There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

GoldenDeLorean , to lemmyshitpost in Based on a true story

Tell us the tale, oh wise one (no seriously, please, no /s).

alienBlues OP ,

Sometimes, the World is a better place with just a laugh and a meme :)

GoldenDeLorean ,

B-b-b-but “based on a true story”. You wouldn’t lie, wouldja son?

trashgirlfriend , to lemmyshitpost in Based on a true story

Literally the only reason you get suspended on there is if you try to fuck with them

alienBlues OP ,

Suspension and account closing are two different things.

trashgirlfriend ,

I don’t think they even can cancel your account, I never heard of that happening

did you do war crimes with it or what

alienBlues OP ,

Worse! I asked if feasible to move back from the expert mode panel to the smart mode one! And also if they knew why I was stuck to zero impressions on my ads.

Jokes aside, I believe it was their version of “Let’s turn the PC off and on again” for the panel’s mode issue. If you’re curious, it didn’t solve it.

trashgirlfriend ,

You can’t switch from expert to smart mode and why the hell would you even want to, the smart mode fucking sucks to use.

If they did actually do that then they just saved you money honestly.

SmokingKinoko , to memes in nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe

This is the problem, though. Even when getting paid the price people think they deserve. They tend not to do a great job when it comes down to it. Also some smaller mom and pop shops just can’t afford to pay you like a big store could. People don’t think about that, though.

Frozengyro ,

Then they don’t get to exist. Lots of really shitty jobs disappeared when we first introduced minimum wage. They disappeared because they weren’t profitable. You don’t hear about getting rid of the minimum wage now to bring back those jobs. We found new better jobs, that are profitable and benefit both parties.

WallEx ,

What? People don’t do a great job? Who are you talking about?

lightnsfw ,

Pretty much everyone that reports to me has to be poked and prodded to actually do a good job let alone a great one. It’s not even a hard job, steady easy tasks that need completing with occasional escalations that require white glove treatment. They all know how to do this shit properly but they opt to be as lazy as possible if I don’t keep following up on things all the time. Then they bitch when they get poor performance reviews.

killeronthecorner , avatar

I knew you were a manager from your first comment, but nice to have it confirmed.

lightnsfw ,

They asked for who wasn’t doing a good job so I gave them an example.

killeronthecorner , avatar

Next time just say “me”

problematicPanther , avatar

if you’re a manager and your team is shit, maybe it’s because they have a shitty manager.

killeronthecorner , avatar

Yes, that’s what I was implying … That they are a shitty manager.

Lifebandit666 ,

Sounds like you’re a shit Manager to me.

lightnsfw ,


MentalEdge , avatar

“But some people just have a shitty work ethic” is not the counterargument you think it is.

As for the difference in what a big business can afford vs a small one, that’s tough. But if you fall behind on the expenses of doing business, you should simply be charging more. If you still can’t afford something, while charging a fair (both to customer and proprietor) price, then you don’t get just handwave it off and hire someone for less than they’re worth.

A lot of “mom and pop” shops stay in business for decades and finally bite the dust because they refuse to adjust prices that should be orders of magnitude higher due the ever-decreasing worth of money itself.

Instead they try to match prices with giant companies, while providing three times better services because they actually care about both customers and employees in a way corposhits “optimize workflows” too hard to even afford considering.

If you’re a boutique business, charge like one.

SmokingKinoko ,

You make a lot of good points. I also might’ve not made myself as clear since I am at work ATM and trying to type while in-between things.

I fully agree that you should pay someone what they’re worth. Just that’s the thing. I personally know people who are too lazy to lift a finger and want a office job where they do basically nothing and still expect $20 a hour and if they gotta do anything more it’s $50 a hour.

Some people are not a willing to trade their full efforts in return for that pay they desire. Me being one of them, but I at least still do my job and show up to work. I just do my job slower.

That’s why I bring up the fact that mom and pop shops can’t pay the same. A small shop might pay you the higher price, but if you then don’t do the work and they have to hire someone else… then you’re not really WORTH that price. Are you?

Rhynoplaz ,

You’re not wrong, but we could flip it around. There are probably just as many companies that don’t put in 100% effort either. They sell you a product or service and once they have your money, they really don’t care if it meets your expectations.

Why am I expected to give up my holidays and weekends to be a team player, but when a company doesn’t bend for customers or employees it’s just “Hey, that’s business!”?

agressivelyPassive ,

Ok, what kind of bullshit attitude is that?

You don’t want to pay people, because some people are less motivated? Yeah, that’s your problem as a business. Give them a reason to work hard or stop complaining.

Mom and Pop can’t afford to pay proper wages? That’s their problem. If other businesses can afford good salaries, why can’t they? Maybe their business is simply rubbish.

Think about what twisted Stockholm syndrome you’re expressing here. Capitalism is once, for the first time in decades, on the brink of actually increasing the wealth slightly for the workers, and all you can contribute is “yeah, but then capitalists can’t properly fuck the workers over and that’s just really unfair to the businesses”.

Honytawk ,

Businesses don’t have the right to exist, to them it is a privilege.

If they can’t improve society, then they should just go bankrupt.

the_post_oftom_joad ,

and still expect $20 a hour

You won’t even get me to show up for 20/hr in 2023. If an employee can make that shit pay work for them the business owner should be doing backflips to keep them happy.

SmokingKinoko ,

Look at where you live, then look at where I live. I live in the middle of nowhere. It’s cheap living and everyone gets cheap pay unless you work off shore. Even as a tile installer I only made $16hr… it’s not high pay.

ChicoSuave ,

Capitalism raised us and forced us to see things we love fail due to “market forces” so why not expose those big capital players to the same conditions we all face? Be good at business or be out of business.

lightnsfw ,

Tough shit. I have bills too.

Mango ,

If that’s the case, it’s compelling. However, I’m gonna need to know how you came to the conclusion that people tend not to do a great job when they think they’re paid what they’re worth.

grayman ,

Sir, this is the Marxist echo chamber, not a place for reasoned discussion.

Honytawk ,

What is reasoned about keeping failed businesses afloat when they can’t even pay a decent wage?

grayman ,

Who said the business was failing?

WallEx , to memes in nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe

Nice one.

Although honestly it’s not true for me, I would need some activity, some learning to happen to be contempt. But that’s me ^^

DeathByMagikarp ,

I’ve never understood this argument. “I couldn’t not work because I’d be too bored/I need to feel useful/I need mental/physical enrichment, etc.” You can be unemployed and still do things. You don’t have to sit on your couch all day staring at the wall. You can take up hobbies, volunteer, travel, all without having to worry about a work schedule. I would retire in an instant if I had the opportunity.

killeronthecorner , avatar

Some people don’t function well without hard boundaries or someone else holding them accountable. I don’t get it myself but it seems to be pretty common. It includes the “I can’t work from home because I’d just play Xbox all day” crowd.

Honytawk ,

After a while those people will also search for something more in life.

We shouldn’t blame them for wanting a rest a couple of months after Capitalism forced them into servitude for so many years.

Lifebandit666 ,

I agree wholeheartedly, and when we got locked down for COVID I learned how to play guitar and automate my house using a raspberry pi. It was a great time, and I look back on it fondly. I finally had time to pursue things that interested me, that I didn’t have time for with work.

Nowadays I play guitar and tinker with home automation, and work as well, but back then I had the hours to put in to starting the hobbies.

WallEx ,

I think you are right, but having a purpose to doing stuff (be it monetary or others) can help imo.

Also I don’t sit on my couch all day, even if I’m working ^^

quams69 , to memes in time to code

that late night working fugue state

slurpeesoforion , to memes in nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe

If you can’t afford me at my worst, you can’t afford me at my best.

Mango ,

If you can’t afford me at my price, you can’t afford me in the feels.

aluminium , to memes in nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe

Open source exists where often nobody gets payed

Gradually_Adjusting , (edited ) avatar

There are plenty of reasons to work for “free” in FOSS. Having contributed to a valued project looks great on a CV, and sometimes it’s just for passion.

Honytawk ,

They still do it for a reason.

Sometimes that reason is just “I want it like that but it doesn’t exist”

antonim , to internetfuneral in trying to quit

Do you know the source? Looks fun.

LoamImprovement , to memes in nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe

You know, I used to think that about myself. I’ve found that I actually enjoy intermittent periods of doing things that are valuable and could be construed as work, when I’m well-rested and the impacts of trauma are minimized. But the problem is that state so rarely exists in life for so many people because we are forced to do this shit day in and day out, and they call us lazy and entitled when we no longer have the capacity to handle it. I’ve been in a near-continuous state of burnout for so long that I cannot imagine myself happy even if I never had to work again. My anhedonia is so bad that when I get home from work, all I do is eat and sleep, even on the weekends. I put some shit on YouTube to pass the time and I can’t even remember what it is I watched, it’s more or less just a grey noise generator. Deep in the back of myself I remember a person who once enjoyed things and had goals and dreams, but about the same time I start feeling like that person again, I have to go back to work, and it starts all over. This is no way to live.

reverendsteveii , to memes in nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe

I wanna quibble with this just a little bit. People work. Left to their own devices, with their needs met, people will dedicate their energy toward generating value.

What no one wants to do is a job, which is an arrangement by which several of us have to do more in exchange for less so one of us can do nothing all day and then complain that “nobody wants to work anymore”.

Mango ,

I love it when people describe things by their function to pull the rug out from under the label people who bastardize meaning!

lolcatnip , (edited )

When people say “nobody wants to work”, what they mean is nobody wants to work for them. People will work for themselves, for people they care about, or even humanity in general, but I think it’s fair to say nobody ever wanted to work just to make money for someone else.

Peppycito ,

If left to my own devices, I’ll generate art. I give it away and almost never sell it. A lot of it is bad art and has no value.

version_unsorted ,

Nah dude, it is only “bad” and “has no value” in this capitalist economy. Keep making art, it is valuable.

Peppycito ,

Thanks! I’ve never let it bother me. I make funky stuff for my own amusement. I go by the horseshoe theory that priceless is the same as worthless on the ‘value’ scale. Maybe it’s more like an ouroboros than a horseshoe? Anyway, I’m not afraid of making things for the “art bin”, I make it to exercise the idea.

CurlyMoustache , avatar

I love doing art for just for the sake of it

the_post_oftom_joad ,

My house is filled with my friends ‘bad’ art because i love her and it makes me happy when i look at it

giggling_engine , avatar

Very well put.

I always like to say that I love my job, but I hate my boss and my stupid colleagues because they always seem to be getting in the way OF DOING MY FUCKING JOB. In 2023 it seems like work is more like a highschool popularity contest rather than about giving value to the company.

So in practice, I hate working. But it was never about the job. The narcissists are the ones ruining it.

banneryear1868 , to memes in nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe

We have fed you all for a thousand years, for that was our doom you know

From the days where you chained us in your fields, to the strike of a week ago

0x4E4F , to memes in Damn you short cables....

I woul’ve just cut it and extended it… and find out in the process that there is more to that cable than meets the eye.

QuinceDaPence ,

Same. Also, countertop appliances should always have at least a 3' cord. I believe that's part of electrical code.

PeWu , (edited )

3’? Three… minute? \j

QuinceDaPence ,

3 feet.

' is feet

" Is inches

Example: someone who is 5 foot 9 inches tall can write their height as 5'9"

PeWu ,

Thank you for enlightening me in the freedom units sir

QuinceDaPence ,

I also remembered it's often written in that format on clearance height signs and such so here's an "In the wild" example.

0x4E4F ,

Have no idea about those standards to be honest, all sorts of Chinese shit appliances get imported here, I don’t think we have a code that regulates that.

QuinceDaPence ,

Yeah I know plenty of chenese stuff ignores it. I forget where it's said but countertop appliances are supposed to be 3' cords and others are supposed to have 6' cords. And then in houses you're supposed to have plugs at those distances so people usually shouldn't need extension cords.

Decoy321 ,

You cut your power cables?

helpImTrappedOnline ,

If you know how to re-wire stuff properly, it’s conceptually an easy process (some devices can be tricky to take apart).

For example, on that toaster you can replace the cable with a longer one, put a new plug on it if that gets worn out, or if absolutely needed splice the cable with another one (that’s for when the device can’t be opened up for some reason)

Unplug toaster before cutting the power cord, or any other maintenance, such as cleaning the 3 years of crumb its collected.

The most preferred method is to replace the entire cable, the wires connect inside the device somewhere, probably with simple screw terminals. Replace the whole cable and you don’t have to worry about any weak points in the splice or insulation, because there are none.

The danger is when you don’t know how electricity and wiring works or get lazy and take shortcuts.

There’s a bunch that can go wrong, some of them have potentially life ending consequences, which is why it’s a bad idea to work on electronics…unless you take the time to learn how they work and be smart about it.

Decoy321 , (edited )

Thank you for that interesting read. Seems like quite a lot of effort and risk for a cheap toaster.

Gabu ,

Seems like quite a lot of effort and risk for a cheap toaster.

It really isn’t - if you have the technical knowledge.

Obi , avatar

And if you do chances are you’d happily take other people’s cheap toasters and repair them just for the fun of it.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

For a cheap toaster, yes, I wouldn’t bother either unless it was the best toaster ever. But for more expensive things, like an air fryer, power tools, vacuums, any thing with sentimental value… it is a great skill to learn how to do safely.

Just replacing a broken plug on an extension cord can save you big, the good cords are going for $20+, a new plug is closer to $2 (although replacing the plug removes its safety for outdoor use as it’s no longer a water tight seal).

Its usually cheaper to replace the damaged part than the whole unit.

0x4E4F ,

If the cable is too short, yeah… that or just change the cable, depends how complicated disassembly of the appliance is.

hessenjunge , (edited ) to memes in Damn you short cables....

Let’s have a guess what country that guy lives in. 😉 The post with the most upvotes wins.

sexy_peach ,

could be any?

hessenjunge ,

Sure, but some are more likely than others. I was hoping for a game of guessing and upvoting.

CalamityBalls ,

Def Bulgaria with toasting knowledge like this.

hessenjunge ,

Bulgaria, where toasters go to die. 🙂

Classy ,

Those scissors appear to be in metric so I’m going with EU

Saeculum ,

My guess is Canada

cooopsspace ,

I mean we have toasters like this in Australia for like $10 with the same cable management design. Seems pretty standard to me.

Magnetar , to memes in Damn you short cables....

As we say in Germany, tja.

bob_lemon ,

Machste nix

ShortN0te ,

Steckste net drin.

bayank , to memes in Damn you short cables....

There’s a reason why kitchen appliances in general have such short 3ft cables. There also a reason why modern kitchens built to code have outlets every 3 ft. Too many people lburned the house down with extension cables strewn across the sink and electrocuted now we can’t have nice things.

harmsy ,

That’s why if you absolutely need an extension cable, you should get one that’s just long enough and can handle the current. I have my toaster oven on a heavy duty, 2 foot extension cord because the nearest outlet is just barely too far away. If the cord came out the other end of the toaster oven, I wouldn’t need the extension.

helpImTrappedOnline , (edited )

Note for the non-americans who use significantly better measuring systems.

  • Awg = american wire gauge, I.e wire diameter.
  • 18awg = 1mm diameter
  • 16 = 1.3mm
  • 14 = 1.6mm
  • 12 = 2.1mm
  • Yes smaller numbers are thicker wires.

Besides the electrocution hazard, another problem (in the US) is that someone allowed non fused 16 and 18 gauge extension cables on the market. We should only have 14 and 12 (or start putting fuses on the cords like some other countries)

14 should be for “light duty” like electronics or lamps. What you don’t tell people is that pretty much anything inside the house will run fine on 14awg wire.

12 for everything “heavy duty”.

The idea is people use the same wire that matches what their breakers are rated for. A 20amp breaker doesn’t know that the 100ft 18 gauge extension cord feeding 3 surge protectors with every kitchen device and the “diy powered garage” is going to melt long before 20amps.

Is it overkill? yes. If you draw too much current will the wire overheat and burn down your house? Not if the breaker trips first.

virku ,

Your measuring systems never cease to amaze me. This one is even more confusing than measuring socket wrenches in fractal inches.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Wait until you learn how we measure thin steel thickness.

virku ,

At this point I’m almost afraid to ask, but I guess I need to know. How do you measure thin steel thickness?

helpImTrappedOnline ,

With the Sheet Metal Gauge!

It’s the same as wire gauge, but the scale is different per material!

For steel

  • 16g = 1.5mm
  • 22g = .75mm
  • And so on

Pretty much anything larger than 1/8th of an inch (3.2mm), we just use the measurement (in inches).

Why? Because we don’t have a common measurement unit smaller than an inch. There probably is one, but no one commonly uses it. Coming up with a gauge scale is actually easier than say .0123 inch thick. Say “12 gauge wire” and everyone (who knows about it), knows exactly what you’re talking about.

Pretty much anything below 1/32 (0.8mm) of an inch, we’ll switch to decimals. 0.0001 inch is valid with no common way to make that neater. No such thing as 1 mili-inch.

Remind me, what is the cost of living in Europe?

Xavienth ,

There’s the “mil” which is just a thousandth of an inch, also called “thou”. Not really that rare, however sufficiently precise measurement equipment probably was rare when the gauge standards were conceived

virku ,

Oh! I just remembered that the size of shotgun shell pellets are calculated that way. Take a fixed amount of lead and the gauge (we call it caliber) og the pellets is defined by how many of them you can make from that lump of lead.

Here in Norway it’s more expensive to live than ever. The interest is high and all other prices on have balooned this year, so the prices are too damn high. But I guess that is true for most countries.

Many people believe we are on the verge of a housing bubble bursting within a few years, so that might be a good time to relocate.

Magnetar ,

No such thing as 1 mili-inch.

I thought you have “thou” (thousandth of an inch) for that?

misophist ,

Pretty much anything below 1/32 (0.8mm) of an inch, we’ll switch to decimals. 0.0001 inch is valid with no common way to make that neater. No such thing as 1 mili-inch.

.001" is a thou or mil (1/1000 of an inch). That is commonly understood in any industry that requires that precision and also doesn’t already work in metric by default. 0.0001 would be 0.1 thou, but honestly any time I’ve ever seen anybody need more precision than a whole number thou, they worked in microns or nanometers.

Bene7rddso ,

Sorry, but we don’t use wire diameter. We use cross section.

  • 18AWG = 0.8mm²
  • 16AWG = 1.3mm²
  • 14AWG = 2.1mm²
  • 12AWG = 3.3mm²
somenonewho ,
Blackmist ,

Which is why my toaster is now under a cupboard, making an entirely new fire hazard.

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