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lennybird , avatar

Israeli nationalists: “That’s okay because there was a ‘high value Hamas target’ in the vicinity!”

Pro-tip: If you’re trying to radicalize a population and create an incubator for greater terrorism, then you do exactly what Israel has been doing. If I was this man, I’d have nothing to live for and thus spend the rest of my days focused on vengeance. Sorry, but it’s the truth.

Burn_The_Right ,

As conservatives cheer.

RandomGuy79 ,

Sad and avoidable. I hope lessons were learned in gaza

thatKamGuy ,

The only lesson learned is that each and every Western Government tacitly condone’s Israel’s war crimes against Palestinians.

Squizzy ,

Not Ireland, proudly critical with our condemnation.

Aqarius ,

I hope lessons were learned in gaza

Ah, yes, if only the newborn babies had condemned Hamas as their first cry, this could all have been avoided.

fernlike3923 , avatar

What the fuck does that mean?

FelixCress OP , (edited )

I was going to give you a benefit of doubt but then I read your other comments. Fuck off, nazi regime apologist.

WanderingVentra ,

It’s becoming harder and harder to read these stories. But I don’t want to get numb to this like so many other people in the US. I can’t let myself be like a random,comfortable German living in Nazi Germany oblivious to my country’s war crimes. Excusing it seems like the first step to losing your humanity.

return2ozma , avatar

I, unfortunately, saw a picture of a man holding up a headless baby in Gaza scrolling through Instagram. As horrifying as it is, it really puts things into perspective instead of just hearing about the number of deaths on TV. Ceasefire now!

theacharnian , avatar

Dispair, nothing else.

Spacehooks ,

Origin story of villian.

datavoid ,

They’ve been plotting revenge since '45

Mrkawfee ,

BBC didn’t use the passive voice for this particular Israeli war crime.

funkpandemic ,

Still pretty passive. Killed… By who?

sparkle ,

This is literally the passive voice

Active voice would be “Israeli strike kills two twins in Gaza as [their] father goes to register [their] birth” or something

BeatTakeshi , avatar

It is indeed passive but i understand that kill is an active verb, contrary to deceased or passed or died, where there is obfuscation of “by whom”, which they did a lot since October (not just them)

sparkle , (edited )

The past participle of a verb is used as the passive participle (e.g. indicates the passive voice, where the patient of the verb is the subject and the agent is the indirect object). “She was killed” or “He was eaten” is in the passive voice, while “I died” or “I killed” is in the active voice. It’s normally supposed to be preceded by an auxiliary verb (in this case “be”), but news titles omit the copula among other things.

Iapar ,

War… What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

primrosepathspeedrun ,

well. exterminating the brutes. holding onto power a few minutes longer. lebensraum for your ‘master race’. testing weapons systems for internal repression. plenty of stuff.

BigMacHole ,

If you think Israel was in the Wrong for killing these 4 Day Old HAMAS TERRORISTS your ANTISEMITIC!

morphballganon ,


todd_bonzalez , avatar

Every single article about Israel has a comment like this from one of like 5 people who need to strawman the shit out of every one of these stories…

This story is an atrocity, yes, but it’s a little suspicious to preemptively deflecting antisemitism as a reflex every fucking time.

Focus on the plot, stop listening to whatever dwindling minority still claims that opposition to this kind of thing is Antisemitism, and start fighting for the violence to stop.

Whining about imaginary accusations of Antisemitism in the comments doesn’t do shit.

JoMiran , avatar

I just can’t with this shit. I do not want to be a hateful man, but I don’t think I could ever stand being in the presence of someone who defends Israel’s actions going forward. They said never again, as they themselves became the thing they loathed the most.

primrosepathspeedrun ,

no, they didn’t become what they hated; the zionists always tried to be chummy with hitler. they had an SS unit. they did not treat holocaust survivors well.

overload ,

Are there any good resources to read about this claim? It sounds interesting and counterintuitive.

primrosepathspeedrun ,

yeah; it’s pretty fucked. the ‘stern gang’ or ‘lehi’ is a good starting point.

Mostly_Gristle ,

The thing that’s going to stick with me forever about this conflict is the accounts from the doctors working in Gaza describing all the small children who died from a single rifle shot to the head or heart. I just can’t imagine what has to die inside of you before you can sit behind a rifle scope, specifically pick out a child, and then murder them for funsies.

jordanlund , avatar

Multiple. Multiple rifle shots. Asshat snipers proving it’s not an accident.

“And then there’s sniper bullets. I have children that were shot twice.”

“You’re saying that children in Gaza are being shot by snipers?” asked Smith.

“Definitively,” said Dr. Perlmutter. “I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest, I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately, and directly on the side of the head, in the same child. No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the ‘world’s best sniper.’ And they’re dead-center shots.”

One American doctor told us he even reviewed CT scans to confirm what he saw because he “didn’t believe that this many children could be admitted to a single hospital with gunshot wounds to the head.” Some shootings have been captured on video.

sirboozebum ,

Seemed to have learned all the wrong lessons from WW2

lennybird , avatar

I got banned from r/news and r/worldnews for pointing this out before public sentiment finally became too insurmountable to ignore. Fucking coward mods.

FelixCress OP ,

"Newborn twins were killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza while their father was at a local government office to register their birth.

Asser, a boy, and Ayssel, a girl, were just four days old "

Fucking IDF war criminals, fucking murderers.

MediaBiasFactChecker Bot ,

BBC News - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)Information for BBC News:
> MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: High - United Kingdom
> Wikipedia about this source

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