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Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

So basically it’s a matter of transparency (or lack there of)?
Sorry, it’s a lot to read and reading OCD doesn’t help.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

Why are identity politics even allowed to be discussed in an unrelated field (software development) in the first place? Seems it always just leads to people getting upset when you can just not talk about it as it’s really not related at all to my knowledge.

I can kinda agree here. In the open source community, identity politics should be especially irrelevant. The FOSS licences are explicitly designed in a way to not discriminate based on such factors like race, religion, gender, nationality, biological sex, political views, etc.
However, from what I can gleam from the blog, it seems somehow related to the COC, maintainer behavior and a lack of transparency rather than “identity politics”. In what way, idk because the blog doesn’t seem to specify any specific verifiable incident, at least from what I can tell. But I will say, that if it is a matter of the COC, that the COC is supposed to be a protection of the right for an individual to be able to express themselves in an environment that won’t prosecute them.
So, in this regard it’d make sense to if say someone was being miss gendered maliciously for example, it’d violate the COC. In this regard, the right to express oneself doesn’t give someone the right to harass others because they disagree with how someone else is expressing themselves.

Edits : restructuring and clarification.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

Thank you. Reading the blog was a complete train wreck that left me more confused then informed.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

I’m imagining Jack Sparrow doing the Hannah Montana pose in the screenshot.

Also you should do another meme about Rebecca Black OS being the most innovative distro.

Rustmilian , avatar

Too bad that Threema’s server-side code is closed source.

Rustmilian , avatar

It does matter, because you can’t self-host nore audit the code. What you say isn’t wrong, unless they were to use a public facing reproducible build system ofc. But at minimum, if their server side code isn’t open source at all then you can’t even verify if it’s completely vulnerable spaghetti code or not. Some transparency is always better than none at all.

Rustmilian , avatar

Please don’t use that malware, go to the right place :

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

Can you edit this without pushing your own commit and rebuilding the app entirely?

You can’t do shit because it’s a problem with your phone. This is not something handled by the app. The app only provides the icon, it’s Android that’s supposed to handle the launch animation; that’s why launch animations can look completely different on phone’s made by different OEMs.

Rustmilian , avatar

For the name? That’s fucking easy dude, just get a better launcher.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

You mean the home page branding. Just change the home tab to a different page, problem solved. Might need to be done via about:config but it should be possible; I know it’s possible in Mull at least, I had changed it a one point a few months ago when I was going through the config options and it worked.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

Don’t forget LMDE

Also, you read the last column wrong.

Rustmilian , avatar

This list isn’t that well thought out.

Rustmilian , avatar

Oh what’s this conveniently placed hole in the ground that I can push this dude in?

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

Fedora Silverblue is in an entirely different ball game. You can’t use dnf because it’s an immutable image based system where you can’t make direct changes to the Root system without making use of the rpm-ostree & VCS mechanisms. You’re making a conscious choice by using Fedora Silverblue, and the pros out way the cons for most people making that choice.
In contrast Fedora Workstation allows you to use dnf just as normal because it’s not an immutable image based system.
Ubuntu doesn’t make use of any such system so their reliance on containerized user-space apps isn’t a technical one.

Rustmilian , avatar

Does Linux Mint count as an “Ubuntu variant”?

Rustmilian , avatar

I think you have a typo in your last paragraph.
Flatpak should run better on Wayland compared to Snaps. Not to mention Flatpak has much better XDG Portal Integration.

Rustmilian , avatar

That space pinball game thing? It’s available on Linux, I saw it in the AUR a few months ago.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

eBPF is looking great.

Rustmilian OP , (edited ) avatar

Windows is a (MS)DOS hybrid system, that’s one of the reasons why it’s a fuckin mess. Probably why they were able to steal the “PC” moniker so easily. That and Apple marketing themselves as separate from “PC”.

Rustmilian OP , avatar

It still gets referred to as “PC” often enough to be noticable.

Rustmilian OP , (edited ) avatar

I guess the correct phrasing is “was”, however I still consider it to be a hybrid as it still makes use of absolutely braindead DOS design/features/limitations because of “backwards compatibility”. Which is ironic, because Linux has better backwards support for DOS & old Windows applications without that legacy crap being apart of the system itself.

Rustmilian OP , (edited ) avatar

Like what? Aside from drive letters (which are being slowly sunset in favor of mounting to directories like *nix) I don’t see a lot of legacy stuff from the 8 bit era.

Inability to create files or directories with certain reserved names like “CON”, “PRN”, “AUX”, “NUL”, “COM1-9”, and “LPT1-9”.

Lack of support for modern features like long file paths beyond the 260 character limit in some legacy applications and system components.

Continued inclusion of outdated & unused system components and commands from MS-DOS.

The stupid real-mode architecture of early Windows versions (1.0 & 2.0) still being a thing because “backwards compatibility”.

Windows ≀10’s reliance on legacy BIOS interaction; a remnant of the MS-DOS era; even when Windows 10 is booted in UEFI mode, which is now finally delt with in Windows 11.

The biggest limitation : The Technical debt that effects development in many adverse ways.

There’s a ton more than I listed here. The thing about these old MS-DOS remnants is that they’re not readily noticeable unless you start to really dig into things. A typical surface level joe bob user would never notice them.

Via dosbox, which is also available for windows. I wouldn’t call “exactly the same, using the same exact emulator” better.

DOSBox tends to be faster on Linux compared to Windows. DOSBox configuration, customization and integration with the system is way more flexible on Linux. DOSBox has compatibility with Linux-specific tooling & utilities. Etc.
Compatibility wise, they’re more or less the same, but support wise, Linux has clear advantages.

Rustmilian OP , avatar

Do the word “dumpster”

Are there any discrepancies between the resources an OS uses when running in a virtual machine vs being ran directly?

I recently found out about a Linux Distro named Q4OS and I wanted to test out their claim that it only requires 256 MB of ram when using the trinity desktop environment. However, when I used the live cd in virt-manager with 256 MB or ram, it just kernel panicked at boot. So I then tried it with 512 MB of ram. In addition to some...

Rustmilian , avatar

SteamOS doesn’t run inside a container, it’s just an immutable image based system.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

Here’s Some Alternatives to SimpMusic :
InnerTune (A Material 3 YouTube Music client for Android)
SpMp (A YouTube Music client with a focus on language and metadata customisation)
ViMusic (Seamlessly stream music from YouTube Music)
RiMusic (A multilingual Android application for streaming music from YouTube Music.) {ViMusic Fork}

Android app dependency? (

I have found the translation from camera source feature useful in Google Translate and I use it from time to time. Last night was one such occasion, yet when I attempted to enable camera mode, I received the message shown in the screenshot, “Please install the latest Google app in order to use camera translation”. I...

Rustmilian , avatar

You have to switch the ROM completely for that, this seems to be a stock pixel thing.

Rustmilian , avatar

I know you probably mean newer Xbox games, but check out xemu if you like retro titles.

Rustmilian , avatar and it’s hw-probe tool are also very good.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

The kernel driver for the RTL8852CE wireless card is driver rtw8852ce. This means that the driver is mainline, so it should work out of the box. Going to the git log for this particular driver, we can see it’s initial work was as added back in 2022-03-10, therefore it’s safe to assume that any Kernel released after that point will work. However, seeing that the latest fix was made in 2024-02-01, I highly recommend using any kernel after that date for the best experience. That said, go to releases and take a look at the chart; according to the chart and the previous information, you should be good with any Linux Kernel 6.1+. Heading back to the main page, the drivers you should be looking at are LTS (longterm) 6.1.87 and above, while I recommend stable 6.8.7+ for the lastest patches made to this driver.

I recommend using hw-probe and running :

<span style="color:#323232;">sudo -E hw-probe -all -upload -max -check-extended -dump-acpi -decode-acpi 

For a full and complete probe of the system.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

Using my knowledge of the Linux Kernel, I was about to locate the page. RTL8852CE’s driver is rtw8852ce located in the Rtw89 driver family subset.

Rustmilian , avatar

XDG Base Directory & XDG User Directories will help you immensely. At least, for the programs that follow the XDG specs. Also, check out XDG Ninja.

Rustmilian , avatar

To add to this, Dotfiles is a very helpful Arch Wiki page.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

I’m dyslexic and have reading OCD, it takes me longer to write and development my argument.
I read your comment the first time, and as per my OCD, I’ll be reading it again.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

Without going through your experiences, I can’t fully understand how you have personally been punished for being a man.

You want to know my personal experience?
There’s so so much I could say. But I’m not comfortable with publicly trauma dumbing.
Without giving away too much, I will say that an event accord when I mearly 6, when I told, I was meet with scoffs of disgust, and called a lier, and the events continued for some time, years later, after I had already repressed it deep down and everyone forgot. My little sister comes out about a similar event that happened to her, and she was meet “omg!! That’s horrible!! We need to take immediate action, you should’ve come to us about this sooner”, note that we came out to the same people. More over, it likely wasn’t even the first time it happened, it’s just as far back as I can remember. That’s all I’ll disclose, if I think about it to much I’ll trigger an episode.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

not reminding people that sometimes bad things happen to men.

That’s not even what I’m trying to do, I’m just trying to make the point that it’s NOT THAT SIMPLE , it wasn’t simple for women, so why the fuck do people assume it’s simple for men. It’s not, it never will be, not for anyone who’s not in a position of power or wealth. Ready or not, it doesn’t matter. It took decades for women to build a movement capable of changing the system for them, it’s no different for men, men’s rights advocates have been fighting for men’s mental health for a very long time already and we still see no chance in the system.
You’ll hear a lot about “men made the system for men”, and that’s objectively and observably false, the Rich made the system for the Rich. Just because the 1% are men, doesn’t mean that 70% of homeless individuals aren’t also men. The Rich don’t care who gets fucked, as long as it’s not them.
I’d like to suggest once again, if you haven’t already Pt.1 & Pt.2.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

May I remind you, I’m not the one who brought up men’s issues in the first place. If Apytele left out :

Men are welcome to do the same whenever they’re ready, but for now a lot of men are just coping by crab bucketing this shit and bringing women back down.

We wouldn’t be having this conversation at all.
I have no issue with the rest of the comment. That particular part is clearly not in support of men, it’s not positive at all, putting the blame square on men’s shoulders and oversimplifying the problem. If she wanted to promote Women’s rights, that fine. If she intended to encourage men to join and fight for themselves this is not the way. That particular part is clearly made to create division, not unity.

I understand what you are saying and why. I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m explaining why you aren’t getting support from others.

I don’t care if I have support from others or not. I’m already used to never having my voice heard or being rejected, it makes no difference.

Rustmilian , avatar

Well yes. Unfortunately, the mens mental health industry is woefully underdeveloped and often not taken seriously. I’d go therapy if there was an option for me to do so, unfortunately there isn’t any in my region, non trained to deal with my personal circumstance at least. For a time I was going to therapy by my own regard but then the therapist who I was seeing passed suddenly in a car accident and there’s no one capable of replacing them.

Rustmilian , avatar

Thank you for at least engaging. OP didn’t even attempt that.

Rustmilian , avatar

I appreciate you.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

The focus was less on the suicide rates argument and more on the “have they tried smiling more?” response you’ll often hear from certain parties in an attempt to get across the insensitivity of the way OP presented men’s issues. I know I didn’t present that very clearly. Other than that, I agree with you.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

You bring up good points, and you’re right. I acted irrationally out of anger.
The insensitivity of the way she presented men’s issues
 Tbh, it hurt me and it came out as intense anger that clouded my judgement and muddied the point I was trying to get across.
In retrospect, I should’ve handled it better and voiced my frustration more clearly and (much) less offensively. Sorry I blew up like that.
Thank you for your understanding and consideration. You’re quite kind hearted & empathetic, and have restored some of the little faith I have left in humanity. You keep on being you, you’re wonderful.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

I assume you’re excluding all the men who prefer a femdom ? IDK if many women know this, but men’s sexuality is often a LOT looser then Media lets on. There’s plenty of men who’d absolutely love to be thrown around like a rag doll.

Rustmilian , (edited ) avatar

Yes, I understand. And it’s indeed a possible situation. But have you ever heard the phrase “they’re more afraid of you then you are of them”? Women have more social power than they realize, and the fear is due to specifically manipulative female individuals abusing that social power, even to the extent of violence. So the fear of abuse is a mutual feeling. There will always be bad people. Just please use your power carefully and honestly and work together to reduce evil people. Imo, addressing social economical problems will help greatly reduce the tensions between genders, and the only way to do that is by communicating in the first place.

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