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Pan_Ziemniak ,

Nothing new here. Russian subterfuge is a staple of their government’s external workings for most of their history. I say this as a Pole whose country has a history of being preyed on by russian propaganda and covert ops anytime the russian state decided it wanted to go imperial.

Chicago police won't discipline 9 officers tied to Oath Keepers extremist group (

Chicago Police Department leaders said Thursday they have decided not to punish any officers whose names appeared on the leaked membership list of the Oath Keepers, an anti-government extremist group that played a key role in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol....

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Ahh yes, my go to point anytime the discussion of the defunding the class traitors comes up.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Maybe go thru my comment history before calling me a tankie, amigo.

Ive spent my entire time on this platform going after the russian/chinese talking points from those trying to disengage the American populace from their politics. Literally picked up a ban on my first or second day over it.

Dont blame u for being, shall we say, “trigger-happy” with the word given the sheer amount on here, but i assure you, calling someone cops class-traitors is not their hallmark.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Indeed, given that they are actually viscous liquids…

Russian state media is posting more on TikTok ahead of the U.S. presidential election, study says (

Russian state-affiliated accounts have boosted their use of TikTok and are getting more engagement on the short-form video platform ahead of the U.S. presidential election, according to a study published Thursday by the nonprofit Brookings Institution....

Pan_Ziemniak ,

But theyre not here on lemmy try to convince us to disengage politically or spoil our votes, i swear!!! /s

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Pretty much. Low turnout always favors the gop.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Sure, fund Ukraine and uncle vlad wont have quite as much money to blow on propaganda and foreign interference.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

XD if only it were so easy to trace back, but i appreciate ur heart being in the right place

Pan_Ziemniak ,

And once again, as the foreign trolls that are busy courting our youth want, not one comment in this entire thread mentions that Europe is on the brink of open modernized war should Ukraine fall to vlad “Ukraine is just a stepping stone” putin.

Gaza is a genocide, but that is not the critical geopolitical stage to be paying the most attention to. Once again it is completely ignored that the heads of hamas who attacked israel on oct 7 knowing exactly what they were about to cause are friends of putin.

The Gaza genocide was provoked precisely to pull western eyes from the Ukrainian front where russia was more than underperforming to ensure their victory in a sustained war of attrition.

You want to avoid a world war? You vote for biden whether u do it proudly or do it holding ur nose the way most of the sane will.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Ten year old?! Thats a high bar for most republicans these days. They want knee jerk and whining. Thats something most 10 year olds are already figuring out doesnt get them what they want.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

The Gaza genocide did not start on Oct 7, much like the Russian incursion on Unkraine did not start in Jan 2022.

This is very very true, and i didnt mean to imply otherwise. Ive been hating on the apartheid state in israel for a very very long time now, and as someone born in Poland, i need no reminders of the evil the russian state causes both at home and abroad. I highly appreciate the added clarity, i should have been more clear in the first place.

Both of those are tremendous blights on human rights and should be equally condemned.

Theyre both deserving of equal condemnation insofar as both are crimes against humanity, but the one is a much more slippery slope towards more genocide than i think many in the states realize. Russian imperial sentiments towards Poland, Lithuania, and Finland (of the very next in line) have been painfully clear to anyone paying attention to the past 100 years of history, and doubly so to anyone aware of “Foundations of Geopolitics.”

Im not trying to say that the death of one group is worse than anothers, but i am saying that one conflict is a direct precursor to (for the modern age) unprecedented levels of death and destruction.

I am also willing to elaborate that sucking apartheid israels proverbial dick is something the US has been doing since before most of us were born, and that bidens stance on israel is less than par for the course in that hes the first head of state to outright say things like, “maybe israel should hold new elections bc of how fucked up their treatment of Palestinians is.” Thats less than anyone wants or especially needs, but it does show represent more wavering from democratic leadership than one would expect. It also is further proof that the lemmy trolls telling u that the dems are getting more rightwing are full of it. We’re on the cusp of the reins being passed on from the old generation onto the new. I agree biden shouldnt be the choice in a sane world, but a sane world it is not, and we can hope for far more with the boomers coming out of power so long as our democracy isnt just pissed the fuck away.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

The onus to sane action is on everyone. Israel is in the wrong no matter which way u cut the pie. It does not mean that ignoring whats happening north of israel is validated bc the apartheid state is acting the way it always has.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

liberals and moderates

Of course you reduce the voices not believing ur “two sides” bullshit to ill fitting buzzwords.

And there is no choice between supporting israel or not, but there is between all out war and its prevention.

Per the usual tho, youve a vested interest in keeping Americans disinterested.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Others may be forced to contort their neurons to uncomfortable angles trying to come up with reasons thisd be bad… just think of all those hurted brains!! The humanity!!!

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Congrats to you!! Hopefully your ability to get ur medicine becomes easier/safer, but either way at least itll be legal for u!

Pan_Ziemniak ,


The wasps deserve better.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Wasps are living things. They likely experience pain and distress; i could never wish those on anything capable of feeling them. Señor racismo, on the other hand… maybe we could compromise and seal him in with some coronavirus to study its mutations?

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Wasps are one of the more cruel and fucked up insects out there

So still two classes of humanity above dorito Mussolini, then?

Pan_Ziemniak ,

A moose in The Hague…

May your imagination run wild!

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Its not newsworthy, but OP has a vested interest in spam posting as much as they can find about Gaza, the student protests over it, and shitting on biden in an effort to make him seem like a nonviable option.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Such sad news, truly. The car didnt deserve to be hurt.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Beat me to it! For the record, i only discovered these news subs hosted on beehaw recently and its been very good for my mental health to see things other than endless Gaza and “heres why the US is the worstest” spam.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

I feel u. This is all fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) which is actively disseminated by bad faith actors trying to weaken the country from within. A culture which fears itself is ineffective. Keeping in mind that we are all apart of the same culture whether we like it or not, it is important that the energy u project back into the culture at large be one of love, kindness, good-nature, and trust.

A lot of the youth saying these things u bring up are convinced that this it, the revolution theyve been hearing about and that there is no other way but to feed into the bull. Good on u to push back, and do ur best to not give into the negative emotions projected but to put back in something more constructive.

If the revolution were to truly happen, it will not be fought with guns, but by holding our surplus value hostage. We cannot defeat a militarized police or surveillance state govt via violence, but we can via economic warfare- and in that sort of conflict, love, kindness, good-nature, trust- solidarity- will be indisposable and key to not only winning, but surviving out right as well.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Excellent point. It is important to note that anytime employees stand up to employers, you get no shortage of propaganda trying to shout over the top of the issue that these workers dont deserve to be treated better bc of X, Y, or Z.

Like how when actors or athletes try to get a bigger piece of the pie and u get a throng of poors getting mad at them instead of getting mad at the multibillion dollar corporations that are capable of paying them as much.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

I heard all of PugJesus’ news items, how tf did all these pass me up?!

The alaska reserve is a huge win with how much oil companies have been trying to gobble all that beautiful land up.

Thanks for the reading material!

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Its also shunned by the bad faith actors intent on only spreading FUD, unfortunately. Thanks again

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Fucking comrades. Am friends with a middle aged Slovak. The cunts in power are hardly representative of their wonderful ppl.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Also large chunks of this one, too. Theyre really trying to make this seem like its about stripping ur privacy. Like, theres literally another bill right now thats passing thats actually about stripping away ur rights to digital privacy, this one in particular has nothing to do with that. This one truly is, adversarial govts shouldnt get to spy on our citizens.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Same… having to live in Indy is already bad enough.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Former machinist here, not sure if this is on raw material or finished products, but it was definitely a problem in the industry that customers could buy a half as good version of our product for a fraction of the price out of China. Even the shipping time was negligible bc they would crank these parts out so fucking quick, quality control be damned.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Almost like the west isnt funding them the way they are supposed to. To anyone in the US, this is why you need a democratic majority in the house. Russia has already called Ukraine a stepping stone multiple times, but US news is a awash with nothing but news on Gaza and israel despite the US policy on israel being unfortunately decided for 70 years now. So instead of pressuring our govt to act on Ukraine, we have protestors wasting their effort on the wrong genocide, one which the US was never going to stop, and is much smaller in scale. Its a dismal way of looking at things, but it is not incorrect.

Pan_Ziemniak ,


We didnt spend billions on Ukraine. We donate old arms worth billions that were due to be phased out anyway to Ukraine. Crappy media reporting has really done on number on everyone who believes otherwise. And guess what? That weaponry was doing the trick. As predicted, giving Ukraine an absolute fuckload of our outdated shit is held russia back.

But sure. Lets let Poland, Finland, and Lithuania fall next -___-

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Oops! I am dumb, by the way.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

I kinda thought so at first, but rereading ur comment i figured id better reply since u can never be to sure. Sorry dude. I guess u make a convincing republican when u try :p

Gov. Reeves proclaims Confederate Heritage Month in Mississippi (

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves declared April 2024 as Confederate Heritage Month in Mississippi, keeping alive a 31-year-old tradition that began in 1993. Beauvoir, the Biloxi, Miss., the museum and historic home of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, announced the proclamation in a Facebook post on Friday, April 12....

Pan_Ziemniak ,

I dont like biden. I approve of some of his policies. I dig forgiving student loans. I like the updated infrastructure plan, esp that it specifically targets the state that just had issues with their roads floading and is in desperate need of more jobs (VT). And i like the Texan high speed rail idea. Texas being annoying as shit aside, a high speed rail between two massive metropolises is exactly what we need. Not to mention the big 3 cities in TX already historically vote blue in the general so trying to energize that crowd ahead of the election seems a little optimistic, but not as misplaced as some would have u believe.

Biden is still Status Quo Joe to me. He still represents the continuation of neoliberal policies that keep us from addressing the climate crisis, but he does not represent a disruption to the democratic process but rather its continuation. With the youth being more aware of the climate situation, the draconian foreign policies we hold, and on the whole supporting a wider array of left leaning policies than any generation prior, biden is the only sane choice.

Pan_Ziemniak ,


Excellent points, truly didnt consider. Now if only we could get Joe to also go after WI, MI, and PA harder… i think those are key.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Agreed. My local area put a progressive (u know, an actual one) in office a couple election cycles ago and shes been very popular with her constituents.

Pan_Ziemniak , (edited )

Agree and disagree. If not Manshit and sEnema, wed find two other corporate dems to do the same. We need to primary the shit dems for progressives anytime we get the chance from the bottom up to really get climate action.

Joe tried more than he accomplished, but given that he accomplished more than Obama towards this end, id say thats a byproduct of the dems realizing they must cater to the new generation and i give the credit to the general culture shift. I dont think joe is the answer we’re looking for, but he is swayed by his consituents, regardless of what the lemmy FUD crowd will tell u.

So i do agree that for climate action we need the house to turn blue, but i also need it be said that the action they will accomplish will be less than needed, and they should be uncomfortably pressed on that fact. Over more than one election cycle, that is how we get what we want/need.

Eta: spelling

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Ooh! Productive disagreements based in good faith arguments! I love it!

The reason i buy into the “theory” in question is bc corporate democrats are notorious for playing the political game by ear and ammending their values to 1. Keep their voters backing, 2. Keep their owners happy.

Agreed on flipping the house, agreed on creating a tangible majority in the senate, agreed on flipping red seats. To this last point, based off of many many convos ive had with blue collar conservatives (who i think are either thr core of GOP support, or damn near), i feel like progressive candidates who arent afraid to get down and dirty on the grassroots level in red districts have a better chance of flipping those seats than so-called “moderate” dems. Per my experience, these right wing voters hate insurance conpanies, hate “the elite”, hate being unfairly taxed or otherwise “controlled” by their govt, and are willing to enact the policies we preach (single payer healthcare, wealth tax, lower taxes for their tax bracket and higher for the “elite” they hate, or even max wages) as long as they are stripped of the buzzwords they fear. Thru continuous conversation, even those buzzwords start to be less scary when the policies u preach are being espoused by someone they see as one of their own.

Disagree on making blue seats bluer. Largely bc of what i just said. To your credit, you bring up excellent points on manchin, i must admit i was ignorant about the situation u describe in WV. Great food for thought. Nevertheless, flipping red seats is not an either or situation with replacing the old guard with progressives. You have to remember the new guard coming into voting power prefers progressives.

Pan_Ziemniak ,

Bottom up, amigo! When the low level supports more progressives at higher levels, those endorsements from popular local officials will go a long way.

House Votes to Extend—and Expand—Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, a Major US Spy Program (

After months of delays, false starts, and interventions by lawmakers working to preserve and expand the US intelligence community’s spy powers, the House of Representatives voted on Friday to extend Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) for two years....

Pan_Ziemniak ,

The fact that the representatives we elected suck ass is hardly proof we dont have a functioning democracy, and especially not an authoritarian style oligarchy. It screams of privilege to pretend we live in the same political conditions as saudi arabia or russia.

We can elect candidates that prioritize privacy.

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