Kurt Tucholsky wird in Berlin geboren. Schon früh erkannte er die Gefährlichkeit des aufkommenden Nationalsozialismus und zählte zu dessen schärfsten Kritikern. 1933 verbrannten die Nazis seine Bücher.
"Auch bei Jud Süß ging das Publikum nach anfänglicher Zurückhaltung - zurückzuführen auf das Bemühen, die Problemstellung voll zu erfassen - in überraschend starker Weise mit."
– J. Goebbels über die Uraufführung des Films in Venedig.
#OTD in 2017, white supremacists began a 2-day rally in Charlottesville, VA. Our Antisemitism Today lesson supports teachers & students in exploring the connections between Antisemitism & white supremacy using this event as one of four contemporary examples. Our goal is to help educators everywhere teach about the increase in Antisemitism using a relevant, engaging & effective resource.
#OTD 46 years ago, Philadelphia surrounded a house occupied by the MOVE organization.
Often overlooked is the brutality against the group’s spokesman, Delbert Africa (seen here with his arms outstretched in an attempted surrender).
August 1943: Aufstand im Vernichtungslager Treblinka. Mehrere hundert Häftlinge schafften das unter den Bedingungen nahezu Unmögliche und widersetzten sich den Wachen. Die meisten Aufständischen wurden ermordet, doch etwa 250 Häftlinge konnten entkommen.
#OTD in 1941, 218 #Serbs were thrown into the Ravni Dolac pit in the Livno area by Ustašas.
Of the 218, 13 women and 1 man were rescued from the pit.
In 1991, the bones of the victims were recovered from the pit and buried in a purpose-built crypt at the Ascension of the Holy Mother of God Orthodox church in Livno. Unfortunately, the crypt was blown up in 1992.
“I was born in 1962. There’s been an environmental crisis for as long as I’ve lived. To step outside that constant culpability was one of the many delights of Ring of Bright Water.”
—Kathleen Jamie in the London Review of Books on Gavin Maxwell – born #OTD, 15 July, 1914
#TIH#OTD 14 Jul 1774: Happy birthday Francis Lathom (d. 1832 May 19), British gothic novelist & playwright, best known for The Midnight Bell (1798), 1 of the 7 “horrid novels” recommended by the character Isabella Thorpe in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey. #BookHistory@bookhistodons
July 13, 1942, the Stuttgart judge Robert Bloch was deported to Auschwitz and murdered shortly after his arrival. A "Stolperstein" (stumbling stone) in front of his last known residence on Johannesstraße in Stuttgart commemorates his fate and that of his family.
“Annie S. Swan both requires revaluation through her own biography and calls into question easy valorisations of ‘danger’ as expressed in terms of explicit challenge and radicalism. The extent of her appeal and influence demands a more nuanced analysis of the politics of emotion and the gendering of reader response”
—Prof Glenda Norquay on the #Scottish#romance writer on Annie S. Swan (1859–1943) – born #OTD, 8 July
#OTD 60 years ago, LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with MLK there to celebrate.
The political achievement was also a reminder that money talks:
Economic boycotts in cities like Birmingham and Nashville played a crucial role. During 5 weeks of boycotts, Birmingham businesses had lost millions in sales. Business owners soon mobilized, dragging along politicians, school administrators, law enforcement.
“[Milne’s] cryogenics story, ‘Ten Thousand Years in Ice’, in which a survivor from an ancient advanced civilisation is revived in the present, unintentionally became one of science fiction’s great literary hoaxes”
Robert Duncan Milne (1844–1899) was born #OTD, 7 June, in Cupar, Fife. He emigrated to the USA & became America’s first full-time writer of #sciencefiction
#otd 1421 died Mehmed I, Ottoman sultan. He was buried in Bursa, near the so-called Green Mosque built by him. The monument built by his son Murad II is called Green Tomb. #medievaldeath#medieval@medievodons Pics.: Wikipedia Commons