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cralder , avatar

Is this meme not supposed to give good advice?

cralder , avatar

Notice how it says “having sex with” instead of “raping” because she is a woman.

cralder , avatar

Oh no men are calling out sexism, how terrible

cralder , avatar

Glad to see the VRR being worked on with the dock. I’ve had to disable it when I am playing on my TV for now because it keeps turning off and on over and over

cralder , avatar

Flatpak usually works fine with anti cheat. More likely a proton issue like other people are saying

Would Lemmy Benefit from Implementing Polls? (

A popular way of dealing with discussions, and familiar to most people, I assume. As far as I see it, adding a poll system to Lemmy is a good way to enhance user engagement. I’m not really aware if this has been a topic before or not, tried looking it up but didn’t see much juice on the topic, so thought I’d spark it up....

cralder , (edited ) avatar

Its a good idea, but how would that work with federation? There is already an issue with the number of upvotes on a post differing between instances. Would polls have the same problem or no?

Edit: now that I think about it, polls are already a thing on Mastodon but I don’t know if they have these issues or not.

cralder , avatar

So 37% of the world…

Ipv4 is till the vast majority

cralder , avatar

A raccoon was behind the massive power outage that knocked out electricity to some 7,000 customers in downtown Toronto for hours Thursday night.

Hydro One said a raccoon “made contact with equipment” at a downtown station, which cut the lights for parts of the city. The raccoon’s condition is currently unknown

Fucking gold

cralder , avatar

Still funny tho. And you know people like this exist, they just don’t say it this straightforward.

cralder , avatar

I thought they were holding off because of the Federation issues from 0.19.0 (or was it 0.19.1?)

cralder , avatar

Not really. They are literally just following the law

cralder , avatar

For me “best game on Linux” basically just means “best game” since everything I play runs perfect of very close to perfect.

That means Terraria is the winner for me. Best game of all time IMO, and it has a native Linux port that works great.

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