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What are questions that will make it sound like I can afford a million euro house?

There is a house I walk by occasionally that I absolutely love. It’s old and run down but definitely art deco in a modest kind of way, with round balconies and a gold brick doorway. As a joke, I keep telling people this is my future house....

Greg , avatar

I’m not sure about questions to ask but you should definitely wear a monocle

Greg , avatar

Google has become an awful company. I’m in the process of degoogling but it’s not easy given all the monopolies they have created

Greg , avatar

Collect your fart while taking a bath. Submerge an open jar, once it’s full of water, invert the jar and position it above the collection zone. Any farts released will bubble into the jar in their full potency. Lid the jar, label it, and refrigerate for maximum freshness.

Greg , avatar

haha, this is amazing. The only thing I would add to that video is to lift the base of the jar out of the water while the rim is still submerged before putting on the lid. Otherwise the jar will have a positive pressure and the fart will explode out when the lid is opened.

What does this mean on Google Maps?

My best guess is it’s a busy road so it’s dangerous and not really meant for bicycle and walking. I’ve done 13 miles yesterday to get a comic book on a bike and this right here is the distance between my house and a friend’s house I told I can come on bike because what I just did gave me a feeling I could do it but my...

Greg , avatar

*in this US (with pay-walled references)

Greg , avatar

No spoilers! I want to be surprised by the messed up topic

Greg , avatar

c/lemmyshitpost, come for the memes, stay for the lessons on construction materials

Greg , avatar

So you wood agree?

Greg OP , avatar

I think you’re right. I should bring this up at my next counselling session.

Greg OP , avatar

There is a new temporary rule. I’m not actually sure what the context was that caused the rule. I’m just metashitposting

Greg OP , avatar

Maybe I’m misunderstanding this whole thing. I just thought we couldn’t shitposts about feeding vegan pets?

Greg , avatar

Yeah, it’s not all electric, some of the train is just regular matter

Greg OP , avatar

I wouldn’t, my fish is a piranha

Greg OP , avatar

TIL that piranhas are omnivores. I checked on Wikipedia before posting 😅

Greg , avatar

I feel like I missed these completely. Does this mean no posting about rabbits etc?

Greg , avatar

Apparently my bean vegan pet post was too soon

Greg , avatar

Deleted by mods, I deserved that.

Greg , avatar

You’ll have to wait until the embargo is lifted. I thought my post would be ok because it was meta but I guess the mods aren’t taking any chances. I don’t want to give the mods more work

Greg OP , avatar

You’re 100% right, I’ll do better

Greg OP , avatar

We missed the anniversary 😭 I guess it’ll have to be a biannual event like the Olympics

Greg , avatar

Whoever filled the patent obviously didn’t consider the optics of this. I’m in the market for a new car and was considering a Ford. This will factor into my decision.

Greg , avatar

A twin is a genetic clone and that would be considered incest.

Greg , avatar

Holy shit, I assumed this was fake but it’s not (link accessible as of 2024-09-02)

Greg , avatar

Wingers both left and right need to get out of their bubbles. Wingers have no idea what their opposition believe. And attacking centrists is an silly approach to further you’re cause. They’re literally the people you should be engaging with instead of producing bubbled memes like this.

Greg , avatar

Facebook, I’ve been off it for 5ish years now. I miss some connections but I am much happier for it.

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