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yogthos OP , avatar

Yeah, that’s a good point. Brits created these states out of whole cloth and we’re still dealing with the consequences of that.

yogthos , avatar

The fact that there’s still any debate regarding viability of working from home after we’ve had definitive proof of that during the pandemic is absolutely surreal.

yogthos , avatar

That’s definitely a danger, work already bleeds into private life with people being expected to be always connected and available. Lack of clearly defined boundaries between work and home could make that worse.

yogthos , avatar

I’ve actually yet to see anybody you’d call a tankie being pro Putin or pro current Russian government. What people are pro is Russia acting as a counter to NATO and facilitating multipolarity.

yogthos , avatar

Right, people are treating it as sports where you have to either cheer for one side or the other.

Ukraine expands conscription, removes medical exemptions for HIV, hepatitis, mental disorders and more (

Now, the words and figures “with the exception of articles 2-c, 4-c, 5-c, 12-c, 13-c, 14-c, 17-c, 21-c and 22-c” have been removed from the Regulation, i.e. everyone will be recognised as fit under the “controversial” articles:...

yogthos , avatar

[citation needed]

yogthos , avatar

That was like 20k people, and Russian army is estimated to be around 400k now.

yogthos , avatar

dronie gonna drone

yogthos , avatar

you used so many words to say that you are dumb fuck

yogthos , avatar

yes, you’ve told us that you’re a dumb fuck already lol

yogthos , avatar

Yeah, really weird how Russia is conserving its manpower by letting Ukraine deplete the army the west helped put together and arm for three months. I wonder what will happen once Ukraine depletes its military resources in the coming months. Gotta love all the arm chair generals opining on things they have no clue about. Here, read what an actual military expert has to say on the subject. Maybe you’ll learn something, but I doubt it.…/whats-ahead-war-ukraine

yogthos , avatar

nice trash you got there kid can i shit on it more? oh I can? thanks.

I love how this imbecile reads an article by U.S. Lt. Col. Alex Vershinin retired after 20 years of service, including eight years as an armor officer with four combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and 12 years working as a modeling and simulations officer in NATO and U.S. Army concept development and experimentation, and calls it trash.

Everything the article predicts is currently happening.

Meanwhile, not sure what you think the relevance of your article is here. However, attributing thought to you may be too generous.

You are an utter imbecile and life is going to get very hard for you in the near future. Enjoy being smug while you can though.

yogthos , avatar

Wanting US empire to collapse is certainly not everything I am as a person. I guess some are only capable to see others are cartoonish cardboard cutouts as opposed to actual people.

yogthos , avatar

Evidently you don’t understand what the word empire means. UK is a vassal state of the US and part of the empire.

yogthos , avatar

You literally have no clue about the world if you genuinely think that.

yogthos , (edited ) avatar

Imagine saying that you have a clue about the world and that UK is not a vassal state of the US in the same sentence. UK is entirely dependent on US for military protection, that’s a relationship of a vassal. And if you think UK has any semblance of an independent economic policy you’re even more delusional. You’re like a poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect. 😂

yogthos , avatar

Oh, so you don’t know the definition of a vassal state either. I understand your confusion now. A vassal state is a state that is subordinate to another; government chiefly directed by the interests of an overlord or patron state. The US is the patron state of the UK because UK can’t have a sovereign and independent policy when it relies on military protection from US. That would be obvious to anybody with a couple of brain cells to bang together.

yogthos , avatar

The UK is not subordinate to the US. The US does not direct UK policy.

Absolutely adorable that you think this. US has very direct impact on UK policy and UK politics, and being part of US run NATO is the main reason UK is deeply involved in the war in Ukraine right now.

No, it doesn’t. The UK has its own military, and it’s own military-industrial complex. The UK is not at war. It’s in a co-operative military alliance, so if someone like Russia came to invade, the US would assist.


The US does not give a shit about the UK’s policy. The UK can do what it wants. 😂

You’re literally just making stuff up, this is like flat-earth level content.

You’re an ignoramus…

yogthos , avatar

I love how you think that a single example I provided is all the evidence for US dominating UK policy that there is. It’s like you have absolutely no clue regarding what’s actually going on in geopolitics. Go read up on the “special relationship” US and UK have as another example.

It’s absolutely hilarious how you keep talking about me having an insane world view here. Enjoy pretending that you live in a free and independent country I guess. 😂


yogthos , avatar

Ah, well you should’ve said you were American to start with, then I wouldn’t be shocked by the stunning amount of ignorance on display. And what I mean by independent is a country that is able to make sovereign decisions in the interest of its people. I love how you have to explain the meanings of common words to Americans.

yogthos , avatar

Your oligarchs are making the decisions on your behalf, I bet you think that’s a conspiracy theory too though. 😂

yogthos , avatar

Like the wealthy capitalists who own practically everything in your country and who run your government. I guess in your fantasy world, a Princeton study analyzing decades of US policy is just a hair away from saying the exact same thing a Nazi would say.

In the United States, our findings indicate, the majority does not rule—at least not in the causal sense of actually determining policy outcomes. When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites or with organized interests, they generally lose.


yogthos , avatar

I said that UK and the rest of US vassals states weren’t independent because they’re entirely dependent on US for military protection as well as US economy. This is the system US set up after the end of WW2 which is what NATO essentially is, a protection racket. US has a long and well documented history of political influence and interference in Europe, and entire books have been written on this subject. Claiming this is some sort of a conspiracy theory is the height of hilarity.

It’s saying disproportionate wealth equals disproportionate power. Which should be obvious, no person should have too much wealth or too much power. That’s why the US government was designed with checks and balances built in, which is not working as well as desired, but works farrr better than you see in a dictatorship like Russia.

What it says in black and white is that the government in US passes policy in the interest of people with disproportional wealth. The study actually very clearly explains that the checks and balances US has are no better than in Russia. Again, don’t take my word for it. Here’s what the authors of the study conclude as reported by BBC:

“American democracy is a sham, no matter how much it’s pumped by the oligarchs who run the country (and who control the nation’s “news” media),” he writes. “

Nobody is cherry picking anything here. You just keep acting like you’re being told something outlandish out of sheer ignorance.

There’s no secret group controlling this big US Empire of vassal states. It’s many many rich people of varying degrees of wealth (from the US or the UK or elsewhere) all fighting amongst themselves for more, and most of the time hurting the rest of us common folk in the process.

Nobody suggested anything of the sort. That’s just a straw man you’re using to pretend you have some point here. There doesn’t need to be a secret group controlling US empire of vassal states. All that’s needed is having shared class interests that rich people have. Meanwhile, it’s obvious that US oligarchs want to exploit countries like UK to create more profit for themselves, and US being the dominant economy in the west puts them in a position to do so.

yogthos , (edited ) avatar

I agree, your straw man is a low IQ conspiracy theory.

The reality is that there are plenty of different capital interests in US, and not all of them are aligned. Some US capitalists make money from financial investments and prefer globalization, others are industrial capitalists who run the military industrial complex. Anybody with a couple of brain cells to rub together would understand that US capitalists don’t have homogeneous interests and that Trump represents the financial camp that doesn’t see much value in NATO.

The only low IQ take here is to think that Trump speaks for your entire capitalist class when it’s pretty clear that US capitalists are fighting each other.

I also love how you expose yourself as lacking any capacity for critical thinking here. Just because the nazis are against NATO doesn’t make NATO a good thing. The fact that you frame what you support solely in terms of opposing what the people you don’t like support really underscores your intellectual capacity. I guess if nazis eat food and breathe air then you should stop doing that too.

It’s always hilarious to see how liberals are incapable of thinking of anything in systemic terms. Everything is just a knee jerk reaction.

yogthos , avatar

It’s a no-brainer, if NATO was the imperial profit generating machine you claim it to be, Trump would have been all over it. Trump would have expanded NATO, expanded the borders, made more wealth. That’s what Business men like Trump do. That’s why Nazis, like Tankies, are anti-NATO. Nazis don’t want to pay to protect other countries, Nazis want more power. Nazis would just invade a country, like Russia does, not tried to maintain an expensive treaty.

That very clearly frames NATO as a good thing since otherwise the orcs would invade you. Never mind the fact that NATO expansion was the reason for the war and that NATO is the primary destabilizing force in the world today.

You can’t have an empire without an emperor - a single unchanging authoritarian leader that decides the movement for the rest of the country.

You used so many words to say you’re historically illiterate. Late stage empires have always looked precisely the way US empire looks today where the oligarchs put in political puppets to do the governing. Late Roman empire often had demented old men as emperors who didn’t actually make any decisions.

I just love how you flaunt your ignorance with each and every comment.

yogthos , (edited ) avatar

I wouldn’t call anyone an orc, but Russia is an imperialist power trying to expand its border through a military invasion, so that is always something you need to consider. I don’t consider it to be a good thing to lay down and let colonizers run over you.

Nobody who has any clue regarding the subject believes that Russia is an imperialist power trying to expand. Plenty of western experts have been saying that NATO expansion would lead to a war for many decades. This only became controversial to mention after the war started. For example, here’s what Chomsky has to say on the issue recently:…/us-approach-to-ukraine-and-russia-……/noam-chomsky-us-military-escalatio…

50 prominent foreign policy experts (former senators, military officers, diplomats, etc.) sent an open letter to Clinton outlining their opposition to NATO expansion back in 1997:___

George Kennan, arguably America's greatest ever foreign policy strategist, the architect of the U.S. cold war strategy warned that NATO expansion was a "tragic mistake" that ought to ultimately provoke a "bad reaction from Russia" back in 1998.___

Jack F. Matlock Jr., US Ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1987-1991, warning in 1997 that NATO expansion was "the most profound strategic blunder, [encouraging] a chain of events that could produce the most serious security threat [...] since the Soviet Union collapsed"___

Even Gorbachev warned about this. All these experts were marginalized, silenced, and ignored. Yet, now people are trying to rewrite history and pretend that Russia attacked Ukraine because it’s aN iMpeRiaLisT PowEr TrYinG tO ExpaNd. Maybe you can explain why Russia has never tried to invade places like Kazakhstan which would be a lot easier to do.

NATO is not good, but Putin gives reason for NATO to not disband yet.

Oh weird, then why did NATO not disband after USSR dissolved and before Putin was in power?

Lol, no. Did it influence Putin? Sure. Did it make the decision to lie about invading and then immediately after invade like he’s a helpless little puppet on strings? No.

Read above and educate yourself instead of making clown of yourself in public.

The $1 billion question is why isn’t Putin reaching out to create defensive treaties with his neighbors first. Why not a defense treaty with Ukraine?

Because your regime ran a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and overthrew a democratically elected government to put literal fascists in power. Here’s western media reporting on your friends

and here’s what they’ve been up to since 2014 as even CNN reported at the time

The US is not a late state empire like Rome. That’s a * hits bong * “what if history is just like repeating itself over and over again man” kind of take. Not that no similarities exist.

You really love to straw man don’t you. I gave you an example of a late stage empire not having a strong emperor in charge, nowhere did I make any comparisons with the US.

Just list for me for how many years the US has a demented old man in charge.

I dunno can you do basic math to figure out how may years it’s been since you chuds elected Trump and then Biden?

yogthos , avatar

This is astonishingly stupid, you completely sidestepped the question.

I did not sidestep any questions. Ukraine and Russia had normal relations until the coup, and Russia was even fine with Ukraine joining the EU at the time.

Let’s assume your point about 2014 is true, that’s still 23 years Russia did not form a treaty, which would have prevented the coup.

There was no need for a treaty because there weren’t any tensions between Ukraine and Russia, Ukraine also expressed no ambitions to join NATO until the coup, you get that right? All the problems started after the coup.

Instead Russia is tearing itself apart trying to keep its claws dug into a little bit of Ukrainian territory.

In what universe is Russia is tearing itself apart exactly? Russian economy is growing, the government has higher approval rating than pretty much any western country, and Russia managed to refocus its trade away from the west. Even mainstream western media is openly admitting all this now.

In any scenario where you create an image of the west as some kind of empire overlord powerhouse that manipulates all global events, you make Russia and ex-Soviets look hopelessly stupid and incompetent.

Among the dumb things you’ve said in this thread, this certainly take the cake. The reason US emerged as a global hegemon out of WW2 was for the simple reason that US was not subject to the destruction of the war. While USSR, Europe, and China were completely devastated, US profiteered off the war, and then subjugated Europe to itself after when the Cold War started. I realize that you’ve had the misfortune of being subjected to US “education” system, but not understanding this is frankly embarrassing.

yogthos , avatar

Let me get this right, all the experts are warning about NATO expansion putting pressure on Russia, but Russia is feeling no pressure from NATO expansion.

I don’t know what part of this you’re having trouble wrapping your head around. Ukraine was a neutral state that did trade with both Russia and the west and wasn’t joining any military alliances with either side. If you have some new information nobody knows about that contradicts this then feel free to share it.

Again, you’re just saying that ex-Soviets are severely stupid and incompetent, because apparently this was a big deal since 1997, but also no big deal until 2014. Your timelines are incoherent.

Nowhere am I saying anything of the sort, these are just your delusional ramblings.

Lol, I would approve of my government if disapproving meant being thrown out of a window.

You’ll have to forgive me, I keep forgetting I’m talking to a child.

You know what, you’re right. Russia is doing great, we’re going to see a massive victory over Ukraine and the war will be over. Any day now.

How do you think this war is going to end exactly?

Obviously the US had a huge economic advantage, explain how that economic advantage leads to the extreme geopolitical incompetence of ex-Soviets.

What extreme geopolitical incompetence are you talking about exactly? Last I checked, Soviets managed to fight against your despotic regime for over 70 years.

yogthos , avatar

It’s not about just Ukraine. You’re so narrow, it’s like you can’t engage with my points outside of a pre-programmed response.

I think you’ve made a self referential comment here.

Russia could be forming treaties with ANY and ALL neighboring countries.

What is this then ignromaus?…/Collective_Security_Treaty_Org…

Lol, do you deny the high rate of people falling out of windows in Russia?

Seems lower than the rate of people being murdered by cops in US, but do go on.

Likely not for years, and either Russia will back out, or they will successfully genocide the people of Ukraine and take the bombed-out land.

Weird way to say Russia will protect people in Donbas from the fascist regime your country is sponsoring.

What does Russia have to show since 1991?

Aside from having a growing economy, and being part of BRICS which is now a bigger economic bloc than the entire west you mean?

yogthos , avatar

Exactly, now explain why NATO is overwhelmingly more successful in expanding its alliance. Why does 80% of Ukraine’s population support joining NATO instead of SCTO?

I have already explained to you that US was in the dominant position after WW2 by virtue of profiteering from the war. What part of that are you still struggling with?

Why does 80% of Ukraine’s population support joining NATO instead of SCTO?

You want me to explain something you made up?

Let’s just take a look at a few slides from this lecture that Mearsheimer gave back in 2015 to get a bit of background on the subject. Mearsheimer is certainly not pro Russian in any sense, and a proponent of US global hegemony. First, here’s the demographic breakdown of Ukraine:

here’s how the election in 2004 went:

this is the 2010 election:

As we can clearly see from the voting patterns in both elections, the country is divided exactly across the current line of conflict. Furthermore, a survey conducted in 2015 further shows that there is a sharp division between people of eastern and western Ukraine on which economic bloc they would rather belong to:

Ukraine is clearly not some homogeneous blob, but a large country with complex cultural and ethnic situations.

Oh right, protection is when you genocide the majority to protect the minority.

The only one projecting here is you buddy given that your country is the one actually responsible for genocide across the globe.

You have a literal despot who has not relinquished power in over two decades leading an invasion, bombing cities, shooting civilians, and raping their wives and daughters. Tell me more about what you know of fascist regimes.

If you want to see what an actual fascist regime looks like then maybe you should look back home. US empire is responsible, or shares responsibility, for close to 300 million deaths

You fuckers murdered over 6 million people with your war on terror alone…/up-to-six-million-people-the-un…

Maybe take a seat there little fash.

yogthos , avatar

You’re also making the common US right wing fascist L of conflating empty land mass with population.

Not doing any such thing, nowhere did I talk about land at all. I love how all your arguments are just straw man.

Yes, it’s a complex population, and a map of empty land looks 50/50, but there is a pretty overwhelming pro-West majority.

The parts that joined Russia do not have western majority as the map clearly shows. In fact, the whole civil war started in 2014 because western backed fascists went after the minority in the east. Of course, you don’t give a shit about those people as you’ve amply demonstrated there.

The question that you still refuse to answer is why. Because it will break your worldview.

I didn’t refuse to answer anything. The only one with a bleak world view here is the one who thinks it’s fine for western backed fascists to exterminate minorities. Thanks for admitting what you actually stand for.

Oh, I do not at all defend any of the violence, the bombings, or the genocides committed by the US. I condemn every imperialist invasion, and the evil people who lead them. I will happily take part in imprisoning any US president for life. Because I have actual values. You wouldn’t know what that’s like.

The only thing you’ve condemned so far was Russia protecting people of Donbas from the fascists you support. You claim to condemn evil people while allying with literal fascists, and you expect people to take you seriously.

yogthos , avatar

Literally right in the pictures you posted but nice gaslighting.

The picture I posted illustrates the views of the demographic in the different regions showing that eastern regions that joined Russia have predominantly pro Russian views. The only one doing gaslighting here is you.

It’s wrong for western backed fascists to exterminate minorities. It’s wrong for fascist Russia to exterminate majorities. It’s not hard for me to say, why is it hard for you to say?

Russia isn’t doing anything of the sort. Even UN plainly stated that, stop graslighting…

I’m not allying with anyone.

Except you very clearly are. You can deny it all you want, but it’s quite clear from this thread that you support the fascist regime in Ukraine. You haven’t seen me condemn fascist Russia because it only exists in your deranged mind.

The whole pattern of this thread has been you making fantastical claims then me providing sources contradicting your nonsense and you just pivoting to new fantastical claims without ever acknowledging your prior bullshit. You’re like a little wanna be Trump.

yogthos , avatar

“The UK is a vassal state to the US Empire” is a fantastical claim.

It’s not, and I’ve explained to you in detail why as well as having provided you with numerous resources on the subject. You’ve never actually contradicted anything I said either and just pivoted to other bullshit.

“Russia is a fascist xenophobic homophobic transphobic country ruled by a corrupt despot that made the sovereign decision to start an invasion” is real life.

That’s precisely what a xenophobe from US would say. Russia certainly has plenty of issues, however in practice it’s not very different from many western countries. The real life is that the war was a product of decades of NATO policy, and it’s not even hidden. RAND literally published a study titled Extending Russia where it outlines goading Russia into a proxy war in Ukraine as a way to achieve that.

Maybe spend some time educating yourself instead of shitposting on public forms. Just a thought.

Exclusive: US to send depleted-uranium munitions to Ukraine (

The use of depleted uranium munitions has been fiercely debated, with opponents like the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons saying there are dangerous health risks from ingesting or inhaling depleted uranium dust, including cancers and birth defects.

yogthos , avatar
yogthos , avatar

But it’s the west that proclaims to be the great defenders of Ukraine. With friends like these who needs enemies.

yogthos , avatar

I don’t know why people keep repeating this. Do you honestly think this is a coherent point? Russia is obviously not going to go home no matter how many times you’re going to repeat it. It’s a meaningless and useless statement that literally solves nothing. Either NATO can defeat Russia or not, so far it looks like NATO is not able to do so. What NATO is accomplishing is prolonging the conflict without changing the outcome. That means more people dying and having their lives ruined so that US military industry can make a profit and so that US can try and weaken Russia geopolitically. Anybody who thinks the west is in this conflict to help Ukraine is an utter imbecile.

yogthos , avatar

The west literally overthrew the legitimate and democratically elected government to install literal fascists in power who have been busy doing this the people in eastern Ukraine for the past either years. If this is news to you then take a sit because you have no clue regarding the subject you’re bloviating on here.

yogthos , avatar

I expect you to have minimal technical literacy to put the link URL in archive.

The truth is that there is no actual evidence to indicate that Russian economy is struggling in any way.

a) investing in a war you’re losing is GDP flushed down the drain

That certainly explains why Europe is in a deep recession now and why US economy is looking shaky.

b) they’re cut off from any advanced technology at even half-way reasonable prices

Once you look at a map you’ll realize that Russia shares a huge border with China where all the advanced technology is produced nowadays. Trade between Russia and China has shot up to over 200 billion this year.

c) massive brain drain

Very little evidence for that actually happening, the article you linked is written by the same people who claimed Russia was a gas station with nukes, and that Russian economy was going to collapse months after western sanctions were imposed. If you haven’t figured out that you’ve been lied to yet, that really says a lot about you.

d) report of very excessive inflation when it comes to food.

Russia has very low food inflation and happens to be one of the major food producers globally. Once again, the fact that you think Russia has food inflation says volumes.

But all that is rather besides the point. Russia, alongside with Ukraine, did a lot of stuff wrong in the 90s. Look at Estonia or e.g. Czechs (if you want to keep it among Slavs) on how to do it… nah, not right, but definitely better.

We’re now seeing Russia having made it through two years of being cut off from the western economy, and doing well for itself. Meanwhile, countries like Estonia and Czech republic aren’t doing so hot. And frankly, it’s completely absurd to compare a country the size of Russia to a country like Estonia.

Ukraine then managed to turn around, develop an actual civil society and clip the wings of the oligarchy, Russia didn’t.

That’s complete and utter horseshit. Ukraine turned into the most corrupt country in Europe, and things have only kept getting worse. Ukraine started as a big industrial power after USSR collapsed, and now it’s been robbed entirely of anything of value.

There’s plenty of family ties between Russia and Ukraine, if Russians see that Ukraine can escape the yoke of the kleptocrats then they could start to believe that they, too, can do that.

What people in Russia see is that under west’s leadership Ukraine managed to become worse than Russia. All that did was convince people in Russia that the west was going to fuck them over exactly the same way they fucked Ukraine over.

yogthos , avatar

It takes an incredible amount of historical illiteracy to try and draw parallels between WW2 and the proxy war US is waging against Russia in Ukraine. However, if you weren’t historically illiterate, then you’d also know that US companies continued working with the nazis well into the war, and IBM is famously responsible for facilitating the holocaust.

Also, NATO and the US are very obviously in this war, and one has to be utterly intellectually dishonest to pretend otherwise.

yogthos , avatar

One of them is making efforts to get out of that swamp.

You must be referring to Russia here given that this is what’s happening in Ukraine right now

I find it rather telling that of all the things you found weak retorts for, you completely left out the “More petrorubles for the kleptocrats” part, and how GDP is not a proper measure of the wealth of a people, at least in any even remotely leftist sense.

There is zero indication to suggest that regular people in Russia are significantly effected in any way right now. Cost of food, housing, and other essentials has stayed stable.

That is why you see Russian soldiers – primarily from the periphery as joining the army is the only way to make any money as there’s no actual jobs – looting toilets. Fucking toilets. Back in WWII it was water faucets. Nothing the fuck has changed in that regard.

I mean if that’s what you’ve convinced yourself of then what else is there to say to you.

If you think that Putin is “draining the swamp” then you’re no less naive than your run off the mill Trumpet.

No, I don’t think Putin is draining any swamp, but I do think he runs a far more competent administration than western oligarchs.

(Side note, speaking of WWII: Remember that Soviet flag on the Reichstag picture? That’s of a Ukrainian. Taken by a Ukrainian).

And now thanks to the help from the west Ukraine is run by literal fascists. Maybe something you should reflect on.

In any case, this conversation is clearly pointless since you evidently live in an alternate reality. I’ll just let you figure things out on your own and reconcile the fantasies you’ve built up with the real world as it becomes increasingly more difficult to ignore going forward.

yogthos , avatar

When US government provides resources to these people, is it good or bad?

And this is why your comparison is historically illiterate. The actual comparison would be US funding the nazis in WW2. You’re either ignorant of whom US is propping up in Ukraine or you’re just dishonest. Either way not a good look.

yogthos , avatar

I did answer your question in detail, and it’s safe to dismiss anybody who uses whataboutism as a form of argument. That’s just a logical fallacy that imbeciles use to try and create a double standard.

yogthos , avatar

I did, and you crying about whataboutism is what I’m referring to. Anybody who calls out whataboutism as a form of argument is engaging in intellectual dishonesty. The question you set up is fundamentally wrong, and you’re fishing for an answer for that setup. This is like me asking you if you’ve stopped beating your wife.

yogthos , avatar

You gotta remember though, people who claim that Russia is isolated are the same people who were outraged that Russia started a war in a country where people have blue eyes and blond hair.

yogthos OP , avatar

Nobody is projecting anything here or making ant strawman. You made a false equivalence claiming that both US and China are bad. I gave you concrete examples of China continuously improving lives of its people, and being pretty much the only place in the world where major quality of life improvements are happening for the majority. If you can’t understand that, then what else is there to tell you.

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