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ODuffer , avatar

The majority of household recycling in the UK is mixed. Cardboard, glass, aluminum all in the one bin. They must have the facility to sort?

IsThisAnAI ,

Yeah I’m sure it’s the trash can and not anything else.

TehBamski , avatar

Now that’s what I call green washing. Two oily thumbs up!

ladicius ,

The contents of that bin get thrown into the same garbage container as all the rest.

RageAgainstTheRich ,

I went to bring bottles and jars away last time and there were different holes to throw them in depending on what it was made of.

The garbage truck came 2 minutes later, lifted the fucker out the floor and dropped all of the contents at the same time into the back… 🤦

Deceptichum , avatar

Recycling is largely a scam.

It mostly serves to pass the blame onto individuals and not be handful of companies responsible for 99% of all pollution.

SkyezOpen ,

That shit makes me angry, and even angrier that nobody else seems angry. Like paper straws and bags to protect sea life? Bitch I’m basically landlocked, if my trash somehow ends up in the goddamn ocean, SOMEONE ELSE IS DOING SOMETHING VERY WRONG. Several someones, at least.

Peter1986C , avatar

Waterways tend to end up in seas and oceans though. However, I kind of see your point.

gmtom ,

Yeah, depending on where you are, most of your “recycling” gets shipped to poor countries I order to “recycle” it, but usually just goes to a landfil.

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