that is the primary reason its called trans care to piggy back of something that is already establish and associate it as the same thing. lets just not forget this is all just for appearance the opposite of something like cancer so what could be the mystery of one being harder to get then the other. hormonal makeup and fat distribution is based on your gender.

beaxingu , avatar

everybody is a bigot and a fascists now you just need to disagree with what they say. its only ignorant, misinformed and disinformation when it does not align with your specific politics. that's why you need to be careful with saying shit like that it deludes the meaning of ignorant, misinformed ignorant and disinformation fascist and bigot too because nobody will take it seriously anymore and i just don't like the misusage of terms for your own political benefit. you delude the meanings of does words to your detriment.

beaxingu , avatar

gender affirming care is the exact same thing. i do no maybe mental problems should be treated firs and maybe go too a mental health professional instead of doing body altering drugs and surgeries. that would be my radical alternative you know more radical than taking body altering drugs and surgeries. maybe im just extremist.

beaxingu , avatar

hey at least im not known for purging people for there political beliefs. also no need for calling people the worst thing they can be for political wins. and i can just have more fun. no need to sniff my own farts.

beaxingu , avatar

because women's care and elder care don't only mean hysterectomy and radical mastectomy and euthanasia that's the whole point of doing it in that way because you cant really know what is really meant because it involves a lot more. its just more common in does groups of care. trans care means exactly what i said it means and its used to make it sound better you can only dream of wanting to use it in any other way like women's care and elder care.

beaxingu , avatar

no i just don't like to repeat myself its in my other posts.

beaxingu , avatar

for those who desire them oh really what mental healthcare did they get? i don't think that's how it works for hormones and surgery's. i get it because i want to get it like your taking a fucking mint no serious Medical procedure works like that. i think you live in a fantasy world and you seem very invested. because no rationale person would seriously say this.

beaxingu , avatar

best reply ever. im guessing this is how you mostly reply.

beaxingu , avatar

i can see you are very very very invested in this. appearances always matters its biology you can only lessen how much it matters. but don't really know how much that matter for trans people because of course its not only just appearances its the whole body that's a big difference now you need to take that part into account too. and there is such a thing as passing you can try and down play that all you want but that will never go away. like i know there are differences some people pass better then others but your still dealing with biology so i don't think its something you can ever get away from. and i do think there are definitely people who make it worse for the rest like some people obviously just want attention and feel special because now they have something to build there whole superficial identity around there are levels of this from a fat guy in dress and wig to an internet influencer who does it for cloud. for the most part i don't care about what people do when there adults that's your business. i just don't like the ideology around it like trans women are women why use trans then i can never take something like that seriously so willfully ignored to realty i have no respect for that. and it definitely does not incentivize me to have respect for people like that. like i can accommodate you but after something like that i don't really feel the need. not really a good way to earn the respect of people that's not how respect works the pronouns is the same thing. also just saying give hormones and surgeries to everybody who asks for it seems crazy to me. something that involved should never work like that. that is just asking for problems just imagine how that can be abused or go wrong. no other body altering drugs or surgery would work like that. i also do think unless we can create a clone of you but change it to the gender you want and put your brain in that body there will always be inbuilt problems that come along with being trans there is no way around that.

beaxingu , avatar

fantasy world is still worse its not real. propaganda world at least you can try and change.i guess you have your own better sounding definition of trans care good for you but its just yours and its a small one because you have not said anything about the rest.

beaxingu , avatar

Have you ever reflected upon the why? but you seem above that kind of thing. there are a lot of things in nature you are naturally repulsed by just because its strong does not mean its not a natural even uncontrollable reaction. but i guess framing the question fits you well. the whole repulsion is a strong reaction so it must just be you very bad person is just stupid.

beaxingu , avatar

yes everything you don't like is fascists because you say so.

beaxingu , avatar

you can really pick out the redditers they really like pressing those arrows. its just a circle jerk its people who really like to jerk themself off.

beaxingu , avatar

you did say hormones and surgery, for those who desire them. you did not say anything about requirements .you where only talking about how awesome these treatments are was that shaping your own reality. requirements seems like something you should start with for someone who knows so much.

beaxingu , avatar

maybe some trans people are not the best representatives of trans people because some want the craziest shit possible and it seems to me they are distorting everything. ;But if you decide that for whatever reason you understand us better than we understand ourselves and decide to make our choices for us... you BECOME our problem,- this seems unfalsifiable you are essentially saying its my feeling so you just have to follow what i say and you cant criticize me because its my feelings when feeling are the most unreliable sense there is. this precludes any rationale or evidence against your feelings because everything is based on your feelings not reality. the medical community seems exceptionally compromised in this aria because a lot it is based on feelings and you don't want to be a bigot do you. to the point that people doing studies that some trans activists don't like get protested so no real research gets done that might go against your feelings this all seems very dangerous to me and a recipe for disaster. i accept that people can have different experiences that is life but i also accept reality like your example of explaining color to the blind when they are blind from birth of course. even if they cant see color it still exists even if they feel it does not it does not matter what a blind person does they will never be able to change this reality no matter what they do. reality does not depend on feelings or your lived experiences. if you want to be believable you need something outside your feelings. and that is the biggest difficulty because its all very subjective outside drugs and surgeries themselves its why you should get them.

beaxingu , avatar

ah yes educate yourself because your opinion is not valid. even here you are just talking about your own feelings. yes very cherry Pict studies that obviously support everything you say and if it does not there done by bigots and they should not be used. Transitioning is what helps trans people who want to transition i really love this circular argument its Presuppositional trans argument

beaxingu , (edited ) avatar

dude that means the exact same shit confirming my reply. calling people names very classy this must mean you are winning and adult.

beaxingu , avatar

then why would you reply doing exactly what he wants.its just funny.

beaxingu , avatar

attacked you its a reply on the internet. and you seem to have no problem with it yourself i don't really care its just text but it does make things more interesting.
yes its what i wanted to know its very good.
the whole repulsion is a strong reaction thing but hey i got a reply.

beaxingu , avatar

Transitioning is what helps trans people who want to transition. just assuming that what you want to be true is just the only solution before even considering other options.
my beliefs fail to comport with your beliefs. ah yes i need too find papers for serious internet business so you can just deflect everything. i love your serious debate tactics. "medical care for trans people who want it is the best route" you mean people who want hormones and surgeries.

beaxingu , avatar

ah yes i need proof and you can just say some shit. you are doing the exact same shit im doing no difference at all.
i will just keep doing what i was doing just like you. i will just ignore your debate tactics.
yes Depression is about feelings and they will not be able to get appearance altering surgeries in that state. the depression thing is not helping your argument.

beaxingu , avatar

that just shows you have not used the internet very well and that your being disingenuous because people can say what ever fuck they want as you are showing right now. if you want to take everything seriously people call you that's your problem not mine.

beaxingu , avatar

this only makes it worse. do you think just because you know the internet existed sins 1989 that it can not be that you have been doing it wrong. this is not an argument in your favor. your previous disingenuous reply was very funny i never take tactics like that very seriously.

beaxingu , avatar

debate your existence is that what you think we are doing. you think very highly of yourself. i was talking about very specific shit like giving hormones and surgeries to kids not adults. i even said if you are an adult i don't give a fuck what you do as long as you don't make it my problem. kids is making it everybody's problem. if you want to make that into i hate trans people that is your problem not mine. making everybody you disagree with into demons is not going to ever help you. respect is earned not given. being trans is not a shield from criticism.

beaxingu , avatar

its makes it worse that you know the internet exists for that long and you have no clue how it works. because calling people bigots online is not argument its a distraction and you show this tactic very well. it show your ignorant or your just keeping dumb to show how virtues you are for internet cloud both are dumb. your Humble bragging is just funny.

beaxingu , avatar

yes you can read what you want to hear and that's not my problem.are we not nice who would not want to join you. lets hope you never complain about mean words on the internet.

beaxingu , avatar

you don't know how it works because you are trying to seriously say again that calling random people names on the internet somehow means anything like its some kind of argument. its meaningless its a diversion to make you defend yourself instead of staying on the fucking point. as you have showed very well. i find it very funny how you like too sniff your own farts and the sniffing only gets harder and more intense.

beaxingu , avatar

again that is not something to brag about it only means you have not used the internet very well.

beaxingu , avatar

it is very simple it shows experience if you reply to enough people someone will always eventually start calling you names. its inevitable if you do it long enough you can not avoid this because people are people. and you saying you have never encountered this shows you have not used the internet well enough. so you bragging about this is very funny.

beaxingu , avatar

you are bigot you have always been a bigot now you have. now this whole argument is meaningless. what are you going to do now try to explain why you where called a bigot. it not that i want you too be called a bigot its about how you seem to miss how easy it is too be called a bigot so you bragging that it never happened too you just means you have not really talked to a lot of people who you disagree with.

beaxingu , avatar

exactly its that you think reddit is serious business. of course you have been on reddit for a decade the place where serious debates happen. no wonder this is how you argue. like i told you before this is not something to brag about. i find this very funny.

beaxingu , avatar

dude you said you have been on reddit for a decade to brag about how long you did without being called a bigot.
and you seriously used reddit to show how well you use the internet and to how many people you talked that disagree with you. when reddit is the biggest circle jerk on the internet where people think they have serious debates and this is exactly what you said.

beaxingu , avatar

OK dude. using reddit means you are a very serious internet user. and definitely when you keep your conversations very clean.

beaxingu , avatar

why are you even saying this. this all started with you saying hey nobody ever called me a bigot so that must mean wink nod wink nod if people on the internet call you that then you must be one because nobody called me that on the internet. then i said then you must have never used the interned properly because anybody can call you anything on the internet this means nothing. then you tried to show how well you know how too use the internet by saying that you used reddit for a decade and i made fun of you for that because reddit is very serious business with it being the front page of the internet and all. yes redditors are not funny at all. and you have just shown you actually do think its very serious business just look at what you are saying. that is the funniest part you are showing what i said in real time while saying I'm not a very serious anything and seriously asking Anything else about me you'd like to lie about? thank you this was very entertaining.

beaxingu , avatar

maybe you don't remember your own reply's.

beaxingu , avatar

i don't need to quote you people can fucking read and i don't want to repeat myself. maybe you can quote my lies and show why they are lies instead of just saying it. always better to show then tell.

beaxingu , avatar

a lot a talk dude you show nothing when you like quotes so much.

beaxingu , avatar

when i already did and you did nothing you just said lies dishonest bigot because nobody called you one somehow implying that name calling is very serious because someone online said it. and not funny at all when you make it so obvious.

beaxingu , avatar

you take random strangers very seriously when it suits you. when you say its all lies and dishonesty then im supposed tell you why its not with quotes.very funny. when you are the one saying its lies and dishonesty. i already went as deep as i want to go i don't feel the need to repeat myself if i don't get anything new. like i said before any random account can say anything they want its meaningless. i can make fun of it as easily as you type it.and i don't even need to call you names in the process. maybe show in your awesome English how its done how dishonest and a lair im maybe something you should have done in the first place. show not tell. should be no problem at all for someone who likes quotes so much and of course your awesome English.

beaxingu , avatar

no i said you have no problems using your awesome English so you have no excuses you can very easily show how its done you know with quotes and shit. how im a dishonest liar.

beaxingu , avatar

very funny dude i almost took you seriously but nobody could be serious about saying something so mindbogglingly stupid.

beaxingu , avatar

someone seems to think destructoid means something.

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