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Haptic: A new local-first, privacy-focused and open-source home for your markdown notes (

This seems like a solid choice for those of use looking for a obsidian-like replacement. Personally tried all editors out there, but nothing is able to defeat my love for obsidian. However, i look forwards to trying out Haptic when it comes to Linux. Currently it only supports Web and Mac. But state Linux and Windows support is...

xcjs , avatar

It would be extremely barebones, but you can do something like this with Pandoc.

xcjs , avatar

Whether a jury feels a charge is fair is the whole reason trial by a jury of peers exists.

It’s a feature of the system, not a bug.

xcjs , avatar

I don’t think her decision to take the deal took into account whether jury nullification exists or not. The way you explained it sounds like retrocausality, though I don’t know if that’s the way you meant it.

Jury nullification isn’t about fair outcomes, I should clarify, but about whether the law itself is lawful, representative of the people, or applied lawfully. Maybe that fits into the definition of fair I had in mind, but I was thinking on it more objectively, not subjectively.

There are proponents and opponents within the United States, true, but if a legal system does not permit punishment of jurors, then jury nullification is a logical byproduct of the system. And an important one I would argue. It fits into why trials by jury are important in a democratic legal system - the people have the final say, whether they realize it or not.

xcjs , avatar

I get what you’re saying, and yet it exists and a term exists for it.

I know there’s no “nullification” verdict and the binary guilty/not guilty are the only recognized options, but nullification is used to describe the not guilty verdict despite any charges and evidence in a trial, which I’m sure you understand.

xcjs , avatar

“What you say disagrees with my world view, so I’m just going to pretend you’re crazy and your words don’t make sense.”

I’ve had this exact tactic used against me - it’s very transparent when used and weakens your position.

xcjs , avatar

That is exactly the function of a jury.

xcjs , avatar

Not the person you’re debating (and I’m on your side here), but what’s up with all the revisionist history going on lately?

“This thing you’re arguing for was never the intent.”

Then what was the intent you dimwit?

And they never have an answer aside from acting like it was some grave oversight that was only recently caught as a mistake.

xcjs , avatar

This was when I stopped using it for a while. I sent multiple feedback messages as it really irritated me.

xcjs , avatar

It’ll probably be there, but at least it can be disabled in the settings now. It won’t go away on its own.

xcjs , avatar

I was using .local, but it ran into too many conflicts with an mDNS service I host and vice versa. I switched to .lan, but I’m certainly not going to switch to .internal unless another conflict surfaces.

I’ve also developed a host-monitoring solution that uses mDNS, so I’m not about to break my own software. 😅

xcjs , avatar

Yeah, that’s why I started using .lan.

xcjs , avatar

Macs aren’t the only thing that use mDNS, either. I have a host monitoring solution that I wrote that uses it.

xcjs , avatar

That I agree with. Microsoft drafted the recommendation to use it for local networks, and Apple ignored it or co-opted it for mDNS.

xcjs , avatar

Google was working on a feature that would do just that, but I can’t recall the name of it.

They backed down for now due to public outcry, but I expect they’re just biding their time.

xcjs , avatar

Thank you! I was struggling to remember the proposal name.

xcjs , avatar

Not with this announcement, but it was.

xcjs , avatar

It depends on the model you run. Mistral, Gemma, or Phi are great for a majority of devices, even with CPU or integrated graphics inference.

xcjs , (edited ) avatar

Show me a music store I can purchase music from on my phone through an app, and I’ll purchase it.

xcjs , avatar

I’m also going to push forward Tilda, which has been my preferred one for a while due to how minimal the UI is.

xcjs , avatar

Pixel Experience is unfortunately dead now. 🙁

Advice - Getting started with LLMs

I’m new to the field of large language models (LLMs) and I’m really interested in learning how to train and use my own models for qualitative analysis. However, I’m not sure where to start or what resources would be most helpful for a complete beginner. Could anyone provide some guidance and advice on the best way to get...

xcjs , avatar

No offense intended, but are you sure it’s using your GPU? Twenty minutes is about how long my CPU-locked instance takes to run some 70B parameter models.

On my RTX 3060, I generally get responses in seconds.

xcjs , avatar

Unfortunately, I don’t expect it to remain free forever.

xcjs , avatar

Ok, so using my “older” 2070 Super, I was able to get a response from a 70B parameter model in 9-12 minutes. (Llama 3 in this case.)

I’m fairly certain that you’re using your CPU or having another issue. Would you like to try and debug your configuration together?

xcjs , avatar

It should be split between VRAM and regular RAM, at least if it’s a GGUF model. Maybe it’s not, and that’s what’s wrong?

xcjs , avatar

Good luck! I’m definitely willing to spend a few minutes offering advice/double checking some configuration settings if things go awry again. Let me know how things go. :-)

xcjs , (edited ) avatar

I think there was a special process to get Nvidia working in WSL. Let me check… (I’m running natively on Linux, so my experience doing it with WSL is limited.) - I’m sure you’ve followed this already, but according to this, it looks like you don’t want to install the Nvidia drivers, and only want to install the cuda-toolkit metapackage. I’d follow the instructions from that link closely.

You may also run into performance issues within WSL due to the virtual machine overhead.

xcjs , avatar

We all mess up! I hope that helps - let me know if you see improvements!

maegul , to fediverse avatar

Nice demonstration of why mastodon's dominance is problematic

See the conversions here:

AFAICT, mastodon's decisions, which are arguably problematic (on which see: are literally trickling down to other platforms and infecting how they federate with each other as they dance around mastodon's quirks in different ways.

It seems like masto is ruining "the standard" with its gravity.


xcjs , avatar

It’s a W3C managed standard, but there are tons of behavior not spelled out in the specification that platforms can choose to impose.

The standard doesn’t impose a 500 character limit, but there’s nothing that says there can’t be a limit.

xcjs , avatar

Or maybe just let me focus on who I choose to follow? I’m not there for content discovery, though I know that’s why most people are.

xcjs , avatar

I was reflecting on this myself the other day. For all my criticisms of Zuckerberg/Meta (which are very valid), they really didn’t have to release anything concerning LLaMA. They’re practically the only reason we have viable open source weights/models and an engine.

xcjs , avatar

That’s the funny thing about UI/UX - sometimes changing non-functional colors can hurt things.

xcjs , (edited ) avatar

At some point, you lose productivity and reduced work weeks have shown increases in productivity can happen.

How to drop files from Android to home server?

I’m looking for an easy way to upload files from my Android smartphone to my home server. is there a - ideally dockerized - solution for that? Some simple web GUI where I can click on “Upload” and the files will be saved to a certain directory on my home server?...

xcjs , avatar

My go-to solution for this is the Android FolderSync app with an SFTP connection.

xcjs , (edited ) avatar

Systemd was created to allow parallel initialization, which other init systems lacked. If you want proof that one processor core is slower than one + n, you don’t need to compare init systems to do that.

xcjs , avatar

I mean, sysvinit was just a bunch of root-executed bash scripts. I’m not sure if systemd is really much worse.

xcjs , avatar

The Nuzu repository is already wiped.

xcjs , avatar

Correction: migrated to GitLab, but I don’t expect they’ll want to keep it there.

xcjs , avatar

With UI decisions like the shortcut bar, they really don’t. I switched to another SMS app because I couldn’t stand it.

xcjs , avatar

I’ve been disappointed in general with the XPS line in recent years. Dell has made some keyboard changes that I am not a fan of:

  • A touch bar instead of function keys? Why? Did they not learn from Apple’s mistake?
  • Changing Fn + Left to Page Down instead Home? And Fn + Right to Page Up instead of End? Once again, why?

I’ve been purchasing the XPS line of laptops since 2013, but I stopped as soon as those changes landed and the Developer Edition of their laptops shipped with inferior hardware compared to the Windows ones.

xcjs , avatar

I…do not miss XP, but I understand the nostalgia attached to it.

I learned a lot of technical skills on XP, but that’s what made me appreciate the architectural decisions behind UNIX-likes all the more.

Should I move to Docker?

I’m a retired Unix admin. It was my job from the early '90s until the mid '10s. I’ve kept somewhat current ever since by running various machines at home. So far I’ve managed to avoid using Docker at home even though I have a decent understanding of how it works - I stopped being a sysadmin in the mid '10s, I still worked...

xcjs , (edited ) avatar

You can tinker in the image in a variety of ways, but make sure to preserve your state outside the container in some way:

  1. Extend the image you want to use with a custom Dockerfile
  2. Execute an interactive shell session, for example docker exec -it containerName /bin/bash
  3. Replace or expose filesystem resources using host or volume mounts.

Yes, you can set a variety of resources constraints, including but not limited to processor and memory utilization.

There’s no reason to “freeze” a container, but if your state is in a host or volume mount, destroy the container, migrate your data, and resume it with a run command or docker-compose file. Different terminology and concept, but same result.

It may be worth it if you want to free up overhead used by virtual machines on your host, store your state more centrally, and/or represent your infrastructure as a docker-compose file or set of docker-compose files.

xcjs , avatar

It’s really not! I migrated rapidly from orchestrating services with Vagrant and virtual machines to Docker just because of how much more efficient it is.

Granted, it’s a different tool to learn and takes time, but I feel like the tradeoff was well worth it in my case.

I also further orchestrate my containers using Ansible, but that’s not entirely necessary for everyone.

xcjs , avatar

There’s a container web UI called Portainer, but I’ve never used it. It may be what you’re looking for.

I also use a container called Watchtower to automatically update my services. Granted there’s some risk there, but I wrote a script for backup snapshots in case I need to revert, and Docker makes that easy with image tags.

There’s another container called Autoheal that will restart containers with failed healthchecks. (Not every container has a built in healthcheck, but they’re easy to add with a custom Dockerfile or a docker-compose.)

xcjs , avatar

The Docker client communicates over a UNIX socket. If you mount that socket in a container with a Docker client, it can communicate with the host’s Docker instance.

It’s entirely optional.

xcjs , avatar

Of course!

xcjs , avatar

The issue is that some of those techniques are only useful after the client has rendered the content rather than before.

xcjs , avatar

Valid, but not standard and more inconvenient.

Additionally, you act like query strings can’t be used to track you when they certainly can.

Most of the advantages of Gemini are implemented in the client and not the protocol itself.

xcjs , (edited ) avatar

With his experience (and I agree if this is the case), he’s probably expecting issues with unsupported configurations of Windows 11.

I guarantee that at some point after Windows 10 support drops that Microsoft will start pushing features that require TPM functionality. Maybe it will be minor at first, like you can’t use PIN logins without it. Eventually it might move on to HTTPS requests failing without root certificates protected by a secure element store. Maybe OS updates will fail to install making these customized Windows 11 installs just as useless as Windows 10.

I’ve been a software developer for over a decade, and while I will never say always, usually unsupported configurations like this TPM workaround eventually fail. I wouldn’t place my trust in it lasting.

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