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Kentifer ,

Diplomacy has resulted in the release of more hostages than military action has. Just saying.

Kentifer ,

I mean… Israel isn’t exactly accepting the offers made by the other side to stop the fighting and get their people back. They seem more intent on committing a couple of war crimes.…/israel-hamas-war-netanyahu-rejects-hama…

Kentifer ,

Because they want to save the hostages. Supposedly, right? That’s why they would “concede defeat” (that’s not what a ceasefire is). Regardless of what happens to Hamas, if Israel continues to oppress Gazans, more uprisings will occur. Hamas does not own the idea of resistance.

Kentifer ,

“Why would you ignore this?”

Because defeating Hamas is not an achievable goal. At best, they just create another group that wants to resist them as long as Israeli oppression of Palestinians continues. Hamas, whether or not you agree with them or the actions they’ve taken, believe themselves to be resisting Israel oppression. Why would you ignore this? Because you don’t think Israel is oppressing Palestinians? No, you just think the oppression is justified as long as Hamas exists. But if its not Hamas, there will be another group. Hamas is not present in the West Bank, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping Israel.

Don’t forget that President Herzog has said “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. It’s not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved.” So what does that mean for “defeating Hamas”? How many Gazans does Israel get to kill in pursuit of this goal? Is there a limit for you?

One last point, because you’re racist and I’m done talking to you. Reverse your bullshit about Arabs and Jews and see if it makes any actual sense to you. Because a) you are painting an entire race of people with an exceptionally broad brush b) you’re conflating all Jews with Israel. Hamas has attacked Israel. Hamas not attacked “all jews” by doing so.

Kentifer ,

Isn’t it funny how you dismiss every thing that reflects poorly on the party you support? Despite the fact that the DNC did not dispute the contents? They sued over the release of the emails because they believe it interfered with the election. Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t. But they don’t deny the contents of the leaked emails themselves. I guess anything so that you can vote blue no matter who, huh?

Kentifer ,

I don’t want Trump to be elected. But I won’t have my vote held hostage by a party that does not represent me and actively works against progressive candidates from making any headway. If they want my vote, they have to come get it from me.

Kentifer ,

It’s not my only issue with Biden, but it is my biggest and the fact that it doesn’t even seem to register as a problem for you is very telling. You don’t care about anything that’s happening to anyone outside of the US huh? Your world is that small? Get a grip. We all draw our lines in the sand somewhere and when the line is crossed, that’s usually the thing we’re going to yell about. I think “I can work with you on anything other than genocide related crimes” is pretty fucking lenient, don’t you?

Kentifer ,

We’ve been selling Israel weapons while they declare exactly what they want to do. What the fuck are you talking about? Biden has gone around Congress twice to sell weapons to Israel. But sure. Nothing we can do. Get fucked.

Kentifer ,

And I will thank dems for running centrists while Gilead kills me for a trans queer person. Dems aren’t helping prevent Gilead as much as you think.

Kentifer ,

No. Biden aids and abets genocide. How about Dems give me a better choice?

Kentifer ,

Palestinians are dying under Biden right now. The logical choice is to try to get him to step down.

Kentifer ,

And I’m saying if Dems want to win, they need to run a different guy. That’s not even me, its the polls.

Kentifer ,

Letting genocide continue is the objectively wrong decision. So I have two objectively wrong decisions. What do?

Kentifer ,

You’re a liar. Biden is losing in the polls because of this exact issue. If anyone cared about beating Trump, replacing him would be a priority.

Kentifer ,

I don’t think trump does anything better than Biden and I’m not reading the rest of your shitty comment because you started out by putting words in my mouth. I never said that Trump did anything better than Biden. I don’t want Biden to be president. His actions have been disqualifying.

Kentifer ,

How is that different from what Biden has done?

Kentifer ,

Its literally not though? Are the primaries over?

Kentifer ,

So he would do what Biden is doing but more… Justify voting for him however you want. Biden is just as supportive of Israel as Trump would be.

Kentifer ,

The least amount of genocide for whom? Who’s lives do I value over thr others? The ones that are most like mine?

Kentifer , (edited )

He has gone around Congress to sell weapons to Israel twice. Once on the same day that South Africa took Israel to the Hague for exactly what I’m mad about. If being a troll means pointing out truths that make you uncomfortable, then I gues I’m a troll.

Kentifer ,

And Bernie failed to make any headway because the private club shut him out. How about you grow up and stop making excuses for voting for an old man who aids and abets genocide?

Kentifer ,

Fascists didn’t convince me of anything. I watch news from socialists. Maybe wake up and realize that you have accepted Israeli propaganda. Only 25,000 dead? ONLY? You’re a psychopath.

Kentifer ,

You are a genocide apologist and I hope you live to feel the shame you deserve to feel.

Kentifer ,

I want Biden to step down. Yes.

Kentifer ,

The fuck? So just let Israel kill civilians. Cool. I was wrong. You’re not a psychopath. You’re someone who would have gone along with the Nazis.

Kentifer ,

Because its against two people have no name recognition. Its not hard to figure out why no one went out to vote for Williamson or Phillips when most people don’t even know who they are.

Kentifer ,

And then they bombed the safe areas. Look it up. You’re wrong about this. The ICJ has agreed to continue the case. They are clearly convinced that there is a plausibility that Israel has committed genocide. Do you think you’re smarter than the 17 judges sitting on the ICJ for this case?

Kentifer ,

Okay. Gaza isn’t my only issue with Biden. And no Trump doesn’t align with me on those issues either, but if Trump doesn’t get my vote by default just because I dislike Biden, then the same should follow for Biden. I’m sorry that you don’t like how I, one person that you do not know, am planning to vote. However, I will not change my plans because you say I have to. You have not given me a reason to vote for Biden. Just reasons not to vote for Trump. And that’s not only not a winning strategy forever, but its getting fucking annoying at this point. Not a single person here has said been able to point to any actual thing that makes Trump better on this issue. Biden didn’t do anything to fix the issues with the court with the first two years that he had. He dropped the ball on student loan debt relief. I could give you other examples of my frustrations with Biden. But I’m not going to waste my time. Because you’ll just say “Trump will be worse, if you want change, vote for Dems.” But dems don’t make changes because they want to hold onto power. That is how they always operate in my opinion. You are free to feel differently, but I have based that opinion on 36 years of life and watching them operate. You won’t get the change you want out of democrats. You’ll get more of the same.

So please, stop telling people what they have to do with their votes. We don’t all agree that things are going so super, duper well right now. Dems don’t listen to progressives, there aren’t any parties on the actual left who can win, i have no one to vote for. And yes, I’m mad at democrats about it because they lie about being progressives. And I mean literally. Jon Fetterman ran a progressive campaign and now openly states that he’s not progressive and drapes himself in the Israeli flag so that he can get those sweet, sweet AIPAC dollars. But by all means, keep voting blue no matter who and tell yourself that your not like MAGA Republicans, because at least you have the illusion of choice.

Kentifer , (edited )

“I’ll bet Israel is already in compliance with it.” They aren’t. Which is why the court needed to issue preliminary orders at all.

Kentifer ,

Should probably give South Africa’s case a read as well. 84 pages of facts that are pretty damning for Israel that were convincing enough for these judges. Maybe your bias presented you from believing the facts before your eyes?

Kentifer ,

Not if Biden steps down and endorses a replacement that doesn’t endorse a genocide.

Kentifer ,

The ICJ disagrees. They believe it is plausible that Israel is committing genocide right now and they have issued preliminary orders to prevent further deaths. Do you think you know more about Israel’s responsibilities under international law to prevent genocide than 17 judges sitting on the the ICJ? Do you believe that you know more than them? Or do you just take Israel at they’re word.

Kentifer ,

And dems will never give that to you. If they wanted to, they would have done so by now. But you’re entitled to you’re belief that I have simply thrown my hands up instead of wrestling with this question for months. Voting for Biden will just make life hell for different people. Not fewer, in my view.

So if you’re cool with me telling you that you’re acting like an asshole, then go ahead and tell me what to do But don’t act surprised when people get pissed at you.

Kentifer ,

Also, if you can’t regard me as a reasonable person for not wanting to vote against my own beliefs and interests, then you absolutely do give a whole lot of shits about what I do with my vote. You give so many shits, that some people might even call it unreasonable that you can’t let a grown person make up their own mind.

Kentifer ,

Yeah, like I said. Try it again with the understanding that you’re point of view is not one held by experts who reviewed the same material. See if that changes anything.

Kentifer ,

Biden has shown himself to be either unwilling or unable to reign in or stop Israel. They don’t believe the US will do anything to stop them, and so far, they have been proven correct. The rhetoric under Biden will be different than under Trump. But the outcome will be the same. Sorry that I’m not appeased by a milquetoast centrist urging Israel to take it easy.

Kentifer ,

So if Dems wanted to avoid that future, don’t you think it would be smart of them to run someone that people actually want to vote for? Like if they cared about actually preventing that, wouldn’t they choose someone who isn’t this controversial. They have had since October to bring someone else up. They have 9 more months to run someone right now with Biden’s endorsement. They won’t, because they don’t care about representing what the people want (to avoid dictatorship) they just want to keep power in the hands of the people they’ve chosen for you.

Kentifer ,

Saw you talking shit in another thread. You ever get around to reading this? Or maybe you’re too afraid to realize that you’re wrong.

Kentifer , (edited )

The issuing of preliminary orders means that they have deemed the risk of genocide in Gaza at the hands of the Israeli government to be plausible. The judges voted overwhelming in agreement with that ruling. One judge voted for the provisional measures based solely on the question of intent and the quotes by Israeli leaders.

*Edit: typo

Kentifer ,

Also, I’ve gone through my replies and your comments. You may have responded to someone else, but not to me.

Kentifer ,

Well, Hamas is not a state, nor is it a signatory to the genocide charter, so this ruling really doesn’t apply to them. However, you’re right, they’ll probably continue holding the hostages as negotiating chips. To be clear, I condemn Hamas and the Israeli government. However, the 25,000 people killed weren’t all Hamas. Israel doesn’t even claim they were mostly Hamas. And of course Israel will provide evidence in an attempt to defend themselves, otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered showing up.

You might be interested to know that Israel’s national security ministry, Itamar Ben-Gvir, tweeted “Hague Schmague” after the ICJ ruling. Does that sound like the sentiment of someone who intends to comply?

Please explain to me, without relying on evidence from Israel, the claims in South Africa’s complaints are bullshit. You have made a similar statement before but I don’t know what you think is bullshit, half-truths, or exaggerations. They use facts from independent sources or from Israel themselves when they can. They use quotes to show intent (it is rare to see this much evidence of intent). They showed video of soldiers echoing the genocidal rhetoric of the president and the prime minister. So which parts did they misrepresent?

Kentifer ,

So you’re just accepting what Israel says at face value. I disagree that they can show a “valid military target”. They claim that they can show it, but that doesn’t mean we have to just accept their claim. Or do you buy the whole “most moral army” propaganda. CNN filmed caught Israeli’s shooting Palestinians walking under a white flag. Israel killed three of its own hostages who were walking shirtless, unarmed, with a makeshift white flag, and asking for help in Hebrew. Show the legitimate military targets that justify the destruction of their entire health system. There are no hospitals left in Gaza.

You need to look at some noncorporate news sources. Ask yourself if you’re just repeating the words of Mark Regev or Eylon Levy, they people they pay to push propaganda. Do you honestly believe that Israel has done nothing wrong? Can do no wrong? They’re dropping 2,000 lb bombs. There is evidence of them using white phosphorus as a weapon. I’m sure you’ll just parrot their propaganda without offering any evidence to back it up.

Kentifer ,

Whatever, sis. Keep peddling that Israeli propaganda. Maybe some day they’ll pay you for it.

Kentifer ,

If you acknowledge that you can’t go there yourself to confirm what’s happening, then you’re acknowledging that you’re accepting the word of someone else. The Israeli government, run by the Likud party and Netanyahu, is a far right government. Do you expect them to just admit that genocide is their plan so that the world will rush in to try to stop them? Leaders in the Likud party have made it clear that under their control, there will be no two state solution. That Palestinians cannot be allowed the right of self determination. Ignore all of the quotes in the South African complaint, look at Netanyahu’s recent “from the river to the sea” comments or Tzippi Hotovely’s “absolutely not” when asked about the possibility of two states. That mindset is not one that will make Israelies less safe as is it is one that is based in the oppression of Palestinians. As such, Palestinians will continue to rise up against Israel as long as there are Palestinians left to rise up. Israel is now trying to get other countries to accept the Gazan population, because ethnic cleansing is a more palatable war crime. However, it should be noted that Germany tried something similar with its Jewish population, before deciding that if no one would take them, they would need to be removed somehow.

Regardless of whether or not you think this is a genocide, the only route to safety in the region is a ceasefire and a negotiation with the representatives of the Palestinians, which at this time is Hamas. Israel’s campaign has only raised support for Hamas in the region, because Israel is acting as an oppressor and Hamas are the only ones standing up to them.

If what Israel is doing is good, then why don’t Gazan children have enough food? Or enough medicine? Do you think it is Hamas that are not allowing enough supply trucks through Israeli controlled border crossings? Why did Israel allow babies in incubators to die? Why did they kill people walking under white flags? Why are so many reporters being killed? Oh, well, you probably don’t care about them since the only reports that matter are the ones that fit your narrative and anything Israel says.

Wake up buddy. “Western world can do no wrong” is a fucking dream created by colonizers. Which makes it a great fit for Israel, but not so much for reality. Or do you believe that there is something intrinsic in Palestinian DNA that makes them more susceptible to being killed by bombs?

Kentifer ,

How about this PBS news hour report:…/as-israels-bombing-hits-declared-safe-z…] from Oct 19 about them bombing safe zones. And an Al Jazeera report from December:…/photos-israel-bombs-gaza-areas-it… .

Not to mention confusing the system was confusing. Look at the evacuation map. It is not easy to read as mentioned in this NPR article:…/israel-hamas-war-gaza-evacuation-map-me… .

Kentifer ,

Okay sis, again. Believe what you want. Believe if you want that its somehow moral for an occupying government to call oppressed civilians to let them know that their homes will be destroyed wether or not they stay in the building. Convince yourself that that’s not just further terrorism of an already traumatized population. But we’re not getting anywhere here because you’re not willing to accept anything. You just make more and more excuses for Israel. I’m done. Good bye.

Kentifer ,
Kentifer ,
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