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Donald Tusk becomes Poland's prime minister with the mission of improving European Union ties (

Donald Tusk, a leader of a centrist party, returned as Poland’s prime minister for the first time in nearly a decade after a vote in parliament on Monday, paving the way for a new pro-European Union government following eight years of stormy national conservative rule....

GyozaPower ,

Sounds like a close story to what happened in Spain. Fascists failing to get majority despite their best efforts will never stop being amusing.

GyozaPower ,

I prefer that approach. We work with smaller tasks, so it makea more sense, plus it helps keep the master clean and if you want a more detailed view of the specific commits, you just have to click on the link to the PR. It’s a better way to organise it IMO

GyozaPower ,

I am speaking of the regular ioniq 5 here (which is still expensive as fuck), but I also hate how they have to strap every little shitty tech like Tesla just to try to both one-up them in terms of “wow, look how cool this [completely useless garbage] is” and to turn something that already worked (like the mirrors turning into fucking cameras) and was fairly simple into something that is fucking expensive and harder to repair.

GyozaPower ,

You are comparing Apples to oranges. While it may be true that Linux may have more software available, in my experience macOS has a shit ton of productivity software as well, and many times, due to being for-profit, of higher quality. That’s exactky why I’ve been thinking about giving my own try to making a launcher like Raycast for Linux.

GyozaPower , (edited )

If I were to end up doing it (too many things I would like to do, too little time), I’d do it foss. At most I’d paywall features that have an ongoing cost (like hosting or server costs), though I am a bigger fan of keeping things local. That way its simpler and also easier to trust.

Personally, I think that paying for software isn’t a bad thing as long as the price is right and the licensing reasonable (I really hate unnecessary subscriptions). Devs (specially if working on complex stuff) got to eat too, and sometimes donations aren’t enough.

GyozaPower , (edited )

Israelis have lived in fear of terrorist attacks for too long

And Gaza lived in fear of being bombed to the ground and murdered by the Israeli government for too long, while at the same time having all of their land stolen.

And who’s land is it then? Third generation Israelis whose grandfathers just decided to take already occupied land? That’s a funny bit.

I love how Israel is supposedly the victim all throughout their short history, yet, for some strange reason, they always gain something out of every conflict they, supposedly, get dragged into.

Edit: plus, it’s stupid to think that the israeli government didn’t want this to happen. They knew that oppression would lead to a response, and that response would justify further attacks on Gaza until they gain full control. For countries like that, what’s a few of their citizens’ lives in exchange for power? The US taught them well in that regard.

GyozaPower ,

A good change imo. Never made sense to me, both in desktop and mobile that DMs are located right with the server list. I don’t use it as much, but when I use it, it’s precisely for DMs, so I think it’s a change for the better. Some people complaining like they change every single part of the UI should touch some grass, sometimes change isn’t a bad thing.

How loose is too loose on a Samsung T7 Shield?

I’ve just bought a Samsung T7 Shield SSD and the connection is fairly loose. I’ve seen people complaining about theirs being very loose to the point where it would just get disconnected with normal movements. In my case it is not as severe, as regularly it doesn’t seem to come off and, for example, when connected to my...

GyozaPower ,

Hard to say. Mosquitos, is probably not one of them because even as much as we hate them, many animals prey on them, so unless other insect replaces them as a food source for those animals, them disappearing would probably affect many other species and subsequently, other species that may feed or depend in some form on those that feed on mosquitos.

My answer would probably be ticks, since I don’t think there’s many animals that feed on them and their only usefulness is population control, which should be doable by other species either way.

Edit: bed bugs as well, since it was mentioned by other commenters, I hate those fuckers and last I checked they weren’t any animal’s primary food source.

GyozaPower ,

That’s interesting. With how many of them there are and knowing that many species eat them, I would have expected that at least some of them would suffer in some way.

GyozaPower ,

To me that sounds like many people in that list didn’t get in by themselves

GyozaPower ,

I wouldn’t say you get that much of a performance hit with Apple games when emulating X86. Rosetta works pretty great for games that are already on macOS but as X86 games. The problem is emulating for Windows games that are also on X86.

GyozaPower ,

Then, the whole world should sanction the US then.

GyozaPower ,

Personally I would much prefer to have a 6h work day or 6,5 hour (for it to be 32h, like the 4-day work week) than to have 8 hours a day for 4 days. I don’t care about having one more day of free time if I still don’t have as much time during 4 days of the week. I would much rather work less time those 5 days so that I actually have time to cook, exercise and do my shit every single day.

GyozaPower ,

But on Google Pixels you can install GrapheneOS, unlike any other Android device

GyozaPower ,

Because it’s controlled by a lunatic

GyozaPower ,

I’ll play a sad song on the smallest violin. Many people lose their entire lives to shitty jobs, he is out of touch.

GyozaPower ,

Yep, can’t expect too much from El Pais

GyozaPower ,

The only thing I want is proper support for desktop addons on mobile.

GyozaPower ,

The spanish right has no moral ground to stand on for MANY things. The problem is that they continue to act like the past doesn’t exist and they have never done anything wrong. Hypocrisy at its best.

GyozaPower ,

I this case, they are probably suffering from success. Shitty manufacturing and unrepairability aside, the M macbooks are the first competent macbooks in quite a while, so most people probably bought the first versions and now they have no desire to upgrade, because why would they? I have an M1 Pro and aside from gaming performance there is absolutely no reason for me to upgrade.

GyozaPower ,

I think our choices don’t matter. Unless there are actual competitors with actual relevance in the industry that do the right thing and we are not priced out of supporting them, the only way is to make laws against this crap. Not that it’s easy, but it’s the most realistic way, I think. Unless, of course, we all join together and look for a way to make ethical clothing that is not too expensive (all while praying that the big brands won’t crush us with their infinite money)

GyozaPower ,

I mean, in Windows they literally have a “saved games” folder and almost no games use it. I too hate that most fucking games have to save their shit to the Documents directory. That’s the directory FOR MY FUCKING DOCUMENTS, NOT GAME SAVEDATA

GyozaPower ,

Yeah, in Spain the main rightwing party is shifting more and more towards Trumpism, while the ultrarightwing party, Vox, has always been a bad copy of Trumpism.

Ask Lemmy: Traditional vs natural mouse scrolling; which do you use?

Despite being a heavy cell phone user for more than 25 years, it only recently occurred to me that vertical navigation on most phones is inverted when compared to traditional computers. You swipe down to navigate upward, and up to navigate downward. I recently spent time using a MacBook, which apparently defaults to this...

GyozaPower ,

I consider trackpads to emulate the touch of the screen (so like a phone). So natural scrolling for me.

GyozaPower ,

Also, I’m definitely spending money and my PTO for what’s going to be quite an unpleasant experience. There are many places that are beautiful and culture rich as well without as much unpleasantness.

GyozaPower ,

Idk, brain swelling is painful and suffering from it while paralysed until you die is kind of nightmarish. If anything, hallucinations look more tame than what actually happened.

GyozaPower ,

Not necessarily a fanboy, but still incredibly naive to think that Elon has an actual plan to help people with these things rather than doing good ol’ Elon stuff which is experimenting with shit he does not understand just because it looks cool and makes him look like the Iron Man of real life. And while doing so, he is also torturing animals. Great!

GyozaPower ,

Sorry man, but when it comes down to Elon Musk getting his filthy, greedy and insanely narcissistic hands on anything, there’s no way I am not going to be cynical about it. For what is worth, Jesuschrist himself could come and sing praises about him and I would still not believe anything good is coming from that man and brain chips.

GyozaPower ,

No, millenials end at around 1994-1996 last I checked. These generations are weird because as an early gen z (1999) I’m closer to the last millenials than to a genz that was born in like 2007.

Zelensky dismisses compromise with Putin, pointing to Prigozhin’s death (

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin – the Russian mercenary leader whose plane crashed weeks after he led a mutiny against Moscow’s military leadership – shows what happens when people make deals with Russian leader Vladimir Putin....

GyozaPower ,

The Russians lost 19 million Russian civilians in the war, why would they care about the Jews?

Nevermind the fact that it was Russia itself that treated (and keeps treating) its soldiers as cannon fodder

GyozaPower ,

Because religion is still the brainwashing machine that set it in motion.

Saying that it’s all because religion and not blaming the father is stupid, but so is ignoring the importance of religion as a control tool.

GyozaPower ,

Rather than edgy, they are straight up tankies (aka, russia and URSS apologists)

GyozaPower ,

We are not equating “communists” with fascism, we are equating authoritarian communists with fascism. They are both as bad because they are both authoritarian regimes that are based around opressing the people.

And holicaust trivialization? Didn’t the URSS kill a shit ton of people as well? Isn’t China commiting crimes against humanity as well?

GyozaPower ,

Ok tankie

GyozaPower ,

You wish, baby

GyozaPower ,

Or children starving because they have to pay for shitty food at school, or children starving and having a bad life because their parents can’t afford to pay for more even if they already work, or children at orphanages…

Yeah, much like with forbidding abortion (but then never caring whether the no longer-aborted child will have a proper home to live), children are just a political tool.

GyozaPower ,

It’s funny seeing the replies to your comment crying about “not brigading” but then the vast majority of the comments in this post come from hexbear users commenting tankie shit

GyozaPower ,

It’s not just about having permission or not, but the right to be forgotten. You can ask a company to delete the personal data they may have on you and by law they should (in theory) delete it, with the only exception being data that may be required for justified purposes.

AIs not being able to “forget” means that they would be breaking the law if trained with personal data, as you could not have your data removed if you ask them to do so.

GyozaPower ,

People want big phones for some reason

Bigger battery, better for content consumption and overall usage if you use it frequently. It’s not that weird, yet you treat it as if we were talking about aliens.

GyozaPower ,

I mean, almost complete disappearance of smaller phones is kinda puzzling?

Yeah, my bad there, I understood the previous comment as somewhat of a “Well I don’t understand how people can like big phones”.

My guess is, as with many other things, corporations pushed towards a certain thing (big phones in this case) enough to make it the default and then the bigger audience just stopped caring as a result.

It is interesting indeed, but I guess that’s just it, aside from the obvious fact that the bigger the space, the easier is to design stuff (my previous comment + better heat dissipation + more space for cameras), so probably a mixture of all of these things together and a couple more.

GyozaPower ,

Yeah, I read the title and was like: if the babies are with the iPads, it’s because their parents are not spending time with the babies.

Now the reason behind it, that’s another story, but I agree that it’s most likely having to work like a slave.

GyozaPower , (edited )

I’ve had both iPhones and Androids at several points in my life (just recently switched from and iPhone 11 to an S23 Ultra).

For the most part, I find Android devices to be plain better. More features, more freedom… you know, the usual. The only thing I find to be better on the iPhones is that, as a frontend developer and someone who loves seeing nice UX on apps, I feel like 3rd party native apps are usually much better and much more frequent on Apple devices than on Android ones. When I participate in macOS development communities, it also feels like devs enjoy much more developing for macOS/iOS/iPadOS than the alternatives.

But as said, as a device, I much rather prefer Android phones.

OpenAI now tries to hide that ChatGPT was trained on copyrighted books, including J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series (

OpenAI now tries to hide that ChatGPT was trained on copyrighted books, including J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series::A new research paper laid out ways in which AI developers should try and avoid showing LLMs have been trained on copyrighted material.

GyozaPower ,

Let’s not pretend that LLMs are like people where you’d read a bunch of books and draw inspiration from them. An LLM does not think nor does it have an actual creative process like we do. It should still be a breach of copyright.

GyozaPower ,

I wasn’t referring to whether the LLM commits copyright infringement when creating a text (though that’s an interesting topic as well), but rather the act of feeding it the texts. My point was that it is not like us in a sense that we read and draw inspiration from it. It’s just taking texts and digesting them. And also, from a privacy standpoint, I feel kind of disgusted at the thought of LLMs having used comments such as these ones (not exactly these, but you get it), for this purpose as well, without any sort of permission on our part.

That’s mainly my issue, the fact that they have done so the usual capitalistic way: it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

Ex-Tesla employee reveals shocking details on worker conditions: 'You get fired on the spot.' (

Ex-Tesla employee reveals shocking details on worker conditions: ‘You get fired on the spot.’::Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s ‘ultra hardcore’ work culture is revealed to have led to long hours, unsafe conditions, and harassment for employees.

GyozaPower ,

Do you walk to those cities or what?

Do you think that in Europe we all live right next to the capital or even next to one of the top 4 biggest cities of our country?

Parmigiano-Reggiano makers are putting edible microchips the size of a grain of sand into their 90-pound cheese wheels to combat counterfeiters (

Parmigiano-Reggiano makers are putting edible microchips the size of a grain of sand into their 90-pound cheese wheels to combat counterfeiters::Italian Parmigiano-Reggiano makers are using microchips to verify the authenticity of their products and thwart scammers.

GyozaPower ,

With a few sparkles of deplorable work conditions on top, delicious!

GyozaPower ,

It’s one thing to have an industry shift (which also sucks), but it’s another thing to be colonised, have some of your islands bought and almost completely owned by rich folk, who can do whatever they fuck with them and having to feel like a tenant in your ancestors’ lands.

There’s one hell of a difference and I wouldn’t be surprised if we eventually had an IRA situation there.

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