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Excrubulent , to world in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel avatar

If he doesn’t win election, I want his stans to remember this and understand that he threw it. He, or at least his staff, must know what a historically unpopular policy this is.

The dems clearly aren’t as excited about beating Trump as their voters are.

Deceptichum OP , avatar

They’ll just blame the voters, like they already do.

The Dems have invested everything into Biden so they can’t change their ship, and the stans can’t admit there is any flaws, so it must be everyone else that is wrong.

aniki ,

I see you’ve been on Lemmy for a bit! Are the rest of you chucklefucks ready to admit Biden is also a REALLY FUCKING BAD PRESIDENT?! Global Warming? Income Inequality? Healthcare?

Plenty of money for the Jews!

Deceptichum OP , avatar

Yeah, no. Israel doesn’t equal Jewish people.

Cethin ,

I don’t know where you guys see it, but I never see any stans for Biden who can’t admit his flaws like we see with Trump supporters. The only support I see for Biden is for the general election, not for him or his policies overall. I only see people being critical of Biden but saying we need to vote for him anyway. As bad as it is, there is no Palestine with Trump, there’s possibly no democracy with Trump, there’s only likely a lot of suffering for the regular people with Trump.

Deceptichum OP , avatar

I see it everywhere. I’d name drop but can’t “attack the user” in this community or whatever the rule is.

It’s almost at maga levels with these people. Any criticism of Biden is met with “Why do you want Trump to win”, “Bidens policies have been so good but no one knows about them”, or “The president can’t just do things”. I always see zero willingness to admit his huge flaws and only deflection.

APassenger ,

Sometimes we hold our nose and vote. Because the alternative is so deeply problematic our moral judgement of one is dwarfed by the moral and practical horror of the other.

Deceptichum OP , avatar

Sometimes we don’t make excuses for enabling genocide, but I guess that moral and practical horror is a-okay to some.

Kecessa ,

Not voting against Trump is enabling even more genocide and the end of some women and minority rights so don’t pretend like you’ve got the moral high ground if your refuse to vote because of the Democrats stance on Israel.

Maalus ,

They absolutely have the moral highground. Fuck a president that enables genocide and funds it. Saying “oh don’t be a single issue voter!” when the issue is “stop mass killings of people with a single phone call” is so out of this world, it’s just insane.

Time for a third party, plain and simple.

agitatedpotato ,

If literal genocide cannot convince liberals to consider third parties, then I’m convinced they will never support third parties. This is the duopolies Sandy Hook moment. If you see Genocide A or Genocide B and don’t seek a third option, you will never seek a third option.

Kecessa ,

Sure but that third party doesn’t exist so you knowingly letting an even worse option win thus enabling even more genocide just shows you didn’t really care about genocides in the first place

Linkerbaan , avatar

Because literal Genocide isn’t “deeply problematic”.

APassenger ,

It would be happening in more places, more aggressively with a President Trump.

Maggoty ,

We did that already.

Cethin ,

Ok, those aren’t the same thing as supporting him. I will admit I don’t care for his policies, but they have been better than I expected, which is something. Also, yeah the president doesn’t have the power to do that much alone. It requires congress to play a role, which the democrats don’t have enough control in to do. Those are extremely valid things to say, and you can say them while still being critical of Biden. It sounds like you want people to only be critical of him, which is just as bad as only supporting him. We need to understand there’s more beyond the one man or we will fail.

Deceptichum OP , avatar

I’m sorry, but defending someone from criticism and saying their policies are super amazing isn’t supporting them?

Cethin ,

Saying they’re amazing is, but that’s not what you said they said.

Defending can be, but it isn’t necessarily. I’ll defend a lot of people or things that people are attacking for no reason. That said, defending someone from a legitimate critique is usually done out of support, but still sometimes it’s done out of a feeling of necessity.

Maggoty ,

I’ve seen it all over the place. Usually in the form of the narcissist’s prayer too.

TheFriar ,

Well, trump was the best thing to happen to democratic fundraising ever. So. They have an incentive to see him win.

agitatedpotato ,

Media ratings too. Every single outlet that plays on TV would love a Trump victory because it makes people pay attention who would otherwise not watch any news.

Cqrd ,

And then will you be happy when Trump doubles the Israel fund and starts arming Russia against Ukraine?

TheFriar ,

We all fully understand that. Well, most intelligent enough people do. Sure, there are some very vocal leftists calling for a boycott to the vote (as is the custom, so nothing new), but most of us know—even with leftist views—that we need to keep trump away from office. We will all just pull the lever for Biden because we have no other choice. It’s a shitty, unappealing and massively problematic choice. But we all know trump will be 10x worse on everything we have a problem with Biden doing. Not to mention, all the trans people, gay people, etc.

But that doesn’t equate to enthusiastic support for Biden. Because we all disapprove. Doesn’t mean we all don’t realize we have to vote for him. We’re just not democrats or Biden fans, so we complain.

But the other side of that coin is that this kind of shit will stop a not insignificant portion of people from voting for him, not understanding what another trump presidency means. Because there are a lot of performative leftists who think holding up an “well I didn’t vote for him” badge is something to be proud of…while LGBTQIA+ people are pushed back into the shadows, sent to conversion therapy, can’t get healthcare, etc. Doing shit like this will turn those people off. And it’s understandable—in a way. Because how can you justify lending your support to someone supporting genocide? Is it really noble to vote blue while they actively aid in the slaughter of Palestinians? Or while they treat immigrants like shit or keep arming police departments to the teeth with war machines and keep passing pro-surveillance laws and working with private equity and participating in every corporatist neoliberal tradition that sickens us all?

Well, it’s the basic concept of harm reduction. Not voting doesn’t help anyone but the non-voter because they get to hop on that high horse any time something goes wrong. It’s an insanely privileged choice, and actually will end up hurting a lot of people if trump wins. That’s the opposite of harm reduction. For example, making drugs legal and handing out free, clean needles, you’re technically supporting people’s destructive addictions. But you’re reducing the harm that inevitable presence of addiction can bring. It’s a good thing to do.

Even if it makes us sick to vote for Biden, neglecting to keep trump from the levers of power is so insanely self-destructive and harmful to vulnerable people and maybe even literally a mistake we will never, ever right. We have a desperate climate emergency on our hands. Four years (if we can actually get him out of office after that) of trump climate policy will literally kill us all.

Excrubulent , avatar

I love how I called out that you absolute shitheels love blaming everyone else when the dems trip on their own dicks and hand victory to someone like Trump, and your immediate reaction is to blame me for pointing it out.

Do you understand what’s happening here? Are you able to look at your own behaviour? Did you even understand what I said?

TheUncannyObserver ,

If the dems lose this, and they probably will, they’ll pull out their usual playbook and blame everyone but themselves.

agitatedpotato ,

Dems lose, blame voters, move rightward, repeat. At some point they themselves will be fascists and their supporters will urge everyone to vote for the ‘softer’ fascist. They see no issue in continuing this cycle and pledging their votes with no conditions or red lines, exactly like how Biden funds Israel. Why expect them to do what you want if youve signaled you’ll never leave their side?

harderian729 ,

If only we voted for a party that didn’t abuse us like this.

BNE , to worldnews in Israel declares Brazil’s Lula ‘persona non grata’ over comparison of Gaza war to Holocaust avatar

A badge of honor.

To be held in esteem by Israel - at any point in its history - is a deep stain on any reputation to put it mildly. Anyone with humanity is an enemy to fascists and ethnostates.

m0darn ,

Hey mate, too much hyperbole rots your brain.

Please be better informed:…/Righteous_Among_the_Nations?wp…

BNE , avatar

And there it is - the holocaust, an all-purpose shield and sword.

I stand by my statement and I doubt anyone honored via that program would endorse Israel today.

m0darn ,

Look mate I agree that Israel is probably committing genocide against the Palestinians. But that doesn’t mean that everyone that Israel has ever liked is tainted.

BNE , avatar

The Nazis tainted everything they touched, I don’t see why this should be any different. And yes, the comparison is apt.

Very few things in life are black and white - this is.

You either support genocide or you don’t. You either support an increasingly fascistic apartheid ethnostate or you don’t. Lines are notoriously difficult to draw but they’re extremely clear cut here.

Israel and the Zionist project gains legitimacy by proximity to genuinely honorable people like the ones you brought up - it’s rhetorical propaganda.

I appreciate I’m taking a strong stance in my wording here but for gods sake, man - look at the whole thing. A dying empire is dusting off old world colonialism, complete with unabashed ethnic cleansing and the entire Western world is to-the-hilt complicit. History and systemic decline is being written. I don’t consider my language an overreaction - at all.

m0darn ,

I don’t think Jesse Owens was tainted just because Hitler congratulated him.

I don’t think people that resisted the Nazis are tainted just because Israel thanks them.

That’s why I disagreed with your initial comment.

Just as we shouldn’t consider Jesse Owens to be tainted by Hitler’s endorsement, we shouldn’t consider anti-Nazi movements to be tainted by Israel’s endorsement.

That’s all we seem to disagree on.

Yes, we should be skeptical of Israel positioning WW2 heroes as champions of Israel’s interpretation of Zionism.

Also for clarification: I’m opposed to Israel’s apparent genocide of the Palestinians. I think Israel’s crimes are more similar to the Americo-Canadian genocide of North America’s first nations than with the Nazi genocide of European Jews and other marginalized minorities. Ie Israel isn’t doing “murder factory” genocide, it’s doing “encroachment and suppression” genocide (and starvation, and persecution). Also similar to what Russia is doing to Ukraine.

hark , to world in Senior IDF officer censured over demolition of Gaza university without approval avatar

He’ll probably have a street named after him in his honor and probably on the land where that university used to be, after israel steals that land too.

DancingBear , to world in Senior IDF officer censured over demolition of Gaza university without approval

Israel has no idea how much they have destroyed their credibility for an entire generation.

I used to read articles about Middle East issues and think that things I was reading in Al Jazeera or similar publications were a little biased. For the most part I used to think that Israel was at least being a good faith actor in their decision making.

Now, I literally do not trust anything that is published in Israel; nor anything that the Israeli government claims is true or said has happened.

If Israeli Times or IdF or Israeli government said that the sky was blue, I would literally go outside to double check, because obviously something weird is going on and the sky is no longer blue.

I also have learned to meet the things Biden says with skepticism. Until Biden takes concrete action to punish Israel or stop the genocide, he will not have my vote. Nor millions of votes from other democrats and Americans whose families are affected by this genocide. A whole generation of young people have had the curtains pulled back. Thank goodness.

Israel and the United States have been lying this whole time. Forcing an apartheid occupation for half a century.

trebuchet ,

Now, I literally do not trust anything that is published in Israel;

It’s pretty stark how much the press in pretty much every Western country has been carrying water for Israel and Ukraine as well.

DancingBear ,

I’m not going to discuss Ukraine in this context. The two are not the same.

trebuchet ,

Hmm suit yourself.

It’s a funny example of Gell-Mann amnesia at play I suppose.

Just waiting for that Russian military with low morale and hollowed out by corruption to bring us that imminent victory in Ukraine we’ve been promised any day now for the past two years. Keep believing in victory citizen, it’s right around the corner!

DancingBear , (edited )

Nah. I just disagree with the tactics being used in North Sudan as well as the gangs in Haiti.

what the heck are you blabbering about this is a post about IDF and Israel and you keep going on about Ukraine.

Make a post about comparing Ukraine and Gaza, I don’t care. But arguing with me about Ukraine here doesn’t make any sense.

trebuchet ,

I guess my original point was just agreeing with you on your main point. I figured I was supporting your position by pointing out the media dishonesty extended farther than just Israeli publications. The Ukraine point was a throwaway of another example I thought was fairly straightforward, but whatever, it’s cool, we don’t need to continue this conversation.

DancingBear ,

Ok I see I guess I missed your point lol

RIPandTERROR , avatar

Cool. Thanks for fucking over trans people in the United States with your non-vote of moral superiority. We’ll go ahead and reap those consequences for you. At least the other guy will do right by Gaza I’m sure since that is the priority here.

zaph ,

Biden is doing just as much to protect trans people as he is gazans I’m not sure what your point is there tbh

DancingBear ,

No problem.

mosiacmango ,

Just as an FYI, russia likes to give its hacking groups cutesy bear names, like “cozy” bear and “fancy” bear.

OPs name is likely a coincidence, but it could also be some russian enjoying themselves in the open. Dont take everything you read on social media at face value.

zaph ,

Dancing bear is porn

DancingBear ,

Woah now, I’m a Grateful Dead dancing bear lol

What is dancing bear porno I’m afraid to look it up

zaph ,

Woah now, I’m a Grateful Dead dancing bear lol

Apologies! Not a lot of deadheads in the wild these days!

What is dancing bear porno I’m afraid to look it up

Dude wearing a bear head dancing around a fake bachelorette party doing porn things

DancingBear ,

I may need to do some research 👀

mosiacmango ,

See, now we have really gotten to the bottom of the web of deceit.

DancingBear ,

Heck yea dude, I’m a dang bad azz hacker.

I do it for the lulz

But fyi, if you think I really am a Russian hacker.:… you literally don’t know what the heck you are talking about and you are spouting nonsense

zerog_bandit ,

Yeah lol, vote for the Orange Man. The GOP has such a strong track record of caring about brown people.

Or maybe take your Republican’t psyop drivel somewhere else you shill.

bigMouthCommie , avatar

> vote for the Orange Man

that's not what they said

Palerider , avatar

But by not voting for Biden they enable his opponent…

DancingBear ,

Too bad. Don’t like it? Change your policy.

federatingIsTooHard , avatar


jonne ,

Maybe if Biden cares about democracy, he’d do the things that voters want?

DancingBear ,

Suck it up, buttercup

BakerBagel ,

So you are saying that there is no difference between Biden and Trump on Gaza. So if it is something you care about then there is no point in voting for either.

Criticism of Biden is not an endorsement of Trump.

DancingBear ,


I am saying if Biden doesn’t change his policy by taking direct action neither, I, nor millions of other Americans, will vote for him.

However that makes you feel. I don’t care. Unless Biden changes his policy with actions, he will lose the election.

BakerBagel ,

I agree. The person i replied to seems to think that any criticism of Biden is an endorsement of Trump. The only people who seem to want “mild” conservative policy are Democrats. No conservative voters are going to vote for a center-right (by American standards) Democrat over a Republican. Democrats need to offer an actual alternative, nit just toned down Republican talking points.

DancingBear ,

It’s what has worked for bidens whole career though to be honest

BakerBagel ,

Has it? He was a senator for Decades because DuPont backed him, and he was Obama’s VP pick because he was from Pennsylvania originally. He ate absolute shit every time he ran in the Democratic presidental primary until 2020 where he coasted on Trump being the worst president in 100 years and his popularity as Obama’s VP.

DancingBear ,

I just mean (for bidens whole career) the democrats saying you have to vote for us because the other side is ten times worse.

It’s just that in this case the same old rhetoric shows the absolute disaster this idea is…. Vote for Biden because genocide is better than super sized genocide that Trump would bring

Also I am fairly certain Biden is from Delaware not Pennsylvania and Delaware is known for having awesome corporate sponsors, but that’s without me looking it up

logi ,

The person i replied to seems to think that any criticism of Biden is an endorsement of Trump.

Biden should absolutely be criticised for the Palestine genocide and other things as needed. But that’s not what you did. You said you’d not vote for him which effectively supports Trump. If Trump had shown any indication that he’d handle this (or any important) issue any better, then sure, that could make sense. But this is just cutting everyone’s nose off to spite your face.

zerog_bandit ,

So what you’re saying is that the current situation in Gaza shouldn’t change who you vote for in November?

BakerBagel ,

I’m saying that Biden is going to need to do something about the situation if he wants to win. People don’t owe him their vote

JoBo ,

This is how Trump won last time. I know you can’t help yourself but please, just try to say nothing at all because this arrogant drivel is exactly why the Dems have trouble turning out their vote.

BakerBagel ,

Al Jazeera has long been the best source for news on anything happening in the Middle East (aside from Qatar since that is who funds them). Thr sad truth if the matter is that Israel has been ethnically cleansing Palestine for the past 70 years and Western media has finally decided they can’t whitewash it anymore.

LemonLord , to world in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel avatar

Perhaps it’s not a “israeli” war? Perhaps if there would be no Gaza this military machine would burn Syria, Lebanon, what ever? Perhaps this is power and money? Perhaps it’s about nothing more?

harderian729 , to world in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel

Why are we giving $14b to one of the wealthiest nations in existence?

I’m never voting for an establishment democrat again. I don’t care what the tribalists think. They don’t want to solve these problems, just perpetuate them.

agitatedpotato , to world in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel

Bidens new memoir “How to lose votes and alienate muslims” coming to a store near you soon.

Linkerbaan , (edited ) to world in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel avatar

Right after the UNRWA accusations turn out to be false.

And israel tortured UNRWA employees into making false confessions.

Fuck Biden.

Etterra , to world in Senior IDF officer censured over demolition of Gaza university without approval

Thus is the army, son! We do not commit war crimes here! Not without direct orders! Do you get me, maggot?

livus , (edited ) to world in Senior IDF officer censured over demolition of Gaza university without approval avatar

Biden Administration aSkiNg fOr cLaRifiCaTioN at the same time as spending literally billions of dollars on more bombs for Israel to drop.

Wanderer , to world in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel

Too many pro Israel people in Bidens government.

FenrirIII , avatar

It’s the American government, period. Jewish people contribute millions in lobbies and bribes.

GiveMemes ,

Careful there. Lots of American Jews don’t support Israel’s actions. Zionists do, whether they’re Jewish or not.

CptCarp ,

Such as Biden himself.

DancingBear , to world in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel

Genocide…. What a legacy

ceenote ,

I rather liked his administration before he became Genocide Joe.

juicy ,

Yeah, he was quite a bit better than Obama before this, in my opinion. I was pleasantly surprised.

APassenger ,

Same. This has harshed things by more than a little.

That said, he’s getting my vote because my kids deserve democracy.

CptCarp ,

Better than Dronebma isn’t much of a high bar.

BeatTakeshi , to world in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel avatar

14 billions for Israel, 100 millions for Palestine… That’s a 140 ratio. Who’s the distressed population Joe?

medgremlin ,

Bullets are a lot more expensive than bandages most of the time.

(Edit: that is not to say that this is a reasonable allocation of resources in this situation. The appropriate ratio would be zero bullets and a couple dozen new, fully equipped hospitals and several hundred well-stocked kitchens.)

acockworkorange , to news in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel

Notably, the new budget proposal does not include funding for the UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA, which is currently being investigated after 12 of its members allegedly participated in Hamas’s October 7 terror onslaught.


Isn’t it curious how this headline implies an entirely different narrative than the actual story?

Zuberi , to world in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel avatar

GG american politics, enjoy the orange fuhrer I guess…

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