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Untitled_Pribor , to memes in build your own lunar lander

Bro’s playing ksp in real life

kristina , to memes in Remember me comrades!
CannotSleep420 , to memes in Remember me comrades!

Good riddance.

musictechgeek , to memes in We'll find you

It’s not paranoia if everyone really IS out to get you.

Asudox , avatar


beq , to programmerhumor in No one is immune from this

Sounds like those two need to go to couples therapy.

Old_Jimmy_Twodicks , to me_irl in me_irl avatar

My brain saw this as a weird shower curtain at first.

DharmaCurious , to me_irl in me_irl avatar

Love this. But does anyone else feel like it’s reading backwards?

temptest , to memes in Remember me comrades! avatar
kwekkie , to lemmyshitpost in Fascinating

Bigots in here misgendering a tomboy as a trans man

MaybeItWorks ,

Pretty sure that’s Elliot Page, who is, in fact, a trans man.

WaxedWookie ,

I’ll just leave this (Elliot Page) and this (Poe’s law) here. No reason.

gmtom ,

Please just go back to reddit.

kwekkie ,

I can’t, I was banned by the fascists for saying trans men are men. So I had to come here unfortunately.

Globulart ,

You were banned from all of reddit for having the prevailing opinion when it comes to trans men? Doubt.

It still doesn’t affect the idiocy of your original post. Maybe check before calling everyone bigots eh? They might just have information you don’t. :) x

kwekkie ,

No, when it comes to “trans women”. Someone needing to have “information” to know someones gender is the whole point. They’re trying to say you have to ignore your own eyes and intelligence and believe some made up story instead.

Globulart ,

What point do you think you’re making mate…?

Are you actually gonna go with the idea that knowing information is a bad thing and we should all work off instinct and assumptions instead?

See any issue with that idea? Might it lead to ignorant comments like yours do you think?

kwekkie ,

See any issue with your idea that you should let “what people tell you” override your own intelligence? Must not have too much of it if you are in favor of that.

Globulart ,

I don’t see that point anywhere mate. I do enjoy the irony in your last sentence though, you’re so intelligent that you incorrectly accused a group of people of misgendering someone.

Anyway this clearly leads nowhere good, just try and have a think about it buddy :) x

kwekkie ,

I do enjoy the irony of you telling me to “think about it”, while you like to simply parrot third-party statements instead of thinking about anything.

Globulart ,

You haven’t even answered a single point I’ve made, just whatabouted every reply. Surely you at least see the irony of pointing out the irony of me telling you to think?

Do take care though, watch out for pointy things etc. :) x

WaxedWookie ,

You could always avoid thinking about it and just defer to the dictionary definition of gender, common fucking decency, and the visual and social cues presented to you rather than making assumptions about peoples genitals and genetics - or worse yet, demanding to inspect them for yourself.

Putting aside the fact that the consensus of the experts in the fields of lexicograpy, medicine, science, sociology, psychiatry all disagree with you, I need to ask why you’re motivated to work so hard to be such a cunt to people? What does it benefit you? When was the last time you interacted with a trans person… or have you been beaten into a hateful frenzy by the scaremongering of your reactionary pundits of choice over an issue that has no meaningful effect on your life?


kwekkie ,

“Disagreeing with me makes you a bad person” non-argument.

WaxedWookie , (edited )

No, it’s got nothing to do with me. Disagreeing with the consensus of the experts to be a cunt to a marginalised group makes you a bad person. I’d present clear evidence from each of the communities I pointed to, but we both know I’m not reasoning you out of a position you didn’t reason yourself into. It’s not as though you have any credible evidence to bring in return.

…which brings me to what I’m more interested in - you didn’t answer my question, champ - why are you working so hard to be so wrong and such a cunt at the same time?


Eh - in the interests of getting my question answered I’ll indulge you.

Oxford English Dictionary - gender: The state of being male or female as expressed by social or cultural distinctions and differences

Cambridge dictionary - gender: a group of people in a society who share particular qualities or ways of behaving which that society associates with being male, female, or another identity

Merriam-Webster - gender: a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms

Rather than putting you through the indignity of failing to provide evidence to support your position after being proven definitionally wrong, you can just answer my question (I bolded it to keep things simple for you).

kwekkie ,

Lol the “experts”. I’m sure you’ve never even heard of the “expert” who started this whole thing in the first place, John Money. A really nice man who only had the best of intentions. I dare you to look him up.

WaxedWookie ,

You’ve ignored the 3 dictionary citations, and my question (plus the consensus of those expert fields again) in favour of paedo-jacketing, and you have the stones to call me out for a lack of an argument? Why are you so afraid to answer my question - I hope you’re a woman - this fear of evidence and answering a simple question isn’t masculine behaviour.

Why are you working so hard to be so wrong and such a cunt - why do you care?

kwekkie ,

Look him up, that will answer your question. Or are you scared?

WaxedWookie ,

I’m aware of him. You haven’t made a point.

Why are you working to hard to be so wrong and such a cunt?

kwekkie ,

Of course you are. That’s why you like to defend the ideas of a literal pedophile, who made two people commit suicide because of what he did. And FEELING MORALLY SUPERIOR for it!!! ROFL. Get out of here, ignorant dumbass.

WaxedWookie ,

Like I said, paedo-jacketing in the absence of a point. Hitler, and Stalin agreed with you. So did the majority of paedophiles throughout history. You don’t have a point, you don’t have an argument, you don’t have evidence, and you don’t have the mental capacity to answer a simple question.

Soooooo… why are you working so hard to be so wrong and such a cunt?

kwekkie ,

I’m starting to think you are autistic as well as dense. You sound like a broken record, trying so hard to get me to answer a “question” which isn’t one at all. Very tiring. Bye.

WaxedWookie , (edited )

We’ve eatablished you’re incapable of presenting am argument, let alone supporting evidence, but any moron should be capable of answering a question like why are you working so hard to be so wrong and such a cunt?

…but by all means - prove me wrong and present that argument and evidence without getting all triggered and running away… I’ll wait… and wait…

WaxedWookie ,

Are you trans-political too? I ask because I thought getting all triggered was supposed to be a leftist trait, right?

Drivebyhaiku ,

So you are saying you must constantly remind yourself and everyone you are talking to of someone’s genitals at birth in every conversation you have constantly or else what - you’ll forget?

Are you a goldfish?

People aren’t asking you to ignore your eyes dude. They are asking you to allow people space to use their mental tools so they can more easily get through their day. They are legit telling their friends and the people they are around most what way to treat them will make them happiest to make them the most comfortable to be themselves. When you present yourself as a obstacle to someone else’s joy and/or wellbeing yeah, people treat you like an ass. You are not the arbiter of truth here. People know that trans women were born phenotypicly male. They are just able to prioritize more than “monkey see, monkey speak”.

kwekkie ,

The case in point here is a photo. I have no idea about their genitals, nor what they “identify as”. I see a woman, clear as day. I’m not talking to them, so “what they want me to call them” is not an issue.

WaxedWookie , (edited )

So is Buck Angel a man or a woman?

Are you deluded enough to call Buck Angel a woman too?

I’ll give you some credit for choosing to use gender neutral pronouns rather than misgendering Page - even if it would have undermined your point to use gendered pronouns.

Drivebyhaiku ,

So you are afraid of doing any mental work. Not surprised. Also this particular person, Elliot Page, is one of the most famous trans men out there and even if he weren’t famous you are grandstanding about how you want to call trans people whatever you feel like.

When you are nasty behind someone’s back it’s still you showing off how much of a mean killjoy you are practicing up to be to somebody’s face someday and that you are proud of being a mean ass killjoy. Then you get upset because ta da - people treat you like a mean killjoy. How unpredictable!

ilex , to memes in Freedom units 💯 avatar

Double Celsius and add 30. It’ll get you close enough for environment temps.

10*2 is 20, plus 30 = 50.

(10°C × 9/5) + 32 = 50°F

30 doubled is 60, plus 30 is 90.

(30°C × 9/5) + 32 = 86°F

10°C is mild af. Who tf doesn’t wear shorts when it’s 50F?

If you want to sound more metal, tell people how cold it is in celsius. Was it kinda cold or was it in the negatives?

SlopppyEngineer ,

I find it easier to just remember the approximate table.

0C = 30F

10C = 50F

20C = 70F

30C = 90F

Lucidlethargy , to memes in Remember me comrades!

I got banned from one of the communities for simply saying I thought both socialism and capitalism won’t work without more nuance and blending.

I always figured the snowflakes were really the far right… But no, it’s both extremes, apparently.

Graylitic ,

It’s more that blending doesn’t actually fix the issues with Capitalism. That’s a take by someone who doesn’t actually know why Socialists are Socialists and Communists and just heard about Social Democrscy.

zbyte64 , avatar

I think people confuse “liberal society” with “liberal capitalism” and think if you have 100% socialism then you don’t even own a toothbrush or something

o_d , avatar

Communism is when no iphonevuvuzellaonehundredbajillion

fernandu00 ,

The extremes of each ideology are surprisingly similar my friend

Lucidlethargy ,

I honestly had no idea before I came to Lemmy.

I actually really enjoy a lot of the facets of socialism and communism… Most people would easily mistake my independent political position as “left”, especially since I strongly oppose the current GOP.

But here in Lemmygrad, I am apparently quite the villain for suggesting some extremist, far-left policies are toxic.

Graylitic ,

What policies?

zefiax ,

The political spectrum is a circle. Extremists might latch on to different BS but personality types of extremists on all ends are essentially the same. Loud hateful aggressive assholes lacking the intelligence to understand nuance.

Graylitic ,

Yea, that’s more of a self-report on your end if you can’t comprehend nuance and think absolute rejection of classist hierarchy and absolute adherence to classist hierarchy are the same positions.

zefiax ,

Perfect example above of not being able to read or understand nuance.

Yea, that’s more of a self-report on your end if you can’t comprehend nuance and think absolute rejection of classist hierarchy and absolute adherence to classist hierarchy** are the same positions**.

Extremists might latch on to different BS but personality types of extremists on all ends are essentially the same.

If you tried actually reading, you would have noticed how I in fact said the exact opposite. I never claimed they were the same, I specifically mentioned they may latch on to different things/positions. What I said instead was that they had the same personality type.

Graylitic ,

I read what you said. The personality types that people with these views hold are completely different. You’re just wrong, that’s all.

zefiax ,

No actually I am most definitely correct. You are either just too biased to accept it or can’t separate viewpoints from personality types and behaviours.

Graylitic ,

Nah, you’re just a centrist who’s too privileged to actually care about politics, and thinks making blanket statements from a high horse makes you look good.

News flash: it makes you look even more privileged and ignorant.

zefiax ,

There we go, perfect example of extremists making discriminatory statements and unable to engage in discussion. I care about politics plenty, I just don’t subscribe to one dimensional propaganda not supported by data.

Protip: attacking everyone who doesn’t share your extremist and hateful views doesn’t really make you look any better or change their mind. But I do get it gives you an outlet to be channel all your hate and blame others when you are just too dumb to understand nuance.

Graylitic ,

There you go, a high horse and pretending people far on both sides must have one dimensional propaganda. That’s an outright fallacy.

Also, I’m not hateful. I’m just calling out another self-important centrist.

Lucidlethargy ,

They took the time to specifically explain to you multiple times that they are in no way saying both sides are the same. You simply aren’t listening.

I have a family member that does this. They refuse to speak ill of Donald Trump. They are extremely right leaning, and they are always making assumptions about others.

Graylitic ,

They are saying the personalities on both sides are the same, which is blatantly false for anyone who has touched grass in their life.

zefiax ,

Just because you can’t differentiate between what a personality type is and what beliefs and positions are doesn’t mean that statement isn’t true. You just seem to conflate political positions with behaviour itself.

Graylitic ,

I absolutely can, that’s a horribly bad-faith interpretation of my point. Personalities among Communists and fascists are completely different, and if you have touched grass you would know that. Unless you’re so privileged you’ve never had to care, of course.

zefiax ,

That is absolutely not a bad faith interpretation but rather a clear reading of what you have said so far. If you cannot see the similarities in communist and fascist methodologies and execution, both historically and looking at the current climate, you are not assessing it objectively. Both communists and fascists have utilized repression, non democratic governance, torture, and killed millions of civilians who have the audacity to challenge their extremist views. Similarly with this discussion thread being a perfect example, both communists and fascists react negatively to any and all criticism and works hard to brigade and shutdown any discussion that might be contrary to their views.

Graylitic ,

Yea, that’s not at all what has happened historically. Democratic, Capitalist countries have killed millions of civilians with the audacity to challenge their extremist views too, does that mean they are as bad as fascism? Fuck no. Equating Communism to fascism is fascist apologia, because historically Communists have not been nearly as bad as fascists.

zefiax ,

I didn’t even say right and left are the same, I specifically mentioned extremists who are a minority on both sides.

zefiax ,

Again you should try learning to read. I never said people on both sides. Most people on either the right or the left aren’t extremist commies or fascists. The extremists minorities on the other hand, one and the same. Intolerant of any other views or criticism. Your comments are a perfect example demonstrating.

Graylitic ,

Most people on the left are Communists. You using Communist as an analog with Fascism is blatant proof that you have in fact not touched grass nor actually engaged with leftists. Most people on the right are liberals.

zefiax ,

I am not sure what kind of strange bubble you live in but that is objectively not true. Most people on the left are most definitely not communists. You either do not understand what the word communist means, or you live in a very strange bubble or country where everyone on the left is described as a communist.

Communism (from Latin communis, ‘common, universal’)[1][2] is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement,[1] whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.

Most people on the left are NOT pushign for common ownership of the means of production and distribution and are most definitely not in support of a centrally planned economy.

This is also the danger of extremist views, they think anyone who does not subscribe to their extremist viewpoint is against them and the enemy when in reality, 90% of the people on the left would not agree with communist ideology which has failed in reality time and again.

Graylitic ,

It doesn’t matter where I live, Communism is the standard for the left in a global scale. Marxism is the foundation of the left, and Communism is the ideology of Marxists. Unless you’re horribly confused and mean to refer to the Overton Window, left and right don’t change based on location.

All in all I think you’re confusing left and right with the Overton Window.

o_d , avatar

Hurrdurr horseshoe theory. Even the wikipedia article on it is critical of this nonsense.

Lucidlethargy ,

It appears the leftists would like you to stop saying unkind things about them. I guess it’s good we’re not in one of their specific communities, eh?

Way to prove the meme right, extremists.

Wogi ,

If you can’t examine real world examples of your philosophy critically, you’ve no business in the debate. Tankies aren’t willing to hear about the flaws apparent in the system any more than your average thin blue bootlicker will.

I say this as someone who makes guillotine “jokes.” Definitely jokes.

Sackbut ,

Socialism is just democracy extended into the workplace. Saying pure socialism won’t work is arguing against democracy.

Aux ,

Socialism is authoritarian. There’s no democracy in socialism.

Sackbut ,

The definition of socialism is workers owning the means of production. That means democracy in the workplace. Worker’s councils. Equal representation. Majoritarian politics.

Aux ,

Workers can own anything they wish under liberal capitalism. But your definition of socialism is actually wrong.

Sackbut ,
Aux ,

You mean that socialism is an authoritarian regime.

Sackbut ,

You should read the other comments below mine where another guy said the same thing.

Graylitic ,

Do you have any actual points or do you just mald online without adding any substance?

ghost_of_faso2 , avatar

really, cause last time I checked housing was completely unaffordable to even rent in my country, nevermind buy…/nurses-quitting-as-pay-leaves…

Lucidlethargy ,

I will always argue against pure democracies. People are not invested enough to provide a coherent opinion on 100% of the solutions our societies require for survive and thrive.

A vote over the use of chemicals for water treatment could easily end in their permanent ban. Hell, with the right malicious intent, someone could easily get dihydrogen monoxide banned from crop fields.

A pure democracy is how Idiocracy becomes a reality. Now, a mix, such as a republic electing the careful use of democratic socialism… Sure!

Sackbut ,

That isn’t how it works. It’s like if you’re a part of a cooperatively run business, then you get equal say in workplace practices. There isn’t a ‘boss’ dictating the rules to you.

CitizenKong , to lemmyshitpost in A colon can change a sentence

Literally a shitpost.

cogneato , to memes in Freedom units 💯

30 is hot 20 is nice 10 is cold 0 is ice

x4740N , to memes in Freedom units 💯 avatar

It actually depends on humidity and movement of wind as well as tempreture

toastal , to memes in Freedom units 💯

They’re both made up numbers by humans 🤷

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