There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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FrankBullitt , to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance avatar

Yeah, it’s a learning moment for the fediverse and Lemmy in particular.

You know what would really trigger those folks? Create a Lemmy.trotsky, get half of to migrate to .Trotsky and see them foaming. Ahah

astral_avocado OP , avatar

I guess at this point my main concern is the source code. If it gets to the point that they’re trying to make Lemmy take part in the Great Firewall we should consider a fork!

And the other concern is how it looks. I think this should probably be more widely denounced by the Lemmy community because there’s already liberals out there taking it as proof that all of Lemmy is compromised in some way.

HarkMahlberg , avatar

Well... all of Lemmy was compromised with a security vulnerability over the weekend lol. But I take it you mean compromised morally or politically. In that case, yeah forking's one way to solve the "optics" issue, with the caveat that you lose name recognition in the process.

histy ,

I have bad news for you, lemmy is an opensource project and anyone with the will and knowledge can contribute, the fact that an authoritarian government contributes to the project doesn’t change anything. Kernel Linux is widely used by the Chinese government (and many other governments) and they actively contribute to the project. Changes are not made at will, they are submitted and have to be accepted by the project leader usually after being analyzed, both for bugs and intentional attempts to create vulnerabilities. While one might question the content being posted to the instance, or the quality of the moderation, questioning the project as a whole because any specific entity contributes is hysteria.

astral_avocado OP , (edited ) avatar

The difference between Linux and Lemmy is that Linux is majority controlled by people who don’t don’t deny genocide and excuse away an authoritarian government

sauerkraus ,

The source code can be forked. That particular issue is nothing to be concerned about.

Skepticpunk ,

the Chinese government is an active Linux contributor

Huh, that’s interesting. They contribute anything notable?

histy ,

I don’t know what you mean by notable, but if we take Huawei as an example they consistently contribute around 3% of the code (for comparison this is the same amount that IBM or Redhat usually contribute), in the 6.1 kernel Huawai is responsible for 9% of submitted changes. Individually several Chinese developers add up to more than 8%. Source:

HarkMahlberg , avatar

Changes are not made at will, they are submitted and have to be accepted by the project leader usually after being analyzed, both for bugs and intentional attempts to create vulnerabilities.

This is an excellent point - some open source projects like the Linux kernel (or adjacent projects) are populated by industry veterans and open source champions. They are very good at what they do.

Some of the fediverse projects are run by a handful of hobbyists and tinkerers, some are handled by a single project leader, others still by a single developer. Such projects are acutely vulnerable to malicious contributions disguised as assistance. A quite literal Trojan Horse.

aloeha ,

Why would anyone go from .ml to .Trotsky? 🙄

FrankBullitt , avatar…/a-brief-guide-to-the-ideo…

Not sure if you are aware, but the .ml derives from Marxism Leninism.

aloeha ,

I’m an ML myself so yes, I knew. And that’s what I mean, I’ve never heard of an ML becoming a Trotskyist, so I don’t know why someone would leave a .ml instance to join a .Trotsky instance.

drekly ,

You know what would really trigger those folks?

Sounds like he was right

Deft , (edited ) to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance

and reddit meta twitter etc are all pro-american who defend America’s imperialism and war crimes.


edit: imagine believing a platform many US representatives and other Western countries use is or was ever anti-american.

y’all forgive american crimes because china gives you a moral high ground while you’re unaware of the american red scare propaganda still happening today. fucking morons

astral_avocado OP , avatar

You guys hit fast. It’s funny how the CCP argument against any kind of criticism is always to point out Western flaws like we don’t already do that enough! Grow a brain moron. That’s called whataboutism, did your state provided handbook provide any other strategies?

Zirconium ,

You can tell their shills because they talk about your stance on the CCP rather than your post about not being honest with their rules

Deft ,

*they are

i just find it very cute that anything china related is big spooky.

screams satanic panic, red scare, lavender scare bs

i don’t live under china. why the fuck would i care what they do more than my own government??

my government imprisons more people than anyone in the world. my government is turning ever fascist and our police are only ever more militarized and useless for rhe common man. wages are struggling here. infrastructure is failing.

please tell me how i should care that some fuckin coders are associated with the Chinese government.

Zirconium ,

China provides a “moral scapegoat” to ignore our own problems.

Deft ,

thank you

Deft ,

the west is more dangerous?

China might be more open and you might think they’re more dangerous but i know which country has a more dangerous intelligence apparatus that absolutely has overthrown countries and left plenty in chaos.

y’all do not get the propaganda you consume smfh

astral_avocado OP , avatar

I don’t give a shit about criticisms of America, why do you people always default to whataboutism. I can criticise america all day. The bottom line is that there are plenty of really bad things about China that a whole Lemmy instance worth of people are desperately trying to deny and explain away!

Deft ,

some fucks political leanings do not matter because they are an admin for some lemmy bullshit bro.

fuck out of here y’all act like you’re defending justice rn

yata ,

You completely abandonded your original argument and then now suddenly claim that “it doesn’t matter”.

It is quite interesting how your MO aligns perfectly with Sartre’s description of the MO of antisemites:

“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”

Deft ,

ridiculous lmfao. america is the bigger threat and the fact all of you are so angry at me pointing that out resolves it all for me

fuck china. fuck america more. people will bring up Tiananman square and act like kent state or Waco or move never happened

astral_avocado OP , avatar

What I’m curious about is why being pro Marxism-lenin for some reason in you people’s minds necessarily translates to defending state atrocities no matter what?

And how have you read Twitter and Reddit and concluded that they’re overwhelmingly “pro American”? You must be the first person in the history of the Twitter sphere that’s interpreted the modern liberal movement in that way lmao

Silverseren ,

I mean, general Twitter is at this point just because the majority of people still on there are conservative idiots. But that's not really representative of any group outside of Twitter.

Deft ,

they are entirely pro american. you people are so divided in politics you literally have your head in your ass.

astral_avocado OP , avatar

Where are you even from

eltimablo ,

Planet Retard, I think

eltimablo ,

"They are, I swear!" Is not a valid source.

Seasoned_Greetings ,

You can disagree with how China is run without having to agree with what capitalism does. One evil does not justify another.

Deft ,

the point is nowhere is entirely safe.

y’all so quick to defend america very cute

astral_avocado OP , avatar

Nobody is defending America this discussion isn’t about America how fucking dense are you

Deft ,

youre pearl clutching over someone’s upbringing/political leanings /who fuckin knows why they support that.

this person is involved with Lemmy, do you know how small lemmy is compared to basically anything? reddit, Twitter, ford f150 owners, Netflix subscribers.

there are people who are all sorts of political positions in any one of those listed above.

does that truly affect your day to day life? fuck no

this boohoo about these chinese ties are for pearl clutching pussies foh with your bullshit

yata ,

And this is the kind of strawman tankies always end up resorting to when being criticised for their support of authoritarian regimes.

No, criticism of China in no way means automatic support for the US, and the fact that you seem unaware of that shows everything about the foundation your beliefs are build upon.

Deft ,

eat ass ive seen this same thing brought up several times now. some admin or coders political crap is irrelevant especially when you consider everything else at play its fucking stupid.

fuck out of here shill

Seasoned_Greetings ,

I love how you’re here expecting to be taken seriously, but you actually can’t present an argument without lacing it with profanities and insults.

Of course someone so rage-filled is playing the whataboutism card so hard and repetitively. Why does anyone care what you think? You can’t even string together two sentences without devolving into spitting bile at people who simply disagree with you.

There are plenty of reasons to be anti-china. Pointing those reasons out doesn’t imply a stance toward America either way. Any assumption is projection on your part.

Deft ,

lol fuck off. I’m from Philly, I’m a line cook. This is my language if bad words make you unable to see a point or hear information tossed your way, that’s your problem sister.

the thing is the amount of times i have heard this same silly irrelevant point brought up makes me think its smear at this point. so fuck china but lemmy should probably be more critical of the west especially with meta and twitter definitely making moves to discourage people from leaving

and if calling you a stupid itty bitty titty pussy baby makes that hard for you to hear cry about it?

imagine actually thinking bad words indicate anger

Seasoned_Greetings ,

If you can’t learn how to talk to people, you’ll spend your days shouting into a void and wondering why people don’t listen.

I’m not saying I’m offended, I’m saying that you’re never going to change a single mind by prefacing your point with slurs and insults. You’re arguing like a child and making enemies before they even have a chance to hear what you’re saying.

Personally, I don’t care. You’ve already lost any chance you’ve had of changing my mind. This argument ended before it started because any point you’re going to try to make is laced with the insinuation that I’m a stupid asshole.

If your goal isn’t to change people’s minds, more power to you I guess. But you don’t exactly command respect by slinging curses like a 14 year old who just discovered the word “pussy” on the internet.

Now, if you don’t want to take my constructive criticism for what it is, that’s your problem. Please do insult me 10 more times, and then find out by my lack of response how much I care.

Deft ,

oh no my chance!

fuck off

sorenant ,

Exactly, some like me just daydream about both US and China kneeling down to the glorious Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

preasket ,

America did make a lot of mistakes, but that’s not a good reason to not discuss and critique other countries

astral_avocado OP , avatar

It’s always their go to defense, it’s crazy to see how consistently they use it.

S_204 ,

The AI language model hasn’t been updated. Give it a minute.

Deft ,

iT hAs To Be Ai!1!1!

fuck off idiot i live in America that government is more of a threat to me. handing financial collapse after financial collapse over to banks so citizens can foot the bill while melting away rights and allowing infrastructure to degrade.

y’all do not see anything china does america absolutely does the exact same shit. i live in america so they are worse. the bully on my block is worse than the boogeyman y’all keep crying about

astral_avocado OP , avatar

The discussion is about genode denial, you’re straying super fucking hard in an obviously suspect way lol

Deft ,

this discussion is not about fucking genocide my god.

this is pearl clutching over someone’s political bullshit. these people’s stance do nothing, they mean nothing.

america is literally still enslaving black people through the prison system stemming from a crack epidemic they themselves forced upon the black community. why the fuck do i heae more about these shits political stances than actual issues happening in English speaking, western countries?


Deft ,

America IS making a lot of mistakes and im more in danger from the American government than the Chinese government and truthfully at this point more of the world is at threat of America than from China.

also the fact y’all think the chinese government abd the American government are at odds and never work together is very funny. the intelligence agencies across the world are bros my friend

preasket ,

Well, one of these two governments is easy to change if something goes wrong. The other one will fight to the death.

Deft ,

sure let’s believe that very cute propaganda you’ve got there did you make this yourself or was it sold to you?

why do we have wage issues? where is my health care

eltimablo ,

You deserve neither

ConditionOverload , avatar

Soooo you still haven’t defended your beliefs, that’s what.

Deft ,

my belief is i live in America and so why do i care what the chinese government does so much when my own government is worse to me and for the people around me.

i don’t have to defend shit. america is a bigger threat to my existence than china simple as.

astral_avocado OP , avatar

You’re probably a white brogrammer with a 401k, get that persecution complex out of your ass, you’re doing just peachy.

Deft ,

tHaTs a StRaWmAn!1!1!

astral_avocado OP , avatar

You are literally the worst debater I’ve ever seen

Deft ,

we aint debating that’s your first issue

astral_avocado OP , avatar

Yeah what you’re doing is more like a 16 year old vomiting into your browser who just found chapo trap house

Deft ,


CountVon , avatar

Sooo, whataboutism doesn’t actually win the argument, y’know.

Deft ,

what argument? y’all fuckin idiots

i live under one government, that one is the bigger threat to me. i also know that government illegally bombs countries, abuses pow, imprisons it’s citizens illegally and runs a dangerous intelligence apparatus

funny how it starts to be unclear which country I’m talking about huh? like i said, i live under one of those governments. that one is the bigger threat to me.

Skepticpunk ,

Did any of those sites ban people for criticizing the United States?

Deft ,

hahahahahaha you know they sell your data and fb has given information that lead to people being arrested for absolutely goofy shit like drug possession and abortions

so no they didnt do that, they do something worse

talkingcat ,

Eh, worse really, they give that data to cops

ablackcatstail , to til in TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance avatar

Do you have proof of this or are you simply disgruntled?

astral_avocado OP , avatar

lol, did you read anything in the linked thread??? Not one concerning thing in there huh?

Black_Gulaman , avatar

He’s got redditism. Reading the title and nothing else. Then proceeds to post a clearly uninformed comment.

Seasoned_Greetings , (edited )

One of fascism’s biggest jobs is to cast doubt on the accusation. To downplay the notion that people should look at the circumstances to form their own opinions and to gaslight the uninformed into thinking it’s just a coincidence or misrepresentation.

The fact is, if an administration team is censoring anti-china sentiment, they are either controlled by China or afraid of retaliation.

EnglishMobster , avatar

How about this?

Hey all, longtime Marxist-leninist, recorder of left audiobooks, and megathread shitposter here.

Posting this in light of a recent one week Reddit ban I earned for shitting on US police, as I'm sure many of us have gotten in recent weeks.

So I've spent the past few months working on a self hostable, federated, Reddit alternative called Lemmy, and it's pretty much ready to go. Unlike here we'd have ultimate control over all content, and would never have to self censor.

Obviously as communists, we agitate where the people are, so we should never abandon Reddit entirely, but it's been clear to all of us from day one, that communities like this stand on unsteady ground, and could be banned or quarantined at any moment by the white supremacist Reddit admins. This would be both a backup and a potentially better alternative. Moderation abilities are there, as well as a slur filter.

Raddle isn't an option obviously since it's run by this arch anti tankie scum, ziq.

I wanted to ask ppl here if they'd like me to host an instance, and mod all the current mods here.

Note the line: Obviously as communists, we agitate where the people are. I'm pretty left-leaning myself (I draw the line at authoritarianism though), but they're very open about using their platform to push an agenda. The instance that post mentions at the end became Lemmygrad. and Lemmygrad are the same people - the ".ml" in "" even stands for "Marxist-Leninist".

I joined in 2020 after they made a (different) pitch to /r/linux... and left shortly afterward when I saw who ran it. Thankfully we have other options now (hello from Kbin!).

ArcaneSlime ,

You new here? 2y ago those people were all there was here. It was impossible to get friends to join since those schizoids chased them all away, understandably so.

MostlyBirds , avatar

What proof do you need? Just go there and look, they’re extremely open and explicit about it. What do you think the ml stands for?

Hawke ,

Pretty sure it stands for Mali.

0x2a , to programmerhumor in when Fox News wrote their 3-point "Github Dictionary"

Top notch research, we wouldn’t expect anything else.

Y2K38 , to programmerhumor in Stackoverflow’s Jobs filter gets it

PHP isn’t as bad as it uses to be.

z3k3lon , to unixporn in [Gnome] No porn at this time, just my potato laptop avatar

I feel the same, it is not a good name, I guess that copying these Reddit names makes it easier to identify the content. But yeah… could be better.

breadsmasher , to unixporn in [Gnome] No porn at this time, just my potato laptop avatar

it makes me sad “…porn” was chosen for these sort of subs.


Dirk , to memes in Privatized Healthcare is so awesome avatar

Is this a joke I am too not-American to understand?

ezmack OP ,

Yeah. The bill is real but st judes is a charity hospital. Joking the only way to pay his debt is rob a charity

substill , to memes in Privatized Healthcare is so awesome

St Jude’s is a charity hospital that does not charge patients or their families. They accept insurance payments only and the rest is covered as charity.

wellnowletssee , to programmerhumor in When somebody schedules a "Super Quick" meeting

I’d like to have that luxury as well!

ezmack OP , to memes in Privatized Healthcare is so awesome
moose_cannon , to memes in Privatized Healthcare is so awesome

He should ask for an itemized bill. Then he might only owe 50 grand…

pattmayne , to technology in Linux Desktop Market share reaches 3.08%

Yeah but half of that is a few nerds inflating the numbers with 10 thinkpads each running different linux distros

chtk , to programmerhumor in The name is everything avatar

Meta comment, but I like how this 3 year old post somehow ended up in Hot.

Korne127 , avatar

Yeah, this is the third or so post that’s super old and suddenly resurfaced… kind of funny haha, but I don’t find it bad.

user224 , avatar

It’s like those ancient 10 second YouTube videos.

Ivyy_LemmyW , avatar

Yes, this seems to be super common here in Lemmy…

StudioLE ,
T156 ,

Kind magical in its own way. Reminds me of the old internet days where you’d bump into a site from 1990 or someplace entirely by chance.

Maybe using <marquee> or <blink>.

TheMrDrProf ,

Same for me. Still getting used to Lemmy and it’s quirks.

melchus_od , to programmerhumor in The name is everything avatar

That brings the question to mind, what’s the difference between coding, computer programming or programming and software engineering? Is there actually a difference at all?

chtk , avatar

coding, computer programming or programming […]

I think these are pretty much the same thing: producing code based on a predefined/predetermined spec or design.

and software engineering?

This, I think, includes the design of the (architecture) of a system as a whole.

herrvogel ,

Coding and programming is about writing the code. You get on a computer and type away.

Writing code is just one part of a bigger whole. It takes more than writing code to make software. Someone needs to think about the architecture, infrastructure, planning, management, maintenance, deployment, r&d… That’s software engineering. It’s a much broader concept than just editing text files.

melchus_od , avatar

The aspect of software engineering makes sense per your definition. That brings the question of who a software developer is but… Coding and computer programming are entirely different though interrelated. One is an integral part of the other with the other being the bigger picture

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