There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

hark , to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance avatar

TIL the American propaganda machine is worming its way into here through concern-posting of cold war-esque paranoia. Pretty terrible stuff!

XiaoHei , to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance avatar

coomer account, opinion disregarded.

Prandom_returns ,

Lmao this guy’s comment history… Instablock.

XiaoHei , avatar

add another one to the victims of communism list dead on the floor in the marketplace of ideas

astral_avocado OP , avatar

We all coom bro, I just do it on main

XiaoHei , avatar

sorry but I don’t care to use stolen images from exploited people to satisfy myself I have a romantic partner to help in that regard.

the extreme commodification of the flesh that sex workers experience in the united states is a testament to the disgusting ideology you espouse while AES seeks to educate and lift up those exploited by sexpats & coomers

astral_avocado OP , avatar

Man, I had no idea there were so many weird fucking radical losers on Lemmy

XiaoHei , avatar

For all the newcomers that aren’t aware, I just stumbled upon this insane drama. Apparently, has a subeddit called jailbait. Spez was a mod before it was banned by a bunch of pro-wokism bots who vigorously defend the sexworkers, and now is the top admin and is also the CEO. Pretty terrible stuff!

astral_avocado OP , avatar

I am going to report to your local prefecture police station that you’re accessing western social media full of porn

XiaoHei , avatar


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  • astral_avocado OP , avatar

    😂😂 really hit a nerve huh?

    XiaoHei , avatar


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  • Prandom_returns , (edited ) to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance

    Yep. Some of the mods that mod 5+ communities are openly calling NATO fascist.

    There’s a lot of pro-china sentiment where users encourage people moving to china, denying Tianmen Square events, and encourage full annexation of Taiwan.

    It’s just lemmingrad 2.0

    I block every .ml community on sight, as they’re laced with tankie propaganda/agenda.

    BelieveRevolt ,

    openly calling NATO fascist

    No lies detected. Fascist dictatorship Portugal was a founding member.

    Prandom_returns ,

    If you honestly think that modern day NATO is fascist, you’re either uninformed, misinformed or a moron.

    BelieveRevolt ,

    Oh yeah, now they have known bastions of democracy Turkey, Hungary and Poland as members.

    Ask Serbians, Afghans, Iraqis and Libyans what they think of your wholesome 100 NATO.

    Prandom_returns ,

    So a moron. See you on the block list.

    BelieveRevolt ,


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  • Mdotaut801 ,

    I thought we got rid of fascist, right wing losers. Don’t you guys like your echo chambers? Then go to truth social or twitter. Don’t bring your garbage views here. Thanks

    BelieveRevolt ,


    calling out NATO for allying with fascists


    Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

    Mdotaut801 ,


    BelieveRevolt ,

    I don’t feel like I’m smart, I’d save average at best…but I truly do feel like the majority of the general public that I am around is less intelligent than I am

    Why would that make sense? Yuki has 2 points this season, Perez has 5 podiums and like 156 points. Why would RB downgrade MASSIVELY?

    lmao, I really am dealing with a bona fide genius here.

    _wintermute ,

    You’re talking to a leftist, not someone on the right, champ.

    GONADS125 ,

    It’s just not worth devoting the time to argue with people like yourself who are so indoctrinated and misinformed. Your maladaptive thinking style can’t even begin to be reprogrammed until you yourself realize that you’ve fallen victim to this.

    So there’s just no reason to devote time and effort articulating a well-argued retort with supporting evidence when your beliefs aren’t based in reality, you can’t effectively scrutinize accurate information, and your beliefs are so deeply internalized and unwilling to be challenged, that it feels like devoting the time of day to argue with a toddler who can’t grasp the concept you’re discussing.

    The truth is, trying to debate people like you is a useless, fruitless waste of time. You’re going to reject information, truths and logic you do not like, and your delusional beliefs will remain insulated by rationalization and other maladaptive coping strategies to reduce the cognitive dissonance you experience when you have that momentary realization that your beliefs may not be accurate.

    The truth is you’re just a waste of time for reasonable people to engage with. I’m not going to waste my time debating you here, but feel free to respond and get the last word in. I know that helps people feel like they’ve “won” an argument. You can respond with ad hominem, deflection, and baseless accusations against me like you’ve done to others. Doesn’t change the fact that you’re damaged goods no one here feels obligated or interested in engaging with.

    BelieveRevolt ,

    That’s a lot of words for a post that essentially says nothing. Hopefully someone makes an AI version of Fragmaster’s nerd voice, so that insufferable post can be read out loud by it.

    The funny thing is that all I said was NATO was bad because they tolerate fascist members and attacked a bunch of countries for no reason…which is all based on facts.

    Grant_M , avatar

    I block all pro-ruscist accounts. Congratulations for making the cut!

    BelieveRevolt ,

    Saying NATO is bad = pro-Russia

    Liberal arguments at their finest 👍

    Prandom_returns ,

    Yeah, I don’t debate these clowns for the same resons I don’t debate pigeons.

    Aceticon ,

    By the very same “by association, present or historical” “logic” you could say that the whole of NATO is Feminist (because some heads of state are openly Feminist women), Machist (some are pretty machist men), impeccably fair Democracies (take your pick), Communist (take your pick of members which were once Communist), Dictatorships with a Theocratic leaning (ahem, Turkey), Rich (take your pick), Poor (take your pick), an association of Small Nations (take your pick), an association of Large nations (take your pick), Social Democrat (take your pick), Socialist (the very Portugal you mention is governed by a party called the Socialist Party), Dead (most founding head of state are dead by now), Alive (lots of living heads of state), Anti-Nazi (lots of member states fough the Nazis), Pro-Nazi (some member states were Nazi), Mountainous (take your pick), Flat (ahem, The Netherlands) and so on.

    This is because “by association” “arguments” just as the one which is the cornerstone of your comment are complete total jokes in logical terms - you can’t pick a trait of one member (worse, one it had long ago and doesn’t have anymore) and claim that “they’re all like that”.

    Shit, that’s exactly the kind of “argument” the far-right newspapers in the UK use to demonize the poor: pick a single poor person who has abused the social security safety net and claim that “the poor” are all like that.

    If you trully believe that line of yours, you’re either totally brainwashed or a moron (the latter very much in the medical sense).

    FaeDrifter ,

    Thank you for that very satisfying beatdown of a bad faith troll.

    BelieveRevolt ,

    ”For association” was not the ”cornerstone” of my comment, although it’s pretty damning that the other founding nations would knowingly allow a fascist nation to join. NATO is an organization built on enforcing US hegemony. Fascist may not technically be the right term for that, but whatever. People call Russia fascist all the time even though that’s not really accurate either.

    Aceticon , (edited )

    That’s just another falacy.

    This time you’re conflating allowing an entity into a group with endorsing a specific characteristic of that entity.

    Also you’re still keeping the whole “if they did so half a century ago, they approve of that kind of thing now” angle. That’s an “all present day Germans are Nazis” worldview.

    It’s basically the guilt by association falacy but with “like” rather than “is”, i.e. NATO likes Feminist, Machist, pro-Nazi, anti-Nazi, Flat, Mountainous and so on countries because it let countries with such characteristic in.

    The only situation were that wouldn’t be a falacy is if it was an organisation explicitly about that characteristic - i.e. an Association Of Democratic Nations - which let in a country with opposite characteristics, which is not the case here since NATO is a military alliance.

    BelieveRevolt ,

    This time you’re conflating allowing an entity into a group with endorsing a specific characteristic of that entity.

    It kind of is. Would they have allowed a communist nation to join? I highly doubt it. They could’ve easily said, ”no, you’re fascists, go away.” It’s not like getting fucking Portugal to join was essential.

    Also you’re still keeping the whole “if they did so half a century ago, they approve of that kind of thing now” angle.

    Hungary and Poland are fascist.

    The only situation were that wouldn’t be a falacy is if it was an organisation explicitly about that characteristic - i.e. an Association Of Democratic Nations - which let in a country with opposite characteristics, which is not the case here since NATO is a military alliance.

    I would agree with this, because at face value it’s true. Liberals are always calling NATO a group of civilized, European, democratic nations though, so you can’t have it both ways.

    Aceticon ,

    Well, that’s the thing: you can accuse some (maybe most) leaders of NATO countries of being hypocrites and I’ll agree with you on that.

    In fact said leaders are equally hypocrite in exactly the same way also outside that NATO context: look at Macron’s authoritarianism in France imposing his will by decree and supporting the most violent thuggish police in all of Western Europe, or the long long history of the US invading countries for their oil whilst claiming it’s to “free their people” or Britain’s harping about Democracy whilst being “strong allies of Saudi Arabia” (and having one of the least democratic voting system in Europe).

    (Mind you, so called “Communist” or ex-“Communist” [I’m sorry but no country still in the “Dictatorship Of The Proletariat” stage with an elite that controls it and self-proclaimed as representatives of the Proletariat has actually reached Communism as per Marx’s definition, so there is not a single genuine Communist nation in the World] are just as hypocrite: look at China’s treatment of Tibetans and support for the next door de-facto Kim Monarchy and at how Russia has been breaking world record after world record in hypocrisy of late)

    However that wasn’t your original accusation: your original accusation was that NATO is a Fascist Organization.

    Claiming an entire organisation is Fascist is worlds away from saying that some heads of state in it are hypocrites, including in the context of NATO.

    Claims that NATO is Democratic are bullshit. Claims that it’s Fascist are even more bullshit.

    Maggoty ,

    The same Iraqis that no longer have to worry about Saddam doing stupid shit? Who can now elect their leaders again? They don’t think the US is the best but they sure aren’t in the same category as the Serbians.

    Anti US people are so used to the US fucking up they forget that we actually do a good every now and then.

    BelieveRevolt ,

    Are you seriously saying that the Iraq War was anything but a major fuckup by the US? Sure, they can elect their own leaders for a massively corrupt government, and many people are suffering because after the US invasion a lot of infrastructure was privatized in suspect deals. Iraq still can’t produce as much electricity as before the war. Listen to Blowback season one if you want some real info on the buildup and the war.

    You’re right in that there are a few million Iraqis that don’t have to worry anymore. That might be because they’re dead, but semantics 😉

    Maggoty ,

    What about that last sentence makes you think that I think it was all flowers and sunshine?

    At the end of the day they have a better government and if they hadn’t partnered with the American soldiers then we’d have fought AQ there for twenty years just like the Taliban in Afghanistan. I don’t have any concept that all Iraqis love the US. But the Iranian backed militias ain’t the majority opinion either. So yeah. There was a good thing done in there.

    Beanerrr , (edited )

    A country being in a dictatorship is an excluding factor for making good decisions. Plus, when Portugal left the dictatorship in 1974 it stayed and to this day remains in NATO.

    Aceticon ,

    And 1974, post-Revolution, Portugal, which was naturally very leftwing (it came pretty close to becoming a Communist dictatorship), could’ve and yet didn’t left.

    It’s a ridiculously uniformed and childishly-simplist opinion (or just straightforward astroturfing paid by either the Putin or the CCP dictatorships) to claim that all NATO is Fascist by pointing out that more than half a century ago one of its founder (which by now has been a Democracy for almost half a century) was under the yolk of a Fascist Dictatorship hence all NATO was and is Fascist.

    It’s funny how “guilt by association” and “the present is the same as the past” are core argument techniques of autoritarian lapdogs on both the Left and the Right.

    BelieveRevolt ,

    Why did NATO allow a fascist nation to join in the first place? 🤔

    Aceticon ,

    Because it’s a military, not political, alliance.

    “Being a Democracy” is not a significant military criteria.

    It’s you who are comming up with your own “selection criteria” which you then claim NATO is supposed to follow (even though the criteria you made up at times go against NATO’s very clearly and firmly stated aims), and then arguing that they don’t follow your criteria hence are whatever you feel like to label those who don’t strictly follow criteria you decided they’re suppose to follow.

    That fantastic and circular line of thinking is all you, and quite unrelated to the real world.

    Savas ,

    And today, look at what they’re allowing Turkey to do with regards to the Kurds…

    Maggoty ,

    NATO has nothing to do with that. Not unless Turkey asks for an Article 5 conference. Talk about the specific countries sure but NATO has one purpose. It is a military defense pact.

    JustZ , avatar

    Did this sound like a good argument when you thought it up because it’s shit.

    QueenAlucia ,

    I’m new here, how do you block stuff from a specific instance?

    Prandom_returns ,

    Depending on what app you are using. I can select a post that comes from a community on an instance, and I can pick to either block the OP or the Community.

    CamelCityCalamity ,

    You can’t, which is why they said “block any community”.

    JackBruhhh , avatar

    People outside the west have different views on a military organisation led by colonialists who have a track record of invading and destroying the world? How can this be!

    Prandom_returns , (edited )

    You can have a different view (which will probably align with russia’s view), but calling it a fascist organisation is moronic.

    “Destroying the world”. LOL. Post-soviet countries would strongly disagree.

    I_AnoN_I ,

    Remember when China invaded and took over tibet

    XiaoHei , avatar

    Young Tibetan boys were regularly taken from their peasant families and brought into the monasteries to be trained as monks. Once there, they were bonded for life. Tashì-Tsering, a monk, reports that it was common for peasant children to be sexually mistreated in the monasteries. He himself was a victim of repeated rape, beginning at age nine - Melvyn Goldstein, William Siebenschuh, and Tashì-Tsering, The Struggle for Modern Tibet: The Autobiography of Tashì-Tsering (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1997). Gelder and Gelder, The Timely Rain, 110.

    The Tibetan serfs were something more than superstitious victims, blind to their own oppression. As we have seen, some ran away; others openly resisted, sometimes suffering dire consequences. In feudal Tibet, torture and mutilation–including eye gouging, the pulling out of tongues, hamstringing, and amputation–were favored punishments inflicted upon thieves, and runaway or resistant serfs. Journeying through Tibet in the 1960s, Stuart and Roma Gelder interviewed a former serf, Tsereh Wang Tuei, who had stolen two sheep belonging to a monastery. For this he had both his eyes gouged out and his hand mutilated beyond use. He explains that he no longer is a Buddhist: “When a holy lama told them to blind me I thought there was no good in religion.” - Gelder and Gelder, The Timely Rain, 113.

    Whatever wrongs and new oppressions introduced by the Chinese after 1959, they did abolish slavery and the Tibetan serfdom system of unpaid labor. They eliminated the many crushing taxes, started work projects, and greatly reduced unemployment and beggary. They established secular schools, thereby breaking the educational monopoly of the monasteries. And they constructed running water and electrical systems in Lhasa. - Greene, A Curtain of Ignorance, 248 and passim; and Grunfeld, The Making of Modern Tibet, passim.

    Heinrich Harrer (later revealed to have been a sergeant in Hitler’s SS) wrote a bestseller about his experiences in Tibet that was made into a popular Hollywood movie. He reported that the Tibetans who resisted the Chinese “were predominantly nobles, semi-nobles and lamas; they were punished by being made to perform the lowliest tasks, such as laboring on roads and bridges. They were further humiliated by being made to clean up the city before the tourists arrived.” They also had to live in a camp originally reserved for beggars and vagrants–all of which Harrer treats as sure evidence of the dreadful nature of the Chinese occupation - Harrer, Return to Tibet, 54.…/Tibet.html

    TimewornTraveler , (edited )

    American Internet MLs when someone defends colonization by criticizing the prior systems of the colonized people: "Let colonized people dedcide their own fate! >:( "

    American Internet MLs when someone criticizes China’s colonization of Tibet: “[5000 characters criticizing prior systems in Tibet]”

    I just want some consistency. Why is it liberation when China does it to Tibet but colonization when America does it to Afghanistan/South America/everywhere else? Fuck em both bro

    Also have you ever noticed that criticisms of Tibet’s former systems always rely on the secondary source of The Timely Rain, an account written by foreign travelers in Tibet? (Or, as MLs might call someone who travels to China today to do this, “colonizers”?) Why is that perspective okay with you, enough to justify China’s actions?

    XiaoHei , avatar

    Colonization is not just forcing culture or language. The material basis of colonization is imperialism i.e. forcing an unequal exchange between the colonized and the colonizers. There is no unequal exchange between Tibet and China as they are the same country. Capital and labour flows freely in and out, with the majority of the Tibetan population living outside Tibet. The majority of the Tibetan population has a positive opinion of the Chinese government, the same can’t be said of any colony. And on top of that the Tibetans are free to practice their culture(except the feudalism, pedophilia, and torture part of course).

    Maggoty ,

    NATO, a defensive alliance that’s been activated once ever? Whose historic motivator is right now invading a European country and constantly threatening several more?


    TimewornTraveler ,

    ““the WEST!””

    Blamemeta ,

    We need a feature to mark power mods, and their subs

    gmtom , to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance

    Have people verified the claims? none of the screenshots in the original post work for me. so just wondering if anyones actually double checked the claims or if we’re just accepting it as true because it fits what we think about “tankies”?

    Prandom_returns ,

    I have experienced it myself. I was also blocked from “memes” for mentioning a couple of “nono for commie” things, and my comments where removed by a mod.

    Reliant1087 ,

    I’ve directly asked one of the devs. If you look at their GitHub you can see a collection of essays one of the devs have written. It’s pretty openly displayed actually.

    wick ,

    That sounds incredibly unbelievable. Link the GitHub political essay or go home.

    Justdaveisfine ,

    I just googled it.

    ContentGiraffe ,

    These are actually really interesting. Thanks for sharing

    yak , to unixporn in Official Unixporn Community on LemmyWorld avatar

    On reddit when I reminded to other users that this community existed and they could move here you insisted to clarify that you’re not moving on Lemmy and reminding that the only official communities are on reddit and on discord. Now you change your mind and we should start cross posting, for what? So we can have that mod team who tried to discredit this place, instead of this community which is perfectly fine? Hell no, you made your decision, now you deal with it.

    Black_Gulaman , to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance avatar

    TIL, you’re late to the party.

    Everybody knows.

    fsxylo ,

    I didn’t know, so I’m glad they made the post.

    Magister , avatar

    Yup, this is why I joined beehaw when the shit hits reddit early June.

    TheMauveAvenger ,

    Beehaw is just another flavor of echo chamber.

    Magister , avatar

    Yup, and when Beehaw defederated, I created an account on even if there is some craziness here it looks like good and funny crazyness 🤪

    uzay , to lemmyshitpost in It must think we live in a cartoon

    Sure, here’s an ASCII art of a snake:

    writeblankspace , avatar

    nah, it’s M

    NaiveBayesian , to programmerhumor in What working as an adult would be like according to your third grade writing teacher.

    While I haven’t ascended to fully cursive coding, I do actually enjoy Fantasque Sans for this very reason.

    It manages to kind of connect the letters in some ways that my eyes can better see single words as “tokens”. After using it for a while, going back to a regular monospaced font looks like a speadsheet of unconnected letters.

    lily ,

    That’s a nice font, it reminds me of Comic Code which is what I use for coding and in the terminal.

    fne8w2ah , to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance

    Locusts gonna locust.

    DmMacniel , to unixporn in Official Unixporn Community on LemmyWorld

    But why?

    mvirts , to sysadmin in time to learn about NFTs

    I mean it’s not the right letters, but this makes think of bpf

    lvxferre , to cat in A Flowchart For Cats avatar

    One of my cats’ version of that flowchart replaces “nudge it” with “hit it with your butt” and “rubs it with your face”.

    curiosityLynx ,

    Nah, that's still nudging. Your cat just chooses to make it more interesting by not using her peets every time.

    Lampshade , to cat in A Flowchart For Cats avatar

    Does the cat crash if it nudges it twice and it’s on the floor?

    Facelikeapotato OP , avatar

    If it’s anything like my cat, it just moves onto the next object offending her by being on the table.

    Pons_Aelius ,

    That is what causes a greeble overflow error

    massive_bereavement , avatar

    While thing.location != The floor; do nudge(4)

    pazukaza ,

    Objects never fall on the floor after N nudges in which N belongs to the set 2 + 3x, where x is a integer greater or equal to zero.

    It’s common cat knowledge.

    magnetosphere , to memes in meirl avatar

    Thank you for posting this. I was wondering if the problem was with the site, or with ME.

    CCL , to fediverse in Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook avatar

    anyone surprised doesn’t know

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