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ButtBidet , avatar
ProfessorOwl_PhD , avatar

British colonialism killed a whole lot more than that in India, that’s just the figure for the worst 40 years. There’s plenty more millions either side.

Neato , avatar

Neither the USSR nor the CCP ever tried to be communist. They used that banner to gather supporters and then seized all control of the government in an authoritarian takeover. Communism doesn't have "dear leaders" or usually even parties. Places like the USSR used their control over capital and wages and property ownership to control their populace entirely. We've never really seen an actual communist country because all the major efforts were sabotaged by people who wanted to be dictators.

cerpa ,

Someone knows their political philosophy😉. This is correct and well said.

gamey , avatar

Despite the tankie dislikes you are 100% right and idk about Communism but I definitely believe in democratic socialism!

AnonymousBaba ,

by number of downvotes this post getting you can get the idea of cia propaganda effect till now.

Cleverdawny ,

Capitalism worked under Eastern aggression, Communist economic sanctions, Communist covert actions, and a propaganda apparatus far more widespread than anything from the West.

It worked better than Communism because it works better than Communism. LMFAO

chay , avatar

Capitalism worked under Eastern aggression

Right, the countries that invaded the USSR in its nascent years, constantly tried to assassinate leaders of progressive movements, couped most countries on Earth.

Communist economic sanctions, Communist covert actions

The projection lol

and a propaganda apparatus far more widespread than anything from the West.

As that joke goes, a CIA and KGB officer meet at a bar. The CIA officer says to the KGB officer “You’ve got a good propaganda machine!”, the KGB officer replies “Well, yours is unbeatable.”

The CIA agent responds with “What propaganda? In the West we don’t have propaganda.”

Cleverdawny ,

Keep crying, tankie

Your shitty dictatorships failed because they were orders of magnitude more corrupt and dysfunctional than capitalism, and even more oppressive towards the general public.

chay , avatar

Dictatorship is when bad country, democratic is when good western country

NoIWontPickaName ,

I mean you cam take western out and your statement still works fine.

Fuck authoritarians of any side.

chay , avatar

Any society is authoritarian, it depends who wields it.

NoIWontPickaName ,

Your point is?

CyberGhost OP , avatar

That you have been brainwashed to only see communist country as authoritarian while the police in your democracy kills black people every day on the street.

NoIWontPickaName ,

Did I say anything about communists?

I honestly have no clue the only comment of mine I can find is saying you could take Western out and it would still apply so how long this chain is you're going to have to send me a quote of what I said if you would like me to respond unless it's about taking Western out and it's still working in which case I didn't say a fucking thing about communists

NoIWontPickaName ,

I am against dictators and authoritarianism though which I'm pretty sure I made very clear in my comment responding to the guy talking about dictators and how it's only good when it's Western democracy

krolden , avatar

So are you saying Putin is a not shitty dictator? He’s definitely not a communist and he’s still in charge of Russia.

Cleverdawny ,

Nah he’s a fascist. Same corruption as communism, different flavor.

krolden , avatar

Oh? please explain

Cleverdawny ,

They’re both auth dictator scumbags who steal from and oppress the people. Dictators are dictators. Left or right, the only difference is exactly who they want to kill. The Soviets oppressed and occupied Eastern Europe and Putin wants nothing more than to do the same.

Thankfully, Putin is less capable than Stalin, so Russian fascist rule isn’t as terrible as Soviet communist rule.

krolden , avatar

So all those price controls under the soviet Union were just them oppressing their citizens?

Cleverdawny ,

The plenty of the Communist bourgeois and the deprivation of the common people certainly were. The Party members could drive Mercedes if they wanted while the regular people could only dream about a Lada, could enjoy fancy French wines while the common people wait in bread lines, and meet over cigars while the common people were deprived even of the benefit of union representation, as all unions were turned into agents of the state.

MF_COOM , Piketty’s 2022 World Inequality Report

Yeah real repression of the poor here. This is exactly what you expect to see when the poor is repressed.

Cleverdawny ,

Yes. Fascism is also bad. I know, it’s amazing. Why don’t you compare the average income of the Soviet working class and the American one, eh?


So now that you’ve seen data you just want to change the subject lol

I can show you that data if you want but you’re just going to ignore that too aren’t you?

Cleverdawny ,

No, you just want me to defend the Russian fascist kleptocracy and I’m not interested in it. Both fascism and communism are examples of oppression of the people. The Russian kleptocracy being even worse than the Soviet Empire was, in terms of economic outcomes of their people, is largely because the Russians don’t have imperial subjects to exploit any more, outside their reduced borders, and because they’re even less competent than the Soviets were. Both governments are/were trash, and anyone supporting either government is a scumbag.


Why would I want you to defend a piece of shit like Putin? I responded to your completely vibes-based comment about how the poor were so oppressed by the party with solid data to show that the Soviet Union had the most dramatic inversion of wealth inequality of any country in history.

As a response, you first want to ignore it and pivot to comparing the wealth of a union that took over an underdeveloped feudal backwater and lived under constant siege to the most wealthy country in history. Then, when called on that, you want to instead pivot to talking about Putin.

Get it together friend.

Cleverdawny ,

Yes, when empires collapse, there’s often a depression. Even in their colonies.


There’s no way you’re this dense this must be a bit

Cleverdawny ,

There’s the civility of the tankie


Whats a Tankie? Anyone who reads Thomas Piketty?

Cleverdawny ,

Apologists for communist dictatorships.


Communist apologism is when you present data from a well-respected neoclassical economist che-smile

robinn2 ,

tbf Capital in the 21st Century sucked


Sounds like tankie talk to me

robinn2 ,

What happened to 😢

Civility ,


robinn2 ,

It’s almost as if one nation emerged out of a semi-feudalist system and the other was heavily industrialized and the continuation of the enslavement of Africans (these slavers being proudly hailed and printed on currency to this day). I seem to remember a certain Soviet leader saying something about having to complete 100 years of development in a short amount of time to catch up with these nations. Never mind that Soviet citizens were more easily able to obtain their means of subsistence, and thus wages can’t be looked at myopically.

Strange how you condemn fascism and communism (polar opposites, as I demonstrated here) then uphold (by dishonest comparison, of which was already demonstrated by the extreme decrease of inequality under Soviet rule, although naturally you were unable to understand how this challenged your point) the system that birthed Nazism [1] [2].

robinn2 ,

Read this and watch this, you can lead a horse to water or whatever

ButtBidet , avatar

Because the Tsar and the Chinese warlords and Battista and Imperial Japanese occupation where pillars of democracy before those countries’ revolutions. Also like 90% of Chinese citizens are happy with their government, vs a sad 20% of Americans.

Cleverdawny ,

Odd how people in a country where it’s illegal to not be happy with the government report being happy with the government

ReadFanon ,

Westerners hate their government so much that they cannot see beyond their own parochial worldview to even entertain the idea that some people would feel generally supportive of their government.

Those sneaky Orientals must be lying in order to trick is good, honest, non-perfidious enlightened westerners again.

Cleverdawny ,

Easterners who hate their government disappear or learn to hide it. Westerners get to piss and moan.

ReadFanon ,
ProfessorOwl_PhD , avatar

If it’s illegal then why didn’t the last 10ish% also say they approve?

robinn2 ,

Shh don’t ask that

Cleverdawny ,

Personal bravery? Idk.

robinn2 ,

God you are ignorant

ProfessorOwl_PhD , avatar

Let’s try a different tack then - if it’s illegal to disapprove of the government and you’ll be locked up for it, and 10% of the population voice disapproval, why are only 0.12% of the population imprisoned? Do you actually understand the logistical undertaking disappearing or imprisoning over 140 million people would be? Do you not think it’s more likely that it’s just not illegal to disapprove, and that they really do generally approve of their government?

Cleverdawny ,

I believe in your ability to figure it out. Hint: it’s the same reason Putin has consistently high approvals in surveys

ProfessorOwl_PhD , avatar

The 90% figure comes from the Harvard Kennedy School ASH Centre for Democratic Governance and Innovation. There is no fucking possible way you are suggesting that Harvard University is distributing CPC propaganda.

Cleverdawny ,

Mm hmmm

robinn2 ,
robinn2 ,

Read the Harvard study, it directly refutes this point of view and even charts some problems Chinese citizens said they have with the government. I cannot imagine being as ignorant as you lmao

wantToViewEmojis ,
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wantToViewEmojis ,
NotErisma , avatar

Imagine still having this much faith in capitalism after all the horrifying shit that’s been happening

Cleverdawny ,

It’s the worst economic system except for anything else we have tried.

robinn2 ,

Sorry but the U.S. had to massacre 1M Indonesians to prevent a socialist movement and arm Nazis in countries with popular socialist movements to terrorize the population, it’s just that capitalism naturally seems to work better. The best system is the one where millions of people are bombed for the white first world to stay on top, while in the first world the police murder minorities and companies exploit the poor.


You know who it worked for? porky-happy

CTHlurker ,

Insert Parenti speech about “Capitalism works oh so well in Latin America, Africa and Central Asia”

robinn2 ,

far more widespread than anything from the West

This might be the most absurd, brainrotten comment I’ve seen since federation.

SwissJackalope , avatar


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  • chay , avatar

    what happened to the marketplace of ideas

    Pili ,

    Banning doesn’t work. If you don’t like them, you gotta out-meme them.

    culpritus , avatar
    krolden , avatar


    Limitless_screaming , avatar

    There's already a dozen of those containers communities, but these "memes" keep leaking.

    AssortedBiscuits , avatar

    Jokes on you because everything is political.

    gamey , avatar

    For the love of everything can we please ban people like this?!

    baseless_discourse ,

    Tankies are truely disgraces to all communists.

    Infamousblt , avatar

    What is a tankie? Can you clearly and succinctly define it?

    girl ,

    Personally, I define tankies as the fucks who support the Russian invasion and deny Tiananmen Square. You can be communist without being a fascist bootlicker

    krolden , avatar

    How can it have any real meaning if everyone has their own personal definition?

    girl ,

    Lots of things work like that. It’s called connotation (personal definition and significance), which does not require denotation (an actual definition)

    krolden , avatar

    Yeah sounds like the definition of a slur

    girl , (edited )

    Slur, “an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation.” So, yes. I’m not particularly worried about slurs against tankies, just like I don’t care about insulting or harming the reputation of nazis

    ETA: pigs is a slur for cops, that’s a slur I don’t mind either

    Tyr_Raidho_Othala , avatar


    Commiejones , avatar

    LIBs are truely disgraces to all LIBs

    HornyOnMain , avatar

    This meme didn’t mention tankies at all, if you’re saying that all communists are tankies then you’re just an anti communist

    ButtBidet , avatar

    Ya like it mentioned CIA propaganda and Western aggression. Like is this guy a communist who’s pro Western fuckery???

    chay , avatar

    Left anticommunists moment

    ButtBidet , avatar

    Hi, I’m very leftist. Yet somehow the only people who agree with me are also well-off Westerners.

    Finger , avatar

    no more half measures walter

    ReadFanon ,

    T-Tankies bad!! Updoots to the left, tyvm.

    robinn2 ,
    Fk_taxes_23 ,

    Hello tankie

    chay , avatar

    hi lib

    tubaruco ,

    hi nazi

    CyberGhost OP , avatar

    Nazis were capitalists 😂

    tubaruco ,

    i know

    girl ,

    I haven’t dug through their post history, but this post isn’t the definition of tankie, not all communists are tankies. Tankie = the pricks who support the Russian evasion, deny Tiananmen square, etc. Fuck tankies, but this post ain’t that

    krolden , avatar

    I’m not a tankie but tianenmen square was definitely a CIA operation.

    NoIWontPickaName ,


    krolden , avatar


    NoIWontPickaName ,

    Okay im game, tell me how the Chinese killing a bunch of people in Tiananmen square is the cia's fault.

    Can you explain how china conquering Tibet is not their fault either?

    krolden , avatar

    The ‘democracy protestors’ were all capitalist agitators funded by the CIA. The main ‘organizers’ now either live in the USA or hong Kong and are very rich.

    As for Tibet I suggest you listen to this short video

    Pen and teller did a great episode of bullshit on Tibet as well

    PipedLinkBot ,

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    cooljacob204 ,

    This post is blaming the West for cold war communism failures.

    And cold war communism is only considered "good" if your a tankie.

    gamey , avatar

    Do you try to compare aituations like Chile to the UDSSR or what?

    DLSchichtl ,

    Read between the lines, they are not-so-subtly talking about the current war. Same verbiage used by the tankos.

    EDIT: Shit, they are from lemmygrad, so there’s your answer.

    AllonzeeLV ,

    Hello ad hominem slinging capitalist.

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