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nadram , avatar

The first punch in my ass 😅😅😅 by Pierce The Veil

nadram , avatar

Firefox, UBO, Privacy Badger, and YT Premium. Sorry if I disappoint, but that family account with YT music is a great solution. Not to say I wouldn’t reconsider when prices increase…

nadram , avatar

Even on mobile? is there a solution that does not involve root access?

Bots are running rampant. How do we stop them from ruining Lemmy?

Social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit are increasingly infested with bots and fake accounts, leading to significant manipulation of public discourse. These bots don’t just annoy users—they skew visibility through vote manipulation. Fake accounts and automated scripts systematically downvote posts opposing certain...

nadram , avatar

Other than the political misinformation, dangerous comments must be silenced, like ones recommending we drink bleach to heal ourselves… just an example. Free speech is not an open invitation to lie, misinform, incite wanton violence etc… The limit to free speech is that line beyond which we cause harm.

nadram , avatar

How do you make a bot register as a bot?

nadram , avatar

The correct choice would have been paper/cardboard bottles, which is easier to recycle

nadram , avatar

I would argue Patreon cannot have an app on the App Store as it would cause them to mess up their (and the users’) business models… 30% is huge !!! I am baffled by why they would bend to Apple instead of upgrading their website.

nadram , avatar

Faster than in the US or anywhere else

nadram , avatar

Ah yes, blue jesus, we will never forget you

Need outside validation (

I’ve been told I’ve got an overly broad sense of taste. I like a lot of different types of food. This is my take on an avocado smash. I add a base of cream cheese and top with fresh ground pepper. Could someone make this and provide feedback? Thank you (toast is fine I just prefer my homemade lintel wafers)

nadram , avatar

Drop the cheese, add a squeeze of lemon, and maybe a bit of salt

nadram , avatar

“Fuck aux réacs, fuck à cette extrême droite, fuck à tous ceux qui voudraient nous enfermer dans la guerre de tous contre tous”

I want to etch this above my home’s front door

nadram , avatar

In the meantime we can get a portable solid state power station

Dutch beach volleyball player convicted of rape is booed again, louder, in second match of Olympics (

Dutch beach volleyball player Steven van de Velde, who served time in prison after he was convicted of raping a 12-year-old girl, won his second match at the Paris Olympics and received an even harsher reaction from the crowd on Wednesday than for his first match.

nadram , avatar

Maybe they can start by sitting on the court/field? 😏

CrowdStrike offers a $10 apology gift card to say sorry for outage | Some of the people said that when they went to redeem the offer, they got an error message saying the voucher had been canceled (

CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm that crashed millions of computers with a botched update all over the world last week, is offering its partners a $10 Uber Eats gift card as an apology, according to several people who say they received the gift card, as well as a source who also received one....

Survey shows most people wouldn't pay extra for AI-enhanced hardware | 84% of people said no (

Companies are going all-in on artificial intelligence right now, investing millions or even billions into the area while slapping the AI initialism on their products, even when doing so seems strange and pointless....

nadram , avatar

I might be wrong but those do not make use of AI do they? It’s just programming for some repetitive tasks.

Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising (

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

nadram , avatar

Forget Apple. Without buying any new hardware, i managed to replace Windows with Ubuntu just a month ago. My most hated moment on windows was the time i saw the onedrive ad in file explorer… That felt way too intrusive.

nadram , avatar

Unfortunately these are not a serious threat to them. When it comes to personal desktop / laptop OS market share, linux is in the single digits.

nadram , avatar

… Cool reply, thanks. Anyways, I do hope now is the time linux will take off. I recently did the switch myself

nadram , avatar

And then he resigned, because that what failed leaders do. Right?

nadram , avatar

Here is Google showing blatant malicious compliance to their own standards. “You want security notifications for payments made through your account? Have a side of ads with that”. They’ve fallen real low since the days of “do no harm” 😞

nadram , avatar

True, thanks 😏

nadram , avatar

With the same logic, nothing is stopping people to download firefox from alternative sources 🤷‍♂️ There would be losses in market share (in Russia) had they refused to play along, but now Mozilla spread it’s buttcheeks for governments to impose themselves. Once again, it’s mostly about the money.

nadram , avatar

I did not mean that they get paid by governments… loss of revenue comes with loss of market share. You’re not likely to pay for Mozilla VPN if Mozilla cannot offer their services in your country.

nadram , avatar

Well said and a good reminder to keep our loyalties / fanboyisms in check

nadram , avatar

How it has not caught on to call it Xitter (Shitter)… I don’t know

nadram , avatar

Factually correct :) Sony use symbols not letters

nadram , avatar

it’s greed. whether under a socialist regime, capitalist, communist or other, all it takes to destroy the system is for greedy people in power to force it open by buying judges and politicians. capitalism is in no way a prerequisite.

Microsoft starts bundling Windows 11 with its 'PC optimizer' app in some regions (

PC optimizers are not a new concept, and they have been around for quite a while. Nowadays, many consider them unnecessary, but having an official program made by Microsoft that is capable of (allegedly) speeding up your PC may sound quite appealing....

nadram , avatar

“Gammy you tool! You used this OS on the internet? You’re such a failure, get out of my face. It’s on you to fix it, and see that it doesn’t happen again.”

What's stopping you from using Ecosia? Your searches could plant trees! (

Ecosia is a search engine that aggregates search results from multiple other search engines. The ad revenue from our searches funds the planting of trees worldwide. With over 200 million trees planted so far, Ecosia have learned to be fully transparent about their projects, and financials which are available right on that...

nadram OP , (edited ) avatar

I was really skeptical at first, but they’re legit. It’s a non-profit that’s been around since 2009, based in Berlin. Have a look at their blog, you’ll find project updates, the financials are broken down by expenditure and much more. Finally they’re getting some spotlight with this recent TechCrunch article and their big efforts on Social. What really hooked me in is that they signed a legal contract binding them to the not-for-profit purpose forever - more on this. Edit: about Mr. Oliver (love this guy) he is absolutely correct, but he is referring to for-profit companies that pollute and then plant some trees to pretend like they give a damn. Ecosia is a not-for-profit whose purpose is to plant with a purpose, meaning they reconnect forest patches that have been split, they return livelihood and wildlife to areas that have gone through droughts and seen increased poverty etc…

nadram OP , avatar

Huh? Not that I know of. They’re going strong, taking on more projects around the world and are pretty transparent about what they do - they had an article about how / why one of their projects failed which i read but can’t find right now.

nadram OP , avatar

They partner with multiple search providers, not just MS. And yes ad-blockers, but I’ve disabled it for

nadram OP , avatar

OK posting here to address the skepticism, which I completely understand and have been through. Here are some articles that came up when simply searching “is ecosia legit”: Utopia “Ecosia is certainly legit. It’s above board”, Snopes “Ecosia makes money through advertisements on its search engine. While a portion of that money is used to fund the operational costs of the business, about 80% of its surplus revenue is donated to environmental organizations and tree-planting projects around the world.”, GoodGoodGood, TechJunkie and there’s plenty more

nadram OP , avatar

Fair enough. I was using Google + uBlock Origin. I tolerate the ads now on Ecosia and I actually click them when it’s what I was searching for.

nadram OP , avatar

They’re a non-profit, they plant trees, and they’re carbon negative. So what are they green-washing?

nadram OP , avatar

No such assumption is made. Ecosia is clear when an entire project fails, and takes into account tree survival rates when they claim to have planted over 200 million trees. It’s all clarified on their website. Regardless of all of that, they take all ad-revenue to reforest and I’d say that’s a better deal than Google or MS.

nadram , avatar

I never used Prime Video, and I cancelled my Prime subscription in protest against this shit. Never going back.

nadram , avatar

100% relatable. Done with these abusive subscriptions.

nadram , avatar

Videogames when they nap / sleep. I have 2 kids more or less the same ages. The eldest games a little on weekends with me.

nadram , avatar

Unsubscribed just because they pulled this move. None of the 3 people i was sharing it with ended up subscribing.

nadram , avatar

Remember, Trump moved the whole US embassy to Jerusalem just to give Palestinians the middle finger. You can be sure that a very high majority of US politicians will take the same pro-Israel stand. The reason is simply campaign funding and lobbying. Look at AIPAC

nadram , (edited ) avatar

US politicians are unfortunate hostages to their bigger sponsors / financiers. Most of the players on both sides of the US political spectrum have been funded by israeli or pro-israeli contributors. We call Israel an ally, and that’s a nice coat of shiny paint to hide the Stockholm syndrome.

nadram , avatar

You’re right about that specific hospital, but it’s not the only one that was involved in the conflict.

nadram , avatar

Hey, this looks super interesting though there’s something i did not fully understand: “Fully end-to-end encryption local Signal bridge (local WhatsApp and all e2ee network bridges coming soon)” Does that mean we get send to end encryption for Signal and Whatsapp and more coming later? I’m assuming i would have to have a WhatsApp account and login through this app to receive Whatsapp messages?

nadram , avatar

Surfshark VPN and YouTube premium. Recently cancelled Netflix and Amazon prime. Not much but I’ve had enough of subscriptions.

nadram , avatar

100% agree with you. Growth must not be the goal, maybe a byproduct. Focusing on growth will eventually compromise the quality of our experience.

nadram , avatar

He was suicided

nadram , avatar

It took a while for them to preemptively buy their way out of the assassination

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