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[rant] I want computers to become personal again

There was a golden age when computers were something you owned, not like before when they were big machines your employer or university would give out access to, nor like after when they went to the cloud, you bought what was essentially a thin client and every software became a service....

EngineerGaming , avatar

There are distros that do just that - exist without bothering you.

EngineerGaming , avatar

IDK, iPhones might be easy when you’re using them in relatively narrow usecases, but ridiculously hard or even impossible to use in certain way. Your bank gets sanctioned and its apps removed from App Store? You need to go to the bank’s office and do a dance with a tambourine. Want adblocking in your browser? There is none, only some DNS solutions. Want an adless Youtube client with extended functionality? Too bad. Not to mention that Apple ecosystem would not even be a point of reference for most, as most would be unable to afford this all.

EngineerGaming , avatar

App-based would be bad, as bank apps are notoriously unfriendly to people who don’t own Google/Apple smartphones. Rather, a TOTP or Yubikey.

EngineerGaming , avatar

I think you should not feel like an idiot in this case. Just keep in mind that EVERYONE can fall for a scam, even the experts. The people who think they wouldn’t are themselves likely victims.

EngineerGaming , avatar

I don’t think “feeling like an idiot” is productive. People helping scam victims try to make them not feel embarrassed, as it can get in the way of thinking rationally about this.

EngineerGaming , avatar

As a Gen Z, I just don’t get it. One-off message, note or comment is fine. But have you never happened to have a long-ish conversation while on your phone? You get tired soon and want to go for a normal-sized physical keyboard.

EngineerGaming , avatar

As a Gen Z - cursive is very much still taught in first grade, and not like you can forget it either because most school assignments are required in paper form, same for lecture notes. You’re not writing this much and this fast without cursive.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Gen Z here, most of my online life is on IRC. Learned about its existence a couple years ago. It is very much alive, although most people left there are at least semi-technical, and I miss the non-technical crowd.

EngineerGaming , avatar

IDK, only times when I broke things on Debian were when I made the unwise decisions to do things I don’t fully understand (that doesn’t really happen now). And my elderly mom uses Mint with less problems than she did Windows.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Here they are - in more well-funded schools at least. I keep seeing the posts about children being allowed laptops even at home, but here it would be unthinkable, because kids might break them or parents might steal them.

Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” (

Discord isn’t exactly known for generous file-sharing limits, still, the messaging app offered a 25MB limit to free users. The company has now updated its support page to reflect the upload limit for free users has been lowered to 10MB.

EngineerGaming , avatar

My homeserver is a one-person Conduit installation, and slowness is not something I have encountered. However, in groupchats that happened to be encrypted there were moments when my messages failed to decrypt for others. That might’ve been due to my own carelessness with the VPS though.

EngineerGaming , avatar

But X is bad, as proved by Elon Musk - so it should be the other way around.

EngineerGaming , avatar

I am concerned about the trend of “ripping disks instead of just downloading” because it’s either wasteful (throwing out a perfectly good disk feels wrong) or take up unnecessary space. Plus, this is not universal because relatively obscure media may be out of print and thus scarce. So if I were paying for my media and it was not available DRMless, I would do like how I did with Steam games - buy and then download a corresponding DRMless copy.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Thanks for explaining your point of view! Would you consider reselling those if the space becomes an issue?

EngineerGaming , avatar

But they need darkness, a relatively large room and a whole spare wall… Wouldn’t really fit a projector screen in the little corner between the fridge and the cupboard where our TV hangs from an arm, even the smallest ones aren’t small enough. And where would you keep the projector itself, on your lap?

EngineerGaming , avatar

Seen a noname Aliexpress phone with a normal display on one side and an e-ink one on the other.

EngineerGaming , (edited ) avatar

Mine is about 20cm in diagonal, and I find this size perfect. Most of my textbooks are only available as PDF/DJVU, often as scans. And those that do have a text version often end up with messed-up formatting or a lot of recognition errors that make reading annoying, so even then I usually opt for a “raw” scan, despite lesser convenience.

EngineerGaming , avatar

The only one I can think of is Yotaphone.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Because it indeed is from the early 2010s)

EngineerGaming , avatar

How is that different from the free version in a browser with Ublock Origin?

EngineerGaming , avatar

For me, Newpipe is faster. Plus I can track my subscriptions, playlists and watch history.

EngineerGaming , avatar

I used to think it is redundant too, but now see it as a quality-of-life difference. Because I can track my subscriptions and watch history, as well as have playlists. That is a massive improvement over folders of bookmarks.

EngineerGaming , avatar

If I want to support the creator, I would rather donate directly or subscribe to the person’s Patreon. YT Premium just gives no extra features for Youtube itself so could not justify paying.

EngineerGaming , (edited ) avatar

I don’t subscribe to anyone, but have donated to the authors I like, just as I did to the FOSS projects I use. One blogger even has a site where you can tie your donation to a specific video of his.

And for Youtube Music - RiMusic does just what you described but does not require a Google account or a recurring payment.

EngineerGaming , avatar

It doesn’t seem better from the other end too. If I were a boss, I would be uncomfortable with how much unrestricted software from the employee’s life could interact with the company’s. One guy uses a shady build of Windows, and suddenly more than just said guy is affected.

EngineerGaming , avatar

7a was the sweet spot for me, even if $300 is frankly a lot by my measure. But I think it was a worthy investment for me.

Would definitely not get a pro since the 7a is already on the edge of what I can use with one hand. Same for 7 but downplayed, I didn’t opt for this one because it has a glass back.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Maybe it’s just them not being sold here officially, bit I have NOT seen those for $35. They’re all closer to $100.

EngineerGaming , (edited ) avatar

Well, “buy now” would not work here, that’s the point. Neither of the resellers listed (one does indeed list the low price) ships here.

EngineerGaming , avatar

It IS possible to reliably trigger lucid dreams, done that. There are a few techniques. It just doesn’t come quickly, would require some “tuning” and practice. Depends on the person of course.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Funny ragdolls!!

EngineerGaming , avatar

Depends on how it “goes too far”. What I am, for example, afraid of is the possibility of removing Manifest V2 support. Maintaining the browser with such a significant change would get more and more difficult as time goes on.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Sure hope so! But sadly, I think this is a possibility - iirc they were working on a different implementation of Manifest V3, so I fear that it might still happen eventually, “for the sake of security”.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Google is a very bad choice because it requires a phone number on its own. Also heard that there may be additional KYC.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Another issue with phone numbers is that it makes it easier to censor - from what I heard, in Iran the confirmation SMS just would not arrive, making rentals the only option (thus making you risk your account being deleted by the new owner).

My personal biggest issue with Signal, though, was the inability to register from the official desktop client. They were pushing to register on mobile instead. There are ways around it, like Signal-Cli (what I used) and Android VMs. However, the fact that they push people onto mobile at all is worrying, because phones are much harder to make private (while you can install Linux onto pretty much any given laptop/desktop, only certain phones are compatible with alternative OSes, and mine wasn’t so I could not trust it with my chats).

EngineerGaming , (edited ) avatar

Yea. Don’t you need a Google account first to use such a service? Those do need phone numbers to register.

And also KYC is unacceptable in this case, imo. If the number is needed only for a short time, there are similar, non-KYC options like what you would find on

EngineerGaming , avatar

And (what is important to me now) allows using any Socks proxy instead of only Signal’s own censorship-bypassing solutions. This is a weird decision on Signal’s part, because in places like this, you might need to switch between various protocols when the old ones stop working. And for Signal, developing censorship evasion is not the primary task so naturally they would not be as advanced and quickly-evolving as the communities dedicated to it.

EngineerGaming , avatar

You can use Monero for payment, I started doing this ever since sanctions began. Free services are not really viable because they’re far more likely to have all their numbers already used up.

But yea, the overall point is that it is a large inconvenience and a possible point of failure (the next number user deleting the account).

EngineerGaming , avatar

I get the point, I just said how bad of an example this is, lol

EngineerGaming , avatar

I have a few problems with Simplex (I worry about it being effectively centralized for now and that the VC funding may get it to either enshittify or stop development)… But I do use it quite a bit and even have the servers (which were very easy to set up and don’t consume a lot of resources). I like a lot of what it does (including being very easy to use), and hope it succeeds as it matures!

EngineerGaming , avatar

I also wouldn’t mind paying - for a one-time purchase. Preferrably a DRMless one, otherwise I would still download a corresponding copy for actual unrestricted use.

EngineerGaming , avatar

More like “don’t roll your own crypto unless you’re ready to spend years getting it scrutinized and polished”.

EngineerGaming , avatar

I am fairly convinced that it was either theater from the beginning, or some agreement was reached before it was “unblocked”. RKN doesn’t care about “embarrassment” or collateral damage if they want to do something.

EngineerGaming , avatar

Telegram is VERY popular there. What it has to offer are users who would see ads and pay for the subscription.

EngineerGaming , avatar

There was still some convenience added (for example, iirc the main website was blocked).

EngineerGaming , avatar

My association with X is “Not Wayland”.


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  • EngineerGaming , avatar

    I heard somewhere they’d require a European bank card tied.

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